" IFTfV f"mmympjmiEiftiji wmm 3, 1016. i 6 EVENING LEPGETC- - PHILADELPHIA, TnmtRDAT. JUNE peculiar bent to the ortra and pulled rapidly the strango actions of these MAD SUICIDE'S WIDOW, toward the point whera Tarzan crouched creatures In the branches of n tree Men were Indeed more foolish nnd more TARZAN OP THE APES In the stern of the boat, as It drew cruet than the beasts of the Jungle' How WOUNDED BY HIM, DIES nearer, Tarzan saw the rat-fac- man fortunate waa he who lived In the peace It was but a few minutes later that the nnd security of the great forestt The Thrilling Adventures of a Primeval Man boat touched the beach Tho men Jumped Tarzan wondered what the chest thny out and lifted the great chest to the had burled contained If they did not Home of and an American Girl sand. They were on the north aide of want It why did they not merely throw Double Funeral nt the point so that their preaenco was con- Chil- BURKOUGHS It Into the water? Thai would have been Man Crazed by Two By EDfiAU MCE cealed from those at the cabin. much easier The men nrgued angrily for a moment. Ah, he thought, but they do want It. dren's Deaths. Corn at ion, by A. C McChif Cempew. rat-fac- Then the one, with severnl They have hidden It, here because t,hey things being here, In this savags African companions, ascended the low bluff on returning It Inter. John ( inyton, lord Ofeystoke. eitibsrks Tar-ra- n Intend tot Jungld?" exclaimed th girl. which stood the tree that concealed dropped to ground and com- death of Mrs Stella Craig nt the WKh hit ouiik Wife on (he They looked about for several mln Tarzan the The Tuvildn for Hrittth hnt Atrlcn, wheie ho "There Is but one way to account for menced to exitmlne the earth nbnul tho Hahnemnnn Hospital completed tho grim la to jun evntuliir KMtlo. itutlqy It, Miss .Porter." mild Olajton lalo ute. hus- CTnytfe "The rat-fac- excavation. He wns looking to see if tragedy yesterday when her brk out and Jbhrt Btidf M are Lord life) stoke not "Here Is a good place," said tho started put nsheit uiw drbwned. tie spot these creatures had dropped anything band, Samuel Craig, shot tier through the by (i ihlhrtnold ape, Cly-tn- n died here in this Cabin and this poor rnllor. Indicating n beneath he ns own with a Atuckei dying Tflrzan's tree1 which he might like to own. Soon head nnd then ended life li uvcii by rthl li, but the thing upon the f!6or Is all that Is mortnl by under- his mind una deranged as XruMn stocks snd irUhtetts her to that or "tt Is as good as replied one of discovered n spade hidden tho bullet when Bin- - br A Is horn, to the him." an," of the deaths of their two nfi lir mind ihllrt leaving hla companions "If they catch us with brush which they had laid upon tho tho result eoupla A Inter aikb IIw, "Then Grey-stoke- ," Mm died late night Clojton jwr this must have been Lady the treasure It will all be confis- grave. rlilMrtn Trail! last with tie ch'lil In- aboard wilt held at the John Ciayton a etenlually killed by the Mid Jane Porter reverently, anyway Wc might well bury Ho seized It and attempted to use It as A doublo funeral be ami cated as 722 street, where tho Itr Jl mien which inteei the plate, hla dicating the poor mass of bones upon the It on some us he had seen tho sailors do wn,i refldence, Wood child, hr tapiured by n sheapt, wbeee own here tho chance that of It shooting occurred, Sunday afternoon - h- -n (tilled. tea. etrlni- hn In ihe ace tribe of the dend the txMjy thlld l called larann. eaning "The beautiful Lady Ailcc," replied Mrs Lena Murphy, mother "wwte-BM- n lie is Brougni up the Clayton, "of whose many virtues nnd woman, who wna tho first to reach the way ox toe apea personal charms I often have 41tK'''r),JS pp-t?- ,p . thlrd-Iloo- r room following tho shooting, lluiritlhin im a ntlnteJ book In nle "ten .sBr3"" ns father hack. Tarian. aged 10. actually heard my mother nd rather speak Poor, Is on the verge of prostration a result lenma td read In a lathion. liy the lime unhappy lady," he of the shock man. murmured sadly. on, r' -- - v.v r he la tt he la a iulgrown JL-Kii- T J - t L W I -- a aa shortly molhtr-ap- e With deep reverenco and solemnity tho !