THE NATI ONA L G A LL ERY BY J . E . CRAW FORD F LITCH “ The Na tiona l Ga lle ry ha s form ed the subj ect o f a book on ma occa si o s but ne v e r in ny n , hand ie r or m ore use fu l fo rm tha n his li le ol um e whi ch s hou ld t tt v , be of the grea te s t use and pl e a s ure to eve ryone int e reste d in a rt ’ a nd o na i n i u —Ma n ur t o s p ct res. TH E L OUVRE . E R R BY E . ICHA DS The author w ri tes a very inte r es t ing a ccount of the Pa lace of the Louvre a guid e far e xce lling in interes t a nd l ite rary q ua lity e - Scots those o rdina rily on sa l . ma n. Other volumes a re i n pr epa ra ti o n. LA MA R" UISE D E PO M PADO U R Bo uc/zer T H E W A L L A C E fl C O L L EC T IO N FRANK RUTTER. BA . Curatar of the Lceds City Art Gulm AUTHOR Ol" A I NTER AND M N O F ET TERS P A L , WHIS TLER : A BIOGRAPHY AND AN ESTIMATE ' ‘ E I fl . BOSTON S L N D MA L , MAY AR AND COMPANY P UBLIS HERS T H E W A L L A C E C O L L E C T IO N FRAN K UTTER B.A. R , Cura tor of the Leeds Ci ty Ar t Ga ller y AUTHOR OF “ RO ETTI : AI NTER AN MAN O ETTE R SS P D F L S , W HI STLE R : A BIOGRAPHY AND AN ESTIMATE ETC. BOSTON S MALL , MAYNARD AND COMPANY PUBL I SH ERS 0 PRX NT E D BY T HE RIV E RS IDE PRESS L IM ITED E DI N BURG H F OREW ORD O r many books consulted in the preparation of this little guide, by far the most useful have been the official catalogues published by order of the Board T W o of rustees . The allace Collecti n has been singu la rl o f i y fortunate in the matter its admin stration . B Sir C P oth the first Keeper, laude hillips, and his D S c successor, Mr . Mac oll, are gentlemen who enjoy a world - wide respect and esteem for their on To scholarly writings art subjects . them , and to H o n A Sir L the . Inspector of the rmouries, Guy aking , we o w e catalogues which are models of what such works should be . Thro ughout the following pages reference is made “ to the sixth edition ( 1 9 1 0) of the Catalogue of Art Sir Furniture and Objects, for which Claude P i hillips was responsible, and to the th rteenth “ edition ( 1 9 1 3) of the Ca talogue of Pictures and D n i has rawi gs, wh ch been substantially revised, with d o f i o f the ad ition a quant ty valuable new matter, by 5 D S Ma c Co ll 1 1 2 i Mr . In the course of 9 a ser es of sixty letters from the fourth Lo rd Hertford to his Mr M T agent, awson, was acquired by the rustees , 1 84 8 1 8 5 6 and these letters, ranging from to , have Mr c enabled Mac oll to identify many purchases, to correct certain attributions and to trace the history o f very many of the paintings . In view o f new info rmation drawn from these and on other sources, books this collection which have o ut o f fo r already been published are rendered date, so n they contain many errors, misstatements and wro g attributions that they can no longer be consulted The with any confidence . present, therefore, seems to be an opportune moment for the issue of a hand to o r book which , without pretending be exhaustive erudite, aims at presenting in a popular form the results of the most recent researches into the history o f some of the principal art treasures in the Wallace i Collect on . i In conclus on, the writer desires to acknowledge the very valuable assistance he has received from A J S o f L Mr . anders eeds in the chapters dealing o with furniture and p rcelain . CO NTENTS O I . INTR DUCTORY T HE F M O O F T HE O II . OR ATI N C LLECTION T HE H OF P III . ITALIAN SC OOLS AINTING M - P o r Iv. THE ASTER AINTERS THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 4 5 P AN D 60 V . DUTCH GENRE AINTINGS LANDSCAPES