THE TRIBUNE CHANDIGARH | TUESDAY | 18 APRIL 2017 HIMACHAL PRADESH 03 HPTU to offer Conscious decision to amend 8 new courses Now Congress joins chorus Hamirpur, April 17 for revision of voters’ list Himachal Pradesh Techni- TCP Act: State to High Court cal <niversity HPT<! $ill SHIMLA MC POLL the plight of the BJP, which the draft voters. list $as start eight ne$ courses in does not have an issue prepared at the %ehest of Vijay Arora order on a petition filed by a its affiliated colleges from Tribune News Service against the Congress in the the CPM and the Con- ‘Safety not compromised’ local advocate alleging that the coming session. The polls. )ut then it is unethi- gress. He claimed that Shimla, April 17 ■ The state contended that the legislature while making the the action of the state gov- ne$ courses $ill include Shimla, April 17 cal to ma+e false accusa- even though Shimla.s The State 1egislature has provisions of regularization has not compromised with ernment regarding regular- )Sc in food technology, The Congress on Monday tions,” he stated. population $as 2.3 la+h, taken a conscious legisla- safety measures under the relevant laws izing the unauthorized con- micro %iology, ))S, )C/, joined the chorus for inclu- He said the Congress too the list did not reflect tive policy decision $ith the ■ The state contended that it is clear from the Act that it is struction is illegal and %achelor in hotel manage- sion of names of thousands had objected to the fact that even 45 per cent of its vot- purpose of avoiding demoli- a one-time measure against the interest of the ment, journalism and mass of voters missing from the so many names of old and ers. He contended there tion of such a large num%er public at large. communication at gradua- electoral rolls for the new voters did not figure in $ere discrepancies in vot- ■ of un-authorized construc- In its earlier order the court had restrained the authori- The /ssem%ly had given tion level and MSc micro Shimla Municipal Corpo- the electoral rolls. ,People ers.list in *a+hu, Pan- tions $hich $as neither fea- ties from taking any final decision on the applications nod to the HP To$n and %iology and MSc in phar- ration elections. can %e misled %y )*P.s thaghati, 6anlog, )alu- submitted by the applicants for regularizing their build- si%le nor desira%le. This $as Country Planning HPTCP maceutical chemistry at In a statement issued here false and %aseless propa- ganj and other $ards. ings without the leave of the court informed by the state gov- /mendment! )ill, 952: on postgraduation level. today, Himachal Pradesh ganda. /s al$ays the Con- The M1/ demanded that ernment in its reply to the /ugust 9=, 952: $hich $as AN Sharma, Dean, /cade- Congress Committee gress $ill gain control over deadline %e e0tended %y 25 petition challenging the HP a one-time measure. provision of /rticle 92@ of brought to provide a chance mics, HPT<, said affiliated HPCC! "eneral Secretary the MC in the elections, due days so that the missing To$n and Country Planning It further informed that the Constitution of India. to the pu%lic to regulari7e colleges $ere advised to #aresh Chauhan said that it next month,” he asserted. names could %e included 8egulari7ation /mend- the &epartment of To$n and /fter hearing the matter their %uildings. The /ct apply for the ne$ courses $as a very serious issue in the list. ment /ct, 952: $hich $as Country Planning ; <r%an a division %ench compris- included the provision to %efore May 24. He said the that names of thousands of BJP MLA submits On the other hand, Mayor %rought to provide a 1ocal )odies had received ing the Chief *ustice Man- regulari7e all construction information on the courses voters had been left out. He memorandum to EC Sanjay Chauhan and chance to the pu%lic to reg- =,3=9 online soor /hmad Mir and *us- on Aas is $here is %asis.. and detailed procedure was said the &istrict 'lectoral )*P legislator Suresh &eputy Mayor Ti+ender ulari7e their %uildings. applications>cases regarding tice Tarlo+ Singh Chauhan Ho$ever, no unsafe %uild- also available on the HPT< (fficer must ensure that )hard$aj and party.s state Pan$ar %lamed the )*P The state further con- unauthori7ed constructions. listed it for further hearing ing would be regularized in $e%site $$$.himtu.ac.in. the names of all the voters vice president Ganesh Dutt and the Congress for inac- tended in its reply that the Since the HP To$n and on /pril 2?. the state as per the condi- He said the ne$ courses were included in the list. today su%mitted a memo- curacies in the voters. list. State 1egislature $hile Country Planning 8egular- In its earlier order