Volume 41 Number 44 Thursday, October 29, 2020 32 Pages | 75¢ Vote Tuesday Many contested races locally In case you hadn’t heard, income levels. This would there’s an election coming repeal the state’s flat tax, up next week. which requires all resi- While many of you have dents pay the same rate already cast your ballots regardless of income level. throughout the area by Longtime Democratic Sen- mail or early voting due to ator Dick Durbin faces chal- concerns about spreading lenges from Republican the coronavirus, the great- Mark Curran, Green Party est percentage of voters candidate David Black, Lib- will still venture into their ertarian Danny Malouf and traditional polling places Willie Wilson of the Willie Tuesday, November 3 to do Wilson Party. their civic duty and cast In another race of nation- their votes. al importance, incumbent Much of the country is Republican Congressman hyper-focused on the presi- Mike Bost is being chal- Halloween is here dential election, where lenged by Democrat Ray Many little ghouls, ghosts and goblins will be out and about this Saturday to incumbent Republican Lenzi for the 12th Congres- celebrate Halloween. Most, if not all, local towns allowed trick or treating this year President Donald Trump sional District. with safeguards in place due to the on-going pandemic. Some decorations have will face Democratic chal- Two candidates are vying been in place for weeks, such as these at the home of Carter and Alex Sobczek. lenger and former Vice for a trip to the statehouse This display, located at 617 N. Market Street in Sparta, is lit up at night and is a President Joe Biden, but in the 116th District of the Il- must-see. Also, standard time returns this weekend, and clocks should be turned there are several contested linois House of Representa- back one hour before going to bed Saturday night. races in Randolph, Perry tives. Incumbent Democrat and Jackson counties that Nathan Reitz will square will impact the residents of off against challenger Re- those counties. publican David Friess. At the top of your ballot, In Randolph County, Dem- Budget Inn demolition bid let you will see a proposed ocrat Tim Lowry will try to amendment to the Illinois unseat incumbent Republi- By Dan Zobel The bulk of this project, Constitution that would can County Commissioner The Budget Inn Motel which totals $304,135, is allow the state legislature Ronnie White in a battle of saga in Sparta is nearing covered by a DCEO Com- to impose a higher tax on its end. City will file munity Development Block During the October 26 individuals with higher Continued on Page 5 _____ Grant. Sparta city council meet- The council approved a ing, the commissioners ap- lien against city solar ordinance. proved a bid for demolition Rheinecker said this will of the four buildings on the give residents guidlines to Early voting rises property. old motel follow in regards to solar. By Travis Lott into the vote totals. Two bids were received, The city had no ordinance With less than a week Out of the 74 ballots sent with the lowest of $19,150 in place for solar use. from Bannister Excavating before election day, local to active-duty military and eyesore “We’re all for green en- of Sparta being awarded. county clerks report that civilians living abroad, 39 ergy,” Kelley added. “This No timeline has been set, is just a way to regulate large numbers of people have been returned. but once the demolition have voted early either in Johnson said the number things.” has been completed, the a potential savings of up to A payment of $123,066 and person or by mail. of in-person early voters city will put a lien on the $30,000, according to Kel- With the COVID-19 pan- who vote at the courthouse change order of $98,857 property. ley. Kelley said he has been were approved to Red Dot demic worsening through- continues to grow each day Assuming current owner told that it costs $15,000 just out the region and state, as well. Construction of Chester for Al Ihsan of Dream Home for the company to move its the Hillcrest lift station and many voters have turned In Perry County, approxi- equipment in. Realty does not pay off the force main project. to alternate methods of mately 2,550 people had lien, the city will foreclose Commissioner Bobby Sheryl Blum addressed casting ballots rather than voted early as of Monday. on the property before tak- Klausing added that the the council, noting that voting at a polling place, Around 1,600 had voted ing over ownership. city has dealt with the com- the park committee will In other news, the council pany on many other paving which public