I n s id e a*otioft tp«l< for (tv- MICHIGAN fp rather ¡s page »• . ly w ith tem o * ft STATI 5 dff<3ft4i obov u n iv e r s it y r- »- * . • S 1 Edited by-Stadents f o r the M i tate University Communitj i 54 NTo. 82 - East Lansing, Mlchigi 'hursday, January 24, 1963 forili News at a Glance Muslim Leader Is By AP and UPI Wire Service« a York For Newspaper Strike Tali Anti-lntegrationist rÉrnffiÉfi ax Reduction Program Tt VASH1NCTON d a special uction progn t I reads Wayne§/ President Soapy’ Big Boy Chain To Retire Plans 2 Area M USLIM L H ADER--Malcolm X pteoches the in the Ki*t la y . 0 « doctrine of Mu slim to an over-capacity crowd tended the Restaurants rre Of Clemson Cl U Of M f lits Snag iid VVedne; ion calling here was- In Delta Annexation C». 2 Grads Receive . > ..A» ■ h i Coveted tiffany Art Fellowships igo9*d To Greek To Debate tfanes call Franco-German Pact Con-Con May Divide West Proposal in Ax Murder after she dl< W fwi ritt#w4 Wai B e e r f a n s felt* i ! ly System Plans Uniform Ti fhe State Univcr si tv Trustee F i n d A l l y 000 sti ¡Students Go Loop De Loop ¡ I n C a p i t o l M H A L If ith Nejk) C ar-C huting Fadi Hades Determine O n >SS P olicy net of New England co 100 rnoid, 23, of Windsor O n c e A g a i n 'S L 1-î lohn Dorspv. 20 r'v? <K5f s diçfg’jn tireed «tipporr. fJnrrlav Weather Halts -e new document |he helped : Car I according to pi oyer s-take i The youths modify with < t n the chutist hsrntssfs Jack Kinney , Kinney sail resolution endorslrig the pro- ; 0 rts and wash s McDonell Hall s C* went out mi sc one ept lor d constitution has been" sent ; to the wind so it will billow The Faculty Co •go,’* Kinney that employer \e floor* Delegate«> claim it : Grabbing a 100 -foot towii h ed te if Affairs ^pp-: ¡at a coliege dent with s v be approved by the body. : tlows along as it gradual!' soeec i, presently ne is % the beg inn ins Construction iul j , Schrier of udents don't average. the Kaia- i in reach 30 to 60 ÿ ich abolished s simply not “It’s true t so County Board said, ##The i wearing of coats ■ fn i c â v e r s constitution would sJtrengthen i ner. The old r îri«“” ßig' tO Plans & rule rather than v maneuver. ivers are be- weaken if»» ;¡5 s Of me rownsmp »ootehave Jg When the vehicle slows he fi > a#f-" *n ig .?«► iy concerned p'ASSSSSSSSSSsy&A • ■*? A Wt&ïXi ' sEr ip -*-r- ;> rÆ-'Tït*». 1 \yj±i * " ' '» ■ rmmsnùi “ Employer No Immediate End Foreseen upper 10 percent of his gradu­ tnior.saidi JHicularly tm- ating c la s s ." the f e e ! i i e n r s planning Kinney pointed out that some a gr later degre ce, engineering (Continued on page 3) Artie Air Chills Campus ulatl Kinney pointed have been wearing in­ sdonned 1 4 to 18 degrees below normal North. It was a minus 44 de­ clothes on Friday nights ,riSideration is Toast Disturbs Michigan State ¡dnesday through next Monday. grees in Black River Falls, Wts. for ig time .^Chandler noted. jb jO££S . l.-~ extra heavy, clod Mi' unofficial low Wed­ *■*! don’t see xmrrea-sortrrf m Eager Firemen ir. -•-* • VC ’ S. ■ >.»:chigwr. »■(«»'5 Ibwor.ly area weather in five nesday was 35 degrees be!o’w at 'her shv mòre' *••*’** • ■Junior and sen- CHESTER, ENGLAND,. <UPI>- to feel the cold. Frigid weather Today’s high i be Covington. were.” pscialjy impor- Firemen raced to a downtown de­ stretched from the Rockies to the progressing satisfactorii five degrees t ac- Interstate 94 is slippery in MHA changed the forma! reg­ partment store in Chester, Appalachians. Forecasters pre­ cording to th e U . S . Weather spots from Ann Arbor to the In­ ulations which mad-.; d ress for terior work can proceed a ' ;■ '»yers often England, this morning when the dict the South will get it next. % Ci Bureau. Students will face much diana line. Roads are also snow weeknights separate from week­ it r s ■ < c € one po rtio n rA fhi sent names of sug » which He be- automatic firealsrm system went ttdet of the same chilly weather for As wintery temperatures covered and dangerous in the end regulations. Previously, the structure is already er.