ChinQua-Penn Palace Missed Opportunities Hurt Pack sins/Pages Take an art trip through one of Reidsvilles greatest tourist attractions. Sidetracks Page 3. Speak Out On Budget Cuts OtfinkII/ngex North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since Volume LXXI, Number 47 Monday, January 22,1990 Raleigh, North Carolina ll.c. State's Expenditures, Transters and Revenues for 198889 For lbs 19‘” 8‘) for.‘Ilytrirendinglunt 30, 198‘), N(. State'sloialIt-vt-IIiIistolal- i-dS-i‘li.ilIIiiliiIII lht- unncrsiiys tot.ll expenditurts tot.Ilcd Still’million Br- Students feel N..C budget Cuts lo'I is .I Inc-..ilili Mn oilht- cxpcodituris IIIil ilIt rtvcnuc Intakc. Sonic totals may iit tiil $41!) .1 and S41,.3 but.-Iusi ligurisumit roundid By Ken Winter and education; it‘s going to affect the year‘s budget, which amounts to a NCSU funds to hurricane Hugo 1988-89 Expenditures, Transfers Geriel Thornburg quality of social services; it‘s going shortage ofover 2 percent. relief. instruction, Student Support $140 Illa Staff Writers to affect the quality of just about in October, Martin ordered a 1 Martin said that if the original cut Organized Research $100 million everything we do," said Martin. percent reduction to compensate for had not been implemented as curly Pubic Service 351 silica Governor James Martin Institutional Support 823 silica projects “I certainly would have preferred the miscalculation. as it was, the current budget crisis Physical Plant operation: 523 m that the recent state-wide budget cut not to make the cut, but l had no The 2 percent cut equates to a 5 could have struck twice as hard. Student Financial Air! 813 volition of $170 million out of the approxi~ choice," Martin said. percent cut for NCSU for several in addition to poor projections. Auxiliary Enterprises $52 Won mately $7 billion state budget will He said that the budget crisis is reasons: Martin said, the tax money collect- libraries 88 tuition affect not only the quality of educa- largely a result of misca'lculated - The budget cut was implement- ed from the leveraged buy out of tion, but every aspect of life at NC. revenue projections, not a weak ed after the fiscal year began. 1988-89 Fund Revenues , RJR Nabisco bv Kolvin, Kravis and State Apprnprletions 5214 Mon State this semester. economy. - State-funded groups were cut Roberts was less than expected. in Federal Appropriations $18 million NCSU's attempt to trim $9 million Martin said that state revenues are proportional to funding. turn, the lower tax revenue helped Grants and Contracts :62 mitten has students and teachers wonder- up 9 percent from last year. Out-of—state tuition revenues create a shortfallIn the budget Private Gills, Endowments 818 Minn ing where and how the budget cut- However, he said, the general were lower than predicted. resulting Departmental Sales, Service: 518 IIIIoII backs will affect them most. assembly adopted a budget showing in a $1.5 million loss. Auriiiary Enterprises 355 Mon “It’s going to affect the quality of an 11.7 percent increase over last $1.5 million was diverted from See 3m, Page 2 Tuition and Fee: .‘"832 Mon Source NCSII 1989 rimiioai Ropon vent-0a" NCSU A 8 students guilty DOT to in assualt case not sell more enrolled in spring Best, awaits new trial spaces Ninth student, By Paul Woolverton .ing their names, addresses, student By Paul Woolverton Senior Staff Writer activities, dates of attendance and Senior Staff Writer photos can be released by the Hill Eight of the nine NC. State stu— versIIy. Students cart request that With the partial opening of the dents convictcd of assault in the university wrthhold this intor Dan Allen Drive parking deck the December are not enrolled this motion. NC. State Division 'of semester, Tom Stafford, vice ch;In~ 1f the wrestlers were expelled, the Transportation has more spaces cellor for student affairs, said cxpulstons might have been ordered available for commuting students to Thursday. by the Student Judicial Board. park their cars. The students were convicted in Students caught violatmg NCSll‘s December of various assault student code of conduct usually go Sarah Smith, the DOT’s manager charges in connection with the Sept. before the board, who decides what. of parking services, said Sunday 1 attack on NCSU student William If any. punishments to give them. 300 Dan Allen Deck (DD) and 200 Grey, his wife Charlotte and their l’untshmcnts can range from com Fringe (F) parking stickers will be friend Rodney Bentley munity service hours to expulsion. available to students today, The ninth student, Thomas Best, Students expelled can appeal that Tuesday and Wednesday at the is enrolled this semester, however. decision to the director of student DOT office on Sullivan Drive. He is likely to receive a new trial development and the vice chancel However, “I don't think there will next month. and interim athletics lor for student