ENJOY BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER DAILY AT TRUNK OR TREAT SATURDAY AT FOX PARK THE RIO GRANDE DINER • SEE PAGE 19 IN WILDWOOD • SEE PAGE 9 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS TV CHALLENGE STUMPERS CHALLENGE STUMPERS SPORTSNew Orleans Saints TV SPORTS By George Dickie 9) Who has won the most games New Orleansas a Saints Saints head coach? By George Dickie 9) Who has won the most games New Orleans Saints Questions: as10) a Three Saints Saints head headcoach? coaches By George Dickie 9) Who has won the most games 1) What former Saints quarter- 10)are Threemembers Saints of the head Pro coaches Football as a Saints head coach? Questions: Hall of Fame. Name them. 1)back What has former two sons Saints who quarter also - are members of the Pro Football Questions: 10) Three Saints head coaches backcalled has signals two sonsfor NFL who teams? also Hall of Fame. Name them. 1) What former Saints quarter- are members of the Pro Football called2) Prior signals to moving for NFL to the teams? Louisi- Answers: back has two sons who also Hall of Fame. Name them. 2)ana Prior Superdome to moving in to 1975, the Louisi what - Answers:1) Archie Manning, a Saint from called signals for NFL teams? anastadium Superdome did the Saintsin 1975, call what 1)1971 Archie to 1982 Manning, and father a Saint to Peyfrom- 2) Prior to moving to the Louisi- Answers: stadiumhome? did the Saints call 1971ton and to 1982Eli and father to Pey- ana Superdome in 1975, what 1) Archie Manning, a Saint from home?3) What Saint kicked a then- ton2) Tulane and Eli Stadium, their home stadium did the Saints call 1971 to 1982 and father to Pey- 3) What Saint kicked a then- NFL record 63-yard field goal in 2) Tulane Stadium, their home home? ton and Eli NFL record 63-yard field goal in fieldfield fromfrom 19671967 to 1974 1970? 3) What Saint kicked a then- 2) Tulane Stadium, their home 1970? 3) Tom Dempsey NFL record 63-yard field goal in field from 1967 to 1974 4)4) InIn whatwhat yearyear diddid thethe SaintsSaints 4) 1987 1970? makemake theirtheir firstfirst playoff appear-- 5) Texas’ Ricky Williams 3) Tom Dempsey 4) In what year did the Saints ance?ance? 6) LSU’s Tiger Stadium in Baton 4) 1987 make their first playoff appear- 5)5) InIn whatwhat isis regardedregarded asas a his-- Rouge, La. (four games), the Al- 5) Texas’ Ricky Williams toric blunder, the Saints in 1999 ance? toric blunder, the Saints in 1999 amodome in San Antonio (three 6) LSU’s Tiger Stadium in Baton tradedtraded allall theirtheir draftdraft pickspicks forfor games) and New Jersey’s Giants 5) In what is regarded as a his- Rouge, La. (four games), the Al- that year plus the first- and third- games) and New Jersey’s Giants that year plus the first- and third- Stadium (one game) toric blunder, the Saints in 1999 amodome in San Antonio (three round picks the following year for Stadium (one game) round picks the following year for 7) Drew Brees, who passed for traded all their draft picks for games) and New Jersey’s Giants the right to draft what Heisman 7) Drew Brees, who passed for that year plus the first- and third- the right to draft what Heisman 5,476 yards in 2011 Stadium (one game) Trophy-winning running back? 5,476 yards in 2011 round picks the following year for Trophy-winning running back? 8) George Rogers, who rushed 7) Drew Brees, who passed for 6) In what venues were the the right to draft what Heisman 6) In what venues were the for8) George1,674 yards Rogers, in 1981 who rushed Saints forced to play home Trophy-winning running back? 5,476 yards in 2011 gamesSaints forcedafter Hurricane to play home Katrina 9)for Sean 1,674 Payton, yards in who 1981 has won 6) In what venues were the 8) George Rogers, who rushed renderedgames after the HurricaneSuperdome Katrina unus - 1349) Sean games Payton, from who2006 has through won for 1,674 yards in 1981 able in 2005? Week134 games 5 of 2020 from 2006 through Saints forced to play home rendered the Superdome unus- games after Hurricane Katrina 9) Sean Payton, who has won 7)able Who in 2005?holds the team record for 10)Week Tom 5 ofFears 2020 (a Saints coach from 1967 to 1970), Hank Stram rendered the Superdome unus- 134 games from 2006 through most7) Who passing holds yardsthe team in a record season? for 10) Tom Fears (a Saints coach (1976-77) and Mike Ditka (1997- able in 2005? Week 5 of 2020 8) Who has the single-season from 1967 to 1970), Hank Stram teammost markpassing for yardsrushing in yards?a season? 