|||||||||||III USOO565932A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,165,932 Horvath 45 Date of Patent: Nov. 24, 1992 (54) THERAPEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS 56) References Cited AGAINST PSORASIS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,569,839 2/1986 Grollier et al. .................. 424/195.1 75) Inventor: E. Horvath, Szalai Attila, 4,758,433 7/1988 Johnson et al. .................. 424/195.1 ungary OTHER PUBLICATIONS 73) Assignee: Unipharma Co., Ltd., Budapest, “The Herb Book'; John B. Lust, First Ed. Bendedict Hungary Lust Publications. Primary Examiner-John W. Rollins 21 Appl. No.: 397,429 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Ladas & Parry 57 ABSTRACT 22 PCT Filed: Dec. 23, 1987 The invention relates to therapeutical compositions on medical herb basis for the treatment of psoriasis and the 86 PCT No.: PCT/HU87/00060 preparation of the same. A further object of the inven S371 Date: Sep. 15, 1989 tion in the use of medical herbs as listed below in the treatment of psoriasis, rheumatism and asthmatic dysp S 102(e) Date: Sep. 15, 1989 noea. The medical herbs used in the invention are as follows: 87 PCT Pub. No.: WO89/05651 Allium sativum. /garlic/, Urtica dioica /common nettle/, PCT Pub. Date: Jun. 29, 1989 Chelidonium majus /milkweed/, Veronica officinalis /veronica/, 51 int. Cl. .............................................. A61K 35/78 Calendula officinalis /calendula or marigold/, 52 U.S. Cl. ................................. 424/195.1; 514/863; Achillea herba /millefolium/ /yarrow/, 514/886; 514/887 Fumaria officinalis /fumitory, earth-gall/. 58 Field of Search ..................... 424/195.1; 514/886, 514/887, 863 1 Claim, No Drawings 5,165,932 1 2 of different medicinal herbs. Another object of the in THERAPEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS AGAINST vention is the process for preparing the above PSORASIS therapeutical compositions. Another object of the pres ent invention is the use of certain combinations of medi TECHNICAL FIELD 5 cal herbs in the treatment of psoriasis, rheumatic symp The present invention relates to therapeutical compo tons and asthmatic dyspnoea. sitions on medicinal herb basis for the treatment of pso According to the present invention the therapeutical riasis. An other object of the invention is the prepara compositions comprise the extracts of the following tion of the said compositions. A further object of the drug plants: invention is the use of the medicinal herbs as listed 10 Allium sativum/garlic/, below in the treatment of psoriasis, rheumatism and Urtica dioica/common nettle/, asthmatic dyspnoea. Chelidonium majus/milkweed/, Veronica officinalis/veronica/, BACKGROUND ART Calendula officinalis/calendula or marigold/, Psoriasis constitutes one of the most common chronic is Achillea herba/millefolium/ /yarrow/, skin diseases. Even nowdays the origin thereof has not Fumaria officinalis/fumitory, earth-gall/. been clarified, presumably it is based ona complex effect The therapeutical compositions according to the of various factors within the human organism. In patho present invention comprise suitably the extracts of at logical point of view it is a chronic dermatitis, with unnaturally high epithelial cell proliferation on the sur-20 least three of the above medical herbs. face, and hyperaemia and dense lymphocita-infiltration In the natural therapy the garlic is especially used on the corium side. Essentially, the disease may start in against senescense symptoms, arteriosclerosis, hyperto any period of life and exists for decades with periodic nia, diarrhoea, intestinal worms, etc. The juice thereof is eruptions and/or permanent centres. Psoriasis most said to be effective against warts as well. The plant frequently occurs on the tensive surfaces of limbs, on 25 comprises garlic oil, allin and allicin as pharmacologi hairy scalp and traumatic skin parts, respectively. cally active ingredients. The latter may be regarded as A large number of methods have already been used antibiotic but possesses insecticidal effect as well. for the treatment of psoriasis. B. Issekutz and L. Is The main amount of the common nettle drug is used sekutz, Gyðgyszerrendelés, Medicina, Budapest, 1979 in the preparation of chlorophyll. The tea thereof is gives a comprehensive review on the methods and ma- 30 used against rheumatism, gout, diabetes, oedema, urti terials used for the treatment of psoriasis. These treat caria, catarrhal cystitis, hypertonia, gastroenteritis, ex ments are, however, almost exclusively of symptomatic anthems, renal gravel, etc. Externally it has the use character only as no composition against psoriasis has against haemorrhoid as sitting bath, against exanthems been provided which would result in a total curative as lotion, against psilosis, seborrhea and oily hair as hair effect or at least in a suppression of the disease for a 35 wash. longer period, i.e. for some years. The literature suggest The milkweed belongs to the family of Papaveraceae. for the treatment of psoriasis e.g. vitamins B12 or A, The drug thereof is used in the preparation of medicines different creams