health ex- in person and another 950 not hold its annual craft approved to waive the bid- projects in the city, and a perts have said will be a by mail. The number of fair this year because of serious risk of exposure to early voters was a whop- ding process and accept good working relationship a proposal from Christ has been developed. COVID-19 restrictions. the virus. ping 18 percent of the more She said a parade is still In Randolph County, 3,379 than 14,000 voters in Perry Brothers of Lebanon for In other street project street maintenance on news, Kelley reported that being planned, and the people, almost 16 percent County, with more than a hospital will hold its virtual of those registered, had week until election day. University from Hillcrest while the Hillcrest work to James, Meadow Lane, has slowed other projects, run. voted early as of October While Perry County Clerk Meadow Drive, Knollwood it will pay dividends for The council received posi- 26 compared to a total of Beth Lipe did not have Drive and Norwood Drive. Hillcrest. tive feedback from CPA exact early voting figures 2,375 in 2016. Commissioner Michael It was noted that the word Keith Brinkman in regards Mail-in voting had al- for 2016 for comparison, Kelley explained that is that Hillcrest from Cy- to the city’s annual audit. ready more than doubled she said this is well above Christ Brothers will soon prus to Spartan could be “You have a long-standing last year’s numbers as of average. be doing asphalt work in complete by December 10, culture of living within Monday, with 2,316 ballots Jackson County Clerk the city, and this proposal weather permitting. your means,” Brinkman mailed in compared to 1,134 Frank Byrd said almost will allow them to resur- A resolution was ap- said. “(City manager Corey in 2016. 8,000 voters had already face the aforementioned proved for the city to com- Rheinecker) has a firm un- Randolph County Clerk cast ballots as of Monday af- streets. mit $86,097 to complete derstanding of the budget, Melanie Johnson said she ternoon, with 4,238 mailed By performing the work the street improvements, and you guys follow.” expected many more mail- in and 3,702 at the court- while the company is al- including paving, at Miller Caroline Harrell was hired in ballots would be cast house. ready in the city, there is and Mound. as part-time city office clerk. before election day. In 2016, just 974 people As long as mail-in ballots had voted by mail, and are postmarked by Novem- ber 3, they must be counted Continued on Page 5 ______ Former Belleville Diocese bishop named cardinal A name and face familiar to local Catholics has been elevated to the College of Cardinals. Washington Archbishop Wilton Gregory was named by Pope Francis October 25 as one of 12 new cardinals elevated worldwide. Gregory will become the first African American to The vehicle Sarah Brannon was driving be elevated to the College of Cardinals. He will officially take his new position at a November 28 consistory at Fatal crash on Wine Hill Road Oct. 23 the Vatican. A Chester man was killed control of the vehicle and Poppen was taken by am- “With a very grateful and in a traffic crash on Wine left the roadway. bulance to Sparta Com- humble heart, I thank Pope Hill Road last Friday. The car, a convertible, munity Hospital, where Francis for this appoint- According to the Ran- overturned and came to he was pronounced dead ment, which will allow me dolph County Sheriff’s Of- rest on its wheels on a in the emergency room at to work more closely with fice, a vehicle driven by grassy hill. 4:34. him in caring for Christ’s Sarah Brannon, 39, was The vehicle’s only pas- Brannon was taken to church,” Gregory said. Archbishop Wilton Gregory traveling on Wine Hill Road senger, 36-year-old Alfred Chester Memorial Hopsital. Photo courtesy Archdiocese near Ballpark Road just Poppen, was ejected from The extent of her injuries Continued on Page 5_____ of Washington after 3 p.m., when she lost the car. is unknown. Willis Publishing Inc. © Copyright 2020 MONEY $AVING COUPONS INSIDE! PAGE 2 COUNTY JOURNAL | OCTOBER 29, 2020 POLICE Pedestrian hit by car in P’ville Randolph county A pedestrian was neyville police, Chance Richardson attempt- en by Tonie Asher, 64, struck by a vehicle in Richardson, 23, of ed to cross the high- of Zeigler. court dispositions Pinckneyville October Pinckneyville was way and was struck by Richardson was tak- 17 while crossing the walking down State an eastbound vehicle en to the hospital with The following cases Misty Thompson of El- highway.
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