H - P F VI . EIG TEENTH CENTURY AINTING IN RANCE AND ENGLAND MO R F H P VII . DE N RENC AINTINGS B " AND P VIII . RON ES SCUL TURE IX F C F . REN H URNITURE X P . ORCELAIN X I T H E MO . AR URY INDEX ‘ L I ST O F I L L U STRAT I ONS PL ATE 1 B P o F rontis iece . OUCHER . Madame de ompad ur p T O F ACE PAGE T . P A 3 2 2 . ITIAN erseus and ndromeda 3 . The 3 3 . GUARDI Rialto 4 . B The L 4 8 RU ENS . Rainbow andscape Ro 4 5 . VAN D K P le YC . hilippe y 9 a L . HALS . aughing Cavalier I} " L { . VELAS"UE . ady with a Fan } ’ M B A Son T 5 7 7 . RE RANDT . rtist s , itus R A 6 4 8 B W . Bo . ROU E or sleep T BOR L L 65 9 . ER CH . ady Reading a etter 1 0 DE O Bo 72 . HO GH . Interior with Woman and y l l VAN DER . S S NO . 73 . NEER kating cene ( ’ 1 2 O . O Bri e n 8 0 . REYN LDS Nelly H fie l 1 B . a v er d 8 1 3 . GAINS OROUGH Miss D a . CLOUET Miniature of ame des Clous 6 B P A t . HOL EIN . Miniature of ortrait of r ist 1 5 R O D . L . F AG NAR ady Carving her Name 9 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE 1 6 . L To WATTEAU . ady at her ilet 1 L La B 7 . ANCRET . elle Grecque 1 8 DELACRO Ix o f D M . Execution the oge arino O R USSEAU . Glade in the Forest O X B B o f L C YSEVO . ronze ust ouis XIV . B o f M i HOUDON . Marble ust adame Victo re de France W - l 3 5 riting table, sty e Régence . No . on Grand Staircase Ca fii e ri . No 5 8 Commode by . , Gallery XVI . S . 1 2 Upright ecretaire No , Gallery XVIII . B T i . 2 0 ureau o lette . No , Gallery XVIII . B Rie se n e r . No . 66 . ureau by , Gallery XVI Rie se ne r 1 8 Commode by . No . , Gallery XVIII . P B . 1 5 erfume urner No . , Gallery XIX . Sev re s Po t P . 1 62 ourri Vase No . , Gallery XVIII . Se J . NO . 1 4 6 X II vres ardiniere , Gallery . e 1 34 X II. S vres Inkstand . No . , Gallery I o NO TE . ROMAN numerals in brackets refer to the number o f A l a gallery . rabic numera s refer to the number of T 2 8 1 2 8 1 a work . hus (XV., ) denotes work No . in Gallery XV. The terms right an d le ft used in describing o f t pictures refer to the right and left the spec ator . Dates given in brackets after an artist ’ s name o f refer respectively to the years his birth and death . c = circa In this connection the letter (about) . L Except where otherwise stated , ord Hertford o f Richard, fourth Marquess Hertford . I I THE WALLACE COLLECTION candlesticks, etc ., is represented here with a com ple te ne ss and brilliancy hardly to be found in any i in or A . one museum , public or pr vate, Europe merica The series of eighteenth - century snuff- boxes is unique ; the sculpture includes masterpieces by Clo dion P , Coysevox , Falconet, Houdon and ilon , as well as precious small bronzes and medals of the r The i i earlier Renaissance and other pe iods . m n a tures show superb examples of the greatest and i s rarest masters, the European armoury unique of its kind in the United Kingdom, and among the L imoges and other enamels, the ivories and the ’ go ldsmith s work may be found the rarest examples i of the most exquis te craftsmanship . Yet with all this wealth and magnificence we never feel overwhelmed and lost a s we sometimes : L do In other museums at the ouvre, for example , o r in A b o the Victoria and l ert at South Kensingt n . The Wallace Collection is large enough and compre he nsiv e enough to be practically inexhaustible, but it is no t so large that it fills us with despair of ever being able to know it all . Hertford House never its its frightens the student ; it never loses charm , i power to soothe as well as nterest .
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