99) 7) Who holds the team record for 10) Tom Fears (a Saints coach 8) Who has the single-season (1976-77) and Mike Ditka (1997- most passing yards in a season? from 1967 to 1970), Hank Stram team mark for rushing yards? 99) 8) Who has the single-season (1976-77) and Mike Ditka (1997- SEARCH team mark for rushing yards? 99) WORD SEARCH A NSUMFSDTXARVAH SEARCH D WORDVENSCHEM INGERE A NSUMFSDTXARVAH WORD F NAWUHCICEYSUFE A NSUMFSDTXARVAH SD GLDPXPULRNASYGVENSCHEM INGERE D VENSCHEM INGERE PF UJRENAWUHCICEYSUFEEVESOERCPR F NAWUHCICEYSUFE ES BKETCHPIWUTRKEGLDPXPULRNASYG S GLDPXPULRNASYG EP KWHECATOBQYSPEUJRE EVESOERCPR P UJRE EVESOERCPR AE NEDRMAEPLRMIRNBKETCHPIWUTRKE E BKETCHPIWUTRKE LE ZLAURIESOIKVAEKWHECATOBQYSPE U DROEVQURTVTIJM E KWHECATOBQYSPE A NEDRMAEPLRMIRN O NUPUEXCKAEMIEN A NEDRMAEPLRMIRN NL OSNWTCELERCHCKZLAURIESOIKVAE L ZLAURIESOIKVAE AU EGECDROEVQURTVTIJMMWODAWNKNS U DROEVQURTVTIJM DO RESTAKIHZUVEEHNUPUEXCKAEMIEN O NUPUEXCKAEMIEN AN RSEKHNCTANFCEROSNWTCELERCHCK N OSNWTCELERCHCK A EGEC“Roadkill onMWODAWNKNS Masterpiece” on PBS (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) A EGEC MWODAWNKNS PeterD (Laurence)RESTAKIHZUVEEH(Hugh) Laurie Politics D RESTAKIHZUVEEH CharmianA RSEKHNCTANFCER (Pepper) (Sarah) Greene Scheming A RSEKHNCTANFCER Dawn (Ellison)“Roadkill on(Helen) Masterpiece” McCrory Outwit on PBS Helen (Laurence) (Saskia) Reeves Secrets “Roadkill on Masterpiece” on PBS (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Duncan (Knock) (Iain) de Caestecker Desperation Peter (Laurence) (Hugh) Laurie Politics Peter (Laurence) (Hugh) Laurie Politics Charmian (Pepper) (Sarah) Greene Scheming Charmian (Pepper) (Sarah) Greene Scheming Dawn (Ellison) (Helen) McCrory Outwit Dawn (Ellison) (Helen) McCrory Outwit Custom Features Release the week of November 1 - November 7, 2020. Helen (Laurence) (Saskia) Reeves Secrets Helen (Laurence) (Saskia) Reeves Secrets Duncan (Knock) (Iain) de Caestecker Desperation Duncan (Knock) (Iain) de Caestecker Desperation PAGE 5 Custom Features Release the week of November 1 - November 7, 2020. Custom Features Release the week of November 1 - November 7, 2020. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS New Orleans Saints By George Dickie 9) Who has won the most games as a Saints head coach? Questions: 10) Three Saints head coaches 1) What former Saints quarter- are members of the Pro Football back has two sons who also Hall of Fame. Name them. called signals for NFL teams? 2) Prior to moving to the Louisi- Answers: ana Superdome in 1975, what 1) Archie Manning, a Saint from stadium did the Saints call 1971 to 1982 and father to Pey- home? ton and Eli 3) What Saint kicked a then- 2) Tulane Stadium, their home NFL record 63-yard field goal in field from 1967 to 1974 1970? 3) Tom Dempsey 4) In what year did the Saints 4) 1987 make their first playoff appear- 5) Texas’ Ricky Williams ance? 6) LSU’s Tiger Stadium in Baton 5) In what is regarded as a his- Rouge, La. (four games), the Al- toric blunder, the Saints in 1999 amodome in San Antonio (three traded all their draft picks for games) and New Jersey’s Giants that year plus the first- and third- Stadium (one game) round picks the following year for 7) Drew Brees, who passed for the right to draft what Heisman Trophy-winning running back? 5,476 yards in 2011 6) In what venues were the 8) George Rogers, who rushed Saints forced to play home for 1,674 yards in 1981 games after Hurricane Katrina 9) Sean Payton, who has won rendered the Superdome unus- 134 games from 2006 through able in 2005? Week 5 of 2020 7) Who holds the team record for 10) Tom Fears (a Saints coach most passing yards in a season? from 1967 to 1970), Hank Stram 8) Who has the single-season (1976-77) and Mike Ditka (1997- team mark for rushing yards? 99) WORD SEARCH A N S U M F S D T X A R V A H D V E N S C H E M I N G E R E F N A W U H C I C E Y S U F E S G L D P X P U L R N A S Y G P U J R E E V E S O E R C P R E B K E T C H P I W U T R K E E K W H E C A T O B Q Y S P E A N E D R M A E P L R M I R N L Z L A U R I E S O I K V A E U D R O E V Q U R T V T I J M O N U P U E X C K A E M I E N N O S N W T C E L E R C H C K A E G E C M W O D A W N K N S D R E S T A K I H Z U V E E H A R S E K H N C T A N F C E R “Roadkill on Masterpiece” on PBS (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Peter (Laurence) (Hugh) Laurie Politics Charmian (Pepper) (Sarah) Greene Scheming Dawn (Ellison) (Helen) McCrory Outwit Helen (Laurence) (Saskia) Reeves Secrets Duncan (Knock) (Iain) de Caestecker Desperation PAGE 6 Custom Features Release the week of November 1 - November 7, 2020.
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