G³ikp Oki Gtb Fôtoki Thh Gkfnb, Okigkb N?Whghh N?Whghh F;Zx, Zx, Gqw

G³ikp Oki Gtb Fôtoki Thh Gkfnb, Okigkb N?Whghh N?Whghh F;Zx, Zx, Gqw

1 Name& De signation Phone Residence Off. Resi. Address g³ikp oki GtB PUNJAB RAJ BHAWAN fôtoki thH gkfNb, okigkb 22774400774400 22774400660088 PPuunnjjaabRR aajj Shivraj V. Patil, GGoovveerrnnoor BBhhaawwaann//66 NhHn?;H wBe'Nhnk, fBZih ;eZso$okigkb 22774400774400 22773399887711 55447744//1MM HHCC TT..SS.MM aannkkoottiiaa,PP vvtt.SS eeccyy..//GGoovveerrnnoorr MMaanniimmaajjrraa n?wHghH f;zx, gqw[Zy ;eZso$okigkb b 22774400559922 22779900990000 1177//77AA M.P. Singh, Principal Secretary/Governor oth gqekô, fBZih ;eZso$gqw[Zy ;eZso$okigkb 22774400559922 22778833775588 225577//2222--AA Ravi Parkash, Pvt. Secy./Principal Secy./Governor okipuB f;zx ;zX{, J/HvhH;hH(gh)$okigkb 22774400660088 22779944770022 5500//77--AA Rajbachan S. Sandhu, ADC(P)/Governor w/io ;hH ;³dhg, J/HvhH;hH(n?wH)$okigkb 22774400660088 22775500440044 5522//77--AA Major C. Sandeep, ADC(M)/Governor Bfrzdo f;zx, fvgNh vkfJa (gq?;)$okigkb 22774466009955 22221144883366 22333311//PPhh--XXII Naginder Singh, DDyy.DD iirr.(( PPrreessss))//GGoovveerrnnoorr 9977880000--3366221100 SSAASNN aaggaarr vkH i;ihs f;zx, ;hHn?wHUH 22779922559977 22665566115566 115566//2277--AA Dr. Jasjit Singh, CC..MM..OO.. 22665500115566 dhge nkjb tkbhn{{ k, k, ezgNo'bo, okigkb (rqfj) 22774411440033 22779944003388 3311//77--AA Deepak Ahluwalia, Comptroller, Governor’s Household EPEPABX-2743224, 2740602, 2740608-10,2740681, Fax :2741058 g³ikp ftXkB ;Gk PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA fBowb f;zx ekjb'A, ;gheo 22774400337722 22774400553388 4422//22 Nirmal Singh Kahlon, SSppeeaakkeerr 22774400773399 00118833--22222222554455 FF--22774400447733 0011887711--225566225533 Bk÷o f;zx, ;eZso$;gheo 22774400337722 22667733886699 33336699/ / NNaazzaarSS iinngghh,SS eeccyy..//SSppeeaakkeerr 22774400773399 9944663311--8888775544 PP..VV..SS.SS oocciieettyy FF--22774400447733 4499--DD okw b'e, fBZih ;eZso$;gheo 22774400773399 22662266886611 11661188--BB//3388--BB RRaamLL ookk,PP vvtt.SS eeccyy..// 22774400337722 8800554422--0000002244 SSppeeaakkeerr FF--22774400447733 ;[fozdo f;zx w'sh, fBZih ;jkfJe$;gheo 22774400773399 8800554433--0000002211 999999//PPhh..--33BB22 SSuurriinnddeerSS iinngghMM oottii,,PP..AA..//SSppeeaakkeerr 22774400337722 SSAASNN aaggaarr F-2740473 ;sgkb r';kJhA, fvgNh ;gheo 22774400662277 22774499777744 88//22 Satpal Gosain, DDeeppuuttySS ppeeaakkeerr FF--22774400447711 9988115599--9911770000 94172-11700 2 Name& De signation Phone Residence Off. Resi. Address ;[fozdo gkb, fBZih ;eZso$fvgNh ;gheo 22774400662277 22663366006666 11006622//4411--BB SSuurriinnddeer PPaall, PPvvtt. SSeeccyy..//DDyy. SSppeeaakkeerr FF--22774400447711 8800554444--9955554444 nfws r';kJhA, ftô/ô ;jkfJe$fvgNh ;gheo -- 9988772288--9911770000 88//22 Amit Gosain, Spl. Asstt./Dy. Speaker t/d gqekô, ;eZso 22774400778866 22771133440099 11221177//2233--BB Ved Parkash, SSeeccrreettaarryy 22774400556611 9988772200--7766117711 o[fg³do f;zx, fBZih ;jkfJe$;eZso 22774400778866 9988115599-- 11881111,PP hh..VVIIII RRuuppiinnddeerSS iinngghh,PP AA//SSeeccyy.. 