Developments Spring A Newsletter of the Developmental Psychology Area 2016 forward to mentoring and learning Message from a new set of trainees in the Inside years ahead. I want to take this opportunity to This Issue from the highlight and celebrate the many ac- complishments of our students and Get to know our new faculty. Four students received PhDs students and post- Chair in the area this past year. They are docs BY CHRISTOPHER Patty Kuo, Ninive Sanchez (joint Professional and per- MONK with Social Work), Wylie Wan, and sonal milestones Amber Williams. In addition, stu- It has been an action- dents received many prestigious Conference Spotlight filled year for the Devel- awards. Maria Arredondo was on SRA opmental Area. In September 2015, we were awarded the Rackham Predoctoral Fellow- joined by an outstanding group of first year UM Living Lab ship, the Department of Psychology Disser- students, Josefina Banales, Kevin Constante tation/Thesis Grant and the Hagen- Toala, Vaness Cox, Petal Grower, Danielle La- Stevenson Dissertation Award –which is botka, Jazmine Powell, and Sarah Stilwell, funded by a generous gift from, Robert Kail, Newsletter who are all featured in this issue of the news- Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychol- letter. Also, I am pleased to welcome our new Committee ogy at Purdue University and a graduate of group of first-year students Valerie Freund, our program. Tissyana Camacho received Leigh Gayle, Change Kwesele (joint with So- the ISR Kahn Dissertation fellowship and the Editor: cial Work), Lolita Moss (joint with Social Patricia Gurin Award. In addition, Soraya Danielle Labotka Work) and Nicholas Waters. It is a particularly Giaccardi won the Perry Roberson Summer strong group of students with diverse re- Faculty Advisors: Research Scholarship, and Kevin Constante search interests. Welcome! Margaret Evans Toala received an NSF Honorable Mention. Our first ever Arnold Sameroff Develop- Ioulia Kovelman The faculty, too, had a successful year. mental Theory Lecture Series was a major Stephanie Rowley will become the Associ- Committee Reporters: success. The area very much appreciates Ar- ate Vice President for Research in Social Sci- Berenice Castillo nie Sameroff’s generosity and vision in mak- ences and Humanities. She is succeeding Kevin Constante ing this possible. Jay Belsky from UC Davis Toni Antonucci, who served the role with Joyce Lee gave an engaging and provocative lecture distinction for seven years. John Schulen- that was well attended and raised many fasci- berg just wrapped up his tour as President of Article Contributors: nating questions. Following the talk, Brenda the Society for Research on Adolescence. His Christopher Monk Volling hosted a lovely reception at her home presidency culminated in what I hear was an Craig Smith that evening. The weather was ideal, and the outstanding address. Moreover, Debbie Ri- event provided the perfect chance for the fac- vas-Drake received the highly competitive Photo Contributors: ulty and students to socialize. Spencer Foundation Midcareer Grant. Josi Bañales On another important topic, Vonnie Thank you to all of the members of the Kevin Constante McLoyd and I are delighted (and relieved!) to Developmental Area community for your re- Jasmine Manalel share the news that the area’s NICHD Training search, teaching and service and for making Craig Smith Grant was funded for 5 more years. The train- ing grant was originally funded in 1965 under this another productive and successful year. the leadership of John Hagen, and it has pro- vided exceptional training for many graduate students and postdocs ever since. We look 2 Developments Welcome New Students! COLLECTED BY JOYCE LEE If you were not in developmental psychology what endeavors would you be pursuing instead? I would probably pursue a PhD in Clinical Psy- chology as I have always been con- cerned about promoting and preserving the psychological well-be- ing and mental health outcomes of marginalized groups. One thing you are looking forward to Josi Bañales doing this summer? I am looking for- Berenice Castillo ward to going to an indoor water park Prior Institution: Illinois Wesleyan with my family! I might have just as Prior Institution: University of South- University much fun as my 7 year-old nephew ern California What were you doing before coming and 2-year niece. What were you doing before coming to the University of Michigan? I Favorite thing about Michigan so far? to the University of Michigan? Pursu- worked as a project coordinator for I love my lab, advisors, and all the as- ing a Master of Social Work. the Center for the Study of Black sistance I get (shout out to Katie Youth in Context. Schmitt in SOE and Shamilya in Psy- Current Advisors: Dr. John Schulen- berg and Dr. David Cordova Current Advisors: Dr. Stephanie Row- chology!). ley and Dr. Matt Diemer What are some of your hobbies or Research Interests: I am interested in risk and protective