FRIDAY. MAY B. 1»S»> 'CAGE EIGHTEEII 0Uttufinttr Etinibio Em U i Alice Dexter and Miss Laura Houa* daughter .banquet at Emanuel Li»> THE WEATHEB STOKT BEHIND THE STOKV responded with comprahenUya re­ theraa church. AVEEAIBE d a il t circtlation Potecsuit o t V . B. Weather Barca D. A. R. HEAR REPORTS M anchester May 17.—7th ana 8th grade* coh> DRIVER COLLAPSES OF riN D IN O OF 6S6 BUA porta of the high spots ot th* Oon- for the month of April, 1226 • ABOUT TOWN In G<Hicert Sunday igraas, arhlcb occupied tb* greater cert at high school hall, choir and TIm story hshlnd ths story of ON RECEKT CONGRESS [p ^ of the time yesterday. combined orchestra. Oeoerally fair aad waroser te- ' V --------- D ate. Book . May 20.—Legion Cabaret dance a t ths man w te found 120 In Man- Miss Laura Houae, who baa pra- 6,238 Blght sad Sunday. Tidl O U ia Btofo p*rty wUIj ON LOUG JOURNEY cheater, look*d through T bs Rainbow, Bolton. Member of the AadH vloualy aerved twice as page at na­ TsoigM , ba bald tanlcrht at Um Maaonic Tem- Herald advertlaements and Ncnbcn Of Orford Parish tional seaalons of the organisation, May 21—Third annual bhnquet ot Boreas *f Clrenlallaas pto. PU y «'ill Btart at 8:30 o’clock turned the money, refusing to Chapter Liatea To Accomita was honored this year with appoint­ May 6. — "BUU* Behave", 2-act Oarthaldi society at Sub-Alpine club. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAOE CHARM and tba public li invited. play by Booster club ot North May 2A — Fourth asmual outdoor take a rsward Is as follows: GItcii By Their Delegatee. ment os official page to the presi­ dent general, Mrs. Henry M. Rob­ Methodist church at HolUster street mualeal festival at Educational PRICE THREE CENTS Strickeii Here Ob Hb Return Ths man la emplojret* in WPA Square, 1,000 voices and 100 must- M.VNCHESTER. CONN.. SATURD.W, M.\Y 6, 1939 4TWELVE P.\GES) f apacla] bua win be at the CVn- work In Manchester. Hie working ert, acbooL VOL. LVIIL. NO. 185 (CUssUled Ad%-ertlsbig on Page 10) taa toinorrow noon at 12:45. .to hours are limited and the night Orford Pariah Chapter,, Daugh- Tea and a social time followed Teraerrew a a w a j meinbere of Gibbon* Aeeem- To Moravia, N. Y; Able before be found the money be tera of tb* Anierlcan Rsvolutioo, th* meeting, with Mias Laura held Its May meeting yesterday aft­ May 9. — Manchester Pip* Bond h(y. Catholic liidlee of Columbu* knew that be was to ba without House and Mil* Marlon Washburn European trip oodol. to tba Silver dublle* of the order at work 1071 perkMl ot four or Bve ernoon a t the T. M. C. A., with a as hostesses. Service and Quality tba Hotel Taft, New Haven. If fur- To Resune HU Trip. days. This did not prsvent Wm | good attendance of . tho members. Next Wseh Body of Pendergast Aide Taken From River Mra. Herbert W. Robb, regent, pre- UMBRELLAS REPAIRED tber Information 1* dealred It may from rstuming th* mooey, re-1 May 2.—Sixth annual high school Alee New Covers. ba oblUned by contacting the fusing tba offer of a reward and.) Bded, and following routine bual- Dr. John F. Barry, Mra. Bitfry spring concert at high sch(K>l halt COMMITTEE ACTION i»- POLISH PEOPLE RALLY naos called on th* delegatee to ' tba John F. Jr., and David Barry of praaldent. Mr*. Henry Mutiie. dial Huhsrt Darrqw, 24, of MoravlA refusing to gtv* his name. I May 12-32. — Annual Memorial 6456 or Mr*. Cain Mahoney, 8012. ■_______________________________ 48th Continental Congreaa In Wasb- Scarborough road are guests at the L. PALUZZI N. T„ spent 24 hoili* at the Man; Ington, D. C.. to submit their re- Chalfonte-Haddon hall, Atlantic hospital drive for |1B,000. 46 Blieell St., Towa cheater Memorial hoepital on the pofto. Mra. Herbert B. House, Miss City. May 12. — Annual mother and A etate-wld* Conference for va­ unloaded th* hay and was o« hla odvtae of Dr. D. C. Y. Moore after PUTS BINGO AGAIN cation church ach<K)l worker* will way back homa. BEHIND BECK ANSWER be held tomorrow at the Hartford the man waa found lying on the run­ In coming Into Boltoa he eras Seminary foundation, under the ning board of his truck ai the Cen­ stricken. Feeling^that hla beat auaploee of the Connecticut Coun­ ter yesterday by Chief of Police chance for eeeUtane* araa to keep cil ot Cliircbe* and Rellglou* Edu- driving Until be cam* to a more BEFORE ASSEMBLY Samuel O. Gordon. 