North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship NCAT Student Newspapers Digital Collections 10-29-1966 The Register, 1966-10-29 North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.library.ncat.edu/atregister Recommended Citation North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University, "The Register, 1966-10-29" (1966). NCAT Student Newspapers. 291. https://digital.library.ncat.edu/atregister/291 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in NCAT Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Parade ^WS.%>llege Homecoming Ball Leaves Campus Begins At 8 P. M. At 10:30 A. M. In Coliseum "The Cream of CoUege New? 7V VOLUME XXXVIII, No. 7 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1966 College Extends Welcome To Alumni, Friends AGGIES MEET BEARS AT 1:30 P. M. Calendar Of Remaining Homecoming Events 2:00 a.m. PRE-DAWN DANCE, sponsored by Student Gov­ 1:30 p.m. FOOTBALL GAME . Morgan State VS A&T ernment Association at Charles Moore Gymnas­ College. ium, ADMISSION: ID CARD. 5:00 a.m. BREAKFAST . Murphy and Brown Halls. 6:30 p.m. FREE DOUBLE FEATURE MOVIES .... 6:00 a.m. ALL "ALUMNI" BREAKFAST .... Lower sponsored by Student Government Association at Murphy Hall. Harrison Aud. Adm: ID CARDS. "Shenandoah" 8:30 a.m. Special Breakfast for MISS A&T and HER starring James Stewart and Doug. McClure. Guests . Murphy Hall. "The Ugly American" starring Marlon Brando 9:00 a.m. FLOATS ASSEMBLE in parking lots of Camp­ and Eigi Okada. bell and Moore Gym. 8:30 p.m. ANNUAL HOMECOMING ALUMNI DANCE 10:00 a.m. EARLY LUNCH for Parade participants . and crowning of "MISS A&T COLLEGE Murphy and Brown Halls. JUDGING AND ALUMNI" ... at Greensboro Coliseum, spon­ AWARD OF PRIZES ... for Dormitory and sored by Gate City Alumni Chapter. Campus. * SUNDAY * 11:00 a.m. SPECIAL LUNCHEON for Officers of the Gen­ 11:00 a.m. Annual Alumni WORSHIP Service, Harri­ eral Alumni Association given by President and son Auditorium . Mrs. L. C. Dowdy . Benbow Hall. Main Speaker: The Rev. Charles E. Tyson, An 12:30 p.m. PRE-GAME SHOW by Army ROTC Drill Team, Alumnus of the College and now Pastor of the plus special activities. Asbury Temple Methodist Church of Durham. £age2 The Register October 29, 1966 Dr. Dowdy Outlines Plans To Raise Standards President L. C. Dowdy cited the this "escalation" process will con­ gram in an institution more com­ production of excellence in schol­ tinue through 1970. parable to their ability and aspir­ arship as the "primary job" of A "BOOTSTRAP program" to ations." A&T College at the meeting of the improve the level of instruction A recruitment program directed college board of trustees last also is under way, especially in toward students of high intellectual week. areas where more strength is achievement. The alumni associa­ Dr. Dowdy outlined a series of needed," Dr. Dowdy reported. tion has given $33,000 for "Presi­ programs which will ultimately To this end, he said, certain dential Scholarships" during the result in the rise of admission faculty members are being spe­ past two years, Dr. Dowdy noted. standards for students and the up­ cifically designated "to return to A complete reorganization of the grading of the faculty. graduate school to complete re­ teacher education program, includ­ According to Dr. Dowdy, the quirements for the doctorate, or ing new and higher standards for escalation plan is scheduled to to qualify them for the respective admission. rise by degrees over the next sev­ areas in which they are teaching." A comprehensive "self-analysis" eral years. The program is being financed "IT IS OUR thinking that it from faculty contributions, alumni by the faculty to cover all phases would be a mistake to suddenly and friends of. the college. of A&T's goals, operations and raise the standards to the extent Other programs aimed at rais­ facilities. that half the students would be ing the level of scholarship in­ Dr. Dowdy commented: "I can rejected." clude: safely say that we have one of the Such a move, he continued Continuation of summer school best organized programs and one "would perhaps deny an education for upwards of 100 selected high to many students who may de­ of the hardest working faculties velop as excellent citizens ..." school seniors of unusual academic that we have had in recent years. promise who "will form the nu­ He noted, for example, that 459 Our student body is now complete­ cleus of our graduating class." ly concerned about raising the freshmen who were admitted this A special study of freshmen to standard of achievement in our fall under current