,~e cri1ical journal ol l~e Bri1is~ Science fic1ion Associaiion ' , CHl.11S11 KURDBRS UVRSTIGI.TS'D ~Robartf&11Go.ll11<'aJ""4•DN n"~ttus DECEMBfR/ JANUARY 1987/ 88 V[CTOR 1· 4 · 1 omMB[R/ JANUARY 1987/ 88 0 N T [ N T s J 14 ll>ltollAL flCTJa m'QQI o.. 1d, . larrettr• pltN C.Cll h,...wrttH 5 15 ..,,... JCIP 1Cai1'8 SSYD 8 1ml Vau • coh- of rac:1or di to :,,:.,.-..lf? Ill•• • · ,....._r•• caata - -rat at-• fourcM-tota lltabout_u...,..11tlca, Oar, b-• • 11,d f • W• l ...17 ,... II hw bm>U by Ada•, U oUN, S.llud, IN5la, CIIIISI mDDB llnln"IG&TD ILIIIUMa, h7, Laa, Vat- nd ot.Mra SlMidH of 8P ..- a dublou• ddl•tUoa? ldltff.byPHl lhcald L. J. lllr.t ... tMJ!ldp O..•tartH nn , .... Va beg!• a •rlH a,rplodng Lti..ur7 Critic,!•• aad tM Art of b•Uriag applled to .c:taoce H ctlaa u,d hataay. M BRRY C HRJ: STMAS I A ti.pPr wlutm- r ..uval ta you all UViliYSBDITOR PRODUCTIOJEDITOR PRODUCtlOJlSSISTAJTS r.ul u -Jd s t - J lcllole<M Dll1'1d Cl.ed,m Sndy Ila- Shan:m llall PJ:JJTID BY, PDC Copyprht, 11 JlffriM Pauq:1, Gullcltard, Surr• y GIil UP David , Barr• tt,23 0.kflaldload,Croydo11,Surra7 Cl 02\ID Tel1 Ot•eateou TD BS,., TH lrlUab Sela..,_ '1cU011 AMOCJUIOD la H COITIIBUTORS: Good artlclN a re alv17a "Hied. ill JISS uateur orgaD!UUOII, foraed Ill l~I, 11btcll aiaa tg prgagta a uo5t be typad doublr•~ 1111 IIH aldll gf t.1111 pllpar, nd •11C<1Ur11g11 tH ,...dlq, writing a11,d p.ibllabtng 11t .clue. Lllngt.b ablli.,14 be 11 tbll r•ng• 1500-4000 word.a, thougb flcttcm 111 all Its fara a . Y11 p.ibllab bboDtbly: Pa:-tar, • sbartar 11r l""&lr ..,b• lNl11u • -7 be cnald11t'• d . .l prel1-­ crlt11;,1,J Jaun..-1, /btrl.JI, a 11- ...aitM, alld Pbp.,-t,«:l lll&J"J latt.r ta UN.tut bvt lot -11t1•i UuoUcttlld lSS !:,fe:-110, a r11v111w • -gllZiN gf tile la~ pllparbada; and CHDOt bl nturMd ual- -pllllllld by H Sil, Pl­ trLI.Jl11ual17. ,_ I flll'u• flll' wr!tar• . ~ BS!'.I. Hlll t.hat tben 111 IO pllJHII\ fllr pubU,;a\la., Jlubln wb11 se"lON lacllldA Clr~Jtar, • pgat.11 SI' wrttara' wor-talwp; ..,. w1ab tG ,...,1.., ~ a ,..t Un\ writ• tG U. ld.11.cr. SF lllftrHtlo• Slr-rlo.; a pgat.11 ~u!M Cbalr. aad u. SF .I.ff, ea.... art, u1... tr1 l111M 1Dd 1111 .... wdcoa1. !.a1'41J:l8 Ubra.ry .AJ)YD'tlSOO, Ul NnrUatag copy • ,..t bl 9<1b• lttad aa IDDISIIO' coat& U O per 11111111 t0¥w_, 120 _,.,.f_, J.35 bl.Acli 1Dd wlt.1l.1 CA11V1- raad7 1,r-twart wltb Ill _,..,­ l!tl. fllr d<lt.1!111, write tg JOHN biM, BSP'.l llubar11lllp h.l.Ut<IDIII. JU ..qulrl• OIi Tit.ell, 14 al=- 1Dd apac:Lll S..Cr11t.ar7, !3 nllt"D¥11111 lmd, llart11paol, Cl.