MillenniumMillennium RuleRule ofof JesusJesus ChristChrist uuu FULL STORY ON -04 August 2019 19 13 CHRISTIAN WORDS REMOVED BURMESE CHRISTIANS RELEASED AFTER 6 MONTHS FROM SCHOOL TEXTS IN CHINA OF DETENTION However, each story is cen- sored to remove any religious reference. In Daniel Defoe’s 18th cen- tury classic novel, castaway Robinson Crusoe discovers three Bibles inside a ship- wreck, which he then uses as his moral compass while uuu FULL STORY ON - 09 stranded on the island. How- ever, the Chinese version HILLSONG FAME CHRISTIAN In efforts to bring Christianity further under eliminates the word "Bible,” instead noting LYRICIST MARTY SAMPSON government control, authorities in China that Crusoe happened upon “a few books.” RENOUNCES FAITH have erased the words "Bible," "God" and The original The Little Match Girl, written by "Christ" from classic children’s stories, in- Danish author Hans Christian Anderson, in- cluding Robinson Crusoe. cludes the line, “when a star falls, a soul goes China’s Ministry of Education recently in- to be with God.” The redacted Chinese ver- troduced a new school textbook to help fifth- sion, however, reads, “when a star falls, a grade students “understand other cultures,” person leaves this world.” according to a reputed news agency. In- Anton Chekhov’s story Vanka includes a pas- cluded in the textbook are four popular sto- sage where a prayer is said inside a church, ries by foreign writers, including Robinson during which the word “Christ” is mentioned Crusoe, The Little Match Girl, and Vanka. uuu FULL STORY ON - 09 uuu FULL STORY ON - 09 CHURCH BUILDING LICENSE DENIED IN INDONESIA DUE T0 STRIKES FROM MUSLIM RADICALS A newly issued license for a Christian issued to the congregation to- church in Indonesia's unique district of ward the start of the year did not Yogyakarta has allegedly been denied meet prerequisites built up by a following the agitations from radical 2006 joint pastoral announce- Muslim gatherings in the zone. ment controlling places of wor- A well-known news agency reports that ship in the Muslim-greater part the license for a Pentecostal church that nation.The revocation of the was issued in January was dropped by church's permit comes just days the Bantul locale boss, who passes by after radical Muslim groups the name Suharsono, through an official vowed to oppose the church's letter sent on July 26. Suharsonojustified existence in the town. the incident by saying that the license PalitPanjaitan, who chairs the uuu FULL STORY ON - 10 Editorial 2 Philippians 1:6. How unfortunate can Christian life has been likened be the case of people who abandon to running a race. This is one of the the race in the middle. Paul mentions many athletic metaphors used in the a few of them in his epistles, Demas scriptures. Paul, the apostle, has used in one to remember (2 Timothy 4:10). this analogy a number of times and the most prominent one is found in 1 The second concern in the race is to Corinthians 9: 24-26. win the prize. This aspect is mentioned There are two priorities for this by Paul in 1 Corinthians 9: 24-26. The race. The first is to finish it and the background, undoubtedly, must have Rev. Manuel Joseph been the Isthmian Games, second in Th.M. second is to win the prize. Unlike com- petitions in the world, this is not the fame only to Olympic Games, held at Sub-editor, End-Time News one that the contestant can quit in Corinth every alternative year. He him- between. Anyone starts this race self must have witnessed the games must finish it and that's the desire of while his long stay at the city in his There are two priorities the Lord. Paul in his final exhortation second missionary journey. His read- for this race. The first is to the church at Ephesus, as men- ers were familiar with the race Paul to finish it and the second tioned in Acts 20:24, expressed his has in mind, especially the winning is to win the prize. Unlike firm commitment to the gospel part of it. In fact, everyone competes competitions in the preaching by stating that he was for a prize, but the prize is secured for world, this is not the one never bothered about the afflictions one person, the winner of the race. that the contestant can lurking in wait ahead of him in the mis- Paul urges us to be that winner! Ev- quit in between. Anyone sion fields, rather he was driven with eryone who runs the race diligently starts this race must the ultimate intention to complete the wins the prize. The rewards, unlike the finish it and that's the race with joy. To reach the finishing game then, we get at the finish line are desire of the Lord. point with a joyful heart meant a lot incorruptible. Paul himself became to the apostle. Our intention too must the best example by pressing towards not be any less