NEWS or THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF BY HERS GRAFFIS Tlie National Amateur championship were somewhat round around the hole needs a serious overhauling by the USGA positions but that was due more to the . , It was a tired, ailing affair at St. traffic than to any maintenance procedure Louis . , . The 8 and 4 victory of Deane . , The fact is. considering the blistering Beman over Boh Gardner in the final ot days and muggy nights St. Louis had tor the With Amateur probably didn't draw 10 days or so before the Amateur started, hall as tnany people as the 25th Amateur, the preens on the old course were in good Sept. 17-21. 1921 at the same club, tlie condition. St. Louis CC . Jesse Guilford beat the In 1947, at the St, Louis CC for the late Hob Gardner of Chicago. 7 and 6, in National Open, the yardage was 6,532 and (he final for that title . , . The first day par was 71 . The winner, Lew Wors- the field and caddies in the 1960 Ama- ham, scored 70-70-70-71 — 2S2 — 69 teur outnumbered the contestants. and Snead added up: 72-70-70-70 — 282 This year's Amateur field j>ossibly was — 70 . (Worshain won the playoff) the scoring superior of the 1921 National . So Beman in playing the first IS of Amateur field which included l>esides tbe final match of tne Amateur did better Guillord and Gardner, Boh Jones, Tom- than Worsham and Snead who played on my Armour, Willie Hunter, Chick Evans, a shorter course and under weather con- Francis Ouimet, Jimmy Johnston and ditions that were better for (he greens George Von Elm (who lost in the first ... In 1921, Ouimet, with 141, was medal- round. 5 and -t, to Guillord) . Deane ist at St, Louis Guilford qualified at Beman. 22, 5 ft 6 in., 137 lbs., is one of 151, Armour at 155, Gardner at 152, Wil- the great little players . He figured to lie Hunter at 154, Jones at 151 ... Five win the 1959 British Amateur and he did qualified at 162 and one. Russell Smith, by beating Bill Hyndman . Beman de- at 163, got in . , . feated Hyndnian again, in 19 holes in the That sort of scoring wouldn't have got quarter finals at St. Louis , , . Beman's anybody very far in this year's National morning round Saturday was 36-32—68, Amateur . So, obviously, the trouble . This was three under par for the 6,616 with the Amateur isn't that the quality of yd. St. Louis CC course , . The greens the field is unattractive , . The field is good and would be much better if tbe date of the National Amateur were ad- vanced a few weeks to get collegians be- fore they have to go back to school , , . Coeds drawn to tbe gallery by varsity con- testants also would give tbe Amateur GOLFDOM something it needs , . Amateur's usual date now bumps into tough competition .'i4ih Year from football and finishing days of tbe baseball races. OCTOBER, I960 The Amateur's blind draw required the defending champion, Jack Nicklaus, to open his defense in an IB-hole round (lelfDnm ii puMittiX «««ttitv nr.nl fcv 4 O-f. ,1 BwMI* Ml. umlor SwtlM M-M. f.LOl A«t**ri»*. against a seasoned competitor, Jack Dona- hue, who was closed out on tlie last hole . , , That doesn't make much sense when AtLi Lawn Mower there were 56 byes iti the first round field of 200 . The eatch-as-eatch-can practice LAPPING MACHINE round starting on Sunday accounted lor «•> tfl* lm Ovor arguments and complaints that a starting •M tot* Coarsest time sheet would have avoided. Practice on tlie St, Louis CC polo field with the Amateur contestants hitting balls out of their own practice bags and from 6 to 17 caddies looking into the sun to shag the balls, luckily didn't result in the blind- ing or death of a kid . One boy, though, was hit on the head by a ball and hospi- talized , . , While an attendant from the A compact. light-weight mechlno fur lop- Red Cross tent and others examined the *lng e'l models at Hand. Power end &ene fallen boy then hauled him off the field on MevarsI May be eeiilr uied c- varlt bench •r floor, tll'mlneting th* lifting of heavy a stretcher, one idiot continued to hit balls mowers. Hi* simple height adjustment for from the temporary practice tee ... If the the reel shetf m») be ond from 4'V' te IW . Equipped with severel ettechmontl dimwit shot scores as tow as the IQ he ta fit different reel ,tiotfs. Meiel block, for exhibited in this case, he would win every rotter•. Stool stands to support tile mower. golf title but certainly no award for hav- fUUY GUAKANTllD ing all his marbles. Hit Price, Without Motor $39.00 