OUTCOME OF THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION MINISTERIAL IN SEATTLE HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRADE OF THE COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SIXTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION FEBRUARY 8, 2000 Serial 106±50 Printed for the use of the Committee on Ways and Means ( U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 66±204 CC WASHINGTON : 2000 VerDate 20-JUL-2000 14:53 Sep 28, 2000 Jkt 060010 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 5011 Sfmt 5011 K:\HEARINGS\66204.TXT WAYS1 PsN: WAYS1 COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS BILL ARCHER, Texas, Chairman PHILIP M. CRANE, Illinois CHARLES B. RANGEL, New York BILL THOMAS, California FORTNEY PETE STARK, California E. CLAY SHAW, JR., Florida ROBERT T. MATSUI, California NANCY L. JOHNSON, Connecticut WILLIAM J. COYNE, Pennsylvania AMO HOUGHTON, New York SANDER M. LEVIN, Michigan WALLY HERGER, California BENJAMIN L. CARDIN, Maryland JIM MCCRERY, Louisiana JIM MCDERMOTT, Washington DAVE CAMP, Michigan GERALD D. KLECZKA, Wisconsin JIM RAMSTAD, Minnesota JOHN LEWIS, Georgia JIM NUSSLE, Iowa RICHARD E. NEAL, Massachusetts SAM JOHNSON, Texas MICHAEL R. MCNULTY, New York JENNIFER DUNN, Washington WILLIAM J. JEFFERSON, Louisiana MAC COLLINS, Georgia JOHN S. TANNER, Tennessee ROB PORTMAN, Ohio XAVIER BECERRA, California PHILIP S. ENGLISH, Pennsylvania KAREN L. THURMAN, Florida WES WATKINS, Oklahoma LLOYD DOGGETT, Texas J.D. HAYWORTH, Arizona JERRY WELLER, Illinois KENNY HULSHOF, Missouri SCOTT MCINNIS, Colorado RON LEWIS, Kentucky MARK FOLEY, Florida A.L. SINGLETON, Chief of Staff JANICE MAYS, Minority Chief Counsel SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRADE PHILIP M. CRANE, Illinois, Chairman BILL THOMAS, California SANDER M. LEVIN, Michigan E. CLAY SHAW, JR., Florida CHARLES B. RANGEL, New York AMO HOUGHTON, New York RICHARD E. NEAL, Massachusetts DAVE CAMP, Michigan MICHAEL R. MCNULTY, New York JIM RAMSTAD, Minnesota WILLIAM J. JEFFERSON, Louisiana JENNIFER DUNN, Washington XAVIER BECERRA, California WALLY HERGER, California JIM NUSSLE, Iowa Pursuant to clause 2(e)(4) of Rule XI of the Rules of the House, public hearing records of the Committee on Ways and Means are also published in electronic form. The printed hearing record remains the official version. Because electronic submissions are used to prepare both printed and electronic versions of the hearing record, the process of converting between various electronic formats may introduce unintentional errors or omissions. Such occur- rences are inherent in the current publication process and should diminish as the process is further refined. ii VerDate 20-JUL-2000 14:53 Sep 28, 2000 Jkt 060010 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0486 Sfmt 0486 K:\HEARINGS\66204.TXT WAYS1 PsN: WAYS1 C O N T E N T S Page Advisory of January 14, 2000, announcing the hearing ....................................... 2 WITNESSES Office of United States Trade Representative, Hon. Charlene Barshefsky, United States Trade Representative .................................................................. 22 U.S. General Accounting Office, Susan Westin, Associate Director, Inter- national Relations and Trade Issues, National Security and International Affairs Division; accompanied by Beth Sirois, Assistant Director, and Nina Pfeiffer, Senior Evaluator .................................................................................... 60 Agriculture Advisory Committee, Dale E. Hathaway ........................................... 76 American Farm Bureau Federation, Bob Stallman .............................................. 110 American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, John J. Sweeney, as presented by Richard Trumka ................................................... 81 Coalition of Service Industries, Robert Vastine .................................................... 127 Dawson, Rhett, Information Technology Industry Council .................................. 122 Electronic Industries Alliance, Hon. Dave McCurdy ............................................ 135 Hathaway, Dale E., National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, and Agriculture Advisory Committee ........................................................................ 76 Hufbauer, Gary Clyde, Institute for International Economics ............................ 69 Information Technology Industry Council, Rhett Dawson ................................... 122 Kittridge, Frank D., National Foreign Trade Council, Inc ................................... 95 Lewis, Hon. John, a Representative in Congress from the State of Georgia ...... 5 Marconi Commerce Systems, Steve Robertson ..................................................... 131 McCurdy, Hon. Dave, Electronic Industries Alliance ........................................... 135 National Association of Manufacturers, Steve Robertson .................................... 