2001-; Joshua B

2001-; Joshua B

The Irish Labour History Society College, Dublin, 1979- ; Francis Devine, SIPTU College, 1998- ; David Fitzpat- rick, Trinity College, Dublin, 2001-; Joshua B. Freeman, Queen’s College, City Honorary Presidents - Mary Clancy, 2004-; Catriona Crowe, 2013-; Fergus A. University of New York, 2001-; John Horne, Trinity College, Dublin, 1982-; D’Arcy, 1994-; Joseph Deasy, 2001-2012; Barry Desmond, 2013-; Francis Joseph Lee, University College, Cork, 1979-; Dónal Nevin, Dublin, 1979- ; Cor- Devine, 2004-; Ken Hannigan, 1994-; Dónal Nevin, 1989-2012; Theresa Mori- mac Ó Gráda, University College, Dublin, 2001-; Bryan Palmer, Queen’s Uni- arty, 2008 -; Emmet O’Connor, 2005-; Gréagóir Ó Dúill, 2001-; Norah O’Neill, versity, Kingston, Canada, 2000-; Henry Patterson, University Of Ulster, 2001-; 1992-2001 Bryan Palmer, Trent University, Canada, 2007- ; Bob Purdie, Ruskin College, Oxford, 1982- ; Dorothy Thompson, Worcester, 1982-; Marcel van der Linden, Presidents - Francis Devine, 1988-1992, 1999-2000; Jack McGinley, 2001-2004; International Institute For Social History, Amsterdam, 2001-; Margaret Ward, Hugh Geraghty, 2005-2007; Brendan Byrne, 2007-2013; Jack McGinley, 2013- Bath Spa University, 1982-2000. Vice Presidents - Joseph Deasy, 1999-2000; Francis Devine, 2001-2004; Hugh Geraghty, 2004-2005; Niamh Puirséil, 2005-2008; Catriona Crowe, 2009-2013; Fionnuala Richardson, 2013- An Index to Saothar, Secretaries - Charles Callan, 1987-2000; Fionnuala Richardson, 2001-2010; Journal of the Irish Labour History Society Kevin Murphy, 2011- & Assistant Secretaries - Hugh Geraghty, 1998-2004; Séamus Moriarty, 2014-; Theresa Moriarty, 2006-2007; Séan Redmond, 2004-2005; Fionnuala Richardson, Other ILHS Publications, 2001-2016 2011-2012; Denise Rogers, 1995-2007; Eddie Soye, 2008- Treasurers - Jack McGinley, 1996-2001; Charles Callan, 2001-2002; Brendan In September, 2000, with the support of MSF (Manufacturing, Science, Finance – Byrne, 2003-2007; Ed. Penrose, 2007- the International Union), the Irish Labour History Society published an index to Trustees - David Begg, 2003-; Pat Bolger, 2017-; Peter Cassells, 1977-2-17; Saothar and its other publications. It is still available from the Society for €10. Dympna Harper, 1996-2006; Ruairí Quinn, 2007- What follows is an index covering Saothar 25-33, supplementing the earlier Committee Members - Brendan Byrne, 2001-2002; Charles Callan, 2001, 2008- work. In addition, the Index also included lists of ILHS Officers and Committee 2009; Pat Carroll, 2012-; Patrick Coughlan, 2003; Thomas Neilan Crean, 1996- members from 1973, Saothar editors and Editorial Board members, and these 2000; Catriona Crowe, 2005-2008; Noel Cullen, 2016-2017; John Cunningham, matters are updated here also. Saothar editors for the issues indexed here were – 2009- ; James Curry, 2014-; Barry Desmond, 2001-2012; Paul Doran, 2010-2011; Saothar 25, Tom Crean & Emmet O’Connor; Saothar 26, Fintan Lane & Emmet John Feely, 2008- ; Séamus Fitzpatrick, 2000-2001; Adrian Grant, 2013-; Liam Griffin, 2009-2010; Mary Jones, 1999-2005; Fintan Lane, 2002-2005; Conor O’Connor; Saothar 27, Fintan Lane & Emmet O’Connor; Saothar 28, Fintan McCabe, 2010-2016; Ann Matthews, 2014-2017; Séamus Moriarty, 2013-2014; Lane; Saothar 29, Fintan Lane & Dónal Ó Drisceoil, Assistant Niamh Puirséil; Theresa Moriarty, 2003-2005; Séan Morrissey, 1996-2001; Kevin Murphy, 2006- Saothar 