containing arsenic acid or arsenates, against billious and liver disorders, as well as gastroen cooling ointments containing aluminum acetate, de teritis also in industrial scale. The fresh juice of the plant squamatories with resorcine as active ingredient, lotions 40 serves for treating warts and corns. containing tallium acetate, as well as other compositions The tea of veronica is known as antitussive and which contain salycilic acid or the derivatives thereof. against asthma and cardiac asthma. The ointment Psoriasin contains 2,2'-dichlorodiethyl The decoction of calendula may be used internally sulfide/mustardgas/, the said ointment may be used, against gastric and intestinal ulcer and externally for however, only once daily as a thin smear. The tar oint- 45 ments have the disadvantage that only a part of the skin packing of slowly healing wounds and ulcers. It is also area may be treated once and even with a short contact known as colouring agent in foodstuffs, medicines and period. The salycilic acid compositions serve for a des drinks. quamation of the skin surface and as such they are again The drugs of yarrow are appetizers and digestives. of symptomatic effect only as the disease will not be 50 They can be used as anticonvulsiva for promoting the terminated. bile and liver function, in the treatment of ureteral and In the popular therapy a wide scale of medicinal respiratory disorders and as hypotensive agents, respec herbs is used against skin diseases. No medicinal herb tively. Externally, the concoction thereof is useful wash has been known, however, for the effective treatment of and lotion against gingival, ocular and general inflam psoriasis. 55 mations. Accordingly, the present invention aims to provide a The tea of fumitory has appetizing, digestive, laxative composition which not only serves for symptomatic and choleretic effect. It is used against icterus as well. treatment of psoriasis, but also suppresses the same During our experiments it has been established that finally or at least for a long period. the above drugs, when used separately, did not provide The invention is based on the recognition that some 60 sufficient curative effect against psoriasis. Surprisingly, combinations of medicinal herbs when used externally it has been found that certain combinations of the same on the skin, provide a method of treatment and which comprise preferably at least two or more of the therapeutical composition, respectively, which fulfil the above medical herbs a high curative effect might be requirements as aimed above. obtained. Therefore the compositions according to the 65 present invention comprise suitably at least three of the DISCLOSURE OF INVENTION extracts of the above drug plants. Of course, the The present invention provides therapeutical compo therapeutical compositions may also contain more than sitions against psoriasis which comprises a combination three active ingredients, e.g. all the seven as well. 5,165,932 3 4. In the compositions according to the present inven the treatment period strongly depends on the grade of tion the extracts of the above medicinal herbs are pref disease and age and physical condition of the patient. erably those prepared with an oil. As oil, vegetable, During our experiments it has also been surprisingly animal and mineral oils can be used. During the extrac found that the medical herbs used in the above composi tion preferably paraffin oil or sunflower oil is used. The tions and/or the compositions themselves are not only compositions according to the present invention are active against psoriasis but also against rheumatism and prepared preferably in a form suitable for the treatment asthmatic dyspnoea. Accordingly, another object of the of skin. For these purposes the oily extract of the medic present invention is the use of the above medical herbs, inal herbs itself or the mixture thereof with at least one the mixtures thereof and the compositions containing additive generally used in the preparation of external O the same in the treatment of rheumatism and asthmatic topical compositions may be used. Especially preferred dyspnoea. additive is the paraffin oil which may be of medical grade/PH. HG. VII/or cosmetic grade as well. The BEST MODE OF CARRYING OUT THE compositions according to the present invention may INVENTION also contain further additives known per se, e.g. colour ing agents, flavouring agents, etc. As flavouring and 15 The present invention is further illustrated in the colouring agents not only the additives generally used following example without limiting the scope of protec by the pharmaceutical industry, but also additional tion to the embodiment illustrated therein. medical herb extracts can be used. Such medical herbs EXAMPLE are e.g. the followings: Calami rhizoma/sweet-sedge/, 20 10 kg of garlic was crushed and ground and put into Quercus cortex/oak-bark/, an appropriate container. 7,5 liter of 96% ethanol was Salix alba/cortex//willow cortex/, poured on and the mixture was kept for 24 hours at 60' Taraxi radix/daudelion//cortex/, C. while continuously stirring.
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