University of Birmingham Liberal Peacebuilding Debates Newman, Edward License: Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Citation for published version (Harvard): Newman, E 2009, Liberal Peacebuilding Debates. in E Newman, R Paris & OP Richmond (eds), New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding. United Nations University Press, pp. 26-53. <https://collections.unu.edu/view/UNU:2527> Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal General rights Unless a licence is specified above, all rights (including copyright and moral rights) in this document are retained by the authors and/or the copyright holders. 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It functions as an international community of scholars engaged in research, postgraduate training and the dissemination of knowledge to address the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies. Its activities are devoted to advancing knowledge for human security and development and are focused on issues of peace and governance and environment and sustainable development. The Univer- sity operates through a worldwide network of research and training centres and programmes, and its planning and coordinating centre in Tokyo. New perspectives on liberal peacebuilding New perspectives on liberal peacebuilding Edited by Edward Newman, Roland Paris and Oliver P. Richmond United Nations a University Press TOKYO u NEW YORK u PARIS 6 United Nations University, 2009 The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not nec- essarily reflect the views of the United Nations University. United Nations University Press United Nations University, 53-70, Jingumae 5-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan Tel: þ81-3-5467-1212 Fax: þ81-3-3406-7345 E-mail: [email protected] general enquiries: [email protected] http://www.unu.edu United Nations University Office at the United Nations, New York 2 United Nations Plaza, Room DC2-2062, New York, NY 10017, USA Tel: þ1-212-963-6387 Fax: þ1-212-371-9454 E-mail: [email protected] United Nations University Press is the publishing division of the United Nations University. Cover design by Andrew Corbett Cover photograph by Paul Lowe/Panos Pictures Printed in Hong Kong ISBN 978-92-808-1174-2 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data New perspectives on liberal peacebuilding / edited by Edward Newman, Roland Paris, and Oliver P. Richmond. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-9280811742 (pbk.) 1. Peace-building. 2. Liberalism. I. Newman, Edward, 1970– II. Paris, Roland, 1967– III. Richmond, Oliver P. JZ5538.N48 2009 327.1072—dc22 2009031000 Endorsements ‘‘A timely and extremely valuable book by a distinguished group of authors that critically examines the liberal premises of contemporary peacebuilding efforts through a combination of incisive thematic analysis and well-chosen case studies. A ‘must read’ for scholars and practitioners alike.’’ Richard Caplan, Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford ‘‘After some years of controversy, peacebuilding is now generally ac- cepted as an important tool in the conflict resolution toolkit. What is often far from clear, however, is exactly what type of peace is to be built and why. This volume thoughtfully takes apart these questions and puts them back together in new – and sometimes unexpected – ways.’’ Simon Chesterman, Global Professor and Director, NYU School of Law Singapore Programme ‘‘Timely, wide-ranging in scope, and hard-hitting in content, this book is crucial reading for those involved in policy and academic discussion on the ‘liberal’ framing of international peacebuilding interventions. The questions raised regarding the liberal nature of these policy interven- tions, their strategic coherence, their viability, and their goals, are far too important to be ignored.’’ David Chandler, Professor of International Relations, University of West- minster Contents Tablesandboxes...................................................... ix Contributors........................................................... x Part I: Themes ........................................................ 1 1 Introduction . ............................. 3 Edward Newman, Roland Paris and Oliver P. Richmond 2 ‘‘Liberal’’peacebuildingdebates ................................. 26 Edward Newman 3 Beyond liberal peace? Responses to ‘‘backsliding’’ . 54 Oliver P. Richmond 4 Towardslifewelfare............................................... 78 Michael Pugh 5 Doesliberalpeacebuildinghavea future?....................... 97 Roland Paris 6 Transitionaljusticeandtheliberalpeace ........................ 112 Chandra Lekha Sriram viii CONTENTS Part II: Cases and experiences ....................................... 131 7 A critique of the political economy of the liberal peace: ElementsofanAfricanexperience.............................. 133 M. A. Mohamed Salih 8 Earth calling the liberals: Locating the political culture of SierraLeoneastheterrainfor‘‘reform’’........................ 159 Ian Taylor 9 Afghanistan:Justicesectorreform............................... 178 Astri Suhrke and Kaja Borchgrevink 10 Peacebuilding in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Reflections on the development–democracylink.................................... 201 Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic 11 ‘‘We just take what they offer’’: Community empowerment in post-warTimor-Leste............................................. 218 Caroline Hughes 12 The making of Sri Lanka’s post-conflict economic package andthefailureofthe2001–2004peaceprocess................. 243 Rajesh Venugopal 13 Beware of liberal peacebuilders bearing gifts: The deviancy of liberalpeaceinPalestineandIsrael ............................. 267 Jason Franks 14 Liberal interventions, illiberal outcomes: The United Nations, WesternpowersandLebanon ................................... 292 Marie-Joe¨lle Zahar 15 Re-examining liberal peacebuilding in light of realism and pragmatism: The Cambodian experience . 316 Sorpong Peou 16 Revisiting the ‘‘liberal peace’’ thesis applied to Central America: New insights for and against the Wilsonian approach .......................................................... 336 Carlo Nasi Index .................................................................. 368 Tables and boxes Tables 7.1 Dominant political economy explanations of some African conflicts . ........................................................ 141 7.2 Political rights (PR), civil liberties (CL) and freedom status inAfricanpost-conflictstates,2002–2006..................... 146 7.3 Human Development Index (HDI) for African post-conflict states............................................................ 148 8.1 GovernanceindicatorsforECOWASstates.................. 164 12.1 Voter swing, 2000, 2001 and 2004 parliamentary elections . 248 16.1 Homicides in El Salvador and Guatemala, 1994–2006 . 347 Boxes 1.1 Components and goals of peacebuilding . .................. 8 ix Contributors Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic is a Research Roland Paris is University Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study Chair in International Security and of Global Governance, London Governance, University of Ottawa, School of Economics, UK. Canada. Kaja Borchgrevink is a Researcher at Sorpong Peou is Professor of Political the International Peace Research Science in the Faculty of Liberal Institute, Oslo (PRIO), Norway. Arts, Sophia University, Japan. Jason Franks is a Research Fellow in Michael Pugh is Professor of Peace the Centre for Peace and Conflict and Conflict Studies, Department Studies, University of St Andrews, of Peace Studies, University of UK. Bradford, UK. Caroline Hughes is Associate Oliver P. Richmond is Professor of Professor of Governance Studies in International Relations and Director the School of Social Sciences
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