'y cation ThU organlaatloo eponaore Tbs chief had left his offlc* to go thickly settled town be drove the aummer K b ^ at Lake Wlnne- to the mall bos at Mein and Center through ao far as the Osnter where Gift Suggestions for Mother’s Day, May 14* TO GERMAN DEMANDS I FIVE SQUIRRELS TAKE peaaukee, which thia year wlU be be collapsed. streets, when hi* attention was a t­ I OVER OMAHA TAVERN held from July 24 to Auguat 5 8e*‘ Mlsa >%ry IsuiUert tracted to a truck parked alongside Judiciary Groop ’'Gives Fa- aknia tomorrow will begin a t #:S0. Ihs road. H* also notlcsd a man Th* Leglcti Drum Oorpa will ■**!. Reports of Possible Medii- with luncheon at Hoamer hall at A most tntersstlng program ha* lying on the running board. He Omaba. May 6.— (AP)-Five Heads State Police 12:30 and special exhibit* of work, been arrangyd for the concert to be for practice at the State Armory at M^orable Vote to Issue It baby squirrels have taken over BRITONS SWARM approached him and found that he 7:50 tonight. Dlacuselon' group# end conference wid' apparently la pain. Aasisting Bill O’NosH's tavern. Botb by Y aticu a i l will continue from 2 to 4:30 p. r- heard thU Sumlay at 8:80, at the They pop from behind radia­ High School Auditorium. Mis* the man to th* police etation end A Gift She W ill Love! T^Once Rejected; Some tors, bounce up on the bar and Mary Lantierl is being presented by learning tit at he was 330 miles from give customers the show of TO SEE GEORGE, lira. Cam* A. Taylor of 22* 1 erne, the chief called Dr. Moore. lU ^G hren Little Gee* Woodbiidge street recelve<l word her Instructor, Georg* Wynne Members to Fight Bifl. their lives. .yefterday that her poem, "Lift Your Jones of the Aab Vocal Studio In '■ IWcerJTo HoapHol Maneheatcr O’Neill found them after their Broker and Hope" had been ac. Hartford. This talented hfteen In order that he be given medical mother was killed by a car and ELIZABETH SAIL sidenitioB; Held Nezt ceptcd for Insertion In the World’* year old local soprano,. 1s rapidly attention Dr. Moore had Dairow Pl^aibing A Printed Crepes named them: Emile. Yvonne, Fair Anthology of 1039. Mrs. Taylor making a name for herself through­ taken to the hoepital. He was State Capitol, Hartford, May 6.— Annette, Marie and Ceclle. has /teubllilicd a booklet ent:tled out the state, and critic* who have treated there, and was so far rveov- H Supply Co. JA P)—Bingo bounced back Into the More NoKUp to G enniy; "How I Gave My Grief Away." heard her preillrt a bright future. ered that a t 10:49 tl.l* morning h# Printed erepeo notable for their smart wear­ General Aeaembly a* an leaue today Ship Bearing King Steams Her voice 1s of a pure, sparkling was able to leave the hospital and ability from 'now through Summer. Their fine workmanship, expeneive style details In pleats, ■following a favorable vote by the Press Asserts Berfa Mnt Ifr. and Mr*. Adolf Baer and quality, with unusual range, and the start with hla truck bark home 877 Main St. ease with which her entire compaas tucks, ehirrings will delight yot, and you’ll won­ Judiciary Committee, which - once Out of Portsmouth Today aoD Werner of Hartford were guests He had left Moravia at 6 o’clock Phone 4425 der how It is possible to buy such a d i ^ at such had rejected It, approving a bill le­ ORDERS GUARD ot friend* In town yesterday. Is- produced, might well be ths envy Wednesday night with a load of Ghre Proof of Staai of many an old singer. Miss Ijtn- a price. There are models featuring spotlight, galizing the "old com. game." haled hay for Yantlc, Conn., and had tiny and splashy florals, polka dots and stripes. Anthony J. Rich. Senate chairman for Quebec; First Visit of tleri recently fiilBlled an engagement arrired there yeat^rit^ morning. Group No. 2 of the Memorial In Stamford to so enthusiastic an They are truly worth much more and arlll make of the committee, declined to tell OFHCERS TAKE Hospital auxlUary will meet Mon­ audience, that she was compelled to a grand Mother's Day gift. 'll. how the committee lined up on the Ruling British King to U. S. W arsaw, May 6.—(A P)— .T ^ day afternoon at 2 o’clock at the give four additional encores, follow­ measure but he «aid there were Polish people rallied CUnlc building on Hayne# atreet. some who disagreed with th# ma­ Searchers are shown removing the body ot Edward L. Schneider, lieutenant of ."Bo*a Tom" r’ender- ing her ftnal group, jority report and had reserved their PHYSim TEST east of Kansas Qly from the Missouri river yesterday, four days after a sulcicle note was found In hla Foreign Minister Col.
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