ICC-· Petitioned·~-· r~ r·----r' By. $outh··s~ore f "": For. 40% Cut f L... ,. r.-~~~ (~.· ' ..... :. '·' ·$616;000 :Gran_teir .- The National science Founrui- · tiori has awarded Notre Dame a grant of $616,000 to ·expand. the .r:_esearch facilities o( the Lobund · _IAlboratory. · .• R~v. Edmmid P. :royce, C. S.C., ~aid the university will now be ·able to ~r~ple the ·experimental .ln~oratory facilities oflts ·germ-. free. a~imal re~earch_center. ·-,. ·· '. Today metribers·. ~£ th~ ·~b~rid staff are engaged in research projeetsdeallng with cancer; nu­ . tritlon, cardiac disease;:: radia- tion.· effects, .dental' caries and'· virus fnfectlon8-: . · · .. :. November 6, 1¢63, Page 2 . tHE vo.ici!; •. · Sunday aftern.ooh. ~or tevie\~ and ce~sorship. The board .members give. no advice or com­ ... ments because they are board members; in ~Events': Calendar Wednesday ~~: . ~--- Oc~ober 26, 1963 fact there are no other meetings during the Nov. 6 8:00 pm.:._LECTURE·; "Modrirn S~ienci• by Rev. · ; . Rey. Charles I. McCarragher, C:S.C.. week for any purpose. Theodore M. Hesburgh ............ Library Auditoriunl 7:30 pm-.,.l{NIGHTS OF COLUl\ffiUS -will hold! a first-~ Vice President, ·student Affairs . · Thi~· does not mean·· that the censorship , :. degree ........... :, ...: ...walsh Hall .Council· .Chambers Notre Dame, Ind. · · · wa~ at all ~ar~h or un~a~r. Only one editorial. ' \,' '• : ~ • . •. ' ' • '. I . ' • ' · · wa~ ques~lOne.d, artd th~.t one purely for a Thursday 7 Dear Fr. McCarragher: fac_tuaJ disc_repancy. N<?r do'es it mean that Nov. 7 INTERVIE\, S'fbr·p6st-gradm1tes: ·. · · ·s· h · th b d · b · · · University of Virginia .Law School and . mc.e t e actual function of the editorial e oa_r mem ers Were u~willhig to give Graduate School of Eittsburgh. • . · board of the Voice appears to be that of a suggestions on a- personal basiS. But a censor- See roster outside room 205- commerce Building board of censors,! find it impossible to cori- S~ip board_is unnecessary, ~nd promotes ten- 8:00 pro-LECTURE: "The Significance of Hispanophobia . tirtue as a. !?ember~ It is n:ot that. I object sion between the newspaper editors and board in the Christian West" · Little Theatre under all Circumstances to a board of censors representatives. The solution is to have · a· Friday by P. w. Powell ....... :............ saint Mary's pouega , but I do notwish to sit on one that is hidden permanent faculty advisor, chosen 'for his Nov. 8 CROSS COUNTRY: Notre Dame vs. , behind a title that suggests functions that ·interest in.theVoice rather than his position; . Chicago Track Club ~ ......................... :.~ ....... Chicago- it does not, in fact, perform. The present edi-· He would not have to pre-read editorials, but Saturday9 1 30 · · · · · · · · - - · tqr~ of the Vo_ice constitute the actual edi- ·- \~ould be avai!a.ble for ~orisultation at any · Nov. : pro-FOOTBALL: Notre Dame. vs. Pittsburgh· · _!o;~al boa:~ of the newspaper, and rightly so . time. Censors~Ip ~hould b~ only in retr<?spect,. Monday . · Stadimn ~~:¥1Y opuu~m. G_onsequent~y, Ihereby sub;. !1-n.d ':mly for mdecency; hbel, or unfmr ~nd Nov. 11 8:00 pro-EDUCATIONAL FILl\1 PROGRAl\1: ~It. mY ~~signation.