
SOKOL BOOKS LTD • LIST FOR THE NEW YORK ANTIQUARIAN BOOK FAIR 3rd - 6th APRIL 2014 BOOTH NUMBER: A14 Park Avenue Armory, 643 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sokol.co.uk FAIR OPENING TIMES: Preview: Thursday 3rd April • 5-9pm Friday 4th April • 12pm - 8pm Saturday, 5th April • 12pm - 7pm Sunday, 6th April • 12pm - 5pm And do visit our shop in Chelsea at: 239A Fulham Road London SW3 6HY ... where we offer both our customary early books and a wider antiquarian stock. Opening times: Tuesday - Saturday, 11am - 7pm. Office telephone number: 0207 499 5571 Shop telephone number: 0207 351 5119 We wish to purchase English and European books & manuscripts before 1640, later collections (large or small) and interesting or unusual maps, prints, pictures and artefacts. AUTHOR TITLE PLACE PUBLISHER DATE STOCK_ PRICE HEADER NO ACCOLTI, Pietro Lo Inganno de gl'Occhi Florence Pietro Cecconcelli 1625 L822 $25,000.00 17thC SPANISH CRIMSON MOROCCO GILT. AESOP Vita & Fabulae… Venice Apud Aldum 1505 L1283 $100,000.00 AESOP Aesopus moralistus n.pl., n.pr. [Johannes 1497 L1731 $16,000.00 WITH EXTENSIVE INTERLINEAR [Augsburg] Schönsperger] COMMENTARY AGRICOLA, De re metallica libri XII. Basel Hieronymus Froben 1561 L1730 $21,000.00 IN USE AFTER 400 YEARS Georgius ALESSIO The secretes of the reuerend Maister London London, by Ronland Hall, for 1562 L1633 $10,000.00 RARE AND VALUABLE Piemontese. Alexis of Piemont. Nycolas England COLLECTION [RUSCELLI Girolamo] ALPINI, Prospero De medicina Aegyptiorum Venice Francesco de Franceschi 1591 L888 $8,500.00 ONE OF THE EARLIEST EUROPEAN STUDIES OF NON- WESTERN MEDICINE ALVERNUS, De fide De legibus [Augsburg] [Günther Zainer] 1475 L1342 $23,000.00 ESOTERICA, SEX & DEMONS Guillelmus [ANONYMOUS] CLOSET for Ladies and London Printed by John Hauiland 1627 L1415 $8,000.00 UNUSUALLY WELL PRESERVED Gentlevvomen. COPY APULEIUS, Lucius Opera Rome Swyenheym and Pannartz 1500 L907 $14,500.00 RARE THIRD EDITION ARCHIMEDES Opera quae extant. Paris Apud Claude Morel 1615 L1429 $10,000.00 AN IMPORTANT AND HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL VERSION ARCHIMEDES Opera non nulla Venice apud Paulum Manutium, Aldi 1558 L1532 $16,000.00 RARE FIRST EDITION f. ARCULANUS, Practica ...particularium morborum Venice apud Iuntas (apud haeredes 1557 L1253 $5,000.00 THOMAS MOLYNEUX'S COPY Giovanni ... Lucaeantonii Iuntae) ARISTOTLE [Organon Commentary] Spain? 1606 L786a $21,000.00 UNPUBLISHED COMMENTARY ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF WESTERN LOGIC ATHENAEUS Deipnosophistae Venice Aldus Manutius 1514 L674 $50,000.00 AN INVALUABLE SOURCE FOR SOCIAL HISTORIANS AUGUSTINE, St. Enchiridion de fide Cologne Ulrich Zell 1467 L1622/6 $83,000.00 1460's SAMMELBAND BAMBERG, City of. Peinliche Halsgerichtsordnung Bamber Johann Wagner 1580 L1647 $10,000.00 BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED BESSON, Jacques Theatre des instrumens Lyon par Barthelemy Vincent 1578 L1571 $16,000.00 AN EXCELLENT COPY mathematiques & mechaniques [BIBLE - NT IN Euangelium Iesu Christi Rome in Typographia Medicea 1591 L1427 $23,000.00 149 WOODCUTS ARABIC] [BIBLE] Psalterium Davidis London Apud R. Young 1640 2750 $5,000.00 IN BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH BLACK MOROCCO BIBLIA Bibliorum opus sacrosanctum Lyon