30, Fintan Lane & Dónal Ó Drisceoil, Assistant Niamh Puirséil; and Sao- 2011; Yvonne O’Callaghan, 2009-2012; Emmet O’Connor, 1985-1986, 1989- thar 31-34, Dónal Ó Drisceoil and John Cunningham; Saothar 35; Mary Clancy 1990, 1996-2003; D.R. O’Connor Lysaght, 2001- ; Edmund Penrose, 1999-2007; Con Power, 1999-2000; Séan Redmond, 1973-1975, 1999-2003; Fionnuala Rich- & John Cunningham, Saothar 36-38; Mary Clancy, John Cunningham & Lau- ardson, 1992-2001, 2011-2012; Denise Rogers, 2008-2013; Edward Soye, 1989- rence Marley, Saothar 39; Mary Clancy & Laurence Marley, Saothar 40; Sarah- 2007; Yseult Thornley, 2000, 2009-2011 Anne Buckley, Francis Devine & Brian Hanley, Saothar 41, Special 1916 Issue; Saothar Business Editors - Brendan Byrne, 2003- ; Ross Higgins, xxxx - . and Sarah-Anne Buckley & Martin Maguire, Saothar 42-43. The index below Charles Spillane, 1999-2002; follows the same format as that in the Index of volumes 1-24. The last section Saothar Editorial Board, 1999-2007: Caitríona Clear, National University of deals with ILHS Studies in Irish Labour History series and full details of those Ireland, Galway, 2001-; Séan J. Connolly, Queen’s University, Belfast, 2001-; volumes are given.. Francis Devine Mary E. Daly, University College, Dublin, 2001- ; Fergus A. D’Arcy, University Contents of Saothar 25-42 by Volume John Hogan & Gary Murphy, ‘From guild to union: the evolution of the Dublin Bricklayers’ Society, 1670-1888’, pp. 17-24 Saothar 25, 2000 Des Cowman, ‘Combination, conflict and control: colliers and quarrymen in Tip- Tom Crean & Emmet O’Connor, ‘Twenty-five years on’, (editorial), pp. 3-4 perary, 1825-1845’, pp. 27-34 Charles Callan, ‘The Irish Labour History Society, 1999’, pp. 5-7 John M. Hearne, ‘The cost of living and standard of living of urban workers in ‘Obituaries’, pp. 9-16 Waterford, 1834-18567’, pp. 37-50 ‘Correspondence’, p. 17 Brian Hanley. ‘Moss Twomey, radicalism and the IRA, 1931-1933: a reassess- Máirtín Ó Catháin, ‘Michael Davitt and Scotland’, pp. 19-26 ment’, pp. 53-60 Paul Dillon, ‘James Connolly and the Kerry Famine of 1898’, pp. 2942 D.R. O’Connor Lysaght, ‘‘Labour must wait’: the making of a myth’, (essay) pp. Charles Callan, ‘They stooped to conquer: inter-union rivalry in the painting 61-65 trade, 1892-1910’, pp. 45-55 D.A.J. MacPherson, ‘Women and work’, (review essay), pp. 67-71 Fearghal McGarry, ‘‘Catholics first and politicians afterwards’: the Labour Party Brendan MacPartlin, ‘1913: the myth upheld’, (review essay), pp. 71-74 and the Workers’ Republic, 1936-1939’, pp. 57-65 ‘Reviews’, pp. 75-88 John Horne, ‘1848 and the language of politics’, (essay), pp. 67-76 Fintan Lane, ‘Labour Lives 3, William Upton’, pp. 89-90 Dónal Ó Drisceoil, ‘A very Irish revolutionary’, (review essay), pp. 79-83 Heather Holmes. ‘Irish migratory potato workers in Scotland: Radharc’s The Tat- Joost Augusteijn, ‘The 1930s and popular politics’, (review essay), pp. 83-86 tie Howkers and its making’, (document study), pp. 91-99 ‘Reviews’, pp. 87-97 Charles Callan, ‘ILGS Library & Archives, 2000’, p. 101 Ellen Hazelkorn, ‘Labour lives no. 2: Louie Bennett’, pp. 98-100 Maura Craig. ‘Sources for labour history in the Central Library, Derry’, pp. 101- Fintan Lane, ‘James Connolly’s 1901 Census return’, (document study), pp. 103- 103 107 Francis Devine, ‘Articles of Irish interest in North West Labour History Charles Callan, ‘ILHS Library and Archives, 1998-2000’, p. 107 (Britain)’, pp.102-105 Brian McGee, ‘Sources for labour history in the Cork Archives Institute’, pp. 108 Carol Quinn. ‘Social and economic records in the Boole Library Archives Ser- -111 vice, University College, Cork’, pp. 105-106 Ellen Shannon Crain, ‘The Butte-Silver Bow Public Archives’, pp. 111-113 Dieter Lindemann & Robert Strötgen, ‘The archive and resources of the Museum Teresa Brannick, Francis Devine & Aidan Kelly, ‘Social statistics for labour his- der Arbeit (Hamburg)’, pp. 106-107 torians: strike statistics, 1922-1999’, pp. 114-120 Martin Conneely, ‘Electronic sources for labour history’, pp. 107-110 Andrew Shields, ‘Electronic sources for labour history’, pp. 120-122 Andrew Shields, ‘Dissertations and abstracts’, pp. 110-113 Andrew Shields, ‘Dissertations and abstracts’, pp. 123-124 ‘Conference reports’, pp. 115-121 ‘Conference Reports’, pp. 125-126 Máirtín Ó Catháin, ‘A select bibliography of Irish labour history, 1999-2000’, pp. ‘Notes on contributors’, pp. 127-128 121-126 ‘Notes on contributors’, pp. 127-128 Saothar 26, 2001 Fintan Lane & Emmet O’Connor, ‘Speed the plough’, (editorial), pp. 3-4 Saothar 27, 2002 Charles Callan, ‘The Irish Labour History Society, 2000’, pp. 5-6 Fintan Lane & Emmet O’Connor, ‘Ebb tide or fifth wave? Labour history after ‘Obituaries’, pp. 7-10 the fall of the wall’ (editorial), pp. 3-4 ‘Correspondence’, pp. 11-15 Fionnuala Richardson, ‘Irish Labour History Society, 2001’, pp. 5-6 ‘Obituaries’, pp. 7-12 Fionnual Richardson, ‘The Irish Labour History Society, 2002’, pp. 5-7 ‘Correspondence’, pp. 13-17 ‘Obituaries’, pp. 9-22 K.J. James, ‘Merchants, manufacturers and the Ballymena handloom weavers: ‘Correspondence’, p. 23 market conflict in the Ulster brown linen trade, 1873’, pp. 19- 29 James McConnel, ‘The Irish Parliamentary Party, industrial relations and the Peter Murray, ‘Radical way forward or sectarian cul-de-sac? Lindsay Crawford 1913 Lockout’, pp. 25-36 and Independent Orangeism reassessed’, pp. 31-42 Brian Hanley, ‘The Irish Citizen Army after 1916’, pp. 37-47 Helga Woggon, ‘‘Not merely a labour organisation’: the Irish Transport & Gen- Máirtín Ó Catháin, ‘‘Struggle or starve’: Derry unemployed workers’ move- eral Workers’ Union and the Dublin dock strike, 1915-1916’, pp. 43-54 ments, 1926-1935’, pp. 49-60 Niamh Puirséil, ‘Labour and coalition: the impact of the first Inter-Party Govern- Charles Callan, ‘Painters and the Dublin building trades lockout of January-April, ment, 1948-1951’, pp. 55-64 1931’, pp. 63-76 Joe Finnerty, ‘Homes for the working class? Irish public housing-building cycles, Pádraig G. Lane, ‘The Irish agricultural labourer in folklore and fiction’, (essay), 1945-2001’, (essay), pp. 65-72 pp. 79-89 Mary E. Daly, ‘Revisiting the Great Famine’, (review essay), pp. 73-76 Caitríona Clear, ‘‘The red ink of emotion’: Maura Laverty, women’s work and Joost Augusteijn, ‘Radicals in a conservative society’, (review essay), pp. 77-80 Irish society in the 1940s’, (essay), pp. 90-97 ‘Reviews’, pp. 83-99 James Kelly, ‘The failure of idealism? Thomas `Russell and Robert Emmet’, Fintan Lane, ‘Labour Lives 4, Miriam Daly’, pp. 101-102 (review essay), pp. 99-105 Aindrias Ó Cathasaigh, ‘James Connolly and the writing of Labour in Irish Histo- Dónal Ó Drisceoil, ‘Shadow and substance: the Irish revolution and its after- ry (1910)’, (document study), pp. 103-108 math’, (review Essay), pp.

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