V . ("I1 .'JV k n W« . whicbl ratr*t rsteenl [Itavelj,, Vol. 36 Salisbury, Md., Saturday, Sept. I. (006. No. 42 h 6000I iiinnin iiiiini 0 new! wGw SEPTEMBER JURORS \\ REPUBLICANS IN SESSION OLD SAMSON HAT. TRANSFERS OF LAND WHAT OUR MARYLAND BRYAN AT HIS STRONGEST a new! 11 prb-l For This Month's Term of Cowl. Drawn Hold County Convention h The Main Negro lecorded ki Clerk's Office Dvrtag Week. ofW.I Com House Character hi The Famous Proposes Having At The Jamestown Expo. ffis Home Coming Tour Around Tin W$rU. U. 9.1 By Judge Holland. 'I Tuesday and Later Nominate Hon. "Entafcd Hat." Familiar To Adver- The list hcMes Those Who slthm. Plan To Have A Handsome An Event of Unprecedented Welcome Drugs* BOH*! And Sold. Wm H. tmental No. 1, Barren Creek District; Jacks* For Congress. User Readers. Butting Worthy of tto State. For A Modem American Anglo S. Venable*. Pittsvllle Circuit to Methodist Prot­ i^ctkJo.! Phlllip T. Done- At the meeting of the Republican The Maryland Commission Statesman. bo. Benjamin estant Church lot in Pittsville for to the it valu-l H. Cordray. Jai T. Convention in the Courthouse Jamestown Exposition are The reception Waller. Cap parsonage: consideration $6. beginning to William Jenningi tain L. A. Parsons was made Chair to take up the actual business prepar­ Kryan on his return from his trip -Of (111 No. a, Qnantlco District; Wm. Henry O. Anderson from Parsons hrtarl R. man and William B. Tilghman. ations of the State's exhibition round we Wilson. Jr., Cemetery lot, consideration $40 next the world was, perhaps, the Stephen P. Kill*. Harry T. was elected Secretary. The following year. most remarkable Orawford. Thoi E Hearn from Elijah Freeny ever given to a man tion," ID-I Isaac T. Phillipa. resolutions were unanimously The commission Is facing the prob­ who h»s been ARE NEEDED No. 8, Tyaikln adopt­ lot in Delmari ooniideration'tSOO. traveling a* a private District Thos. J. ed: lem ot making as good a show with oltiaen. EVERY DAY Unghes, Ohas. John S. Cutler from J. Clayton Kel­ Dashiell, Geo. H. The Republicans party of Wloomioo Its $66,000 as its neighbors Virginia At the Battery, Cordray, Daihiell ly lot in Salisbury near the N Y P where he landed, Hopkins. county and State ot Maryland, with $160,000. and Pennsylvania with there wa* a great No. 4, Pittsbnrg District Qeo. Jn and N Depot, consideration $11 aaaemblage to W. convention assembled, doe* hereby re­ over $100,000. It received many ap­ cheer him when he WM In Adkins, Qeo. Ernest Hearn Elijah H Riley from John H White greeted by the k Thos. affirm its allegiance to the policies plications for spending special sums Acting Mayor MoGowan, Governor West of J.. H. 8,S, acres of land in Plttrbnrg District Kendal, J. Patey, and declarations announced In Nation­ in different exhibits, bat it was found Folk, of Missouri, Mayor Lowdawio L. Da via consideration $200 Tom L. al Platform of 1804 and ;the State that these sums would far exceed the Johnson, of Cleveland, and other Kitchen No. C. Parson* District James D Gordy to Ellas J Taylor well Elijah P. Platform amount of money at its disposal. The ' known men, and the procession Carey, Ernest Holloway, of 1008. lot in Hebron Consideration $10 to the Job Jarman, We hereby endorse the committee decided to ask the Merch- >I Victoria Hotel wa* witnessed FEW ; Daniel E. Parker. splendidly Elisha W Trnitt to James E Davig by 100, Naaman P. Turner, patriotic and peculiarly progressive ants and Manufactures' Association to :! 000 person*. Martin Lucas, Geo Tilghman. lot In Parsons District near city lim­ VAKILLA, for ice cream, administration of President Roosevelt, recojomend suitable men who might Madison Square Garden, where hit No. ft, Dennis District Asbury Q. its, oonsidertaion $600 for instance; and declare that his fearlessnesss take the matter of collecting Indus- carefully prepared speech was Hamblin, L. Lee Law*. on Michael Schnltc from Joda A Mo- made, ( the discharge of the duties of his high trial exhibits and seeing that they was thronged, and many thousand* fc.i BAKING POWDBB, for No. 7. Trappe District; Jesse A. Lain land in Nntte.rx District on the ramlng ' position ha* given this country a new were properly placed and cared for. attended the overflow meeting out­ uit ra«v cakes. Simma. John L. Twllley. Geo. M. road leading from Salisbury to Shoe­ without impetus in the The expense will be born by the ex- side. Phillips, Louis C. bnsineea world and makers Mill consideration $600 Bounds. added nibiton. 