22774400556611 0011881111 SSAASNN aaggaarr EPABX : VIDHAN SABHA : 2740561-69, 2740470-71, FAX : 2740472-73 EPABX : PUNJAB MLA’s HOSTEL : 2740068, 2740086, 2740151, 2740271, 2740776-77 2740779-80 g³ikp ns/ jfonkDk jkJh e'oN PUNJAB & HARYANA HIGH COURT i;fN; oziB r'r'Jh, n?efNzr uhc i;fN; 22774400557799 -- -- Justice Ranjan Gogoi, AAccttiinngCC hhiieefJJ uussttiiccee 22774400888800 -- Ext.-501 i;fN; nkdoô e[wko r'fJb EExxtt..--550077 22774499669900 2233//44 Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel 2748240 i;fN; n?wHn?wH e[wko EExxtt..--550066 22774488448844 2299//44 Justice M.M. Kumar i;fN; i;pho f;zx EExxtt..--550055 22774499882277 2277//44 Justice Jasbir Singh 2749815 i;fN; n?;He/H fwZsb EExxtt..--551166 22774400222244 2244//44 Justice S.K. Mittal 2740248 i;fN; j/w³s r[gsk EExxtt..--551100 22772244660077 228811//1166 Justice Hemant Gupta i;fN; n?;Hn?;H ;ko'A EExxtt..--552266 22774422334477 99//99 Justice S.S. Saron i;fN; gqw'd e'jbh EExxtt..--551122 22774400663300 3311//44 Justice Permod Kohli i;fN; okiht GZbk EExxtt..--551144 22772288664433 550022//1166 Justice Rajeev Bhalla 2728644 i;fN; ni? e[wko fwZsb EExxtt..--551155 22774400118822 2266//44 Justice Ajay Kumar Mittal i;fN; ;{o:k eKs EExxtt..--551111 22772255775588 223388//1166 Justice Surya Kant 3 Name& De signation Phone Residence Off. Resi. Address i;fN; n?wa ihnkgkb EExxtt..--552277 22554444550088 550088//1166 Justice M. Jiapal 2770377 i;fN; oDihs f;zx EExxtt..--553377 22779933889999 7777//77 Justice Ranjit Singh i;fN; NhHghHn?;H wkB EExxtt..--553366 22774433114400 226655//1100 Justice T.P. S. Mann 2741560 i;fN; wj/ô ro'to EExxtt..--552244 22772244449966 223377//1166--AA Justice Mahesh Grover i;fN; ni? bKpk EExxtt..--551133 22554411557755 223344//1166--AA Justice Ajai Lamba i;fN; oki/ô fpzdb EExxtt..--550033 22777700007777 33441166//2244 Justice Rajesh Bindal i;fN; noftzd e[wko EExxtt..--551177 22772255778833 4422//2244 Justice Arvind Kumar i;fN; J/Hn?BH fizdb EExxtt..--550099 22772244999911 223366//1166 Justice A. N. Jindal i;fN; n?wHn?wHn?;H p/dh EExxtt..--554422 22772255772299 4400//2244 Justice M. M.S. Bedi i;fN; n?bHn?BH fwZsb EExxtt..--550088 22772277997799 33441111//2244 Justice L.N. Mittal 2728999 i;fN; Btkp f;zx EExxtt..--551199 22772288773355 11000033//2244 Justice Nawab Singh 2728736 i;fN; w'fjzdo gkb EExxtt..--554400 22770022554488 33440011//2244 Justice Mohinder Pal i;fN; e/H;hH g[oh EExxtt..--552255 22772200004411 4411//2244 Justice K.C. Puri i;fN; oke/ô e[wko ror EExxtt.55 3344 22778833668811 33441100//2244 Justice Rakesh Kumar Garg i;fN; oke/ô e[wko i?B EExxtt.55 5511 22777744115555 33441155//2244 Justice Rakesh Kumar Jain 2783415 i;fN; eztbihs f;zx nkjb{tkbhnk EExxtt.55 1188 22772211336633 3399//2244 Justice Kanwaljit Singh Ahluwalia i;fN; i;tzs f;zx EExxtt.55 4499 22778844551111 33551111//2244 Justice Jaswant Singh 2725610 i;fN; ôqhwsh d:k u"Xoh EExxtt.55 5500 22778822999955 33550099//2244 Justice Mrs. Daya Chaudhary 2783509 4 Name& De signation Phone Residence Off. Resi. Address i;fN; ôqhwsh ;phBk Ext.5 33 2703400 3512/24 Justice Mrs. Sabina 2783499 i;fN; i'ok f;zx Ext.5 54 2783510 3510/24 Justice Jora Singh 2783511 i;fN; okiB r[gsk Ext.5 52 2541959 645/16 Justice Rajan Gupta i;fN; ni/ fstkVh Ext.5 