r • 5/26/41 UNNERSITY OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS MINNEAPOLIS 14 VIGNETTES OF lEADING ~EMBERS "The Gophers" OF THE MINNESOTA VARSITY GOLF SQUAD' 47 HOVfARD JOHNSON-freshman; taking pro-dontal oourse•••grad~ted trom Un1Tersity High School, Mp1s., in 1943 •••G.I. - was in Army air corps•••homo in st. Paul••• started in golf as caddy at Midland Hills C.C., St. Paul•••homo oourso-Como, #2 st. Paul•••won Alinnosota Stato high school ch~pionship in 1943 •••bost compoti· thn tivo rounds in 1947 - 72 vs. Wisoonsin; 73 (1ow man for day) va. Northwestern••• is lonGost hitter on squad. GEORGE KLOUDA-junior in businoss adninistration with major in advertising•••graduated from Hopkins High Sohool in 1942•••Jlinnesota Stato High Sohoo1 Champ in 1942••• lti.nnosota 1ettennan in 1946 •••hone oourse .. Uoadowbrook, Hpls •••best oompotiti~.·o round this spring - 7- vs. Wisconsin at U. of M. courso. JOHN RAK-froshmli.n in General ColleGo•••graduated fron Co1U!!lbia Hoights (suberb or Mpls. ~ High School in January 1943 •••hono course - Hilltop, Columbia Heibhts•••bost oompetitive round - 72 vs. Notre Dame •••a long hitter. Dm-r WARYAN-freshrnan in General College•••graduated fran Minnea.polis Edison High in June 1944•••G.I. - was in no.v7 2 years, with a.bout a year on duty in Paoifio••• wns }~ls. City Junior Champ in 1944, and runnerup in 1945 •••home courso .. Armour~ #3 Upls •••••best competitive round .. 73 vs. Notro Dame •••had 69 in squad trials••• ~hn is long hitter and has excellent short approach. BILL i~RYAN-is sophomore in General College and 1946 letterman•••graduatod from Mpls. Edison in 1943 •••G.I. - was in army uirborne division and spent 12 mos. overseas l •••was Mpls. City Junior Chanp in 1941 and 1942 •••M1nnesota State 40 & 8 ohampion #1 in 1941 and 1942•••hits long, straight woods und hus exoe1lent short approaoh Man game •••best compotitive rounds this spring - 70 in both rounds against Wisconsin 5/24/47, and 71 against Iowa. Par for U. of H. course is 71. HINNE SO TA. 'S RECORD IN DUAL ~MI. TCHES Minnesota Iowa state 13~ ;~ C~rloton 1~ ­ 18 st. Olaf 9 131.. Iowa 13t 16~ Northwestern loi (at Northwostern) 18 Notre Dame 9 18 Carleton 6 (at Northfield) lo! St. Olaf 7~ (at Northfield) 33 ''lJisconsin 12 as 7 _ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA DEPAB'l'MENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS MINNEAPOLlS 14 UNIVERSITY OF ::INNESOTA Football 1951 ___ NWjJe__. ._ Ho~e._T.QTJl! f!f fii.:;h_3fh.Qo1 ..Pgs..!. _q,a.§s_ _ Y{gt._ Hg:~· _ Anderson., Ilichard Hu1s. (Roosevolt) flG Jr 185 6 20 Arne, Hobert TIplc. (Southuest) LE Soph 180 6-3 19 Bartllo1omo.y, Bob T!2.hpeton, North Dakota R:m Jr 187 6-2 21 B1om, Al Crookston (1J .,0[. Ags) 1T Sr 217 6-2 23 Bco, Jim Pine City RG Jr 205 6-1 21 Bur:oyne, Joe So. St. Palu QB Soph 185 5-8 20 Carlson, John Vllieaton RT Sr 220 6-3 21 Choqu3ttc, Clo.::rton StambauGh, l~icllig2.n 1G Soph 188 5-11 19 Dargis, Dick IIp1s.