-.11.l&lld TS20 r9qulru1111t.1 tG tN Publlctty x.ug.... 11.. , Vood, 1 Prl.ary ! !'i. <as.le Cy Cbauvla , 14241 Vllfrlld, Dltrolt, Ill 41213.J Clo., ltAr1- IUl. Cl......._, .lW'Clll 1£21 fQ.l , ~~::= :"'~ ~,•~tort&l~ '::",:.::[ Ll=u:: -· IN( .,51 111s1 l!ICI fitJIDI ,4mtlAIIUI IID - ~ l41tar c;,r I.H .S,J. u c .,....,._ cttJ awud. fU I TO RI Al l.o. artic le has - seal ta f ectc.' • bldl MB •~ - CC11!11dft"ably. l evertbel-, ! ta _.u 01111 &.llould bln!llipOftd,i,:lto,sol~IIOOlllloi!n,loti.-• tlr­ • lJ, wlllo Its aca::aJa-1171Ag aote, alld wltb • 1 reply. Du,. 0.•td I do tNI llult tbnJW9 sent 1.iabt on tlle q-itoa than all la •I.., ti.ale Hd hCOfltTo-ttrltbla Ilka's by,,......rlcus w.rne. c011tred!Ctl0Ga pol11t.ed out Ill t.ha ~lCM!d b r ief article Coalng 110,, to leelllisa ltaeU. I wa11 l to set asld11 sub• ltted for publteatlon ta r..::wr, I sb,,ll t.11b tta tb.1 •~ta JNt f(ll"Vard Hr• and loot a t -fs.-s .. a ra,-::uca ... proc,f i-:-,1t1ve of t!r.e cellSOl"Sltlp and group lJUte will u--. a posli word tar that). !lent ere a prope.g•IIU wb k.b I - la J'OUl" Mlectl.oa o! aub~ and t ... basic point.a to coHldet: arttel• for publlc.Uoa, All -ten ha,,. • cerbl1• "•lldlty n iDclude l azl.&a: •~n wHh Collau11I-• here, both being C&ll-1 forth by ac:twilltl• 111 certain cou11trt• a t certab t1-1. l o -1- CH Mo- full .all.d.lty. by dl!fl.ciltton, RIGIIT OF RJ;PLT 11aca... It t. baaed .,. a IM'rtl&l allllll b!aud ¥1- of the bJ IH Lab .... 1 world, -uy colnur.d by the l t trlbute& ar pwcel\'911 slll:r\CODlri,p ot the praponeata b·~•-ber , f ar I III IGRT VnJ. HYE VltTTH THIS IS & UlC, BU't Tlil I ""'1' - Isa tiler• ts H equal &ad opp,ati. -ts• I. vould y.,. bMft teapted to prd'IICOI tt with that backne:,ed vti..t funetlo.lUI, tllea. do -1- pertor-• ? ?bey en, • old l'rl•ata •,- ploy 9Tou wUI DOt 4an p1bUab t.11.ia ,...... of fNlta,g, arg,...•t ud actlOD far tlloM wba llhano lat~ lu~d. I .. trulag 1t H • lillort. atttcl.e Ill tU - bellete la t.llelr explolt.lltlm. by an eqal &Dd tM aq.. that U.. ~t cit falr play will~- U.. opposite -1.sa. Tii17 do help the nt&t of ,_ t,;, grasp the edlt«'S bt.unt17 obwlaull pr.Judice& and penitt tu pll!Ca 1.. u.gs, aa.s ~ the fnietrettmis. of Ul.olie " ""'­ to bl-11 la prl11t .,. an, acc....i at uplotung. I aUII, U.rcfQA, prefai;t • J v lt.h • Aid Ill ti-. 1.MJ e&D be <&111111 ,_.u, .,-.1 absarbed dtr.,;t quot.tl011 fna tu Cit.or 111 J'J'9--ts <p6 >, 9V!oa1. ta tat,;, 1ua--..-1t-t•·U...,_, .-..haacl..q: our llllderstaodlilg ud" tN BSFA? IMrlJ 1000 peapl.e wbo mJo1 SF T11at's tlle IIICDUf"4l118 .. to be toleraot. hid lllttaately, tlM!y Mie r;oaaoa tlu'Nd uoa,a u • btn,, ratber th.a11 a part.iaila..­ - a• ant of t"- -tlal dtf!...- wblcll lltu It ar poUU..-1 ata-.