
#rn NEh,SLETTER Number 3. February 1983 4_ 1s -rl ." ' :- .' '." {-ep"F- The start of the f,itizen Nerrrspapers'HaIf lYlarathon f rom Brockhal"l- Hospitel last September. The hospital is Lhe venue for the fi.rs: race i.n the Uhiibread Road Runners Grand Prix on nlarch 27t.h,IEa:- il: Rr.!lr FAit l\r 3. Feb. iSEj tL'LJB 0FiICIf,:- iHAlRlYlAl\i George Flci-au!lr1in' 4C4 Uatling Streei Road' Ful"r'rocd, pi=s'Len. Tel-: Preston ?00CC6 SaliaTARY/TRtASURtF Eerry Durnen, i2 Eirchfielci Drive' Longridge, Preston. T=i : Long:icge 55DE STANDAFDS 5[CRtTARY Sleuar:'- fcrrciriscr, 5-l Rcokery Drive, Prenurcitham' Fresion. T=i: Fres'Lon 7427D7 CBfillriiTTEt lYlitvlBlF Alian Flrchet.t' S?S Unittin-oham Lane, Gcosnargh, lracr.. T-l ' i.n-<: =-rr )Q'. Et's a fxnElttme febE Soaag atoul t-he detag in gelling ihia nzttteiier, cui, tut tlzinga haue Leen zethet heetie far, me duzing tLe paaz ccupte c/. nar,th.s, Aa men[.ezahirz latt oppnocclzez the 2At Ee.',h ng nein pziaaiLie.s haue Aeen ict paoee.t-t Lhz cezLe:zhip 't.c,'-az cz lheg eome in end to dend oul aa mang uez{a ad pczzitte tc ir:cae pzcplz ulzc azdened lhen, 7he zeazonz &ehind Ll,id hectic pzzicd i-cte Leen intettuined with the c€uL enC dien faan Lhe iCec ol zzegin'E c'Red icze Roed ft.unp-znA' gzand Pnix' , Soon aftzr. i zier.Led uczJ< crz ize ieea I Lecane auaae ihat i/. il uod going lo Ae dcne pr-c,tzt-tg il tzz gcinE io ie a lutt-l-ine joA. And to i/, haa tecone, 9B RUlylyI//E PRAflATlAlyS ua.t ta.7n cn LzcenLe-z 5th' i9t2 (cf{icialtg). a/tez e tniel /zerLicd uhen ue aer.e kt.tn c'z Rzc rt'cte Raee €ntenpziae.r and e.uezg|cdg ke/2i getLinE uz ccnfuzec;i-lh Re-d- R.ote lladia. So, I an nou;pending nolt ol ng liae ucti:ir'5 on ltz czganiae.tion of zoad 4aee'.' fun nuni' ani na.zci::cna, pta+ c iii cl {r,eetctnce jour,netizn on the ziie, iudt ta keep ng Lacc ir.. &)hai thez meanz ic R-ed Rcae RRC iz thai ati eteni,' tr.i;':. Lhe clu& €cnnen uitt I'e prLafel4icrLattg o.'ganited io Lhz nig'-zti ' alcndand's. I ahatt nake ng !.i uing fnon c conni.tai cn LrL zocn .'-ccL aceonding Lo lhe nunLea a! zunnzzd iaking pattt and R.ed R-cze- uttt gzL ita zhazz cl Lhe pneliLt thzough d.anaticnt to etuL fund.: fcr- euc/LA 4l-4bazd who o{.{ieietea el ctn euent- Uozking Lhiz uag Ezan. thal tocat ehaailied ahcu(.d a€to Lz. attc to Aenelii at uett. I hope I can caunL on th.a auppoal ol clu!. mznLenz ai tr,e euenLz oftga.niap-d Bg Qts Running $tanotion4 in conjunction uiih iLe ke.d Roze- RRC Eecauzz I an convincad that i/ nccd nacez and fun ttnz ane to continue in paputanil-g - ana gain pu!-!ic auppcrci - tlzeg nuzi te ozganiae.d lc lhe highezl /toa'ti!-!z zLandaa-d.z ' Bg doing l:lze jct pzo/.ezzionattb'I can nzkz euzagthing pos'.ti!'te i't done to nake the eteniz qc at poazi&!e uilh at' tiTtte inconuenience l-c cihet tcLc . 2c,:zitLz, liozking /r,an hcnc il atzc mec'': L'-Ll ! &e.n{;zrr4 nrs,lt ol ifLe. iine. Tezt ltee ac tett:,::'r:c haue atdo {-econc c aczT c/ 'luLt-iiae' ctcL 4L.1.a::. 7 hc c{.u! anc} ihe Lu':i r,azz haz; Le :: -t : i-: a:a.. li.nked and gcu lla aztuteC lr.el ! uitt iz::i''-g -= i-: )ucce4.t ol {.clh al iaen ' in lire lS, inz l'et: !'c.:-i- F.ttc i--rt;'-, Ji-' 4: ----' :' : p.ctfle.tait,nq! Lctit rii:-,i:Lc'-L-)-! 7:'::'- :!:z'- L^ : :-'-:'::-': : c'!. ne.nAzz't. l!L a.'-. rci ina;: Iig - sci! U-r* ? j a!i\ nHLL No. 3 Feb 1983 Page 3 THE IMHTTBREAT} F|AND PFIX There uere times uhen I thought that thj.s Lrould never actually get off the ground! But that uas a long time ago noui and once lrihitbread ljest Pennines had agreed to put up the money to finance the project there uas never any doubt that this club rrrould launch the biggest th.ing ever to hi-t Road Running in this country. That is not to say that the road has been an easy one - it hasnrt, but thanks to soroe superb co-operation by the police and support from the councils in the alea uhere each race is to be held' everything is nou rrref 1 on its uay. 0ne thing I riril.l need is help Uith sterLrarding the events and I hope thaf 20 to 30 peopte ruil1 come foruard at each event to ensule that