US 20080212945A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0212945 A1 KHEDOURI et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 4, 2008 (54) METHOD FOR ACQUIRING DIGITAL Publication Classi?cation CONTENT (51) Int. Cl. (75) Inventors: Robert K. KHEDOURI, Roslyn, H04N 7/26 (200601) NY (US); Jonathan N. Axelrod, NeWYOrk’ NY (Us); Harold E- (52) US. Cl. ...................................................... .. 386/124 Price, Bethel Park, PA (U S) (57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: _ _ _ _ _ GOTTLIEB RACKMAN & REISMAN PC A portable W1reless commumcatlons subscriber audio and/or 270 MADISON AVENUE 8TH FLOOR video player apparatus and system and method for selecting, NEW YORK, NY 10016_6601 (Us) requesting, downloading, and playing audio and/or video data content ?les from an lntemet-based database server. The (73) Assignee; Music Gremlin, Inc_ Wireless link is preferably implemented in accordance With the WiFi protocol, Which alloWs connectivity to the lntemet (21) Appl, No ,; 12/045,91 0 by being in proximity With a local base station or WiFi hotspot (i.e., publicly available local Wireless access hub connected to (22) Filed: Mar. 11, 2008 the Internet). The portable Wireless communications sub scriber audio and/or video player apparatus and system pref Related U-s- Application Data erably include a security means for monitoring and blocking (62) Division of application No. 10/953,746, ?led on Sep. unauthorized use of the player apparatus and S.y.SteIn' The 29 2 00 4 player apparatus further preferably has the capabihty to com ’ ' municate With other neighboring player apparatus for the (60) Provisional application No. 60/507,110, ?led on Oct. purpose of eXChanging COnIenI data ?les, playlists and per 1, 2003. sonal messages. \ Wk // ‘W !\ 1NF>UT i\ “0 RX TX "6 EEVICE‘HY \ Mg coMMMonuLE Mm) ‘00‘ 111 “#118 ENCRYPT. (MP “6 UNET / CLOCK VOLATELE 105 MEMORY 1311111111111 DATA "\103 // PROCESSENG 112 voLAMLE up MEMORY (FLASH) HARD 11M / DRWE \102 113 EH18 RECHARGABLE TLMWT" / BATTERY ROM “4 SOFTWARE MODULES HEAD PHONE /, JACK \ 115 1107 ‘06 COMPUTER CONTROLLER 101 Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 1 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 \111 LNRLIT m RX TX W5’ DEvIOE W I00 108// COMM MODULE ID m/IIS // ENORYRT. MP 109 LINN" / CLQQK VOLATiLE I05 MEMORY (SDRAM) DATA IDS // PROCESSING 7 if 112 VOLATILE. MEMORY up (ELASI-I) I-IARD IDA DRIVE \Io2 113 \IIS REORARSASLE TL “4 SOFTWARE MODULES READ PHONE 11/5/ JACK I07 #06 COMPUTER CONTROLLER \IDI FIG. 1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 2 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 114 FIG‘ 2 Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 4 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 Q25¢<I0mm......................: x;..................... .309W53355 mwzmmwmq m9.5%mmwqqzé\m mmmnoww 2m $225? GEm5w HUx“5/ mmE252\mom /mmmg.ZQEQE<UQZ<@253.22 Newm mg MM26506“: .i E552mHH52%;: 1 WMN925528 >Mn VEOEEZWiH><>>E<G “mmR2 W5mE“m$235 Mmp“momMwmwé?é / WMm29%U9%E5 mEQEQmwmEowmnwQ2 m8%: Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 5 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 mom mwxmazm wwwqmgqa Em mmmgqga / EEC/50 mz< qbqm?mz Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 6 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 582 Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 7 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 O 703 DEVECE C DER/36E #i "JSLL‘S PLAYER" k DEViCE E DEV‘CE F "JACK‘S PLAYER" : PRIVACY "ON" MODE DEVICE H HG. 7 Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 8 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 @ Search iMMi-M M N i} . I’ v Aiiman Brethers, The ’ A Aiémam Greg < Aimand Marc Aiannah MylesMM8O3 C) Aian Menkin Alien Brad Aivarezg Jorje Aiganquin, The Alkaiine Trip w \ Alternaiives? The V Featured: Coldptay sortby U artist ] H back H @@® 252 8\O4 Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 9 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 @ Search WM“ Aim-1am mm; The'mwgm r Staisbaro Biues As higsséca "1‘ Midnightaschie Cwchie (1:) Fg’ag?e Tenér Hear? w \ Hard Plenty ‘V I sari by track it back U Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 10 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 / saarch i AHman Bmthgrs, The Mme Jessica g?i?iifimw Le g endar y Hits i?i?ii?giéilyl§ ‘M1002 Gremhsis' //1003 ---------—<W ‘(K gatsang mm! h2 Fm spoken m WQE’d QS’iQibLi?'i HQW j} Free want i U otherversions x F g Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 11 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 ([1) MQSECGFQTHW Home fm/recard i V ~ " " ‘1 “W102 U0 D JohnWhyRoam GeorgiaMayei For Squares h _, Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 12 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 Q1) Search /“ Gremlésts 1202 What's new: Madonna, Caidpiay Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 13 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 @ my music ; J] (F 13-91 ,AQ piayi‘ ts my x Gremiists Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 