----------------------------~~~----------------------------------------------------------------- U . S. Department of Commerce Research Paper RPl923 National Bureau of Standards Volume 41, October 1948 Part of the Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards Electrode Function (pH Response) of the Soda-Silica Glasses By Gerald F. Rynders, Oscar H. Grauer, and Donald Hubbard A series of Na20-8i02 glasses was studied for durability, hygroscopicity, glass electrode function, and apparent response to [Na+]. These glasses show three distinct regions of durability characteristics at pH 4.6: Below 81 percent of 8i02, where the glass is carried into solutioo; between 81 and 89.5 percent of 8i02, where differential solution of the consti­ tuents of the glass leaves a swollen silica-rich layer; and a region in which greatly reduced attack was indicated. Glass electrodes of low silica con tent having poor chemical dura­ bility and high hygroscopicity exhibited large voltage departures approaching the values of a "punctured" mercury-filled electrode and a calomel half cell. The apparent response to [Na+] ranged from 9 to 339 millivolts per pNa for the glasses of 82.6 and 56.6 percent. of i02, respectively. 1. Introduction of the high quality u ed in the production of optical glass. T he batches were prepared to For a glass to function satisfactorily as a glass provide a series varying in sLeps of about 4 percent dectrode, it must have uniform durability over an in the range from 55 to 91 percent of silica. extended pH range as well as adeq ltaLe hygroscopi­ Glasses of higher silica content were not obtained, city. It has bren shown that where the glass is because the field of practical glassmaking is attacked excessively [1, 2, 3]/ or where the glass limi ted by the tendency of glasses to devi trify, has inadequate hygroscopicity [4, 5], depaltures their high liquidus temperatures, or their high from the N ernst eq uation occur. These departures viscosity. To insure homogeneity, the gla ses at times have been attributed to specific equili­ were stirred with a platinum stirrer. Since brative responses to ions other than hydrogen volatilization of soda occurs during melting, the [6]. To obtain more exLensive data on these compOSItIOns of these glasses were determined subj ects, a series of glasses of the soda-silica sys­ from index of refl~ action measurements [7, ]. tem was studied in continuation of the work done Hygroscopicity measurements were made on on the potash-silica glasses [5]. The portion of the samples of glass that passf'd through a standard latter system investigated was found to have some 150-mesh sieve. These weighed sample (ap­ very hygroscopic glasses, but because of their proximately 1.5 g) were subj ected to the high limited durability, these glasses were unsuitable (approximately 98%) humidity maintained by a for use as glass electrodes. Accordingly, in the saturated solution of CaS04' 2H20 at 25 0 C, in present inve tigation both durability and hygro­ accordance with a previously described method scopicity were studied in an attempt to determine [4, 5]. The values are reported in milligrams of which glasses of the soda-silica system would make water sorbed per cubic centimeter of glass exposed, satisfactory electrodes. to compensate for differences in density of the II. Experimental Procedure glasses. Durability measurements were made on the Ten glasses of the soda-sili('a system were pre­ glass by partially immersillg polished optical Hats pared in a platinum crucible from raw materials in Britton-Robinson Universal buffer mixture (pH 1.9 to 11 .9) [9] at 80 o ±O.2° C for 6 hI' anu I Figures in brackets iudicate the literature referellces at the end of this paper. measuring the change in thickness of the exposed Electrode Function of the Soda-Silica Glasses 273 portion of the sample by an interferom.eter method [1, 3]. These values are reported as fringes of attack or swelling, as the case may be. Determinations of the electrode function of the various glasses were made by measuring at room temperature the emf of a cell, consisting of an experimen tal glass electrode and a well-conditioned Beckman glass electrode, with a Beckman pH meter, Laboratory Model G. The experimental electrodes were made by blowing a bulb on the end of tubing 2 drawn from the experimental glasses and filling the bulb with mercury for the inner connection [10, 11]. The pH response of the electrodes in a solution of pH 1.9 was taken as th e zero voltage departure, and the departures over the range of pH 1.9 to 11.9 were noted. P unctured electrodes were prepared by blowing 60 70 80 90 /00 a bulb of Corning 015 glass [12 , 13] on the end of ,oercenl S I;?'" , Tubing was drawn fro m the experimental glasscs by Leonardo Testa of FIGURE l. Hygroscopicity-composition curves of Na20- the glassblowing sbop at the National Bureau of Standards. Si02 glasses for 1- and 2-hr exposures. TABLE 1. H ygro scopicity (wate1' sorbed), chemical dmability, electrode function, and apparent Tesponse to [N a +j for a series of Na20-Si02 glasses compared with Corning 015 and fU$ed silica 0 Glasses W ateafterr sorbed- Attack (at pH) 6 hr 80 C V 0 It'ag e d epar t ures a t p H va Iues - Apparent _______________________________________________________ response to [Na+]- 1\[1,0 SiO, 1 hr 2 br 1.9 4.6 7.1 9.1 11.9 1.9 3.1 4.6 6.4 7.1 9.1 10.1 11.9 P er· P ercent cent b 'lng/c'ln' mg/c'ln' Fringes Frin(Jes F ringes Fringes Fringes 71IV 'lnO 71IV mo mv mv 'lnV mo 'lnv/pNa 48.7 __ ... _. 51. 3 390 1035 (,) (,) (,) Ce) (,) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) 43.4_.... _. 56.6 216 527 (,) (,) (,) (,) (,) 0 49 139 234 274 374 42.1 339 38.2_.... _. 61.8 139 383 (e) C') (,) C') (,) 0 47 126 203 235 318 369 458 294 35.2 ... _... 64.8 11 5 283 (,) (,) C') Co) (,) 34 11 1 189 210 283 391 29.4 ... _... 70.6 109 253 e 60 72 Pitted Pitted Pitted 0 13 51 128 167 254 312 400 249 26.7 ... _... 73.3 92 199 e 22 22 24 30 66 0 30 50 65 103 134 181 107 21.9 ....... 78.1 69 150 3.6 3.6 3.6 10 14 I· 17 23 31 42 25 17.4 ... _... 82.6 72 157 Swelling Swelling Surface 3%: 10 10 10 10 11 9 >).1. >y,. cut, >)1. 13.6 ... _._. 86.4 6.\ 136 Swelling Swelling Swelling >2Y, (I) - ----- --.--- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------- > 0.2. > 0.2. 0.1. 10.5 ... _._. 89.5 50 97 Swelling, Swelling, Swelling, <1Y, (f) ----.- --.--- ------ --.- - - ------ --.--- ------ ---------- D •. D. D . Fused silica ... _... 11 12 ND ND ND ---------- ---------- (b) ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----.- --.------- Corning 015 ... _". 61 140 Swelling Swelling S urface Surface 1%:<2 0 0 0 2 ---------- < 0.2. < 0.2. cut,D. c ut , <y,o Corning 015 (punc· -------. - --------- - ---.------ ----------- .---------- ---------- .--------- ; 0 51 150 252 293 392 440 352 tured). Calomel reference --------- --.-.---- ----------- .---.------ ----.------ ---------- ---------- i 0 71 ·159 265 30 7 425 484 ------ ---------- electrode. • These data calculated from voltage departures hetween pH 1.9 and f No electrodes made of these glasses. pH 10.1. g D, Detectable; ND, not detectable. b Composition computed from index of refraction data. h D eveloped no definite electrode function. o Failed to maintain polish. ; Voltage departnre values obtained for a punctured IIg tilled electrode d No successful electrodes . of Corning 015 glass. • Durahility data for these glasses were calculated from the attack for 15 j Theoretical voltage departure of the glass electrode and calomel refer­ min at 80 0 C. ence electrode. 274 Journal of Research Pyrex borosi licate t ubi ng, with the result that 2. Durability hair cracks wrre formecl on cooling due to the I Examination of the durability data, table 1 and . difference in expAnsion of the Lwo glasses. figure 2, for the 6-hr expo lire of the peeimens in a solu tion of pH 4.6 indicate that th e more dur­ III. Results a nd Discussion able glasses for thi ystem occur in the range 1. Hygr oscopicity above 81 percent of silica. Those glasse below 64.8 percent of silica were deliquescent and failed The data for the waLeI' sorbed by this series of to maintain polished surfaces when expo cd to air, glasses aILer 1- and 2-hr exposure are given in o that durability measurements by the inter­ table 1 and plotted in figure 1. Because of the ferometer method were impossible. Glasses hav­ limited data obtained, t he results are represen ted ing a composition of 70.6 and 73.3 percent of silica by a smooth curve. However, if lines are drawIl were less soluble, and results were calculated [11 through the individual points (dashed lines, fig. 1), from a 15-min exposure. Above 80 percent of breaks in Lhe slope occur ncar critical compositions of tbe phase diagram. An in teresting feature of these data is that t he glass of approximaLeiy 86 perceIl t of silica ha the same hygrosco icity as Corn in g C15. ~ ~ . .~ ~ ~ zoo 21 t~'"" ~ 160 ~ ~ . ~ ( IZO ~ ~ ::::: ~ 80 3 40 2 0 -40 a 6 tJ 10 IZ 14 01----- pH FIGURE 3. Voltage departures (err01·s) of electrodes prepared 85 lao from a series of Na20-Si02 glasses and Corning 015 glass, by using the Beckman glass electrode as the reference Percenl SlOe electrode. For co mpariso n, the data are plotted [or tbe theoretical voltage departure FIGURE 2.
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