• Yet llat OIIIJ ls lb.I.a 1.95IJle deVDU!d tel 11ot l f- .. to be aala or felUl.11, black or pl.D)., f1• l11laa, It t. pni!..:.d by .....rat tendetitlo.. le.ft wing e• plo,-.r or ..pi..,... ... _,.u..,,. uono,naa tba tltla -TDMITTOI' bel0111• ta ...• =­ But ll la • tall.Ky to clal• U.t &Dy -ta• I• true PIii!• ,-o .. uch 1 flad Otfllnfll- a nd ""tel, ID ...,. CllN land tbl• le proved elaply by -.• lnlng avery -1&:a the eoapletaly belie th• edltcr'• elaLaa:I sta11Ce. world bas t11aw11, eacb hal111ead by It.a aqual a nd opp,alte l ot to aeatlon tbe deaa nd fro• a per5'1CUtl!d -I.ls), M to halt..,. tbat aa,. -tsa e&II r eukl tbe world catholic eu1orlty --•ber who 11a11ta u& to ball aeaber&blp Ln lte LU.go , Li fe .,,_t le aot ,.. 011a--•,-I as an -1.&• Is. to another alnortty (tha "bite S Africans 11bo wlll a5Sur­ by d•tl11lt1011. edly. If the iapubllc sc.a th• "•Y Zlllba-0.... ha& <Ina•, be Ve &II coatalll wltblD us tH geaetlc, C\llt ural and persecuted tar .. o.-.. than be bae beea, aad illdeed worse cond1tt011.i result.a ot pu,t ·I•••: aoaa of thea , than they b.lve In their tun peraecuted Ula blacb). oh¥1cusly, Ila¥• lo.t t belr valldity, while o tbenc lilt--. yet The point t•• aauns le pretty easy to grasp, to be f11lly r esolved. But nnt one of U..• dNerves to be ac tually: It la tllot tbere are t"o •td- to """ry' coHldered La laolatlOD fro• life ttaeU. q-UnD, but that the •!Dority 1111ually geta to be IIOnl PlHH under.t.and that tble le Dot an attack 01I voc:lferou& a bo.lt tblll8•· I don't want to exa• ine all the - l1H, bvt Hrely I plu tor tbelr b9lng properly under­ ha! nlat articl• In tbe lallue, though I wll1 ..top• stood. But to retura to • y opantng q110tati011 frt:>I our • o• ut to • -'la two point• about 11\ ke Cbr\atl<1' 11 expanded ed i tor, and hi• 01111 blat11D t bruting 11/ tha t credo, I IIU6t piece on Suzette Maden Etatn•• I.rive Tongue. When this dOH by entering the s trongnt poNlbla co11 plal11t at tba flret a ppeared •I &Hu•r Ken aun& U1• Nrller and aucb cnnata11t procl1aat1on of certain political tb.eorl• .. If • hortar van,lon In CaroHne /f 1J.l len's f&a::Jae The Mirror tbey wer, revNled trutb, or evl'n probable tutur..,, Crack'd•, I wrote slaply ..ylng that by h\a co• plex I did arguHnta be had al• oet aucceeded 111 ruining !er ae • 11ot jolD the BSf'A to llU pport te11de11tious book whleli I bad thoroughly enjoyed and which I felt polltl ck"hg III tbl 1>1'8• of publlcatlcms supported by • y &11ba;c &ad er. conta1na:I a very cogent arg11• 1111t , rlpt1011, elace It beco- ......- • ob-..lo.is th.at tHra le to ha Since tliu I u ..
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