14 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 @ Search mine MusécGremlin péaks r Aé‘tema?ve rockmo-‘g F A‘“ pm? This Week in the ciubs m mum " Hettest pop Grmnsts Aembic wsrkaut (1:) Guita? spmlight Modem rack war A Country Charts Featu: 1 C ‘V , LatinDeep in ' Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 15 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 @ my music Current reméist Wm Subscs'iptisns /4501 AEiGFfi?iiVGl rack (20V A Sans Jogging max (5) f“ ‘ each mix (25) lamg/sts Hattest pop (15) C) w my, 7 f Madam rack {1) my Greiists J try Jimmy ~V j Buffet‘s Tap Ten Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 16 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 Al CD my music HOW Aiternaiivelast U?d?i? gm/nsmm song piayiists my Gremiists ’ Patent Application Publication Sep. 4, 2008 Sheet 17 0f 17 US 2008/0212945 A1 @ saamh GFEF‘?IiSiI mm Alternative Rack ngw ( é _% Tmng: Weakiy ]%\W17O2 “Wm-Q Gfamiigts Lengthi SQWQS E“\WWO1 H suéscribe F; US 2008/0212945 A1 Sep.4,2008 METHOD FOR ACQUIRING DIGITAL [0007] Such DMPs originally tended to rely on the use of CONTENT ?ash memory, such as compact ?ash or secure digital, for the storage of audio content, and Were capable of holding a maxi CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED mum of approximately 0.5 to l gigabyte of memory. More APPLICATIONS recently, so-called “portable jukeboxes” have been intro duced that can hold an estimated 10,000 songs or more of [0001] This application claims priority to provisional appli musical entertainment by including a miniature hard disk cation Ser. No. 60/507,110 ?led Oct. 1, 2003, and incorpo recorder in the housing of the device, Which can have 40 rated herein by reference. gigabytes or more of capacity. Portable video players With even greater hard disk capacity have also been developed. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0008] In general, conventional DMPs are capable of [0002] a. Field of Invention alloWing their users to (1) transfer compressed media ?les [0003] The present invention relates to the ?eld of digital from a computer to the device through the use of associated audio and video player devices that are preferably portable transfer management softWare installed on the computer and and receive content either from a secure sub scription-based or a physical connection to the computer, such as a USB cable; “a-la-carte” content delivery service or from other participant (2) store such compressed media ?les in non-destructive devices, and more particularly to a portable player apparatus memory; (3) decode for playback any of a variety of com that is in Wireless communications With an Intemet-based ?le pression algorithms; (4) convert a compressed or uncom server and laterally to a peer player apparatus. The present pressed digital ?le to an analog format, potentially also pro invention also relates to a system and method for delivery and cessing the signal to enhance the resulting sound and images; management of such content to such devices. (5) process and amplify the resulting analog signal; and (6) [0004] b. Description of the Prior Art produce high-?delity sound and video for the user, Which may [0005] The development of compressed digital audio and be played, paused, fast-forwarded, reWound, skipped or video formats, such as the Motion Picture Experts Groupi replayed instantly and on-demand. Also, typically in the case Layer 3 (MP3) audio compression standard, MPEG 21, of audio DMPs (e.g., the Rio Karma), the devices feature a Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), ATRAC, WMA, FLAC, relatively small digital display WindoW that provides infor Ogg-Vorbis and others enabled the groWth in popularity of mation regarding the audio content stored on the device, such recording, storing, transferring, and playing back digital as the title and artist, and enables vieWing (and in some cases audio and video data on computers, including personal desk modifying) the sequence of the audio tracks that are currently top and laptop computers. In particular, compressed digital stored on the device. audio and video formats enabled more e?icient storage and [0009] Disadvantageously, hoWever, data transfer and transmission of high-quality audio and video content by advanced sorting and sequencing of selections are dif?cult or reducing the amount of digital data that needed to be stored impossible for a user to accomplish unless the DMP is con and transmitted, resulting in data ?les that could be smaller nected to the computer, Which does not alloW the user to than 1/1oth of the original uncompressed digital ?le Without obtain neW content or to make other desirable modi?cations unacceptably degrading the quality of the output. HoWever, to the content stored on the DMP, such as easily modifying the due to computational requirements, consumers Were gener sequence of the content selections stored on the device While ally only able to access and use compressed and uncom the player device is not connected to the computer.
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