&y'5aHrW' aJ Tho shooting occurred after l'arin.. defending the who ll haa nurtured iilm k lis the ape Tublat, bodies of the late Lord and Lady Orey noon cstordn Craig, who worked In ami Miters Into n deadly atruggle with stoko were Afri- - department of a Markot ape-tr- burled beside their little .ft- gf ( tho delHoo Kirchnk, erne or tho heads of the e can cabin, '.' had Tafitan a grtater mental endowment makja and bolwccn them wns placed street department store, finished his nmeng the, nfl the tiny skeleton of the bnb of Kala. luncheon Ho went to their apartment In him aiefAlFifty weofsVan lor the first tlrre back the ape. v'f.j,-j- the third floor and called his wife A eannlbala lone Inio the nelghboihood of As Mr - r ' Philander was placing the frnll -- - lae'iaa.fl v wcv irr&igp&xmm&a moment later Mrs Murphy and two of Tartars heiomra proficient In the use of bones of the Infant In a bit of sail cloth, ,'wy &KMtt5t her daughters heard the allots IlWtw Ium HvcnnF hi fAliler 4 nut. ,...! he examined the skull minutely. Then Is now Craig hla iwiiti I'pon nl aiher a photograph, It believed directed a,Trandiary nnd other efT'cta he called Professor Porter to his side wlfo's attention away from him Just be- 11 klllow KerchaK Tarian becomes king and the two nrgued In low tones for fore ho shot her. Apparently ho did not several minutes. Vague lodging for knottier life txsft Tar-a- have the nerve to faco her and pull tho he muat leave hla trite "Most remarkable, most remarkable," rela- Ho lel that Making trigger Police summoned by the and aeek telnm of hla own kind. said Professor Porter. tives found tho woman atlll breathing a final Oslt Ihe cabin of hla miner. "Bless me, Mr. Tartan meets with white men. lie aeea the said Philander, "we riiyslclans at tho hospital, howovcr, white kill cno of tlielr own number., Then must acquaint Mr. Claton with our immediately sho could not putting up n eljn, written laboriously an- nt once. realized that nouncing hla irenence. he departs. The recover. Craig had died Instantly when men, and n whlleglrl, are on an "Tut, tut Mr. Philander, tut, tut'" white They pueiled 'ho bullet went through his brain He expedition of eome sort are remonstrated Professor Archimedes Q Into Porter " 'Let tho dead past bury Its had put tho miizrlo of tho revolver ttie life of John Clayton, ' hli mouth nnd pulled the trigger who haa succeeded to the title or Lord dtncl " tt hla ,re-tary- . white-haire- Creystoke Protestor Porter and And ho the d old mnn re- memberu of Ihe pnrty, get lost In the peated forest. Jane I'erter nnd Kamcraldn. her the burial service over thli TKSTATOR WAS DRUGGED maid, hide In Tnrtorrs lather's hut ( Ifiy-to- n strange grave, while his four compan goen In eenrch of the lost men. The Ions stood with bowed ond uncovored sailors no utou-- M the party, desert and Says Philadelphia Lnwycr, Fighting return to Ihu ship. henda about him Tafzan folliwa Clayton nnd sees lilm en- From the trees Tarzan Ape' For Shnr'o of Dead Unclo's $100,000. counter a ilon As the lion crouches for a. of the fi'JriasW'(afja w aprlng Tarian sends an arrow Into the vtmcncu tne solemn ceremony; hut most Drugs wcro administered to Thdlilas llon'a flank Then he kills the Hon with hi; of all ho watched the sweet face and Pranklln Smith before ho signed his will, knife Clayton realises the Identity graccrui figure of nccordlng to J Stanley Smith, a lawyer, Tartan King of the Apes and thank Jane Porter. Mm In English Clayton follow Tairan In hli taage, untutored breast new of 510 Overbrook menne, who Is In guidance tho force! Suddenly he hears emotions were N. Y , contesting Into two women stirring. He could not Hocheslcr, tho testa CROSS the whole continent in a a mufTlod shot In the hut the ftthom them Ho r s of $100- ,- crouch fearfully, hearing n hey body wondered why ho felt wamMsiffliMK r&m?;'mjbxim;?3rZTmzx-- inent, which tho bulk tho fifteenth second brus"! agnlnst tne aldo of tho cabin so great an Interest In theso people-w- hy ". OOrt estate tj Rosa Snnds. another relative of a your voice through a lattice A bretke half he had gone to such pains to save The decedent was Smith's undo. talk-wa- y. Miss rqrter fire, hits, hut does not kill the the three men may speed over the Bell Ilon. who renews the attack. As the Hon But ho did not wonder Tho elder Smith, who died In St. Mary's enters the hut Tnraan, bearing Ca Ion, why he had torn Sabor from the tender Hospital, Rochester, April 27, signed tho break! In and Tarian breaks the Ilon flesh of the strango girl two dayn boforo he died In only symbol of the Bell : Til baik.
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