· ~Iy refie<;tion~. on the lllJUrlOUS ~tatements about the university. "J..isteningto Go.od Music" ...:.... ·· . ·. ·· · · 1-. propo~ed. General Polley on the v mce" that Th' t . t . .· · Schuyler Colfax Auditorium- :Main Librar~ · is to be put to the Student Senate are. ap- . · IS 1as arrangeme~ was supported pY. Sunday .Masses: sacred Heart.:..... 7:15, 8:30, 9:45, 11:00 and ·12:16 , ... ··~· ).)ended. · .· ·· ·.. ·. · . th~ Student ~od;v ~resident .~nd the y 01ce · . Keenan-Stanford_:......; 8:30, 9:45, 11:00 and 12:15. · · ;" · Sincerely'· .yours ed~tor at the ·begmnmg of the. year, but was Art. Gallery: Through November 1<)·: Sculpture and Drawings ·of Jolin . .. · . , reJect~d by Fr. McQarragher m favor of the · Flannagan- Through November 24:. Sculpture and drawings E. A. Goerner . board.t' fNow that· .it is clear that the board is Tickets forof Waldemar CINEMA otto '64 niay be obtained. by writing. ·to Box 203i. * * ·* . uns~ ~s actory, Fr. McCarragher has agreed _ Notr~p~me, Indiana ·- . .. to r~s:onsider:the issUe; I~ is hoped that-this ==============================~=== ·.: ~eflections .~m the proposed "General Pol- a,_.rrangement Will be ad6pted since it .seems ICY on the Vmce." most conducive to ~ ~:~pirit.df mutual c'onfi- . - - I - . ' · ·1. It appears.that tlie:Vciice is to become-- dence and cooperation.-~ . · .·· ·.· LETTERS TO-· THE .. EDITOR..·,_ ~h~ propagan_da_ a_r_in o_f_th_._e s.t.udent govern- · ~-·. · There i's a·n an·swer to Thom·as E. ·.·t·· ·.V.i ·p· .t ment th th b t f t · u XeCU 1Ve · Ce' residen. Of the , WI e o. Je~ . ~ .~~ea mg a· good im-- .p ·. ·· • · . • .. f.:,~,,_I#'Jf'~..i.An~~A . , .··~LA····.. ..,,. -Vitullo's letter of-last issue: Mrs: . Uruvimiity in p'articular. The prin.. : ~g~. o~ studen~ ~overnment. This WO_!lld ap-:- : . · . .. .. ~~- -=!"_- .. - Ganaway; the chairman of the . ted: programs ·.~stribllted to ~lie · . <~> pear. to be the. mes_. capa.ble c'_onsequence of. : . · · , · · · · . · · · ---- . -. -- .. · C't'1 C"' PI 1· c · 't d' · d' t · · · ,... · pla,cmg the chmce. of editor and final deter.:. · '~as~~~veek, Stude~t Bod~ Preside~t Daye t:e ~~~~hai·;~ of ~~ ~~og~~m~;· ~~h~~~.c~a~~e~c~o~~e ~~· toa:~~: >."' ·.. ;ruination of editorial policy iri the harids of E~h~__ c_Ircu}ated.a campus-Wide questionnaire · Dr. Martin-Luther King last Fri- welcoming remarks. More than .• · ~tu.dent gov:eriiment. T~is is *~riiO'st as pre~ 0f the: V mce. ~mce a V?te on th~ app~opfia- day, conf:acted. ~r. Hesburgh in once: during the ~vening Fathei1 -~-':""':· pqsterous as a suggestion that the federal ti?n of money :to the Vmce for.the rest of the. Ju!Y to ask h1m to attend .. the. ,_Joyc.e was paged over the publia · '· govern~e~t appoint 'the editor a~d diCtate' year W~S 8;bout to be. taken 111. th~_-S~~gent ;< pre.~entatio~. Fr. He~b~rgh ,:qad _,address: system• to;· come to• t]l.~· .. the e!lltonal. line of the Ne\v York Tillies •.• Sel!