Joannis Mareschal 1532 L1747 $10,000.00 vulgatis BLOUNT, Sir Henry A voyage into the Levant. London I. L for Andrew Crooke 1636 L1167b $4,500.00 RARE FIRST EDITION BOCHIUS, Joannes Descriptio Publicae Gratulationis Antwerp ex Officina Plantiniana 1595 L1502 $20,000.00 FIRST AND ONLY EDITION Spectaculorum et Ludorum… BODIN, Jean Le Fleau des demons et sorciers... Niort Par David du Terrior 1616 L1413 $6,500.00 WITCHES, SORCERERS AND SPIRITS BOOK OF The booke of common praier London Richardi Iugge, & Iohannis 1559 L1602 $33,000.00 COMMON PRAYER Cawode. [BOOK OF The forme and maner of makyng and London Richardus Grafton 1549 L1601 $33,000.00 THE FIRST ANGLICAN ORDINAL COMMON PRAYER, consecratyng of archebishoppes ORDINAL] BOTERO, Giovanni The Worlde London Edm. Bollifant, for John 1601 L1202 $10,000.00 GOOD COPY OF AN IMPORTANT Iaggard, AND FASCINATING WORK BOUCHET, Jean Les triu[m]phes de la noble et Paris Jehan Longis 1537 L1551 $8,500.00 RARE AND BEAUTIFULLY amoureuse Dame PRINTED EDITION BRACTON, Henry De legibus et consuetudinibus London Richard Tottell 1569 L739 $17,000.00 Angliae BRADSHAWE, Canticum evangelium summan London John Norton for Robert Bird 1636 L1737 $16,000.00 NOT IN STC Nicholas BREYDENBACH, Le grant voyage de hierusalem Paris for Francois Regnault 1522 L195 $63,000.00 THE FIRST ILLUSTRATED TRAVEL Bernard von BOOK BRIGGS Henry Trigonometria Britannica Gouda Pieter Rammazeyn 1633 L1000 $8,500.00 THE FIRST COMPLETE SET OF TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES BURTON, Robert The Anatomy of Melancholy Oxford for Henry Cripps 1624 L1728 $5,000.00 'CORRECTED AND AUGMENTED BY THE AUTHOR' CAESAR, Julius Commentariorum de bello Gallico… Venice In aedibvs Aldi 1519 L1226 $5,000.00 CAPPACCIO, Giulio Delle imprese Naples Horatij Saluiana 1592 L1246 $10,000.00 AN INTERESTING AND SUPERBLY Cesare ILLUSTRATED WORK CARDANO, Almanach... de Restitutione Nuremberg apud Io. Petreium 1543 L1206 $8,000.00 67 ASTROLOGICAL CHARTS Girolamo temporum & motuum coeslestium. CARTWRIGHT, The Preachers travels London William Stansby for Thomas 1611 L1122 $25,000.00 VERY RARE FIRST EDITION John Thorppe [CATHOLIC Bullae et statuta Rome 1556 L1159 $83,000.00 A RENAISSANCE TREASURE CHURCH, CURIA] STYLE BINDING CATULLUS, Gaius Catullus et in eum commentaries M. Venice Paulus Manutius Aldus 1554 L497 $5,000.00 Valerius Antonii Mureti CELSUS Aulus Liber de medicina et ipsa castigatiss Venice Aldi et Andreae Asulani Soceri 1528 L1422 $5,500.00 THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF Cornelius. POPULAR MEDICINE CHAUCER, The Workes London Robert Toye 1550 L1083 $30,000.00 THE BEGINNING OF CHAUCER'S Geoffrey POPULARITY IN PRINT CHAUCER, The Workes London George Bishop, 1598 L1078 $17,000.00 AN UNUSUALLY GOOD COPY Geoffrey [CHINESE] LI [The Finest Blossoms in the Garden China 1567 L1195 $12,000.00 FORE-EDGE PAINTING FANG of Literature] CICERO, Marcus M. Tullii Ciceronis Orationum tomus Lyon Apud Seb. Gryphium 1547 L1128 $5,000.00 C16 JEWISH BINDING? Tullius primus [COLONNA, Hypnerotomachie Paris Iaques Keruer 1546 L1216 $65,000.00 THE MOST CELEBRATED Francesco] ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE COLONNA, La Hypnerotomachia Venice de figliuoli di Aldo 1545 L1595 $80,000.00 SECOND EDITION; RARER THAN Francisco THE FIRST? COMMON OF THE