CLOUDCITY.CLOUDCITY. THETHE NEW NEW BUSINESSBUSINESS CAPITAL. CAPITAL. WelcomeWelcome to a tospace a space where where businesses businesses not onlynot only It is hardlyIt is hardly surprising surprising that thatreputed reputed Global Global operateoperate but excelbut excel and thrive.and thrive. Welcome Welcome to a towork a work FortuneFortune 500 500companies companies like IBM,like IBM,Honeywell, Honeywell, environmentenvironment that’s that’s invigorating, invigorating, MaerskMaersk and Clariantand Clariant Chemicals Chemicals have have opted opted to to hassle-freehassle-free and conduciveand conducive to productivity. to productivity. operateoperate out ofout CloudCity. of CloudCity. As have As have several several other other WelcomeWelcome to the to futurethe future of business. of business. companiescompanies – all –reputed all reputed names names in the in the WelcomeWelcome to CloudCity. to CloudCity. IT/ITES/BFSIIT/ITES/BFSI sectors. sectors. CloudCityCloudCity as a asconcept a concept was wasconceived conceived by by ReliableReliable Spaces Spaces a decade a decade ago. ago.In 2004 In 2004 the the companycompany had thehad foresightthe foresight to purchase to purchase a plot a plotof of 2 million2 million square square feet feetat Airoli at Airoli making making it the it firstthe first playerplayer to identify to identify Mumbai’s Mumbai’s need need to have to have its own its own IT/ITESIT/ITES hub. hub.Today Today that thatvision vision has takenhas taken shape shape with withthe completionthe completion of remarkable of remarkable projects projects like like ReliableReliable Plaza Plaza and Reliableand Reliable Tech Tech Park, Park, and moreand more in thein pipeline.the pipeline. All projects All projects are environment are environment friendlyfriendly with withstriking striking architecture, architecture, excellent excellent landscaping,landscaping, numerous numerous amenities amenities and reliableand reliable transporttransport services, services, all in all all in making all making for a for great a great workwork environment. environment. KalyanKalyan StationStation ThaneThane Station Station 13 mins.13 mins. KalyanKalyan GhodbunderGhodbunder Road Road DivaDiva Bus stopBus stop 20 mins.20 mins. StationStation 45 mins.45 mins. 13 mins.13 mins. MulundMulund Bus stopBus stop DombivaliDombivali 15 mins.15 mins. Bus stopBus stop EasternEastern Express Express 35 mins.35 mins. HighwayHighway 18 mins.18 mins. TimesTimes of India of India 1 min.1 min. GoregaonGoregaon East East 40 mins.40 mins. PowaiPowai AiroliAiroli SiemensSiemens 20 mins.20 mins. StationStation 8 mins.8 mins. AiroliAiroli 3 mins.3 mins. WesternWestern Express Express BridgeBridge HighwayHighway 6 mins.6 mins. 45 mins.45 mins. AndheriAndheri VikhroliVikhroli Western Express Highway Western Express Highway Bus stopBus stop 20 mins.20 mins. 30 mins.30 mins. BKCBKC 30 mins.30 mins. ChhatrapatiChhatrapati Shivaji Shivaji InternationalInternational Airport Airport 40 mins.40 mins. RelianceReliance DAKC DAKC 5 mins.5 mins. ProposedProposed Navi Navi VashiVashi Station Station MumbaiMumbai Airport Airport BandraBandra 30 mins.30 mins. 25 mins.25 mins. Bus stopBus stop VashiVashi Bridge Bridge 45 mins.45 mins. 30 mins.30 mins. EasternEastern Freeway Freeway 25 mins.25 mins. Navi NaviMumbai Mumbai Metro Metro 30 mins.30 mins. AIROLIAIROLI – –INDIA’S INDIA’S MOST MOST STRATEGICALLY STRATEGICALLY LOCATED LOCATED IT IT HUB HUB ConnectivityConnectivity (Existing (Existing Infrastructure) Infrastructure) SocioculturalSociocultural Infrastructure Infrastructure ConnectivityConnectivity (Proposed (Proposed Infrastructure) Infrastructure) RAILRAIL SCHOOLSSCHOOLS RAILRAIL • Airoli• Airoli Railway Railway Station Station - 1 km - 1 km • Euro• Euro School School (ICSE) (ICSE) - 4 km - 4 km • Thane-Virar• Thane-Virar Local Local Rail Rail • Vashi• Vashi Railway Railway Station Station - 13 km- 13 km • New• New Horizon Horizon Public Public School School (CBSE) (CBSE) - 5 km - 5 km • Seawoods-Uran• Seawoods-Uran Local Local Rail Rail • Ghatkopar• Ghatkopar Railway Railway Station Station - 13 km- 13 km • DAV• DAV (CBSE) (CBSE) - 4 km - 4 km • Thane• Thane Railway Railway Station Station - 10 km- 10 km ROADROAD COLLEGESCOLLEGES • Vikhroli-Ghansoli• Vikhroli-Ghansoli Link LinkRoad Road ROADROAD • Datta• Datta Meghe Meghe College College Of Engineering Of Engineering - 4 km - 4 km • Mulund-Goregaon• Mulund-Goregaon Link LinkRoad Road • Airoli• Airoli to Fort to Fortvia Chembur via Chembur (Eastern (Eastern Freeway) Freeway) • Lokmanya• Lokmanya Tilak Tilak Engineering Engineering College College - 8 km - 8 km - 30 -mins. 30 mins. • IIT• PowaiIIT Powai - 15 km- 15 km AIRPORTAIRPORT • Airoli• Airoli to BKC to BKC via Chembur via Chembur (Santa (Santa Cruz-Chembur Cruz-Chembur • SIES• SIES - 18 km- 18 km • Navi• Navi Mumbai Mumbai International International Airport Airport - 25 -km 25 km Link LinkRoad) Road) - 30 -mins. 30 mins. • D.