INFORMATION AUGUST 2014 EDITOR’S DESK: INTERNET OF THINGS AND ECURITY SECURITY S Insider Edition SECURING THE INTERNET OF THINGS The emerging Internet of Things raises new security concerns and puts a spin on old ones. In this Insider Edition, InfoSec pros find out how to assess IoT risks and create an effective IoT security policy. IS YOUR SECURITY PROGRAM READY FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS? WHO’S IN CHARGE HERE? SECURING THE INTERNET OF THINGS EDITOR’S DESK The Benefits of the Internet of Things HOME EDITOR’S DESK Can’t Overshadow Security Concerns SEVEN IOT RISKS While connecting billions of new devices to the Internet offers many advantages, YOU MUST CONSIDER organizations must also manage the risks involved. BY BRANDAN BLEVINS IS YOUR SECURITY PROGRAM READY FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS? WHO’S IN CHARGE HERE? SECURING THE INTERNET OF THINGS Y 2015, CISCO predicts that around 25 bil- enterprise IoT risks today, some of which will look famil- lion devices will be connected to the iar on first glance: DDoS attacks, patch management chal- Internet. That number is expected to lenges and traffic analytics. The nature and number of IoT double by 2020. This web of Internet- devices puts a twist on those risks, though. connected devices, dubbed the Inter- In the other features, we explore some of the challen- net of Things, has been touted by tech giants as a way to ges associated with securing IoT devices. Experts say the Befficiently share data and improve lives. Indeed, we’ve devices may not have the processing power to run security already seen compelling products introduced, and the software, while debate also remains over which party is companies creating these items are profiting from API even responsible for securing the Internet of Things. monetization schemes and other efforts. Numerous enterprises may see IoT as a potential gold Still, the danger associated with connecting billions rush, but security can’t be ignored. This Insider Edition of potentially vulnerable devices—many of which share will help enterprises achieve the benefits associated with sensitive data—to the Internet has not been discussed the Internet of Things while containing the risk. n enough. This Insider Edition aims to explore those risks and how organizations can mitigate them. First, ex- BRANDAN BLEVINS is the news writer for TechTarget Security pert Ajay Kumar enumerates seven of the most pressing Media Group 2 INFORMATION SECURITY INSIDER EDITION / SECURING THE INTERNET OF THINGS n AUGUST 2014 COVER STORY: RISKS HOME SEVEN IoT RISKS EDITOR’S DESK SEVEN IOT RISKS YOU MUST YOU MUST CONSIDER IS YOUR SECURITY CONSIDER PROGRAM READY FOR THE INTERNET THE DAY WHEN virtually every electronic device—from OF THINGS? The Internet of Things is phones and cars to refrigerators and light switches—will be connected to the Internet is not far away. The number WHO’S IN CHARGE HERE? growing fast, and so are the SECURING THE of Internet-connected devices is growing rapidly and is INTERNET OF THINGS risks. Here are seven risks expected to reach 50 billion by 2020. that must be taken into account However innovative and promising it seems, this so- when planning at IoT policy. called Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon significantly increases the number of security risks businesses and con- sumers will inevitably face. Any device connecting to the Internet with an operating system comes with the possi- bility of being compromised, becoming a backdoor for at- tackers into the enterprise. In this feature, I discuss the proliferation of the In- ternet of Things and explore what enterprises can do to manage the security risks associated with IoT devices. WHAT IS THE IoT? WHY IS IT GROWING IN POPULARITY? The IoT sensation is rapidly embracing entire societies By Ajay Kumar and holds the potential to empower and advance nearly each and every individual and business. This creates 3 INFORMATION SECURITY INSIDER EDITION / SECURING THE INTERNET OF THINGS n AUGUST 2014 COVER STORY: RISKS tremendous opportunities for enterprises to develop new often not designed with security as a primary consider- HOME services and products that offer increased convenience ation, vulnerabilities are present in virtually all of them— EDITOR’S DESK and satisfaction to their consumers. just look at the amount of malware that is targeting On the user side, Google recently announced that it is Android-based devices today. Similar threats will likely SEVEN IOT RISKS partnering with major automakers Audi, General Motors proliferate among IoT devices as they catch on. YOU MUST CONSIDER and Honda to put Android-connected cars on the roads. Enterprises and users alike must be prepared for the IS YOUR SECURITY Google is currently developing a new Android platform numerous issues of IoT. Listed below are seven of the PROGRAM READY FOR THE INTERNET that connects these cars to the Internet. Soon, car own- many risks that are inherent in