Historiated initial 'E' [Northern- C16th $5,500.00 A FINELY-PAINTED MINIATURE HOLY POPES, THE Europe] COSMOGRAPHY In cosmographiam. [France] C16th L1087 $13,000.00 AN UNPUBLISHED AMERICANUM DAVIES, John Antiquae linguae Britannicae.. London John Bill 1621 L1701 $3,500.00 DE BILLON, Le Fort inexpugnable de l'honneur du Paris Ian d'Allyer 1555 L646 $15,000.00 A PASSIONATE PANEGYRIC ON François sexe femenin THE MERITS OF WOMEN DE BRY, Theodor Americae Nona & postrema Pars Frankfurt Matth. Beckerum 1602 L1410 $23,000.00 EXCELLENT ENGRAVINGS DE BRY, Theodore. Americae Tertia pars Frankfurt Mathew Becker for Theodore 1592 L1644 $33,000.00 SENSATIONAL EARLY de Bry ILLUSTRATED AMERICANA DE L'ORME, Nouvelles inventions pour bien bastir Paris Hierosme de Marnef, & 1576 L1511 $11,000.00 BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED AND Philibert Guillaume Cauellat ILLUSTRATED TREATISE DER LEYDEN n.pl., n.pr. n.d [Jacob Köbel] 1520 L1732 $14,000.00 IN ORIGINAL SHEETS DISPUTA [Oppenheim] DODOENS, A new herball London Edm. Bollifant 1595 L1631 $7,000.00 A CELEBRATED AND INNOVATIVE Rembert HERBAL DONATO Dell'elixir Vitae Naples per Secondino Roncagliolo 1624 L1545 $41,000.00 BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS OF D'EREMITA, FRA ALCHEMICAL EQUIPMENT AND EXPERIMENTS DONNE, John Poems by J.D. with Elegies on the London M.F. for John Marriot 1639 L1517 $21,000.00 HANDSOME CONTEMPORARY Authors death. BINDING DRAYTON Poly-Olbion London M. Lownes, I Browne, I Helme 1622 L1753 $21,000.00 IN CONTEMPORARY COLOURING and I. Busbie, DU FOUILLOUX, La Venerie Paris Widow of Abel L’Angelier 1614 L933 $10,000.00 ABUNDANTLY ILLUSTRATED Jacques BOOK ON VENERY AND HAWKING DU PINET, Antoine Historia Plantarum Lyon Gabriel Cotier 1561 L1509 $5,000.00 ONE OF THE EARLIEST POCKET HERBALS ELYOT, Sir Thomas The boke named the governour London [Thomas Marsh] 1557 L550 $15,000.00 THE EDUCATION OF PRINCES [ENGLAND] The Cronycle of Englonde London Wynkyn de Worde 1515 L1389 $46,000.00 A VERY ATTRACTIVE EARLY EDITION EPISTOLAE Epistolae diversorum philosophorum. Venice Aldus Manutius 1499 L1344 $59,000.00 GRAECAE ERASMUS Apophthegmatum Lyon [apud Seb. Gryphium?] 1558 L1449 $12,000.00 A BEAUTIFUL BINDING ERPENIUS, Grammatica Ebraea Geneva sumptibus Ioanis de Tournes 1627 L1483 $3,000.00 UNCOMMON SECOND EDITION Thomas ESSEX Funerall of the Right Honourable London Henry Seale 1646 L1022 $13,000.00 BECKFORD’S COPY Robert Earle of Essex ESTIENNE, Robert Dictionaire Francois latin Paris Robert Estienne 1549 L1743 $5,000.00 THE FIRST MAJOR DICTIONARY OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE EUCLID Stoicheion Bibl. Basle J. Herwagen 1533 L1541 $63,000.00 EXTENSIVE EARLY MS ANNOTATIONS AND DIAGRAMS EUCLID The elements of geometrie London Iohn Daye 1570 L1108 $17,000.00 EUSEBIUS, Chronicon Venice Erhard Ratdolt 1483 L1345 $17,000.00 AN UNUSUALLY FINE COPY Caesarius FABRICUS VON De Gangraena et sphacelo Oppenheim Hieronimi Gallieri, Johannis 1617 L1435 $7,000.00 GANGRENE AND NECROSIS HILDEN, Wilhelm Theodore de Bry FERRARI, Giovanni De Florum Cultura libri IV Rome Stefano Paolini 1633 L1089 $7,500.00 BEAUTIFUL BOTANTICAL Battista. ENGRAVINGS FICINO, Marcilio De triplici vita [Basel] [Johann Amerbach] 1498 L1428 $21,000.00
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