factors, desistance Research Interests: My research cen- recreational interests? I really enjoy from problem behavior, adolescent ters on how marginalized adolescents meeting new people, smelling fresh development, and transition into develop a critical consciousness. Ad- coffee beans, drinking black coffee, adulthood. ditionally, I'm interested in how to and staying active (see photo of me best facilitate adolescent critical con- dressed as a zombie in a Zombie vs. A teacher that changed the way you sciousness through critical pedagogy Nerds 5K!). I also really enjoy cooking felt about learning? Shannon Gleeson in the community and in the class- and talking to my family! room. If you could have any superhuman If you were not in developmental psychology what endeavors would A teacher that changed the way you ability, what would it be? To retain you be pursuing instead? Perhaps us- felt about learning? Dr. Kira Hudson everything I learn in long-term ing my Master of Social Work for re- Banks (an alumna of the U of M PhD memory without having an extreme search in Social Work. Clinical Program). She gave me the amount of cognitive load! language to begin connecting per- One thing you are looking forward to sonal experiences of inequality to doing this summer? I will be visiting larger systemic trends that are rooted family in Ecuador. in historical and contemporary op- pression. Developments 3 Favorite thing about Michigan so far? A teacher that changed the way you Water sports! Kayaking! Stand up felt about learning? My 7th and 8th paddle boarding! Swimming! Fun in grade teacher, Ms. May, showed me the sun! the importance of how education opens opportunities to move for- What are some of your hobbies or ward. She gave me a rich educational recreational interests? Coming from experience which she felt was just as San Francisco and Los Angeles, I really good as, if not better than, that of pri- appreciate all of the green space. vate schools. It was because of the hard work in her class that I was able If you could have any superhuman to go to a good high school. ability, what would it be? Teleporta- tion If you were not in developmental Vaness Cox psychology what endeavors would you be pursuing instead? I would Prior Institution: University of Mis- have concentrated my efforts to im- souri proving the juvenile justice system. My plan B in life was to be a high What were you doing before coming school teacher and be the school’s to Michigan? During my last year of soccer coach. undergraduate, I worked with Nicole Campione-Barr in the Family Relation- One thing you are looking forward to ships and Adolescent Development doing this summer? I will be visiting Lab. family in Ecuador. Current Advisor: Dr. Vonnie McLoyd Favorite thing about Michigan so far? and Dr. Stephanie Rowley Kayaking the Huron River and sand boarding Kevin Constante Research Interests: I am broadly in- terested in the roles of Black families What are some of your hobbies or in shaping adolescents' and emerging Prior Institution: John Jay College of recreational interests? My hobbies adults' social and academic out- Criminal Justice, City University of include playing soccer, watching mov- comes. New York ies, and snacking. I recently found out that I enjoy gardening. What were you doing before coming A teacher that changed the way you felt about learning? My AP Psychol- to the University of Michigan? I was If you could have any superhuman ogy teacher in high school changed a research assistant at the Develop- ability, what would it be? Speak any the way I felt about learning. She mental Neuroscience Department at language in the world Columbia University. made me realize how valuable knowledge is and encouraged me to go as far as I could. Current Advisors: Dr. Rivas-Drake and Dr. Keating If you were not in developmental Research Interests: My research in- psychology what endeavors would terests are understanding adolescent you be pursuing instead? I would probably be trying to find a way to be ethnic identity development within the family context. I am also inter- in close proximity with famous people ested in the relationship between on a daily basis. Ideally, I would be ethnic identity and adolescent risk- working as Rihanna's assistant. taking behaviors. 4 Developments Favorite thing about Michigan so far? changed the way I felt about learning finishing up my undergraduate stud- The food selection. Always so many and about myself. ies and working on my honors thesis places to choose from. under the supervision of Dr. Kathe- If you were not in developmental rine Kinzler. What is one thing you are looking psychology what endeavors would forward to doing this summer? I am you be pursuing instead? I would ei- Current Advisor: Susan Gelman and looking forward to celebrating my ther be an English teacher or doing Henry Wellman birthday (June 27th) this summer! something in linguistics.
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