“No Chris an denomina on has been so indiff erent to its history as our own. Our fathers have been le to sleep in unhonored graves. The labors they performed—the suff erings they endured—the heroic characters they bore— have alike been forgo en. The books which, amid penu- ry and toil, they wrote in defense of their persecuted faith, are almost wholly unknown to those who now possess the noble heritage of religious freedom and Chris an truth which they bequeathed. It is me for the honor of our Reprints and Original Works name, as a Chris an people, that this indiff erence were broken up, and that we began to study for ourselves, and to teach our children, the lives and deeds of the founders and fathers of our churches. We hail therefore with delight any discussion which shall make our brethren acquainted with the early history of their own denomina on, or lead them to linger in pious reverence around the graves of CATALOG OF those who, amid obloquy and contempt, fi rst taught the faith we cherish, and fi rst established the ins tu ons of religion PUBLICATIONS and learning to which we are so largely indebted.” —The Chris an Review, edited by Sewall S. Cu ng, New York. January 1851 2766 W. Farm Road 178, Springfi eld, Missouri 65810 (417) 883-0342 | www.PBPress.org A B B H Volume Four contains essays on Samuel Shehard, Isaac A B Skillman, Samuel Miles, Reuné Runyon, Jr., John Has ngs, William Fristoe, Elhanah Holmes, Silas Mercer, James Ire- land, Edmund Botsford, William Van Horne, Joseph Cor- nell, William Hickman, Abraham Marshall, Job Seamans, The volumes comprising this collec on are all uniformly bound in navy cloth Joseph Cook, Joshua Vaughan, Elisha Hutchinson and vellum with gold stamping. Squire Boone, Jr. 592 pages. Volume Five has essays on Benjamin Foster, George Liele, A Noble Company: Biographical Essays John Pitman, William Rogers, Ambrose Dudley, John Pat- ton, Lewis Lunsford, Thomas Us ck, Peter Wilson, Thomas on Notable Par cular-Regular Bap sts Baldwin, Burgiss Allison, Hannah Gardner Rogers, Caleb in America Blood, John Stanford, Richard Furman, Elizabeth H. Fur- man, Dorothea M. Furman, Justus Hull, Andrew C. Mar- shall, and David Irish. 595 pages. Edited by Terry Wolever Illustrated and indexed $34.00 each, 12 vol. set $245.00 Volume Six has essays on Elisha Sco Williams & Abigail L. Williams, Joseph Willis, Sarah Hallet, Obed Warren, John This series contains essays on well-known fi gures begin- Peak, Isaac Case, Joseph Keen, Stephen Gano, Lemuel Cov- ning in the seventeenth century and their lesser-known ell, O s Robinson, Charles Laha , Peter P. Roots, Daniel contemporaries, wri en by a variety of modern authors. Merrill, Henry Smalley, John Williams, Edward Barber, Eli- sha Andrews, Thomas B. Montanye, and Robert B. Semple. Volume One contains essays on Hanserd Knollys, Obadiah 654 pages. Holmes, John Cooke, Thomas Goold, John Clarke, Mark Lucar, Richard, Penelope, and Jonathan Stout, John Myles, Pardon Volume Seven has essays on Jesse Mercer, Marmaduke Tillinghast, William Screven, Thomas Dungan, Ellis Callender, Earle, Andrew Broaddus, William Staughton, Asahel Morse, Elias Keach, Abel Morgan, Sr., James Carman, Nathaniel Jen- William Collier, James Whitsi , Stephen Smith Nelson, Josh- kins, Roger Williams and Henry Dunster. 500 pages. ua Bradley, William Parkinson, Clark Kendrick, Jeremiah Chaplin, Daniel Dodge, Hora o Gates Jones, Sr., Nathaniel Volume Two presents essays on John Russell Sr. and Jr., Wil- Kendrick, Daniel D. Lewis, Stephen Chapin, Joseph Mathias, liam Turner, John Wa s, Jenkin Jones, Benjamin Griffi th, Archibald Maclay, Ensign Lincoln, Thomas Edmands, Thom- Rachel Scammon, Elisha Callender, Thomas Green, Isaac as Brown, Obadiah B. Brown, and Mary Webb. 649 pages. Chanler, John Comer, John Callender, Daniel Marshall, Rob- ert Kelsay, Abel Morgan, Jr., Benjamin Miller, Lady Deborah Volume Eight has essays on David Benedict, Lo Car- Moody, and John Hart. 581 pages. ey, John Peck, Alfred Benne , John Kerr, Daniel Hascall, Luther Rice, Silas Noel, Alexander Beebee, Thomas Rob- Volume Three includes essays on Shubal Stearns, Isaac erts, Isaac McCoy, Charles Bartole e, William Palmer, Stelle, Ephraim Bownd, Peter VanHorne, John Davis (of Spencer Cone, Thomas Conant, Jonathan Going, Chris ana Harford, MD), Morgan Edwards, Maturin Ballou, Oliver McCoy, Adoniram Judson, Samuel Eastman, and Ann Hart, Isaac Backus, Isaac Eaton, John Gano, Peter Werden, Judson. 702 pages. John Carey, David Thomas, James Po er, Samuel Jones, Da- vid Jones, Samuel S llman, Hezekiah Smith, Andrew Bryan, John Davis (of Boston) and James Manning. 596 pages. 