(De1aSalle) REB Jr 185 5-11 20 Durda, Chct Iip1s. (Larshal1) R: Sr 201 6 23 Engol, Ron Uason City, IeTra FB Sr 200 6 20 Engh, J:artin I,Iontevidco &IB Soph 185 6-1 19 SrdD.ll,lichard Up1s. (':1ashburn) J.T Soph 240 6-2 18 PI <:ll1erty, lEdward LIpIs. (~30uth) :1:8 Soph 180 6 27 ;:'oss, Bill FerGUS Falls HE Jr 205 6-2 21 Frenc:l, Roger ~~p1~. (Central) L2 Jr 200 6-3 19 Ge11e, Dob Osm,is RB Jr 215 6-3 20 Giel, Paul Yiinona QB Soph 185 5-11 18 Grego!";, Dick Billings, LIontana Lim Sr 175 5-10} 22 Hachey, Dill Grand Rapids LUB Soph 130 5-10" 18 Hansen, ;.1onald Northfield LT Soph 215 5-11 19 Hei(~enrcich, Doug st. Paul (11onroo) ~?G ,Jr 190 5-10 19 Heinz, Ed Hastings J}IB Soph 180 5-9 19 Hondrickson,Lloyd( ,Joe) Epls. (North) 1.2 Sr 195 6-1 21 HolLIe, lic1vin Stambaugh, =:icl1igan FB Sup]] 200 5··11 19 Hudak, GeoI':-;e Chisholm 1HE S:c 185 ~-10 21 HUGunin, Dick Jaclcson aG Soph 200 6 19 Kroff,nann, Jic1, J,obbinsg.a1c, FD SOl)ll lOa 5-11 19 Koch, Paul IlplCt Ul.oCSGvcl·c,) G .soC)h 185 5-9 19 1:0, Young Honolulu G 80.)11 185 ~-11 28 18hz, stuart Upls. (Edison) :tI1B Jr· 170 '5-9 20 T SOP~l Li!1(lgrcn, Go:cdon 0t. Paul C;Urra: ) LG 195 5-11 19 l;lay, Del HilYraul:08 L~3 Soph 195 6-2 20 ;:=.\T) Dick IIilriaul~Ge L:m Sr 190 5-11 22 ne:;.~",cs, Jack ',iinona 1G Jr 203 6-2 21 IIun:::l.inger, l1ichard St.IIilaire(Glcnnood) ~ Sr 2~0 6-6 23 PreGcott, Scott St. Paul (Hilson) C Jr 210 6 21 nCJ'relin£, Eon Hpls.Cloosevc1t) LT Sr 2!.~O 6-3 20 ~i.G8d, Jim Fpls.Crest) Rl' Jr 220 6-1 21 Robinson, -,-'-ayno(Ca~.jt) lJpI3.(Horth) C Sr 212 6-1 2l l1oedel, Don Epls. (".iashburn) FlJ Jr 190 6 21 I:uti'ord, :Job 0t. Paul (ITurray) QB Soph 130 6 18 Ilyan, l:'iill Chicago' St. Leo) LT Sr 2l~O 6-4 22 Sollwvits, Dave I!p1s. (Nort.h) C ,Tr 215 6-1 20 Thompson, Bob Drcckcnricl[~e RiID Sr 170 6 21 itJalli11, :ton Valley City, lI.D. l~lD SOpll 205 5-1 19 Tlhcaton, Dicl, lipls. (rfnsllburn) ::I1ID Sr 180 6-~ 22 Trood, ~'Til1is St. Cloud (Tech) C Soph 198 6-1 19 UNIVERSITY OF }IIHN:~O'rA Football 1951 FRESHHEN JEPO IIT ING S8ptiillber 1 Ahorn, Richard St. Paul (Breck) 150 5-7 18 E Almer, Robert St. Cloud (Tech) 190 6 18 RC Andrus, Clint LIpls. (South1iost) 215 6-2} 17 LT l'T) Arthur, Don Hanklto 165 5-1eD­ 18 ~' L) Dal~gQrtnor, John Bj.sm3.rc~~, North Dakota 20)+ 6-1 18 TID BO;)Tcff, L8n llinot, IJorth Dakota 205 6 18 Capp311otti, Geno KceTlatin 175 5-11 18 CO-sT,-ell, Seldon Bemidji 195 6-4 18 Drill, David Ho1)lcins (Bla.ke) 215 6-3 17 !!;lton, Burnham lercus :::'a11s C. ;ashington) 200 5-10 18 Farrell, Jerly 1.1,ls. (DoLaSdle) 170 5-11 18 Fryo, Verne BiC ~alls (Littlefork) 190 6-2 18 Helgeson, Jerry St. Cloud ('1'och) 200 6-3 18 C Holz, Gordon Rosemount 215 6-3 IS J.T Klemann, Helyin Anaconda, llont2.na 185 6 18 TJ Tj' ~ I:uchnel, Darrell J. ergus ':,' aIls 205 6-L. 10 IlT Lees, Dick Austin '190 ~-l~~ 17 em Lindb::rg, Bob :r.Ipls. (Ears:lal1) 201J 5-8,;;- 19 LG Uartin, Pat L'1pls. (South) 200 5-11 18 C l:c::nroy, Phil Preston 185 6-3 18 I,J .