
Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly MONDAY, 9 JULY 1917 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Opening of Parliament. [9 JuLY.] Auditor-General's Reports. 15 KE\Y MEMBERS. ELECTORAL DISTRICTS OF i\lARYBOROVGH AND ROCK!LUIPTO::-i. 'The SPE.\KER informed the House that a vacancy had occurred in the House by the resignation of Alfr<ed J ame' J ones, E,quire, of his seat for the electoral district of Maryborough, and that, on the occurrence of such vacancy, he issued his writ for the election of a member to serve in the House for the electoral district in question, and that such writ had been dulv returm'd with a certificate endorsed thcreon of the election of David \Veir for such electorate; also that a vacancy had occurred in the House by the resignation of John Adamson. Esquire, of his seat for the electoral district of Rocl;:hamp­ ton, and that, on the occurrence of such Yacancy, he issued his writ for the election of a member to s<>rYe in the House for the elec­ toral district in question, and that such writ was duly returned with a certificate endors"d thereon of the election of Francis Michael Forde for such electorate. Mr. \VEIR, who wa/i introduced by Mr. Kirwan and Mr. Cooper. and Mr. FoRDE, who was introduced by :Mr. Larcomhe and :Mr. Pcterson, amid Government cheers, re­ spectively took the oath and wbscribed the roll. LOCAL OPTION POLLS. The SPEAKER reported that certain pa~ers relating to the examination of local optwn polls, which were laid on the table on 13th February last, were ordered by him, under Standing Order No. 325, to be returned to the Home Secretary's Department, and they had been removed from the records c-f the House accordingly. PANEL OF TE::\IPORARY CHAIRMEN. The SPEAKER: Pursuant to the require­ ments of Standing Order No. 11, I hereby nominate the following mC'mbers to form the panel of Temporary Chairmen during thE' present session :- Thomas Folev, member for the electoral clistrict ;,f Mundingburra ; J ames Larcombe. member for the electoral LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. clistrict of Kcppcl ; Thomas Robert Roberts. member for the electoral district ·of East Toowoomba; \Villi am Forgan Smith, member for the elec­ MONDAY, 9 J"CLY, 1917. toral district of Mackay; Harry Frederick \Valker. member for the electoral district of Cooroora. OPE:-JI~G OF PARLIAMENT. The House met shortly before 12 o'clock, AUDITOR-GE::\ERAL'S REPORTS. at which hour a message was brought by the "Gsher of the Black Rod from His Excellency The SPEAKER announced the receipt of the Governor requesting the attendance of the following from the Auditor-General :- Mr. Speaker and hon. members in the Coun­ Letter covering the Agent-General's re­ cil Chamb<er. port on Savings Bank securitie' ·held The SPEAKER and hon. members accord­ in London as on 31st December, 1916. ingly proceeded to the Legislative Council, Letter covering twenty-fifth half-yearly and, having heard the Address of His Excel­ report on the balance-sheet of the lency, returned to their own Chamber, when Queensland N a.tional Bank, being­ the SPEAKER announced that he would resume for the half-year ending 31st Decem­ the chair at half-past 3 o'clock. ber, 1916. The House resumed at half-past 3 o'clock. Ordered to be printed. Hon. W. McCormack.], )(j Suspension of Standi·P) Orders. [ASSE:.\IBLY.] Adire8s in Reply. PAPERS. forward the motion at all. \\"hen hon. mem­ bers opposite were sitting in opposition they The following papers were laid on the ah\ ays persistent]> opposed the gran~ing of table:- Supply, even to the extent of opposmg the Rep<Jrt of the Joint Parliamentary Build· motions when brought forward under the ings Committee for the yPar 1916· procedure laid down in the Standing Orders. 1917. The Premi<?r to-dav wishc·, to adopt the extraordinary course of passing a Supply Report of the Joint Parliamentary Re­ Bill throu.rh all stages in one day without freshment Rooms Committee for the o·iying us ~n opportunity of knowing that it year 1916-1917. ~,·as intended to bring on such a motion. As Report of the Joint Parliamentary vou are well avvare, Mr. Speaker, this is one Library Committee for the year 1916· ~f the opportunities which members of the· 1917. House have got. of discussing important m:Jttcrs that may have arisen' during the re­ The following papers, laid on the' table. cces, or for the purpose of getting informa­ were ordered to be printed:- tion from the Government. Had we known Despatches com·eying His ::Uaje>ty's that this motion was to be brought forward, .assent to Acts