1 2 A B B H A B B H Volume Nine contains essays on Evan Jones, Joshua Callaway, John and Sarah Peck, Samuel Wait, Duncan Dun- P A S bar, James Winchell, Jacob Brouner, Benjamin Hill, Bar- tholomew Welch, Ira and Eliza Allen, John Dagg, Ira Stew- ard, John Stearns, Norvell Robertson, Jr., Zelotes Grenell, To Set Them in Order: Some Infl uences Isaac Hinton, James Challiss, Robert Pa son, Johnston of the Philadelphia Bap st Associa on Lykins, and Baron Stow. 672 pages. Upon Bap sts of America to 1814 Volume Ten includes essays on George Boardman, Charles Mallary, Moses and Eliza Merrill, Richard Fuller, John Mag- By James L. Clark innis, John Dowling, Abram Gille e, Hora o Hacke , Oc- Illustrated and indexed $32.00 tavius Winslow, Elias Magoon, Nathaniel Crawford, Patrick Mell, Edward Hiscox, Seymour Adams, William Rollinson, Dr. Clark examines some of the more enduring infl uences Henry Tucker, Samuel Ford, and Henry Fish. 686 pages. of this associa on on Bap st development in America from the me of its forma on in 1707 un l the forma on of the Volume Eleven contains essays on Stephen Wright, General Missionary (or Triennial) Conven on in 1814. It Hezekiah Harvey, Hora o Jones, Jr., Sarah Davis, Mary includes a facsimile copy of the earliest edi on of the Lothrop, Mary Blain, Basil Manly, Jr., William Cathcart, Philadelphia Confession of Faith. 466 pages. Charles Keyser, James Boyce, Sallie Ford, William Rothwell, Robert Duncan, James Gambrell, T. T. Eaton, Boyce Taylor, C. D. Cole, A. W. Pink, and Rolfe Barnard, along with 16 short essays on 20th century fi gures. 662 pages. The Life, Journal and Works Volume Twelve contains essays on twenty remarkable Ca- nadian men and women from the 19th and 20th centuries: of David Jones, 1736-1820 Edward Manning, Theodore S. Harding, Alexander Stew- art, John Gilmour, John M. Cramp, Henrie e Feller, William By G. True Rogers and Terry Wolever Fraser, John Bates, William McMaster, Robert A. Fyfe, Alex- Illustrated and indexed $31.50 ander Mackenzie, John H. Castle, John McLaurin, Benjamin D. Thomas, Thomas T. Shields, Jr., James B. Rowell, John R. In addi on to pastoring churches in New Jersey and Penn- Boyd, Arnold A. Dallimore, Stuart E. Murray, and William sylvania, David Jones also undertook one of the earliest E. Payne. Illustrated with more rare portraits and other Bap st missionary endeavors among the American Indians pictures. Three extensive indexes - Persons, Subjects and in 1772-1773. During the Revolu onary War and again in Churches. This completes our 12-volume Noble Company the Indian Wars of 1794-1796 and the War of 1812, Jones series. 630 pages. served as a chaplain in the American Army, most notably under General Anthony Wayne. This fi rst- me compila on of material includes a full- length biography of his life by Dr. G. True Rogers, the Journal of his two missionary visits to the Indians of the old Northwest Territory and his various other published works. 639 pages. 3 4 A B B H A B B H The Life of John Gano, 1727-1804. C A S Pastor-Evangelist of the Philadelphia Associa on History of the First Bap st Church of By Terry Wolever Charleston, South Carolina, 1682-2007. Illustrated and indexed $42.50 325th Anniversary Edi on In this newly expanded volume, incorpora ng a complete- By Robert A. Baker, Paul J. Craven ly revised and corrected edi on of the author’s 1998 book, and Marshall Blalock The Life and Ministry of John Gano, 1727-1804, the story Illustrated and indexed $34.00 of this leading evangelical fi gure of the eighteenth century is related in greater depth, u lizing a number of previously First Bap st Church, Charleston, is the oldest Bap st untapped sources. Twelve appendixes cover addi onal church in the South and, in the view of many, the most interes ng informa on including a 30-page discussion of infl uen al single church in the development of the people evidence on the bap sm of General George Washington. who came to be called Southern Bap sts. Here is the story 704 pages. of that church and her infl uence on Southern Bap st the- ology, missions, educa on, women’s work, and organiza- on. 652 pages. Ministers of the Philadelphia Bap st Associa on, 1707-1872 Memoirs of Elder Edmund Botsford A Biographical Notebook Compiled and edited by Charles D. Mallary Compiled and Edited by Terry Wolever Illustrated and indexed $25.00 Illustrated and indexed $36.00 “Among the early Bap st ministers in South Carolina, one of the more infl uen al and colorful was Edmund Bots- B. H. Carroll described the Philadelphia Bap st Associa on ford (1745-1819). He was nurtured in the faith by Oliver as “the Mother Eve of American Associa ons.” This book Hart, was a contemporary and fellow-laborer with Rich- compiles biographical informa on on each of the 928 ard Furman in the Charleston Bap st Associa on, and ministers and other key persons known to have been con- a spiritual father to William B.
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