an Internet of Things OF THINGS? ers will be able to lock or unlock their vehicles, start the world, as well as suggestions to help organizations pre- engine or even monitor vehicle performance from a com- pare for the challenge. WHO’S IN CHARGE HERE? SECURING THE puter or smartphone. INTERNET OF THINGS The promises of IoT go far beyond those for individual DISRUPTION AND users. Enterprise mobility management is a rapidly evolv- DENIAL-OF-SERVICE ATTACKS ing example of the impact of IoT devices. Imagine if sud- 1 Ensuring continuous availability of IoT-based denly every package delivered to your organization came devices is important to avoid potential opera- with a built-in RFID chip that could connect to your net- tional failures and interruptions to enterprise services. work and identify itself to a connected logistics system. Even the seemingly simple process of adding new end- Or picture a medical environment in which every instru- points into the network—particularly automated devices ment in the exam room is connected to the network to that work under the principle of machine-to-machine transmit patient data collected via sensors. Even in indus- communications like those that help run power stations tries like farming, imagine if every animal were digitally or build environmental controls—requires businesses to tracked to monitor its location, health and behavior. The focus attention on physical attacks on the devices in re- IoT possibilities are limitless, and so is the number of de- mote locations. As a result, the business must strengthen vices that could manifest. physical security to prevent unauthorized access to de- However, despite the opportunities of IoT, it also vices outside of the security perimeter. comes with many risks. Any device that can connect to Disruptive cyberattacks, such as distributed denial-of- Internet has an embedded operating system deployed in service attacks, could have new detrimental consequences its firmware. Because embedded operating systems are for an enterprise. If thousands of IoT devices try to access 4 INFORMATION SECURITY INSIDER EDITION / SECURING THE INTERNET OF THINGS n AUGUST 2014 COVER STORY: RISKS a corporate website or data feed that isn’t available, for- devices must be designed with security in mind, and in- HOME merly happy customers will become frustrated, resulting corporate security controls, using a pre-built role-based EDITOR’S DESK in revenue loss, customer dissatisfaction and potentially security model. Because these devices have hardware, poor reception in the market. platforms and software that enterprises may never have SEVEN IOT RISKS Many of the challenges inherent to IoT are similar to seen before, the types of vulnerabilities may be unlike YOU MUST CONSIDER those found in a bring your own device environment. Ca- anything organizations have dealt with previously. It’s IS YOUR SECURITY pabilities for managing lost or stolen devices—either re- critical not to underestimate the elevated risk many IoT PROGRAM READY FOR THE INTERNET mote wiping or at least disabling their connectivity—are devices may pose. OF THINGS? critical for dealing with compromised IoT devices. Hav- ing this enterprise strategy in place helps mitigate the IoT VULNERABILITY MANAGEMENT WHO’S IN CHARGE HERE? SECURING THE risks of corporate data ending up in the wrong hands. Another big challenge for enterprises in an IoT INTERNET OF THINGS Other policies that help manage BYOD could also be 3 environment is figuring out how to quickly beneficial. patch IoT device vulnerabilities—and how to prioritize vulnerability patching. UNDERSTANDING THE Because most IoT devices require a firmware update COMPLEXITY OF VULNERABILITIES to patch vulnerabilities, the task can be complex to ac- 2 Last year, an unknown attacker used a known complish on the fly. For example, if a printer requires vulnerability in a popular Web-connected baby firmware upgrading, IT departments are unlikely to be monitor to spy on a two-year-old. This eye-opening in- able to apply a patch as quickly as they would in a server cident goes to show what a high risk the IoT poses to or desktop system; upgrading custom firmware often re- enterprises and consumers alike. In a more dramatic ex- quires extra time and effort. ample, imagine using an IoT device like a simple ther- Also challenging for enterprises is dealing with the de- mostat to manipulate temperature readings at a nuclear fault credentials provided when IoT devices are first used. power plant. If attackers compromise the device, the con- Often, devices such as wireless access points or printers sequences could be devastating. Understanding where come with known administrator IDs and passwords. On vulnerabilities fall on the complexity meter—and how top of this, devices may provide a built-in Web server to serious of a threat they pose—is going to become a huge which admins can remotely connect, log in and manage dilemma.
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