Bi^ EDITED BY J-D-FLENNER, llii THE SEATTLE MAIL AND HERALD. BANKING AND FINANCE. of San Francisco, report deposits largely DEXTER HORTON & CO. increased, prosperity unprecedented, and D. M. Peoples. Rev. Donald Ross. BANKERS HE AMERICAN BANKERS ASSO­ all industries flourishing. Banks in that CIATION will meet next week in section are entirely independent and are Oldest Bank in Washington—Established T St. Louis. It will no doubt be one large lenders of money in the East. In in 1870. of the most notable gatherings in San Francisco there is great activity, and the history of the association. The main the volume of business is satisfactory. Don't Buy Capital $200,000. Surplus $250,000. topic for discussion will be that of cur­ Banks are full of money, deposits are Homes or Vacant Property till you see Undivided Profits, net, $321,349.69 rency reform. Matters of practical in­ larger than at the time of the fire, and Acounts invited. Liberal accommoda­ terest to bankers will also be discussed. clearings have enormously increased. tions to customers. Unsurpassed facili­ The attendance is expected to be quite Large numbers of persons who fled after ties for collection on all points in the large. The value of organized effort in the fire are returning. Traffic is normal Peoples 8 Ross Northwest and Alaska. Our motto, behalf of an elastic bank-note currency or better. A large amount of temporary Promptness and reliability. will be made quite aparent. Such is the building has been done and more is un­ 323 Pacific Block. eminent character of this association that der way, but permanent improvements W. M. LADD, President. any recomemndations it makes will be are retarded by delays in adjustment of Phone Main 2340. R. H. DENNY, Vice-President. received with much interest and atten­ fire losses. Big demand for labor. N. H. LATIMER, Manager. tion by the financiers of the country. M. W. PETERSON, Cashier. "In the large Eastern cities of the At­ From a very small beginning this asso­ lantic seaboard, outside of New York, the First Avenue South and Washington St. ciation has grown from year to year until demand for money is active, merchants V. V. WILLIAMS Seattle, Wash. now it is the largest and most influential are large borowers, banks are comfor-. body of banking men in the United tably loaned up, and while there is little D. D.S. States. or no surplus money, no stringency is E. L. GRONDAHL, President. expected or feared, and there is no scai- Offices, 408-9, Hinckley Block, A. H. SOELBERG, Vice Pres. and Cashier. Seattle - Wash. JOHN ERIKSON, Vice President. The Mail and Herald is pleased to have city of money for legitimate business sent to it as an exchange the Bankers' needs. Deposits are somewhat lower, CAPITAL, $100,000. Magazine, published in New York City. rates are firm, and there is very little buying of comercial paper. It is now in its sixtieth year. It is one Residence Phone Office Phone of the most vigorous and instructive jour­ "The same general situation prevails in Ind. R 2634. Ind. X 1869 The State Bank of nals of its kind in the world. The Sep­ the central reserve cities, New York, Chi­ tember number is replete with good cago and St. Louis, where there is a well- SAMUEL S. LANGLAND things for those who are in the banking defined feling of conservatism and cau­ Seattle business and also for the general reader tion. Bankers are inclined to discour­ Attorney at Law. Cor. Pirst Avemie and Yesler "Way. who wants to be posted on financial mat­ 634 New York Block, Seattle, Wash. A general banking business transacted. age further extension of credit. Chicago Four per cent Interest paid on savings de­ ters. The article on "Paper Currency Is­ and St. Loir's banks are carrying strong Makes a Specialty of Beal Estate Litigation. posits. Drafts* and money orders sold on sues of Great Britain, France, Germany, reserves. Deposits are high and banks all parts of the world. Canada and the United States," by George are fully prepared to meet all crop and Seattle. Wash. M. Coffin, formerly Deputy Comptroller of legitimate business requirements. The the Curency, is the star article of the situation could scarcely be better and no SEATTLE, EDMONDS AMD September number. The following sum­ unusual stringency is likely." BVEBETT EODTH. mary of business conditions will prove of STEAMERS Puget Sound interest: IN GENERAL. Telegraph ft City of Everett "The letters from leading bankers in President Andrews, of the Seattle Na­ Three Bound Trips Dally all ordinary and central reserve cities WEEK-DAY TIME CARD National Bank show without exception that,the business tional Bank, and Manager Latimer, of Leave Seattle.7:00 a. m., 12 noon, 6:00 p. m. and financial situation