
CURRENT ISSUES Learning Spaces: More than Meets the Eye With the advent of technology on campus comes a shift from classroom to learning space as technology is incorporated in teaching and learning By Malcolm B. Brown and Joan K. Lippincott n the past, if you spoke of some- real possibility. Mobile computing, such thing like “learning spaces” in the as the use of wireless laptops and hand- Icontext of higher education, atten- helds, makes possible a variety of col- tion focused on classrooms: physical laborative and synchronous learning spaces designed to support face-to-face activities. This is why the term class- teaching and learning. Most higher edu- room, at least in its traditional sense, cation institutions have a great deal of can no longer encompass the teaching history and investment in their class- and learning options today. rooms. Indeed, many of our classrooms More learning is taking place outside are dozens—and some hundreds—of of class time than ever before. With an years old and may have been renovated increased emphasis on collaboration many times. and group projects, students are learn- While classrooms can still be regarded ing in small groups outside of the class- as our core learning spaces, it is obvious room as they accomplish work that a host of new factors and opportu- related to their courses. Often nities has dramatically changed this they need spaces equipped with landscape. Indeed, so much is changing access to network connections that we are forced to use a broader term as well as spaces that facilitate like learning spaces to capture this wider group interaction. They may seek range of venues for teaching and learn- these spaces in dorms, in libraries, ing. Focusing just on classrooms is no in computing centers, and in longer an option. campus coffee bars. One compelling reason for this shift is Another compelling reason for the that the concept of the classroom is both shift is that, because of information planning to support teaching and learn- expanding and evolving. It is expanding technology, we can think of virtual as ing on our campuses, we must adopt a as traditional face-to-face classrooms well as real spaces. Unlike real spaces, vir- broader frame of reference than just our receive technology installations and so tual spaces come and go. They can be traditional, physical classrooms. We acquire new functionality. As the func- spontaneous as well as deliberate. They must broaden our scope in at least two tionality expands, new learning activities can be synchronous or asynchronous. respects. First, as we have sketched, we become possible. But the concept of the Participants and their relationships in must think in terms of a variety of both classroom is evolving as well. New con- the virtual learning space can shift real and virtual learning spaces. Once we ceptions of the classroom are being rapidly. Participants can also multitask, widen our purview to include virtual driven by the emergence of new meth- “inhabiting” more than one virtual space spaces, then the second shift in thinking ods of teaching and learning, made pos- at a time. As our networking technology becomes clear: we must think about all sible by the rapid evolution and adoption matures and costs for devices such as lap- the support needed to make these learn- of information technology. Wireless net- tops and handhelds decline, these virtual ing spaces successful. This includes fac- working, for example, makes real-time or spaces play an increasingly larger role in ulty training, development of digital synchronous interaction among students all aspects of higher education. curriculum materials, help desk support, and between students and faculty a very In light of all this, it is clear that, in our hardware and software maintenance, 14 EDUCAUSE QUARTERLY • Number 1 2003 and good network or wireless connec- tion commons in libraries provide a wel- users, as well as technicians ready to tivity, just to name a few. coming environment in which students come to the rescue should the technol- and faculty can explore information ogy balk. Real and Virtual resources and find assistance with their Our technology classrooms also rely Learning Spaces work. Other social spaces include coffee on other aspects of the campus infras- The grand challenge for colleges and bars—in libraries and in other places on tructure, such as the campus network. universities is to create a seamless, campus—and dormitories. Campuses Support staff must have the interper- technology-enabled learning environ- that wish to genuinely address the needs sonal skills to encourage faculty and ment for faculty and students, one that of students for technology in support of students appropriately to explore the addresses the use of all our learning teaching and learning need to take into full range of a classroom’s functionality. spaces. Often campuses attack this prob- account these types of social spaces as All this makes it clear that adding tech- lem with a single strategy, such as devel- well as formal classrooms. nology to classrooms has greatly oping a plan to equip one or more tech- Spaces that support the development widened the scope of what it means to nology classrooms per building or of materials for teaching and learning are support classrooms on campus. department. While this is a useful step, part of the equation for promoting fac- The emergence of new kinds of learn- it is just one component in developing ulty and student use of technology in ing spaces makes it necessary to enlarge an over-arching strategy for campus the curriculum. Teaching, learning, and our concept of support of learning spaces learning spaces. In the current environ- technology centers provide a venue for by at least one more layer: support for ment, a wide range of real and virtual training faculty to incorporate technol- faculty and students outside the class- spaces can become a rich campus ogy into their courses and serve as labs room. As ambitions for teaching and resource for support of teaching and for developing materials. Multimedia learning expand, so too do the com- learning. studios and digital production centers, plexities of the projects that both faculty Most campuses begin their focus on some housed in campus libraries and and students take on. Faculty and stu- technology-enabled classrooms by others in audiovisual centers, are also dents must be able to “enter” these learn- equipping large lecture rooms with part of the panoply of learning spaces ing spaces with the gear and skills equipment for the instructor or for both that produce a robust campus technol- needed to use them successfully. instructor and students. Early imple- ogy environment. On some campuses, With this expanded concept of learn- mentations show that the ability to eas- these spaces are being developed as col- ing space support, there are many roles ily reconfigure the seating arrangement laborative initiatives of the library, com- for both librarians and computarians. of large classrooms for various purposes puting center, instructional technology In addition to answering questions about and the ability to shift the seating center, and media center. equipment problems or access to infor- arrangement from lecture mode to col- Another dimension of new learning mation resources, we may need to pro- laborative group work during a class ses- spaces encompasses the support struc- vide access to specialized equipment for sion are desired attributes of new class- tures necessary for virtual learning the preparation of digital content and the room facilities. Also, most campuses spaces. These include ubiquitous con- conversion of that content from analog have a need for technology-enabled nectivity on campus and, importantly, formats. We may need to assist faculty in classrooms for small classes as well as off campus; learning management sys- understanding the intellectual property large lecture classes. All of these class- tems; and access to innovative software issues involved in the preparation of dig- rooms require up-to-date equipment such as virtual environments. ital curriculum materials. and good network connectivity. Com- The ability to access help, whether puter labs in computing centers, libraries, Supporting Learning Spaces through a computer center help desk and departments provide other venues In the past, when they were respon- or online reference services from the for students who are learning their sub- sible for physical classrooms, planners library, while learning in virtual spaces, ject matter with the assistance of tech- needed to be concerned about main- is a key support requirement. We might nology or producing technology-enabled taining the physical aspects of the need to provide rehearsal spaces and products for their assignments. rooms: seating, carpeting, lighting, and assistance so that faculty and students Students continue their work outside so forth. With the advent of the are trained in the use of real as well as of class in spaces that promote social expanded, technology-enabled class- virtual learning spaces, such as MOOs learning. Many libraries are developing room, a new layer of support became (multi-user domain object–oriented envi- group study rooms that have network necessary, requiring staff with a wide ronments). We may need to assist faculty connectivity, and some lend out lap- range of technical and support skills. and students in accessing the virtual tops at their circulation or reserve desks. Classroom technology support staff spaces, like MOOs and chat rooms. With Some libraries have “collaboratories” install and maintain digital and analog the advent of wireless networking, vir- constructed to promote peer learning, equipment, software, and networks. In tual learning spaces can happen any- where both formal and informal teach- addition, the technology classroom now where and at any time. We might need ing and learning take place.
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