• Y. D. Patil Y. Patil - 18 km- 18 km • Airoli• Airoli to Thane to Thane (Thane-Belapur (Thane-Belapur Road) Road) - 15 mins.- 15 mins. METROMETRO HOTELSHOTELS • Navi• Navi Mumbai Mumbai Metro Metro PORTPORT • Ramada• Ramada - 8 km - 8 km • Airoli• Airoli to Nhava to Nhava Sheva Sheva - 40 -km 40 km • Country• Country Inn - Inn 8 km - 8 km OTHEROTHER INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT PROJECT • Airoli• Airoli to JNPT- to JNPT- 40 km 40 km • Sarovar• Sarovar Portico Portico - 8 km - 8 km • Trans• Trans Harbor Harbor Link Link • Park• Park - 21 km- 21 km AIRPORTAIRPORT • Airoli• Airoli to International to International Airport Airport - 21 km- 21 km STADIUMSTADIUM • Airoli• Airoli to Domestic to Domestic Airport Airport - 25 -km 25 km • D.• Y. D. Patil Y. Patil International International Stadium Stadium - 18 km- 18 km MALLSMALLS • Inorbit• Inorbit - 13 km- 13 km • Nirmal• Nirmal Lifestyle Lifestyle - 12 km- 12 km AIROLI.AIROLI. MUMBAI’SMUMBAI’S NEW NEW CYBERCYBER CITY. CITY. AiroliAiroli is rapidly is rapidly emerging emerging as the as idealthe ideal destination destination closeclose proximity proximity to the to proposedthe proposed Navi Navi Mumbai Mumbai for IT/ITESfor IT/ITES companies companies in Mumbai. in Mumbai. And Andthe the InternationalInternational Airport Airport which, which, once once developed, developed, reasonsreasons are manifold. are manifold. is boundis bound to result to result in major in major value value appreciation. appreciation. FirstFirst and foremostand foremost is the is affordablethe affordable commercials commercials InfrastructureInfrastructure at Airoli at Airoli is well is wellin place. in place. There There are are that thatAiroli Airoli offers, offers, making making it possible it possible for for hotelshotels that thatcater cater to business to business travellers travellers and and companiescompanies to occupy to occupy a far a bigger far bigger space space and and visitors.visitors. Airoli Airoli is close is close to residential to residential hubs hubs like like accommodateaccommodate a larger a larger workforce workforce for a for fraction a fraction NaviNavi Mumbai, Mumbai, Thane Thane and Easternand Eastern suburbs suburbs which which of theof costthe costthat thatother other CBDs CBDs like BKC,like BKC, Lower Lower boastboast of well of welldeveloped developed social social infrastructure infrastructure be be Parel,Parel, Powai Powai and Andheriand Andheri offer. offer. it schools,it schools, colleges, colleges, hospitals, hospitals, retail retail establishmentsestablishments or entertainment or entertainment options. options. ThenThen there’s there’s the accessibilitythe accessibility factor. factor. Airoli Airoli is is connectedconnected to Mumbai to Mumbai city viacity the via Mulund-Airolithe Mulund-Airoli Finally,Finally, the presencethe presence of leading of leading IT/ITES IT/ITES names names in in bridgebridge and toand Vashi to Vashi and Thaneand Thane by both by both road road and and the vicinitythe vicinity results results in easy in easy accessibility accessibility to human to human rail. Therail. newThe newDiva-Virar Diva-Virar and Thane-Panveland Thane-Panvel rail rail talenttalent – a key – a concernkey concern in industries in industries with witha high a high routesroutes have have increased increased accessibility accessibility further, further, as will as will rate rateof attrition. of attrition. the proposedthe proposed Belapur-Khandeshwar Belapur-Khandeshwar corridor corridor of of the Navithe Navi Mumbai Mumbai Metro. Metro. The EasternThe Eastern Freeway Freeway extensionextension from from Chembur Chembur to Ghatkopar to Ghatkopar will cutwill cut traveltravel time time drastically. drastically. To top To ittop all, it Airoli all, Airoli enjoys enjoys CloudCity encompasses 4 essential factors that are key to any successful organisation. The 4 Cs of CloudCity COST EFFECIENCY COMFORT CONVENIENCE CONNECTIVITY Page-01 THE NEW EMERGING BUSINESS DISTRICT IS ALSO THE MOST COST EFFECTIVE. 1 Airoli, which is located away from the hustle and bustle of the city, is now developing as a key business district of Navi Mumbai. Partly responsible for this is the Mulund-Airoli bridge that connects Airoli to one of Mumbai's busiest suburbs. The rental value of the upcoming office space is substantially lower than that in other CBDs like BKC, Lower Parel, South Mumbai and Malad, thus helping companies to reduce their cost of operation. BUSINESS DISTRICTS AVERAGE RENTAL ` / SQ. FT. BKC 200-320 LOWER PAREL 100-250 ANDHERI 80-150 GOREGAON 70-130 MALAD 70-100 AIROLI 40-60 (SOURCE:
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