than this! Indeed, the the goal to get the prize (Philippians Lord will help us complete it as the 3:14). Do not hesitate, there is a prize Paul himself confirmed this in for everyone!! Amen. EDITORIAL BOARD MANAGER ADVISORY BOARD CHIEF EDITOR Bovas Sreekaryam Pastor Shibu Thomas USA Baiju Yacob Edavila USA CO-ORDINATORS Pastor Asokan Eranakulam M.Jacob Trivandrum SUB EDITORS John Francis (Dallas) Br.Syam USA Manuel Joseph Sis.Saritha PO.box 125 Daniel Jacob Sis.Simi Wheat land,6920.S. manin st EDITORS Sis.Lesley Yacob Oklahoma Pastor A Anilkumar REPORTERS box zip code-73097 PH-(405) 745-786(H) Rev. Joseph Chacko Miniesh Kumar(Baharin) Mob-001(405)778-4341(Whats app) Sis.Sherly Pastor Stephen Disclaimer The views expressed in this online newspaper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of HSM End Time News. The online newspaper will not bear any responsibility whatsoever for them. The images used in the newspaper have been downloaded from the Internet and we acknowledge that the copyright of those images remain with the original owners. HSM End Time News does not claim any copyright for them and does not intend to use them for commercial purposes. News 3 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: CHRISTIANS AND MUS- LIMS CONTINUE TO BE THE MOST PERSECUTED GROUP: PEW RESEARCH on hostilities related to religious norms, Government restrictions on religion have 2007.” Unsurprisingly, Christians and Muslims suf- which had been 0.0 in 2007, increased to 4.0 increased across the globe — and Chris- by 2017.The report noted, "The U.S. also tians and Muslims are persecuted in more fered the most harassment in the Middle East-North Africa region, while the Asia-Pa- ranked among the highest-scoring countries countries than any other religious group, in this category (individual and social group Pew Research Center has found. Pew's re- cific region showed the second-highest lev- els of Christian persecution. The number of harassment) in 2017, in part because of the port, titled "A Closer Look at How Religious 'Unite the Right' rally in Charlottesville, Vir- Restrictions Have Risen Around the World," highly-populated countries, like China and Russia, that impose "high" or "very high" lev- ginia, where white supremacists were pro- covered a 10-year span, from 2007 to 2017, testing the removal of a Confederate statue and studied 198 countries. els of restriction rose from 40 to 52 over the decade. from a park. Protesters expressed anti- The study, released recently, reveals that Semitic and racist sentiments, displaying Christians are the most-harassed religious But government restrictions on religion have also increased in democracies: Overall, Eu- swastika flags and chanting 'Jews will not group in the world, facing persecution in replace us!'" 143 countries. Muslims are not far behind, rope saw the biggest increase in restrictions, with its score doubling over the decade of Overall, countries with the highest levels of with reports of religious persecution in 140 restrictions were China, Iran, Russia, Egypt countries in 2017. Jews, the third-most tar- the study.Pew found that a growing number of European countries have placed restric- and Indonesia. Countries with the lowest lev- geted group, were persecuted in 87 coun- els were South Africa, Japan, the Philippines, tries. tions on religious dress, while countries like Spain have restricted public preaching and Brazil and South Korea. According to Pew, in “Over the decade from 2007 to 2017, gov- only 26 countries (13%) are all religious ernment restrictions on religion—laws, poli- proselytizing by various religious groups. While the Americas was the region with the groups “generally treated the same.” cies and actions by state officials that re- The Pew report came as the U.S. State De- strict religious beliefs and practices—in- fewest restrictions and hostilities, govern- ment limits on religious activities still saw a partment hosted a three-day Ministerial to creased markedly around the world,” stated Advance Religious Freedom in Washington, the researchers. “And social hostilities in- significant increase. Over the period of the study, the number of countries in the Ameri- D.C. Attended by government officials, reli- volving religion—including violence and ha- gious leaders, and other participants from rassment by private individuals, organiza- cas with government restrictions on religious activities jumped from 16 to 28.The U.S. score regions around the world, the summit was tions or groups—also have risen since touted as the largest of its kind ever held. Bible Study 4 Rev. Dr. VICTOR SOLOMON ISAAC Our Lord Jesus Christ will be the supreme ruler and King of King The Millennial and Lord of Lords.
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