the tion imposed by the /ct. $ould help aspiring stu- He also lashed out at the randum to P Mitra, State They $arned moving the ma+ing the provisions of i7ation /mendment /ct, court had restrained the The Act has special provi- dents to get education of )*P for misleading the pu%- 'lection Commissioner, HC if a door-to-door survey regulari7ation has not com- 952:, had a limited life span authorities from taking any sion for a specific period of their choice within the state lic by stating that the ruling demanding revision of draft $as not conducted to promised $ith safety meas- these applications>cases are final decision on the appli- one year as a Aone time. who earlier had to go to oth- party $as trying to hijac+ voters. list for the MC poll. include the names of all the ures under the relevant to %e decided $ithin a period cations su%mitted %y the e0emption %y charging er states. F OC the polls. “I can understand The M1/ alleged that eligible voters. la$s. The state further of one year on or %efore *an- applicants for regulari7ing deterrent composition fee defended the amendment uary, 9?, 952=. It $as further their %uildings $ithout the instead of demolition of %y contending that it is stated that the aforesaid /ct leave of the court. such large scale un-author- clear from the /ct that it is $as in conformity $ith legal The court passed this ized constructions. Nagrota college admn Rectify block inaugurated HPU council approves Shimla, April 17 ernment to enhance the shortcomings, <nion Minister of Human grant under 8<S/ in the 8esource &evelopment proportion of 90:10 +eeping ashram told promotion of 11 teachers Pra+ash *avade+ar today in vie$ the tough topogra- digitally inaugurated the phy of the hilly state. He Legal Correspondent Tribune News Service &epartment of 1a$ C &r &P C &r 8aj 6umar Singh. /dministrative )loc+ of also suggested to bring fur- Berma, Political Science C The Council approved the #agrota 'ngineering Col- ther reforms in parameters Shimla, April 17 Shimla, April 17 Dr Harish 6umar Thakur, Hindi Translation of /ct Sta- lege in 6angra district. The of technical education so as Ta+ing a serious note on the The '0ecutive Council of the Political Science (IC&'(1! tus and (rdinances of the inauguration $as done at a to ensure quality education plight of the inmates of Himachal Pradesh <niversity C &r )ha$na &evi, History C <niversity, $ith the rider function organi7ed at #e$ to the youth. F TNS )alika /shram, 6alpa, *us- HP<! today approved the pro- Dr Amrit Barsha "andhi that for legal matters, the &elhi $here the Gund and tice Tarlok Singh Chauhan, motion of 22 teaching faculty and &r )al+rishan Shivram. 'nglish version shall contin- 8eform Trac+er developed who is the head of the Juve- mem%ers under the Career Those promoted to the ue to %e a legal %ut the docu- %y 8ashtriya <chchatar nile *ustice Committee of /dvancement Scheme C/S!. ran+ of /ssociate Professor ment %ut the Hindi version Shi+sha /%hiyan 8<S/! the High Court, convened a The EC which met here include Bocational Studies - should also %e approved as a $as launched. The techni- meeting of the officials con- today under the chairman- &r Chander Mohan and &r legal document. cal education ministers of cerned and directed them to ship of Bice Chancellor Prof Sonia 6han as /ssociate The meeting $as attended various states participated rectify all shortcomings. ADN Bajpai approved the Professor, Chemistry Inor- by Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof in the event. Justice Chauhan had paid recommendations of the ganic! C &r Shashi )ala 8S Chauhan, Prof *) #ad- Speaking on the occasion, a surprise visit to the )alika Selection Committees. 6alia, &r Suvarcha Chauhan da, Prof &6 Sharma, &r Technical Education Minis- /shram on /pril 2D and Those who have been pro- Physical! and &r. )aljeet <ma Berma, &r Shyama ter of Himachal Pradesh "S inspected the place. The moted as Professor include Singh (rganic!, Commerce Joshi, and Raj 6umari. )ali urged the <nion "ov- condition of the ashram $as found to %e pathetic as there $as no cleanliness. It $as found that only one employee $as present there. After detailed check- ing, it $as found that the children $ere not %eing provided $ith school %ags, uniform, shoes, soc+s, slip- pers, s$eater, stationery, storage %o0es etc. Surpris- ingly, their tooth%rushes $ere %eing changed after t$o years. There $as no medical chec+-up of the children. The geysers installed in the ashram were out of order. The matter $as ta+en up with Raj 6umari Soni, gen- eral secretary, State Council of Child Eelfare.
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