affairs, Stafford said. be many DD parking stickers for director Harold Hopfenberg said William Grey has not pursued the students who walk up to the win- Thursday a decision on his status students through the Student dow," she said. would be made after his criminal Judicial Code and he said Thursday case is settled. he did not know If any action had Few DD stickers will be available Neither Stafford nor University been taken against them by the uni because DOT officials called stu- Counsel Becky French would say versity. dents on waiting lists for commuter whether the students, seven of Stafford said a student does not (C) stickers Saturday to tell them which were on the wrestling team. have to file a complaint against the DD stickers will be for sale. withdrew from the university vol« another student for the university to These students will get priority and untarily or were being punished by take action against him. Smith said she expects them to get NCSU. French said such informa- He said if university officials most of the DD stickers. tion is protected by the Buckley think the student Is a danger to thc Amendment. campus, NCSU may bring proceed The Dan Allen deck has 478 The Buckley Amendment was ings against him. spaces. Smith said stickers for it passed in 1974 to allow students Evelyn Rcimun, the dircclor of will be oversold, but estimated that access to their school records. As Student Development. said NCSl.’ the oversell figure will be less than applied according to NCSU policy, can also take action agarnst students 15 percent oversold. She said other it also keeps unauthorized people without the Judicial Board. areas of campus are about 35 per- from accessing these records. She said appropriate officials cent oversold. would DOT officials have said they According to NCSU's application be consulted In such oversell parking permits because of the tIIIIcndmcnt, only directory Instances to decide what to do With not all holders of parking stickers information about students, includ- the students involved. need to park on campus at the same time. They estimate the oversell rate after studying parking patterns NAS publishes basic at the beginning of the school year. Smith said half the Dan Allen deck stickers are allocated for fac- ulty and staff, 20 percent for com- ethics science booklet muting students, and 30 percent for By Bina .langrla booklet Include fraud In science, resident students. Staff Writer credit and responsibility III collabo- Parking sticker prices are prorat- ertivc research as wcll its human ed, and students can purchase DD National Acttdcmy of Sciences error III scrcncc,” sand Cori. stickers for $91. F stickers cost recently published a booklet that The graduate school also has it $35. answers ethical qucstions which colloquium on ethics and graduntc arise in scicncc. education. “The colloquium hil\ The DD stickers are valid in com— According to Martha Con, “On been focusing on ethical dInIi-II muter-resident spaces and the Dan Being a Scicntist" provnlcs a basic sinus of research III university 1ilt~," Allen deck. Fringe stickers are outline of scientific cthICs. saIdCoa. valid in the fringe parking lots on The booklct which Is meant to Last fall‘s colloqIIIunI topics West Campus and south of Sullivan educate students on the nature of Included animal experimentation. Drive. They are valid in C/R after 3 contemporary research and basic genetic engineering and thc release pm. weekdays. obligations of individual of genetically altered organisms Students who want to purchase a researchers, was distributed by NC. Into the enviromcnt The parking sticker need to stop by the State's (iradualc School with thc Dcccmbcr January colloqutum DOT office in the Administrative intent of cductiting doctoral candle looked at conflict of interest In it Services Center on Sullivan Drive. Taking polltlesto the paint dates III scicncc and cnginccring, university cnvrronmcnt. Smith said the stickers will be gItIdutttc IIilIIIIIIIstrtIIors and tcllow- available until Wednesday, and the Some outspoken students Vtni their views about the rcccnt short comings in do‘piltlliitlllI1 lIuiltti-'1‘. .It N (.. ship .St'r' in.“ l’a‘sfc' 3 office will be Open from 7:30 am State during the UNC game Saturday. Sic thegall"? story, pachIand the inaid (dilorml, pace it) ‘Spccitic topics :Iddrcsscd Ill the until 5 p.m. Save our hamster! Cookie near death over UNC—State b—ball match-up it all started Saturday when Cookie, our to pull her lethargic tramc across IlIc carpi-t 'llolil iIIIc IIIoIIIcIII. plum- i lIik, " "Hurry." 1 scchIIIIt-d. “(ookIcs gonna die hamster and long time companion, relieved JenniferHolland . Shc kicked With her lIInil lcgs. but only "Wail." 1 \i'tltl. :ts li‘ItlS Iscllcil III In) cycs, “'c'yc got in litkd lict it) Hit It‘ll" (‘thyl herself on Elaync’s Villanova sweatshirt.
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