LOWER YOUR INTEREST RATE WITHOUT HURTING YOUR CREDIT. See Page 13 $1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 9 NO. 23 17 ADAR 5769 ta, hf ,arp MARCH 13, 2009 INSIDE FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK A LIVELY, COLORFUL PURIM Popes And Yarmulkes BY LARRY GORDON Rabbi Yair Hoffman 12 Government Unmasked Political Scrabble Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu 27 We need to open this government in Israel. We live MindBiz board. We’re locked into one in new times that demand Esther Mann, LMSW 28 part of the Scrabble board and charting a course with all we have is a bunch of courage and responsible inno- Overrated Interference unexciting letters that cannot vation, but for now all we are P h o t Hannah Reich Berman o 40 build any words with the getting both here in the B y I r a potential for any high score. United States as well as in T h o Kitchen Kronicles m a It’s a frustrating feeling, a Israel—where so much of our s C r Sherry Waldman 68 e a t sense that the game is about daily attention is focused—is i o n to fall apart as there is just no the same old unworkable for- s place to go. mulas laced with a stigma- Students of the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway visiting their rebbi’s house on Purim afternoon. The streets of Jewish communities around the world were filled This is the feeling I get tized vision of the future. with children and adults adorned in colorful costumes celebrating the watching Benjamin Netan- triumph of the Jewish people in ancient Persia 2,367 years ago. yahu trying to form a coalition Continued on Page 8 See More Photos, Page 81 Levi Zahn, v’’g: A Friend With Style HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE BY LARRY GORDON Kashrus At 35,000 Feet The Far Rockaway–Law- A big BMG Shabbos. rence community was jolted BY LARRY GORDON around-the-clock seeing to it See Page 82 on Sunday as the news spread that all is kosher halachically about the tragic and untimely Here’s a good question for and qualitatively. passing of Levi Zahn, a’h, at you: How much rabbinical And that’s why Israel’s 50. A friendly and engaging supervision do you need five national airline, El Al, has individual, Levi was the cata- or six miles up in the air? Rabbi Yochanan Hayut at its lyst for much good in our Well, probably more than you rabbinical helm seeing to it community including efforts usually need down here on that every aspect of religious to increase communal Torah the ground. When you’re up life as it impacts your flying study and enhance the quali- there sitting quietly in your experience is covered at the ty of the davening in our seat minding your own busi- highest levels and at the shuls. He was an active board ness on the way to Israel, it’s strictest standards. A Jewish good to know that there is a Continued on Page 25 team of rabbanim at work Continued on Page 10 Purim Torah study with Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik. See Page 80 Passing On The Mir Legacy Letters To NOSH SOME The Editor HAMENTASH! Inwood: Revitalization Another Mother’s Musings Or Nuisance? BY PHYLLIS J. Dear Editor, LUBIN Thanks for expressing your concerns in your editorial It’s that time of year again. (“Strange News from In- We begin to get into the wood,” March 6). It’s always Purim spirit on Rosh Chodesh good to see the bigger picture. Adar, and then a mere 14 days With that in mind, I feel it’s later it’s time for us to enjoy Rabbi Paysach Krohn important to understand the the holiday! There is indeed at HAFTR. concerns of all of the resi- something special about this See Page 52 dents of Inwood. Certainly time of year that seems to per- there are a group of residents meate our lives: what cos- CANDLE LIGHTING who may let their emotions tumes should the kids wear; At the 22nd Annual Legacy Dinner of the Mir Yeshiva of Jerusalem at the March 13 – 6:41 PM Brooklyn Marriott, Rabbi Yakov Nayman, guest of honor, addressing the get the better of them and what treats should go into our March 20 – 6:49 PM gathering. At right, the rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, greeting Matis Nayman and his son. Today the yeshiva educates over 6,000 students. Continued on Page 16 Continued on Page 14 2 March 13, 2009 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES March 13, 2009 3 4 March 13, 2009 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES March 13, 2009 5 FEATURES Around The Five Towns 44 P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 516-984-0079 [email protected] Ask The Sensei [email protected] LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Warren Levi 53 Publisher/Editor Managing Editor YOSSI GORDON, YOCHANAN GORDON Book