minimum stan­ "discover as rapidly as possible college .. dards, would not qualify under the students who do not have basic standards set for 1967-68. Undei ability to do college work, so that "I believe that, with the funds the present projected schedule, they may begin some other pro- requested for the 1967-69 biennium our college can assume respect­ ability in the majority of its areas of specialization." Copeland-Robinson Speak Vows IN OTHER business, the board of trustees re-elected Robert Fra­ zier of Greensboro as chairman, At Shiloh Baptist Church and E. E. Waddell of Charlotte, vice chairman. Mrs. Catherine H. Robinson was sored activities such as the Wo­ united in marriage to Mr. Horace men's Council Luncheon and at Dr. Warmoth T. Gibbs, former W. Copeland early this month at the Williston Senior High School president of A&T, presented trus­ Shiloh Baptist Church in Greens­ and at the Wilmington Junior Col­ tees with copies of a history of boro. lege where she served as a pro­ the college from its legislative be­ Mrs. Copeland is presently serv fessor of English, speech, and ginning as a land-grant institution ing as chairman of the Teacher drama. Education Committee in the Eng­ By her previous marriage, Mrs. in 1891 to the present. lish Department. She has served Copeland has two sons, both of Dr. Gibbs is author of the book as an adviser to the Cape Fea whom are married — Dr. Frank and spent over a year in its prep­ Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon Cameron recently visited the College. Mr. Cam­ Club for the past three years. She Robinson, Jr., professor of Organic aration. eron, former business manager of The Register, is presently employed in served four years as chairman of Chemistry at the University of Plainfield, N. J. the Freshman English Committee. Victoria, Victoria, British Colum­ This is her second year as a rep­ bia, Canada, and Arnold Robin­ resentative from the School of Ed­ son, an English major at A. & T. Lutheran Student Center ucation and General Studies to College. Flu Vaccine the college council and her third Mr. Copeland is superintendent year as an adviser to the Junior Affiliate of the National Council of the A. & T. Dairy Plant where The Sebastian Infirmary an­ Opens On Bluford Street of Teachers of English. Mrs. Cope he has been working for the past nounces that it will be offering land completed her undergradu­ twenty-five years. In 1965, Mr. Fin Vaccine at the rate of $.50 Perhaps many of you have movies have been scheduled, the ate studies at Shaw University Copeland received a certificate for per shot. The shot provides walked by the big white house first being "Lillies of the Field," and her graduate studies at A. his outstanding services of twenty maximum protection. This pro­ across the street from Hines Hall starring Sidney Poitier to be held & T. College. She has also done years at a banquet held by the tection is insured provided the and have noticed the sign with on Sunday, October 30 at 7:30 p.m. graduate work at Columbia Uni­ Dairy Department. Mr. Copeland person receives two injections Lutheran Student Center written This movie is free and all stu­ versity. has one daughter, Annette who is four weeks apart. Shots may be on it, and you may have asked dents are welcomed. now married with two children of taken immediately, so that the yourself just what, who, and what In the near future, a full-time She was a participant with the her own. She is a graduate of second dosage may be received purpose this center serves. pastor will be coming, and the 1964 Rockefeller and Carnegie In­ Greensboro's James B. Dudley prior to December 1. The nurses The Lutheran Student Center is center will be open regularly for stitute at Indiana University, High School. are giving shots from 8 A.M. to studying and other programs. 3 P.M. Monday through Friday. a ministry of the Lutheran church Bloomington, Indiana. Mrs. Cope­ Mr. and Mrs. Horace Copeland to the campus community. The At present, the devotions and land has served as a speaker on Flu shots will not be given after services and activities there seek classes are being led by Thomas are residing at 1000 Broad Avenue, December 1. to aid college students in finding Johnson, a seminarian on leave, several occasions for college-spon- Greensboro. theological, spiritual, and social working towards his Master's De­ stability. The Christian Gospel is gree at UNC-G. He is also an as­ applied to the problems of the sistant in the English Department college mind and to the college at UNC-G.
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