It is only a question of time until some list Pric*, With Motor _... $61.50 cad die is killed in golf tournament prac- Writ* for I oil* fin. tice ... At tbe 1959 Amateur at Broad- Atlas Lawn Equipment Co. moor the contestants were required to use Mil olive Strut Reed, 81 Leuls 2A. MliHurt the club's range balls ... At Southern Hills CC, Tulsa, in practicing for the 1958 TURF tfatSfHMfofryiltMtyf TURF CAN BE THANKFUL FOR THE BRINKWORTHS Brinltwortli, Senior, itorted in aotf ot Edmonton Country Club. From there ha went to fabulous Jasper whan Horoce Purdy returned to Toronto Goll Club. On retire- ment ht built the Derrick Coll Club ol Edmonton, where be now works with ion Gordon, Gordon storied with the lole renowned qithlletf, Stanley Thompson, ond line* hoi been In charge ol turf main- tenance ot Minikhada in Minneapolis BrooVwood and Olympia fields in Chicago, He ii now General Manager of the Derrick Golf Club. Both Mtier ond ion ore enthusiastic Milorganite users finding it works equally well in the United States and Co nod a. If you hove o turf problem, consul! Turf Service Bureau THE SEWERAGE COMMISSION, Milwaukee 1, Wis. National Open, the contestants used balls the club got bom leading ball makers for CLEARY the practice range . Some contestants don't want to use club range balls lor prac- tice . Tood bad — but not nearly as bad PRODUCTS as injuring a caddie. jor control oj Possibly some of the Amateur's health and interest may be restored by putting on the 196L championship at Pebble Beach, SNOWMOLD and at another superb golfing resort, Pine- hurst, in 1962, and at a good, live mod- erate-sized city's club, Wakonda, Des y/ PMAS Moines, in 1963, / CADDY Bill Sherman of National Golf Founda- tion recently did some research showing y/ THIMER mens PGA Tournament circuit events in- creased 30 per cent in past 10 years and 1/ SPOTRETE prize money increased 163 per cent . , . Prize money in 1960: $1,102,474 . Ladies' PGA percentage of increase was ui./\ a. even greater ... In 1960 women played 145 per cent more events (27) than in 1950 and for 185 per cent more prize money . Women pros' arrangements CLEHRV with manufacturers Iiave them on exhi- / CORPORATION \ bition and demonstration tours among clubs during a number of weekends of the NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. Booth 110, Toronto Show summer, ruling out tournaments oil these dates , . The promotion must be work- WHAT'S IN A NAME? AQUA-GRO A PRODUCT AND PROGRAM PROVEN BY SUPERINTENDENTS TO HAVE WITHSTOOD THE TEST OF TIME UNDER EVERY CONCEIVABLE CLIMATIC CONDITION 12 3 4 Every year apply Under severe To promote For maximum a total of 24 to conditions apply deeper rooting p e r f o r m a n ce 32 ounces of 8 oz. per 1,000 make both an keep this pro- AQUA-GRO per sq. ft. at month- early spring and gram on sched- 1,000 sq . ft. ly intervals dur- fall application, ule with AQUA- Each application ing the season. GRO a blend of should be at the non-tonic organic rate of 8 oz. per wetting agents. 1,000 sq. ft. AQUATROLS CORPORATION OF AMERICA 217 Atlantic Ave., Camden, N.J. ing O.K. as percentage of increase of wo- men's golf in the past five years has ex- p ceeded percentage of growth of melt's golf, according to careful gucssers ... At numerous private clubs this year women R will play as many rounds as men. Martha (Mrs. Larry) OToole, former O pres.. Women's Western Golf Assn., hon- ored by women ol her club, Edgcwater GC, Chicago, at luncheon and invita- tion tournament and by having women's tournament named for her . She has q "Qneeded been bead of the women's rules committee at lOdgewater for 18 years . She is a leader in junior girls' golf program devel- R 4 opment in the central states . Kemper Insurance group of Chicago sponsoring Sunday golf shows that will continue I All" through March. 1961 ... It is Celebrity Golf (5 p.m., EOT) in which Sam Snead meets the best players of the entertain- P ment world . Third annual Dorado Ii prepared .specially far ihe leather grips of Beach Invitational tournament to be Golf Clubs. It gives a firm, tacky grip wills played Oct. 26-29 in Puerto Rtoo . light hand pressure, permitting an eosy relax- Southern Seniors will play their Cham- ing rhythmic swing. Your Accuracy will improve, pionship at Dorado, Dec. 2-6. you'll feel relaxed — ond those "Extra Strokes" will vanish. Cuido Crlbari, Westchester goll writer, Manufacturers' Specialty Co.
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