things under the Red Rose banner go as smocthly as possible'. I uill need folk to help at the finishr go out on the routes ai strategic junctions; man feedinq stationsi hand out rnedals at the finishi help record times and positisns; se11 programmes etc' Noul , I appreciate that most of you alill urani to take pa!.t in rirany oi the taces' but you only need yor-rr best four to qualify fcr the championship rankings, so for people uho volunteer to stueard at one or more events, they urill get a discount on their entry fees. The cost of entering all six events rrj. 11 be i]2 ririth a FREE Grand Prix T-shirt thrordn in. Any Red Fcse mernbets uho volunteer to marshaliuill sti11 only have to pay t10 if they enter fj-ve races or €8 i.f they just go for four - and they uill still get their Grand Prix T-shirt as ure1.l . A special entry form is included rrrith this neusletter' In addition a donati.on ui11 go into club funds for evety steuard uhc turns out and I tri1l be quite happy to reimburse petrol money and provide a couple of butties or a hot dog as uell. If you ale urillinq to marshal at a couple of events, please 1et me knou as soon as possible. There rL:i1L be plaques for the first three, both men and uromen, j'n each race, medals for all finishers, and other auards for veterans' AAA affilj.ated teams, other sporling club teams and pub teams as rrreli-. Every entrant r,lil1 receive a copy of the results after eacb race and alI numbers ui11 be sent out before the events to avoj.d queuinc up or tL- !-.. Frj.zes for the overalJ champinnship lcdk like belng a poriatl]e cclour TV f or the male and f ema.l'e u/inners' plus trophies ' Bther auards are yet to be fu1lY deci-ded. Page 4 JOG RUN RACE No.3 Feb.1983 rBE FULL SCHEDULE BF RADE5 15: t15r Sunday Flarch 2? Bfackburn Elockhall Hospital' 01d Lan-oho, Blackburn. 10.30 a'm. Ten road races for I - 1? yeartl old" outt the closed rsads of the hospital grounds. Trophies for first- three in each iace and medals for all finishers. Entry fees 60P. 2.AD p.m. Tuo mile fun run-for everyofle includinq mums, dads, hospital staff etc'' Certificates for all finishers. i;l;t iee zsp on the dav. A1l proceeds to the hospital. 3.tiO p.m. The Blackburn 15 road r.ace' Goes through lJhalley and over the roads.of the nliuri ValIey. Very scenic, mqderately hi1ly' r5r Black Sunday flay 15 Preston Fulrgood Leisure Centre, b;;1-i.".; Fufr,,ood, Preston. 12.80 noon. The Preston 5 road race over a.little under five railes of suburban and roads. Partl'y built up'areas' Flat "ou"t"yand fast course. t8r, Sunday June 26 South Ribble ltjo!den Park, Leyland'. 12.00 noon. The South Ribb1e 8 road race over toun and country roads starting and ii"isr,i"g in the pari<. Fairly flai one hilf out of LeYland toun centre' t20r Sunday JulY lO Rj.bbLe Val1ey Edisford BridgeLe:isure: Area, Clitheroe. ]2.0O noon. The Ribble ValIey 20 mile road t*i" a scenic undulati'ng couniry lane .ort"". "u"tGoes right round the base ol Longridqe torrrn i"ii-t"a- in.qusi the cenlre of . Lo:ngridge ' Turo or three fairlY stiff climbs' 110r, Complex' Sunday SePtember 4 llorecambe Illuminations Leisure The Promenade' lvlorecambe. 12.00 noon The llorecanbe llluminations 10 mile ioad race through tori.rn torrrards Lancester' lhen out to Hes{. Eank belore heaciing aLong the sea front back to the finish at llorecanbe Band Arena. Fast and flat' Palk' Sunday October 16 Bl-ackpool Half Fiarathon' Stanley BIackpooI. 12.0O noon The Blackpool HaLf llaraifion road race. Start on the Slackpcol Zae a=cess road; past through country lanes and part through suburban r6ads. bleeton and 5ingleto:.r' Fast and flat.Finishes in the Stanley Park ' Athletics Stadium. J06 RUN RACE r\ro,J teD. 1CU-l P eqie 5 t.11. TWO CLUB TRIPS HAVE BEEN ORCANISED AND AT THE HOMENT THERE ARE STILL PLACTS FREE ON BOTH OF THEM. London Marathon Apri I I7, I9g3 De par t Preston Bus Station.by..!ercgr-rs coach 6.j0 _ 7.00 p.m. on Fr i day even.ing , Apri I 15 via l"l5 and Ml to London. Check into the SuIius.
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