is simply excellent the Dexter-Horton Bank, Seattle, will at­ Leave Everett 9:16 a. m., 2:16, 7:16 p. m. SEATTLE. tend the meting of the American Bank­ SUNDAY TIME CARD and all that could be desired; the out­ Leave Seattle.7:30 a, m., 12 noon, 6:00 p. m. Capital Paid Up $300,000 look is encouraging and entirely satisfac­ ers' Association at St. Louis. Leave Everett. .9:46 a. m., 2:16, 7:16 p. m. Surplus 150,000 tory. Reduced Excursion Kates on Sundays. "Indeed, it seems that we are entering Charles Cambie, who until a short time Bound Trip 75 Cents. JACOB FURTH President ago was accountant in the Bank of Com­ Seattle Landing*, Coin-tan Book. J. S. GOLDSMITH Vice President upon a period where it is not unreason •unset Phons, James 4084.. ..Ind. 18*4 R. V. ANKENY **. Cashier able to expect realization of legitimate merce, Victoria, and more recently in­ Correspondents in all the principal cities profits on the large amounts that have spector, has been promoted to the post of the world, including Alaska. been expended in the betterment of rail­ of assitant manager of the Toronto branch. General Banking* easiness Transacted. ways and industrial enterprises during the past eight" years; increased earnings FRANK B. WILSON inevitably must bring increased divi­ E. W. Purdy and C. J. Lord, Belling­ dends. ham, Wash., who have been touring the 207 PIKE STREET Peoples Savings Bank "With the exception of some of the British Columbia teritory in automobiles, smaller cities in the Middle West, banks have returned home. KODAKS, PHOTO SUPPLIES Seattle, Wash. throughout the whole country report a EDW. C. NEUFELDER President strong, active, and healthy demand for President E. L. Grondahl, of the State BOOKS AND STATIONERY R. H DENNY Vice President money at firm rates, and while there is Bank, Seattle, has returned home from JOS. F. GREENLEAF Cashier no prospect of recession in interest rates, an extended Eastern trip. money is, and probably will continue to MEN'S IURNISHING GOODS. be, abundant* for legitimate business S. Foster Kelly, cashier of the Seattle needs. The expected stringency at crop- National Bank, has returned home from moving time has been largely discounted a visit to West Point, N. Y. WILSON, McVAY CO. Variety Iron Works in the West by the fact that banks gen­ erally have husbanded their resources, Harry Craig, manager of the Molson's OCCIDENTAL AVENUE Incorporated. Geo. James, Mngr. maintained strong reserves (which has Bank, of Dutton, B. C. was instantly MAKTJPACTTJB.ERS AND POTJNDEBS been made possible by interest rates), and killed by an express train on the Michi­ Castings of All Kinds are entering the fall not only with large gan Central while attempting to cross Machinery Castings, Hotel Ranges, Archi­ cash resources, but with heavy maturi­ the tracks. He was 36 years old. tectural Castings and General Contracting. ties of purchased paper. This prepara­ tion has been widespread and is ample The Seattle Chapter of the American in the Central and Middle West; small Institute of Banking Men held its flrst faTTUgPTIUiiJ interior banks, as well as those in man) meeting of the year on Saturday evening of the less important reserve cities, have last. W. F. Paul, delegate to the national notably been free and continuous buyers convention at Atlantic City, made his The Moran Company of commercial paper maturing in the fall. report. ENGINE AND SHIP BUILDERS This gives them an element of strength EYE& EAR EXPERTS STEEL AND WOOD they have not heretofore possessed and The Umon Savings and Trust Company 715 SECOND AVE. will provide them abundant means to has accumulated deposits to the amount meet the crop demands, with practically of $3,000,000 and the president, James D. no borrowing, and with but slight reduc­ Hoge, gave a banquet to the employes on Owners of the Stuart and Wald- tions in their Eeastern and Chicago bal­ the 6th to celebrate the event. This bank QCp SINGLE PAr ROUND ron Island Quarries. ances. is only four years old. tjOL FARE Jul TRIP Railway, Irrigation Systems, Gov­ "This buying of commercial paper by ernment & Municipal Work. so large a number of small banks is com­ Seattle bank clearings almost reached Fly on THE FLYER paratively new in the West, and marks the $12,000,000 mark for the week ending SEATTLE TACOMA BOUTE October 6. Spokane reports a 50 per FOUR ROUND TRIPS DAILY the beginning of an important epoch in TIME CABD the development of the Western meth­ cent increase over any previous October Leave Seattle—6:45, 10:85 a. m-, 2:05, J. E. Riley 8 Co. in its history. Vancouver, B. C, also re­ 5:45 p. m. ods of banking. The busines of the note Leave Tacoma—3:35 a.
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