1 AGENDA lTEM No, NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS CHIEF OFFICER POSTS - MARCH 1999 North Lanarkshire stretches from Stepps to Harthill, from the Kilsyth Hills to the Clyde and includes, Airdrie, Bellshill, Coatbridge, Cumbernauld, Kilsyth, Motherwell, Shotts and Wishaw. With a population of over 326,000 it is one of the largest of Scotland’s local authorities. The Council aims to be caring, open and efficient, developing and providing opportunities for its people and communities in partnership with them and with all who can help to achieve its aims. The Council is the largest non-city unitary authority in Scotland and geographically is a mix of urban settlements with a substantial rural hinterland. The Council comprises the former authorities of Motherwell District Council; Monklands District Council; Cumbernauld and Kilsyth District Council; parts of 0 Strathkelvin District Council and parts of Strathclyde Regional Council. Rationalisation in the traditional industries of steel, coal and heavy engineering with attendant problems of unemployment, social deprivation and dereliction has led to concerted measures to regenerate the area and new investment and development programmes have been significant in the regeneration process. Organisationally, the Council has recently approved a management structure which updates the existing sound foundation, which emphasises the integration of policies and services and is designed to reflect the Council’s ambitions concerning best value, social inclusion, environmental sustainability and partnership and service delivery to the area’s communities As a consequence of the Council’s approval of this new structure, the Council now wishes to appoint experienced managers to fill certain new chief officer posts as set out in the accompanying Job Outline. The respective posts are:- General Manager, Construction Services Director of Community Services Director of Finance Director of Planning and Environment Head of Personnel Services A detailed job outline for the relevant post is contained within this information pack. Each post is within the terms of conditions of employment for the JNC Scheme for Chief Officers of Local Authorities in Scotland adopted and amended by North Lanarkshire Council, supplemented by any local collective agreements made by the Council. The working week is 35 hours and the hours worked are those required to fulfil the duties and responsibilities of the post.. The post is not eligible for payment of overtime or compensatory leave for duties undertaken outwith normal office hours or the normal workmg week. The Council’s Headquarters are at Civic Centre, Motherwell; with other major locations at Cumbernauld, Stepps, Coatbridge, Airdrie and Bellshill. Chief Officers are required to attend meetings at venues outwith the authority’s boundaries as a representative of the Council. 2 2 Annual Leave Entitlement is 27 days per annum, together with general, public and staff holidays as determined by the Council. For officers with reckonable service of 10 or more years, the leave entitlement is 30 days per annum. Sickness Absence Provisions are as those contained within the JNC Scheme of Conditions for Chief Officials. Termination of Employment may be made by a minimum of 13 weeks notice in writing on either side. If notice is not provided by the officer, the Council reserves the right to offset against any amount due (including annual leave entitlement) a sum for the period of notice unserved. The designated supervisor of Council Directors is the Chief Executive to whom, in the first instance, any grievance relating to employment should be referred. The procedures are as set out in the JNC Scheme of Conditions. The post is politically restricted in accordance with the Local Government and Housing Act 1989. Such restriction precludes the Chief Officer from becoming or remaining a member of a local authority, member of the House of Commons, member of the European Parliament or from undertaking certain political activities as defined in regulations determined by the Secretary of State for Scotland. The restrictions are automatically incorporated into the Contract of Employment of the Chief Officer. Chief Officers are required to devote their whole-time service to the work of the authority and shall not engage in any other business or take up any additional paid employment without the express consent of the authority. Under statute, the postholder is required to make provision for hisker pension. Unless advised to the contrary, the Chief Officer will be contracted into the Local Government Superannuation Scheme. The Local Government Scheme is contracted out of the state earnings related pension scheme and is a final salary scheme in that benefits are related to earnings and service and the Council, as employer guarantees that the promised benefits will be paid. Forms of application and details of the benefits of joining the scheme are available on request. Equal Opportunities As an employee of the Council, the Chief Officer will be required to actively pursue the Council’s policies including those of equal opportunities and to undertake any associated training. Health and Safety All employees are subject to the provisions of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and to any generaVdepartmenta1 safety policies which may be in force. At all times, the officer’s employment must conform to the Health & Safety at Work legislation. The Chief Officer is responsible for all matters relating to health and safety within hisher department or on sites or contracts under hisher control, unless otherwise delegated. Respective directors are required to produce and keep under regular review safety policies and procedures for their department. Confidentiality Chief Officers will, of necessity, come across such information dealing with a wide range of material, some of which may be confidential. The Council encourages access to information in accordance with current legislation and will often go beyond the letter of the law to promote public awareness of many issues. Chief Officers require to recognise the importance of the difference between these issues and ensure that, subject to the requirements of the access to information legislation, the Council’s business is not divulged unnecessarily. 3 3 Disciplinary Action Against Chief Officers The Chief Executive is responsible for all matters affecting the discipline of Chief Officers, but when formal disciplinary action is contemplated, the relevant members of the authority should be consulted where appropriate. The Chief Executive should also consider the extent to which professional judgement is involved and to what extent professional advice will therefore be required in making an assessment. In cases where a Chief Officer is suspected of misconduct, the Chief Executive shall carry out, or arrange for an investigation to ascertain the facts. The Chief Officer may be suspended on full pay pending the outcome of the investigation. In all cases where disciplinary action is being considered, the Chief Executive, at the earliest opportunity, shall interview the Chief Officer, who will be advised in advance of the purpose of the interview. At this interview, the allegations will be put to the Chief Officer who will be given the opportunity to explain or defend himherself and may so do personally or with the assistance of a representative of hisher choice. It is recommended that the Head of Personnel Services or the appropriate officer responsible for personnel 0 matters, be present at the interview as an advisor. Where a Chief Officer’s work, conduct or omission is such as to warrant disciplinary action, the Chief Executive shall take the necessary action which may include a warning, final warning, reduction in pay, suspension without pay, demotion or dismissal. In the case of a first offence, other than for gross misconduct, the disciplinary action should normally be a warning, which could be a final warning. Where a warning has been issued and the Chief Officer commits a similar offence or a subsequent different but equally serious offence, the Chief Executive may issue a final warning or take other serious disciplinary action. Certain acts of gross misconduct may lead to summary dismissal. Any disciplinary action imposed will be confmed in writing by the Chief Executive. The letter will specify the reason for the disciplinary action, the level of discipline imposed, the consequences for the Chief Officer if there is further misconduct, the right of appeal and the nominated official to whom an appeal 0 should be submitted. The letter shall be sent to the Chief Officer using recorded delivery where necessary. Appeals If the Chief Officer wishes to exercise the right of appeal, it should be made in writing to the nominated official within 28 calendar days of receiving the disciplinary letter from the Chief Executive. On receiving an appeal against disciplinary action, the nominated officer shall arrange for a meeting of the appropriate Appeals Committee. Normally this should be held within 14 calendar days of receipt of the letter of appeal although, with the agreement of both parties, the time limit may be varied. The appeal shall be held in accordance with the authority’s appeals procedure and the Chief Officer may be represented by a person of hisher choice. This disciplinary procedure applies to Chief Executives and Chief Officials but not to Depute Chief Officials who are subject to the disciplinary procedure prescribed for APT&C staff. 4 4 LegaVRemoval Expenses The Council apply a scheme of legal and removal expenses where relocation is necessary. Details are available from the Head of Personnel Services, Department of Administration. Interview Expenses Candidates invited for interview will be entitled to have reasonable expenses reimbursed. Expenses are not paid on the day but reimbursed after receipt of claims. Candidates offered but who decline an appointment forfeit the entitlement to reimbursement of interview expenses. March 1990 infodapp .
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