T he Courier-G r ie. ROCKLAND GAZETTE ESTABLISHED 1S4O.) ROCKLAND COCKIER EHTAIII.ISHEI) 1S74.| O n |1rcss is % ^rtlftmchcan $cber that Iftobcs Ijjc &?lorlb at £too Dollars a ilcar l TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADYANCBi 1 MINGLE COPIES PRICE FIVE CKNT8, V o l. 8 , — N ew S e r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, APRILS, 1889. N umber 13. ? p p ? W here cnt» I invest my s h t in g s Hint, th e y H.GALI.ERT’S may lie safe nnil yet yield me n good rate of Interest? T I I 13 OFFERINC House Furnishing Co. (O F M A IN E) OF •AYR IT S ST O CK H O LDERDERR 10 PER LADIES’ SPRINC CENT ’cr A nnum DIVIDENDS JANUARY ANU JULY. For full particnlars call on or write JACKETS! DAV1I) W. SEARS, 17 Milk SI. S-20 ROOM f», BOSTON. Or the Treasurer of the Company, Portland, Me JACKETS ! = HOTEL ST. CTEKB5Sfi?HBW3iWH Fifth Ave. and 39th St., N. Y. JACKETS! Zfcu American Plan $4 OD per day; Bath and Parlors extra. European Plan $1.50 per day and upwards, Among the many New Goods we are LON NUTTER, : Proprietor. J now daily receiving for our Spring Fornv-rly op Bangor Steamship Line. j Trade, we call especial attention to ROCKLAND TOW BOAT our COMPAMY. NEW STYLES OF id B ritannia. This Company has Two Good Boats, one large for outside work, and the other smaller for inside Ladies’ Jersey and Cloth work, and are prepared to receive orders for any towing job that may come up, either Inside or Outside, Anywhere Along J a c k e ts ! the Coast of Maine. gemare. These boats are in first-class order, strong and speedy, well manned and ofliccred ami fully capa­ ble of any job of towing. S 2 . 5 O A FINE STALLION. I supply. The first is the roadster ami the second found, hut I know not n simile see Nr • lie of good size, handsnine to the eye, docile, I some to look at, spirited anil docile. They England where a buyer can irn with any i and attic to pull two persons from ten to twelve EXCURSIONS. Will buy of us a nice and perfect ■ were tough as elm-tree knots and closely certainly or even likelihood ot Uniting one I miles an hour and burst out w^ien called upon Excursion parties can obtain favorable terms. fibred. TJey had good stout legs and strong "Arid is there one tanner or breeder in New . to u thrce-mlnuic gait. The latter must be of Utting Cloth .Jacket. An Animal That Seems To Have all Orders by Mail, Telephone or Telegraph stomachs. In color they were pluck and hays England who is foolish enough to ih'nk that large size,fine form,of good solid color,gentle in and chestnuts, good, strong colors and pleas­ he and the eoitnirv are nor losers bv this dp -tall and harness, ol high, showy action and will receive prompt attention. the Requirements. S 3 . 3 O ant to the eye. Their hair had the lustre of p lu m b ic slate of things • I here e inrun la- one. able to pull a coupe or carryall eight miles an A. C. GAY & CO., Agents, J health and breeding, and the gleam of sun- For do not ab know ihnt iri breeding a “ real hour. Such horses will sell, anti sell at good Interesting Reading for People In- light and starlight was in it. Now and then trotter" is a chance result, a hit of gambling ROCKLAND. MAINE. 3 A nice .Jersey .Jacket, and extra nice prices, and whoever breeds them will find terested in Sensible Horses. one was spiced with a pungent dash of temper, luck, a fortunate ticket from a lottery, whose himself breeding to a profit and a good round grades at lower prices than ever lint they were never stubborn. To hold the wheel in revolution throws out a hundred one at that.” ■ reins on a frosty morning over a span ot such blanks to one numbered card : The Gentlemen’s Road Gemare belongs to the very race of horses known before. Our horse of the roadsters was enough to make a man of cor­ “Now and then comes a prize—n trotter that which Mr. Murray has, in his essay, pointed Future. rect religious conceptions keep saying, "lialle- can trot wav down in the •twenties’’ ot below, out ns the one from which the desired sires tor Thc above fine cut represents Gemare, the : '"'i11'1' Ibe "hilt, and the press of the whole country heralds our native mares might lie found in order to Ladies’ & Children's Jersey Waists beautiful stallion owned and Imported by Jas. j “Tes, the Morgans were the very embodi- his fame and the fame of his breeder or produce the result most called for by popular S. Sanborn of the firm of Chase A Sanborn, i ,,,cnl °f every quality and characteristic