58 2742407 354/9 Justice Ajay Tiwari i;fN; fis/Adok u"jkB Ext.5 20 2560657 855/2,P kl. Justice Jitendra Chauhan i;fN; nr;NhB ikoi w;hj Ext.5 53 2543403 3403/24 Justice Augustine George Masih 2543627 i;fN; fBowbihs e"o Ext.5 57 2745258 188/11 Justice Ms. Nirmaljit Kaur i;fN; e/H eBB Ext.5 45 2548138 138/24 Justice K. Kannan 2549138 i;fN; nb'e f;zx Ext.5 43 2543355 3406/24 Justice Alok Singh 2543655 i;fN; wfjzdo f;zx ;{bo Ext.544 – – Justice Mehinder Singh Sullar i;fN; okw uzd r[gsk Ext.5 48 2543500 3404/24 Justice Ram Chand Gupta 2783500 i;fN; r[od/t f;zx Ext.5 46 2748113 113/10 Justice Gurdev Singh 2749113 i;fN; fos{ pkjoh Ext.5 56 2727747 124/16 Justice Ms. Ritu Bahri 2726659 thHn?;H wfbe, ofi;Noko iBob 6607200 2726047-48 48/24 V.S. Malik, RegistrarG eneral Ext.-200 97800-08200 EPABX : 2740071-78, 6613333, High Court Fax : 6607215, 2740055, 6607202 w[Zy w³soh CHIEF MINISTER goekô f;zx pkdb, w[Zy w³soh 2740325 2741322 45/2 Parkash Singh Badal, ChiefM inister 2740769 2741758 1/2 F-2743463 2740757 ;[oihs f;zx, fBZih ;eZso$w[Zy w³soh PBX-4264 5174631 3111/3, 44-D SurjitS ingh,P vt.S ecy./CM 99155-84691 5 Name& De signation Phone Residence Off. Resi. Address ;/te f;zx, fBZih ;jkfJe$w[Zy w³soh PBX-4264 - 1108/49-B Sewak Singh, P.A./CM vkH dbihs f;zx uhwk, ;bkjeko w[Zy w³soh 2740997 2690827 955/39-A Dr. Daljit Singh Cheema,A dvisor / CM, 33/2 PBX-4249 98724-64809 pbihs f;zx frZb, fBZih ;eZso$ ;bkjeko$ w[ Zy w³ soh 2740997 2229584 HL-199/Ph-II Baljit Singh Gill, Pvt. Secy./Advisor/CM PBX-4268 99143-49615 S.A.S. Nagar w'fjzdo gkb, ghHJ/H$;bkjeko$w[Zy w³soh PBX-4268 97794-00955 1074/67 MohinderP al,P A/Advisor/CM,3 4/2 S.A.S.N agar vhHn?;H r[o{, gqw[Zy ;eZso$w[Zy w³soh ns/ 2740293 2744555 54/5 gqw[Zy ;eZso, ;{ uBk s/ b'e ;goe z 2740932 98156-00032 D.S.Guru, Principal Secy./C M & Prin. Secy. F-2741821 Information& P ublicR elations,2 /2 PBX-4266 ;[fozdo f;zx, ;eZso$gqw[Zy ;eZso$w[Zy w³soh PBX-4259 - - SurinderS ingh,S ecy.,P SCM,4 /2 - ;zs'y e"o, fBZih ;eZso$gqw[Zy ;eZso$w[Zy w³ soh PBX-4 259 2260928 969/VII SantokhK aur,P vt.S ecy.,P SCM,4 /2 98155-45969 S.A.S.N agar Bo/ô g[³or, fBZih ;jka$g w[q Zy;eZso$w[ Zyw³ soh PBX-4 259 98765-92244 - Naresh Purang, PA, PSCM, 4/2 vhHn?;H wKrN, ftô/ô ekoi nc;o, gqw[Zy ;eZso, w[Zy w³soh 2749978 2648644 1515/33-B D.S. Mangat, OSD/PSCM,2 8/2 PBX-4206 94170-79777 n?uHn?;H p?A;, whvhnk ;bkjeko, w[Zy w³soh 2740722 2690575 963/39-A H.S. Bains, MediaA dvisor,C M,5 /2 2742460 98767-77299 PBX-4246 98141-39393 ifszdo e"o, fBZih ;eZso$ whvhnk ;bkjeko, w[Zy w³soh PBX-4616 2794575 285/7-A Jatinder Kaur, Pvt. Secy./ Media Advisor, 14/2 dftzdogkb f;zx, fBZih ;jkfJe$ whvhnk ;bkjeko$w[Zy w³soh - 96462-69592 394P h.IX DavinderpalS ingh,P A,M ediaA dvisor SASN agar r[opuB f;zx ;?Dh, fBZih ;jkfJe, whvhnk, ;bkjeko$w[Zy w³soh PBX-4616 01733-253577 37, Tribune Gurbachan Singh Saini, PA, Media Advisor/CM, 14/2 98880-79431 Mitter Vihar, 26/Pkl. r[odoôB f;zx pkjhnk, fvgNh vkfJa, whvhnk ;bkjeko$;han? wa 2740722 98789-50565 279-Ph.XI Gurdarshan Singh Bahia, Dy.D ir.,M ediaA dvisor/CM PBX-4616 SASN agar wkbftzdo f;zx wkbh, ghHnkoHUH, whvhnk ;bkjeko$w[Zy w³soh PBX-4616 98554-58455 1001-AI/90, Reg.

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