-ate, El!IS.: ~as ama~Us to find out if the .. · to re~use, because of an 1mportant , ; speaker's platform. When_ Fat~er.· .~ -= '' . .(Perhaps it is more p"repostei:ous inasmuch ymc~ ~~d en<?ttgh popular suppo:t to warrant ·meeting. of the A~~sory. Council·, Joyce did not ·do so; ·it· appea~e~ ~- ~ the f~deral government has ne.ver run 50 ·1ts ~onbnu~tl~n. He ;n~s also mtere~te.d· in .for ~';lsmess, Adm1mstrabon. ,The . : h?_and the Un~ve~s~W':W,~~e· sn~b~.' . per cent over its budget.by pure acCident. One ~ndmg o~t _stu,dent opmi,?n abqu,t t!le cont~nt . co.~m~t~ee d1d not conta,ct ~ sub-: ~~ng D~~ .:K~~~· :. :;', ;, ,, .. , :. , . .~. 0 !s"inclined to sus ect that the studen ... :.. and. qu~Ity. of the .Vmce, because· fut.:ther': stitute-0 Fr. Joyce - unbl.Oc-. ) 'Nothmg ~o~ld_be. further f~orrt· . :·~·· . ernmeil.t is there&re p"rop' ortiori_ally nt rgeoy ; clanfi~ation.of, theroles·of the Sc_holastic·arid ~ tobf~r ,:t- · Jfr. ;'f~~ce. also had to . ~.~:te truth.. T.h.~.~ac~ ~as ~at .ea!lY, . ''d . f . !t' ... '. ' . ' . ·. 0 .111 . the Voice on the c'anipus may b . d .. bl ' . reuse, ,}te ~as gomg to the. sa~e m': the ·summer the ·south. Bend . ~ee 0 •criiCISm.) . -the near .future. , . ea, VI~.a e: ll1 meeting. , ·. _' . committ~e'.~f.l chargfdr_ Dr.. King's . '· 2: ~-Ide ~rom ~ertai!l dubio~sly d.ecorative ' . ·: . · · · · The committee, it seems, was appeara~CE) ;in:'i.ted'1 F~ther H~~·. ~- - ft~nct~ons,..:.:httle mtelhgence _Is. required to .Whlle the,.~oiCe was not a~ all ~on~e~ed rather badly confused in making . burgh· to pa~tlc pa~.e Jn .. ~e pr_o-_ · perceive that ,the stat1:1s of t~e faculty merri-. '":IU~ the ha~dlmg of the questio_nnaire, It-was up ·the program.' In any case, Fr.· ~_a_f!l·- ~~ ~~omBt!~ '!ec~ned !'.~ ... · ~ · ber of·t~?-~ prop~s~d· b_oa;rdJ~ .l?~ngula,.rly: ludi- high!~ gr~tified by _t~~ res~lts. Althoug~ the . Joyce's nam·e was included. by a· ._.,cause pe would, ~e out of town·~· crous. Anyone sensitive to· constitutioil.al'nic'e~·· -paper· has onl~ been ''ln ·existence ·for· ·a: 'few·: "member of-the ·staff without any ¥.or:e t~~!l- Jhre~ 1.- ~~t;,hs.:lat~~. "'~ . ties cannot help ·but notice that his position :mon~h~, 9~- per cent.of the. stu, dents -~eaA it !!:¥~oruy, or subsequent· knowt- · ~t~~=~i;:~~e0 re~ ~.eda tetter 1_of :.;.. cannot end up· as much inore-than a fig leaf and thmk It should be contmued. Even more · edge. of the. officers of the com- , . t .. 't ... u· i!ll.t : satme comm t- , . ar'atif . th f t th t. th. t . 1"tt M .. G .. ee· opar cpa e.m· he program; · pver the. bare ;fact of student government · ~- ymg was_ e ac .a e grea maJor- m ee. ,;s. anaway_ assm:ed us Father. Joyce immediate! re· lied ~ · . ~ontrol over editorialpolicy. He is not elected Ity of students take the time to read at least that. the peopl~ who were m au- on Oct: 12·-that he coulJ no1 do . pyth~:facul~y but:by student go~ernment. half of.the-paper. _such figure~ a~ t~ese can ~r~r~~~?su~~~~v~~~~:e~~te~~ so.bec.au_se.his.~resenc~·\vas re- ~· And smce he IS elected annually' he IS remov- .~nly give.
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