131 National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, Dale E. Hathaway ............... 76 National Foreign Trade Council, Inc., Frank D. Kittridge ................................... 95 National Wildlife Federation, Mark Van Putten .................................................. 115 Niles, Thomas M.T., United States Council for International Business ............. 85 Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, Lori Wallach .............................................. 89 Robertson, Steve, Marconi Commerce Systems, and National Association of Manufacturers ...................................................................................................... 131 Stallman, Bob, American Farm Bureau Federation ............................................. 110 Sweeney, John J., American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, as presented by Richard Trumka .............................................. 81 Trumka, Richard, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, presenting statement of John J. Sweeney ................................ 81 United States Council for International Business, Thomas M.T. Niles .............. 85 Van Putten, Mark, National Wildlife Federation ................................................. 115 Vastine, Robert, Coalition of Service Industries ................................................... 127 Wallach, Lori, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch ............................................. 89 Waters, Hon. Maxine, a Representative in Congress from the State of Cali- fornia ..................................................................................................................... 10 Weller, Hon. Jerry, a Representative in Congress from the State of Illinois ..... 7 SUBMISSIONS FOR THE RECORD American Apparel Manufacturers Association, Arlington, VA, statement ......... 147 American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, Ghassan N. Rassam, letter ........... 149 American Iron and Steel Institute, statement ...................................................... 151 American Lands Alliance, Antonia Juhasz, statement ......................................... 155 Blackwelder, Brent, Friends of the Earth, statement .......................................... 162 Dernbach, John C., Foreign Policy in Focus, and Widener University Law School, Harrisburg, PA, statement ..................................................................... 160 iii VerDate 20-JUL-2000 14:53 Sep 28, 2000 Jkt 060010 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0486 Sfmt 0486 K:\HEARINGS\66204.TXT WAYS1 PsN: WAYS1 Page DiPeso, Jim, Rainier Audubon Society, Auburn, WA, statement ........................ 176 Foreign Policy in Focus, and Widener University Law School, Harrisburg, PA, John C. Dernbach, statement ...................................................................... 160 Friends of the Earth, Brent Blackwelder, statement ........................................... 162 Grocery Manufacturers of America, statement ..................................................... 164 Head, David, Save Endangered Wilderness, Hatboro, PA, statement ................ 186 Inouye, Lauren, Edina, MN, letter and attachment ............................................. 166 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Minneapolis, MN, Sophia Murphy, statement .............................................................................................................. 168 JBC International, letter ......................................................................................... 171 Jones, Laura E., United States Association of Importers of Textiles and Ap- parel, New York, NY, statement ......................................................................... 189 Juhasz, Antonia, American Lands Alliance, statement ........................................ 155 Labor/Industry Coalition for International Trade, statement ............................. 172 Murphy, Sophia, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Minneapolis, MN, statement ...................................................................................................... 168 National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Rosslyn, VA, Malcolm O'Hagan, letter ..................................................................................................... 175 Pjerrou, Mary, Redwood Coast Watersheds Alliance, and Save the Redwoods/ Boycott the Gap Campaign, Elk, CA, letter ....................................................... 177 Rainier Audubon Society, Auburn, WA, Jim DiPeso, statement ......................... 176 Ramstad, Hon. Jim, a Representative in Congress from the State of Min- nesota .................................................................................................................... 182 Rassam, Ghassan
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