owner; lull the piess, 1 notice, does not tell demand, lie has the blood, size, form, color, are unsurpassed in regard to new Boston. Gemare stands 1G hands, weighs "hich is called tor in a roadster. In them the miserable story of the niiiliitudinotis. fail­ disposition and style of going required. He 1250, is four years old, color bay. Mr. San- lbe PoeIry unique nature and motion was ures which come lietore and come alter one Is one of the best-bred and handsomest horses styles, excellent finish and perfect lit tiorn owns Elmwood stock farm, Poland, Me., visibly expressed and set to music. Inaction brilliant bit; of the thousands of doll its, the in the world, and this r ice tieing remarkably in every way. You economize if you and will keep Gemare there. Of this valuable Iliey ,nlul,‘ 11 heroic appearance, and their years, the study that were spent in the ilITrt prepotent there is no reason to think that he type of horse W. II. 11. Murray very aptly re- , l,0,,rs bcut '"elody from the pato. In then to produce the one trotter and a landscape full ! will not get eolts like himself. He was bred buy any of these Garments of ns. niar)js was dash and shine and rhythm. They struck of colls and trotters that could neither trot in tiy M. Jehenne, of Heulund, department of “ ft is easy enough lor men of fitty years of tbe r"a*' " *,b ,be sl,,|ic nervous stroke with ' •twenty’ nor anywhere else to the watch that Calvados; got by the government stallion, age to tell what was the horse of the past in which the pigeon in full career strikes the air, gave them any value, and which could not r iiiu liin . dam /.'/lerunn (brown buy) by this country, for they remember him distinctly, und like the tense-winged courier ol the sky road twelve miles an hour tor three bouts Valero out of a daughter of SiWery. His Next comes our In my boyish days the highest type of horse lbe' hiughed at hills and mounted them with together on a eountrv road to save their own pedigree is traced sixty-one times to the Arab in New England was the road horse—and a a dash ol spirited Hight. lives or that of their breeder. Verilv, what a and thirty-three times to the most renowned very__ highu type he was in fact. Physically. he “ But the Morguns,. as tainily, have gone, farce and loss this wild, frenzied, long con­ Turk and Barli stallions, ft is therefore CHAS. E. BURPEE, Infant’s W ear Dept. was not a very large horse as a rule, hut there 1 and the glory of the class they c imposed is I tinued eliort on the part of New England to within the bounds lo say that thciearefew was a great deal ot horse in him in spite of departed. For thirty years New England lias breed‘trotters’ has been ! 't he loss from this horses living in which Is concentrated the HOUSE SHIP AND SIGN PAINTER Everybody is surprised about our his lack in size. In the stable he weighed, it 1 bred horses for speed, and speed only; and unhuslness-like iiinliilioM has fallen heavily 1 blood ol so many ancestors famous In the GRAINER, PAPER HANGER, may be, only 900 pounds, and stood barely speed she has and only speed. She is full of enough on the breeder himself, as all who equine history of the past two centuries. new and beautiful styles of know anything of the subject, know, tint the i —AND DEALER IN— fourteen and a halt hands high, but when you “trotters”—horses that can speed in thirty; Il is enough to distinguish him ntnong led him out of the stall after a good night’s j but where can a gentleman who loves the Iree private loss is as nothing to that far heavier" horses, and cause him io lie a subject of keen PAINTS, OILS, DRYERS, Infants’ and Children's Cloaks, restand began to put the harness on him be j air, the sight of plain and hill, the smell of j one which has fallen, lieeuuse of it, upon the interest to all horsemen. grew taller with every strap you buckled, and | earth and hedges, and the safe exhilaration of country at large, Mr. Sanborn has issued a neat pamphlet Varnishes, Gias*', Etc. on the road he weighed a ton, and took a steep the country load, liny a horse spirited, docile “There are two styles of horses for which t containing Ihc pedigree and'other interesting Dresses, hill like a high-pressure engine—everything and handsome, that can whirl him along there is a genu me and earnest demand in New ; mailer relating to the valuuhle animal and will MATERIALS FOP ARTISTS whizzing.
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