< rìosed gested MSU «presentati ves t all-university 3 off. They found no fire, but some­ the next five days. Tem peratures plunged lower Wednesday, life Thumb Area and the northwest weeknight regulations were de­ Both dorms are schedule« ¡diana university although a fi­ one in the staff canteen was ' s3áifipi¿ in the Lansing area will average slowed to a craw! in much of the portion of the Lower Peninsula. pendent on those for Friday night. open in the fall, of 1963* ll selection has not been made. ■ a student who making toast. rhurad&y, January 24/19** üi f * 2 wir:higan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Complete Schedules Would -ri*?'-i » lÄtß Help In Mapping Course Is Too Big? TSSi f j n terms in advance, A. mlstaJte for ................ «¿Salty Derrlcfcson upperclass students may result cati How big Is too Big? C in an extra term of college to ploJt Tnst’s the question feeing Mlchlga up a required course. they continue planning b r a predicted enr 1970. , The University formerly has President John A. Hannah, In an interview published the complete schedule World Report, admitted f*e doesn’t know State - or any University- - should grow of courses to enable the student What’ll It be like In 19^7)? Ride a mono to accomplish this needed plan- r implete decentralization, W)th each, group or less autonomous? (Maybe ^future student: ni iig. MSU-Brody or MSU-Wilson,)i | This year, in an attempt at MSU administrators who have been in beset State In its rise from;» "cow colleg< complete accuracy In each term ’s seem confident that the Unlver nity will be time schedule of courses, no traumas that accompany Gargantuan growth. ill a i complete schedule was published. "T h ere's nothing evil in b ig n e ss," said rat#» assistant dean of student affairs. "The evil Schedule books are instead issued Winburne said that a few years ago 7,000 s for each term. r,liege seemed Uke a pretty large enrollment The University catalog does not now enrolled, the department is giving them ever before--because we’re betSter organized. fill the need, due to inaccuracy "A student at MSU can have as much am as to terms courses are offered, or complete anonymity. If he wants complete! all i i rim t, n* ’31 hsv-g to choogjj a smaller sc and the lack of inclusion of times "If we properly organize our resources as scheduled for the cou rses. said, "w e’ll be able to handle students fr standpoint.” Farsighted planning by admin­ He noted that such things as group confer istrative officials should place a already been held by his department. " If we had our way we'd stay sm all," 1 r*o ro r>1 pIf* course schedule book A, Fuzak said. "B u t we have no choice. "W e really don't know what the optimum is ," he said. "W e don’t knew what the or There may be a point in enrollment where stud« lose contact with the U niversity." The Royal Brush-off •Junior colleges cannot, at .this time, fib because they lack qualified'faculty, and there »fore the 1970 influx. "T h ere are ways of de ing with thi perimental Letters To The Editor that we haven't even thought if," Fuzak si 3 a sue cess auto- things as a better transport :ion system t probata versify grows larger. ly will be "E ach change in size shouldiuld mean a (tailed at every residence hall. Need Better Bus Service methods,” Dr. Stanley Idzerda, dean of ’ell, we've h e a r d of A m e r i c a "In a human situation, we respond to tf, :r c u s s , i got end then us—and Size from that point of view wi ing soft but this is too much. up to continue to roll with the punch.” I couldn't help re 1« Ife them. "R ea l Imagination" WHThaVe fo be used i Whatever happened to the hardy iyone sat near en foi the Com* lng techniques, Idzerda said. "We can’t the back, he wc d feel kind of Plan :onqu< 3cd of pioneers who used to in larger chunks. like a hermit. it’s how many id exarttyn:...thc student- 1 "The University," he said, "should strive ough it” - - who never had a empty chairs ti place had. 1 sprisal to abolish the speak- and gemeinschaft (personal) relations no ma it lx e they choose commlttee. Now maybe the chine to clean the bottoms of dec he said. the try of the next i Lonal con- nts were justified in their wit The administration seems confident it i r shoes ? in, they ought de; this I don't know, rather, glv the problems of a gigantic Michigan St look t over, say.
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