'He was greeted by Governor No. 8, Nutters District: Peter prestige abroad. Elisha W Truitt from James C Da- War- J. We hereby The commission has tentatively en­ field and other Marylanders, tiilirt B. Hobbs, Devritt Jehu desire to enter our emphat­ vis 04 acres of land In Nutters Dis­ 'who took One ie a drug, of course; the oth­ Pryor. ic endorsements gaged liberal space in the buildings. a prominent part «. er a "chemical:11 and there are No. 9 Salisbury Distilot; Samuel of the course of the trict, o onsideratlon $800 In the proceeding*, The Committee decided to co-operate and the Governor will invite still others SPICES 61 ail H. Carey, Vandalla Perry, Hon. William H. Jackson in the Fifty- John A Nutter from Daniel J Elli- him to ffrank O. Seventh to the limit of its resources in having Maryland. DY, kinds, cieam of tartar, etc. Todd, HarTey B. Morris. and Fifty-Eighth Congresses ott and others land in Nantiooke Dis­ Maryland fully represented in every The Governor wa* «.., No 10. Sbarptown District; Ed­ of the United States, and favor .hi* trict, consideration $1 loudly cheered • *.i department. at the Madison Square Garden meet­ jr.' Md. The best place to get drugs is ward H. Cooper, Walter C. Mann nomination fof the Sixtieth Congress at a DRUG STORE. The by the Ocean City Convention of the The Maryland Agricultural College ing. »••*»• No. 11. Delmar District; James E. will be asked to outline a plan for druggist knows more about Moore, Willar4 Ollphant. First Congressional District. But for At The Session of The Orphan's The Bryan Doctrine of The Present an iniquitous Ballot an agrioultnal and horticultural exhib­ them than other people. No. 13, Nautiooke District; Dan- Law placed on Court Tuesday. The trusts must go. the Statute book* by it, for which the commission hopes to ft-D iel W. Mei-sick, John H. Messick, the Democratic Letter* of administration on the Tariff for revenue only neoe**ary, We keep a goad Drag Store. party and glaring t and notorious be able to pay. Levin T. Walter. Geo. H. Larmore. personal estate of Mary E. E. Collier One Baltimore particularly In view of it* influence Come and ask us about Kitchen frauds penetrated under it, we believe firm has applied for No. 18, Camden District, L. were granted to her husband, V. F. half the space engaged by in eliminating the trusts. Drug*. ' ' that he would today have been » mem­ the Mary­ 5 HenuregardGllUs. Augustus Toad vine, MARDELA SPRINGS. Collier. Letters on the personal es­ land Commission in the Manufactures - The money question, through unex­ ber of the Fifty Ninth Congress, lain Street J. Wesley Kibble. HartweU M alone. and tate of Wm. H. Oonlbourn were grant­ Building. There is pected circumstances, no longer an is­ hi* nomination and election no doubt th«t this fall Correspondent Touches ed to James D. and Augustus Coul- there will be more applications sue in national politic*. broom You is the vindication of hi* Conditions And than course de­ bonrn. Letter* on the personal estate can be accommodated, but Government ownership of railroads District Sunday School manded by his friends throughout Needs That The Present Rainy Season the Expos! Convention. the ot Wm. T. Cantwell were granted to tion authorities have Just as soon as the country Is ready ' a*d the Distrint. His conscientious Has hnpresshHjry Brought Forth. treated Mary WHITE & LEONARD A District Sunday School Conven­ fidelity to Annie M. Cantwell. land with great liberality. for It. TOWN. .*! BoolatUen, tion will be held at Bivalve, in the the people of this District during hi* We are having a good deal of sick­ The fourth and final administration An income tax. M. P. Obnroh, Saturday and Snndav, career in Oongresa, was snob as to com­ ness in our community. The Doctor* account of Jay William*, executor of To Show Carrol Harpsichord. No more colonialism, and the same £**A/. ; Cor. MilB ami St. Peter's Struts, September 8 and it, beginning at 3.80 mand the respect and esteem of the are kept busy. Mr. and 'Mrs. T. J. Thornac B. Taylor, and the distribu­ treatment of the Filipino* as was ao- bURY, MD SALISBURY, MD. entire people, and we believe that his A vote of thanks wa* given to Mr. p. m. on Saturday. A number of pas- Truitt, who have been »o seriously ill tion of the proceeds, was approved. Ernest oorded the Cubans. return to public life Is demanded by J. Kuabe, Jr.. for his offer of ton and prominent laymen have been are now much improved. Mr. John An inventory ot the personal estate the Charles Popular election of Senators. the business interests throughout the Carroll harpsichord, built invitod to participate. Rev. Geo. H. Bennett in very sick and many others of Mary E. Collier wa* filed by the In 178U. which ha* been delayed by No collection of private debt* by Nock, Genciral Secretary, Maryland 8.
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