passed during· tho m· if thfl Premier had intimated through the session of 1916-1917. Press that such a course was proposed, then. hen. members might have come prepared to Regulations under the Public Servico deal with such a question, but we have not Acts, 1896 to 1901. received anv information with regard to· Report of the Government Resident, the motion at all. I may say, for myself, Thursday Island, for the year 1916. that the Premier was good enough to te!I Regulations of 5th January, 1917, made me about an hour ago that he intended to under the :\Ioney Lenders Act of ask leave to introduce the motion without­ 1916. notice, and he asked if the Opposition w<.mld Regulation of 6th June, 1917, made allow it to go wrthout notrce. It mrght under the ::Ylonev Lenders Act of appear on the face of it that we would incur· 1916, amending regulation No. 3. some odium from the public servants if we refuse the request to allow the Appropria­ Rules of Court, as of Satur-day, 21st tion Bill to go through in one clay, but if April, 1917, amending rule 48 of there is any odium attached to the position order 71 of the rules of the Supreme it must be attached to the Chief Secretary Court. and those "ssociated with him and his Regulation, dated 18th :IIIay, 1917, under Administration. the Diseases in Plants Act of 1916. The SPEAKER : Order ! I would remind Regulation, dated 1st March, 1917, under the hen. member that debate on the question the Diseases in Stock Act of 1915. is irregular. Additional regulation, dated 27th April, Hox. J. TOLMIE: I am only giving my 1917, under the Land Act of 1910. reasons whv \HJ decline to grant the request General Reg·ulations under the Dis­ of the Chief Secretarv to submit the motion charged Soldiers' Settlement _.l,ct of without notice. I can" simply sum up by say­ 1917. ing that the Government had every <?PPOl'­ tunity of calling the House together, rf the­ The following paper 1Yas alw laid on the necessity existed for granting Supply to _the table:- public servants, as the hen. member has JUSt Statenu~nts of insuran('l1 con1panit•;;o for informed us. the :·ear 1916, under the provisionP. The SPEAKER: Under Standing Order· of the· Life Insurance Companies Act ="o. 328, it is necessary for six memb~rs to of 1901. object to the motion being put wrthout notice. Whereupon all members of the Opposition PROPOSED SUSPE:c\SIO~ OF STAXDIXG present rose in their places, amid general . ORDERS. laughter. The PREMIER (Hon. T. J. Ryan, Barcoo): The PRD.!IER then gave notice of motion ViFith the permission of the House I would for to-morrow. like to move a motion without notice, haYing for its object the suspension of so m;uch of GOVERNOR'S OPE~IXG SPEECH. the Standing Orders as would otherwise pre­ The SPEAKER: I have to report that vent the immediate constitution of Committee the House this day attended His Excellency of Supply and \Vays and Means, the receiY­ the GoYernor in the Council Chamber, where ing of resolutions on the same da v on which His Excellency delivered an Opening Speech they shall have been passed, and the passing to both Houses. I am going to ask the of an Appropriation Bill through all its House to follow the procedure which was stages in one day. The necessity arises from adopted last session. I ask, is it the pleasure the fact that the public servants haYe to be of the House that the Speech be taken as paid on Wednesday morning. read? The SPEAKER: Is it the pleasure of the HoNOcRABLE JYfE:~~BERS : Hear, hear ! House that the Chief Secretary be allowed to move the motion without notice? ADDRESS IN REPLY. HoN. J. TOLMIE (Toowoomba): I am Mr. FORDE (Rockhampton), who. was re­ sorry that I have to object to this motion ceived with Government cheers, sard : Mr. going through without notice at the present Speaker -I rise to move that the following time, because it is a matter of so much im­ address 'be presented to His Excellency th,e portance to, at any rate, this side of the Governor in reply to the speech of Hrs Chamber. There was no indication given of Excellency at the opening of this the third the business to be brought forward, and I do session of the twentieth Parliament of not see that there is any reason for bringing Queensland:- [Hon. T. J. Ryan. Address in Reply. (9 JULY.] Address in Reply. 17 "MAY IT PLEASE YouR ExcELLENCY,- Mr. FORDE: Realising the urgency of the­ " We, His Majesty's loyal and .dutiful matter, the Queensland Goverr:m~nt was thB" subjects the members of the Legislative first in the field with a repatnatwn scheme.
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