-' I("\,1. :.lc21cvey, Charlos Grand Marais 175 :J- V2- 17 c :iicko~r ~Tn McI.Iahon, Iron JiveI', Eichigan 165 5-10 18 L1L...1 IIeighen, Buzz Preston 175 6-1~' 19 rD Hold, Jim Cambridr:re 'r ~ 245 6-22 18 LT Pederson, Thomas ~.Ipls. (Central) 180 5-11 17 c Quist, Dale Lonsdale (Central Hieh Horthfiold,Minn) 165 5-10 18 Rau, Jerry Prior Lake (bhal~opee) 200 5-8 18 "~G ]ood, Dick Epls. (Henry) 190 6-1 18 clG rtounce, Joe Shell Lakc,Wisconsin 200 5-11 18 '1G I' Schmitt, lIme Grand Rapids (Central) 170 Q 18 (1] Soltau, Jim Duluth (Central) 185 6-2 18 T.J':':; _l1j~ Smith, Ronald Canby 190 v-f-.. 2'\2 18 Stensrud, Dick Robbinsdale 180 6--~' 18 Stamschror, CharlQs Kello2:G (St. FeliX) 190 6-1 18 L1' Streeter, Ernio St. Paul (".T<J.shington) 200 6 18 ~H , 1 S,'ranson, Don ",'J Hibbing 168 5-11;r IS J S,ranum, Charles I;pls. (Jashburn) 165 5-10;;' 18 1~;J 0u11ivo.n, Hike l1p1s. <=toosovelt) 180 5-11 17 :_.'jJ Tochel, ::'1'oc1 -UifD.U!CCC 190 0-1 10 L:- ;~c~:cstQ i11 ,~:J~.~8:' -. -,. 1jl~J,.-1 ::;:: .'......,...'--~(. 5,·10-~ ". ,J.. .c- •.-.... -.. 1)' LC ,~,1 lS5 ;=~·~8:~_i13I"I, ~}:Lcl: ",,"1 J-__ .. _L' "._.,.. p,,, 0, 200 6 - 13>T - 3 - NEVJCOMERS OUT FOR SPRING FOarB.\LL - 1951 (Total - 19) Name POSe Ht. wt. C1ass(next fall) Home & High School Basham, Larry E 6-1 190 Soph st. Paul (Marshall) Blanchard, Dick C 5-11 185 Soph East Chain Emslie, George C 5-10 175 Soph St. Paul (Cretin) Ersbo, Dick FB 6 200 Soph Minneapolis (North) Erickson, Eric RH 5-10 170 Soph Bismarck Gundy, Don RT 6-3 235 Jr Newport (St. Paul Park) Henkes, iia1ph QB 5-11 175 Jr Racine, V.'lsconsin Johnson, Bud RH 5-11 175 Sr So. st. Paul Knudson, Ed T 6 190 Soph Mound Larkin, John LE 5-11 170 Sr St. Pa~l (Harding) Lindgren, Gordon RT 5-11 195 Soph St. Paul (Murray) 1,'e11gren, YJes B 5-10 165 Jr ':iorthington Nystrom, Fred G 6 180 Soph New Ulm Pangbum, Dan RH 5-10 160 Jr Sauk Centre Schmanski, Bernard RH 5-11 165 Soph Wells (Blue Earth) Lchneider, Bob LH 6-2 185 Soph Minneapolis (Wwst) Stopka, John G 5-11 180 Soph Columbia Heights Taylor, Dale LH 5-8 150 $oph Truman Zachery, Percy E 6-2 190 Soph St.Paul (Marshall) - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - --- - ---- 1951 SCH~DULE September 29 WASHINGTON - HOME I October 6 California at Berkeley October 13 NORTH"':ESTERN - HOME J October 20 NEBRAS~\ - HO}[ECOMING October 27 Michigan at Ann Arbor November 3 Iowa at Iowa City November 10 INDIANA - HOME - Dad's Day November 17 Purdue at Lafayette November 24.
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