Review Sales Managers CHANA ROCHEL ROSS Rochelle Miller 19 Editorial Assistant SIDI BARON YAKOV SERLE Classified Ads 74 JERRY MARKOVITZ Sales Representatives Halachic Musings SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor Rabbi Yair Hoffman 12 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Irwin H. Benjamin, Hannah Reich Berman Anessa V. Cohen, Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg Insights On The Torah Toby Klein Greenwald, Michele Herenstein Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Miriam Horowitz Rabbi Yanki Tauber 32 Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky Shmuel Katz, Phyllis J. Lubin, Esther Mann Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah 36 Rochelle Miller, Martin Mushell, Naomi Ross Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow, Eli Shapiro, Ari Sher MICHAL WEINSTEIN, BINYAMIN RHODES Luach 8 DOV GORDON Staff Graphic Artists MindBiz IVAN NORMAN, IRA THOMAS Staff Photographers Esther Mann, LMSW 28 FRANKEL & CO. Design & Production Real Estate TALIYE CORLEY Art Director Anessa V. Cohen 30 SARAH GREENBAUM Assistant Art Director That’s The Way It Is! The Five Towns Jewish Times is an independent weekly news- paper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We are not Hannah Reich Berman 40 responsible for the kashrus or hashgachah of any product or establishment advertised in the Five Towns Jewish Times. 6 March 13, 2009 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES March 13, 2009 7 FROM THE EDITOR those involved could only see a vision view their deeds. Here on our side of One day he stood in front of the Continued from Front Cover of their own futures while demonstrat- the ocean we are navigating our way American people as candidate Obama ing little regard for the country or the through a similar political morass. declaring that his budget and his After several years of Ehud Olmert’s people of Israel. President Obama was supposed to bailout package for the banking and constantly changing and often contra- In Israel today we have the Likud’s bring fresh ideas to leadership and take other industries would exclude all so- dictory view of Israel’s place in the Netanyahu attempting to draw called pork or earmarks that are pet world, we were hoping for a breath of strength and even inspiration from projects of local Congressmen and fresh air, some definitive statements past Likud leaders like Menachem Senators. Instead, his budget for the on how Israel sees itself instead of the Begin and Ariel Sharon. Both Begin year ahead includes a record number wavering and crooked approach to so and Sharon had great accomplish- Here’s a fresh of wasteful allocations, all funded by much that needs to be dealt with over ments in their lives and careers. But our tax dollars. It’s business as usual the near term. not as prime ministers of Israel. Begin parading around disguised as “change Certainly there is a flaw in the sys- was at his best when the Labor Party idea—tell the we can believe in.” tem of leadership in Israel. Leaders are had a lock on power in Israel and he Perhaps it’s still too early, but Obama not leading but are rather looking was the leader of the opposition in the seems to be leading us down a path that backwards, at the history of their pred- Knesset. Sharon, of course, excelled as truth about has already been blazed by Democratic ecessors’ near misses and failures, and a general in the IDF, leading his forces Presidents Jimmy Carter and Lyndon being satisfied simply with the ability in the Yom Kippur War to cut off and Israel. Johnson. The giveaways didn’t work to survive instead of punching their strangle the Egyptian Army in the then, and there’s good reason to believe way into new and bold directions. Sinai Desert. The Egyptians were ulti- they won’t work this time around either. So Netanyahu is not supposed to be mately rescued by Nixon and Kissinger Johnson brought us massive public the Bibi of old. His vision of a broad, who negotiated a cease-fire which works projects that were intended to strong, and secure national unity gov- saved the Egyptians. America in a new direction. After less create jobs but instead redefined the ernment may have been something It’s not only in Israel that we suffer than two months, however, it’s becom- nature and extent of what it means to that U.S. foreign policy people pre- from the craziness of leaders making ing increasingly clear that all he has to waste billions of dollars. Carter’s poli- ferred but was in the end impossible to decisions that impact upon tens of mil- offer is more of the same tired ideas cies created the type of hyperinflation assemble.
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