The important investments for the environmental improvement are destined in China to change within few years the environmental effects of the development. The echo-sustainable development is done of innovative technologies of improvement of the productive trials and a vast plan of works of environmental prevention. The Northeast is an center of this program. Best technologies are in demand to realize to the best and in the most lasting forms this finishing line. The collaboration is in demand to all the European suppliers of equipments, components and systems that can contribute to make the most imposing and rapid industrial development of the XXI century compatible with the equilibrium of the ecosystem. Here under we bring a list of interventions done in the territory of the Northeast: we want that this maid also to the small and middle European suppliers to understand the possibilities of technological collaboration. To signal a interest or to ask information: [email protected] [email protected] 东北环渤海地区环保工程项目 The projects of environmental investments in the Northeast China and Bohai Area 招标产品种类(国内/国际 投资资金( 设备与技术)Bidding 招标产品种类(国内/ 序序序 万元)Fund 建设期限 项目名称 项目英文名称 项目类别 Products 国际设备与技术)英文 号 市别 City (ten Construction Project Name Project Name in English Project Category Category(Domestic/Int'l Bidding Products No. thousand period Equipment and Category in English yuan) Technology) Water treatment 辽宁大连市 Liaoning Province Dalian Lushun 能源、电力、水利 水处理系统,沉淀池,机泵 system, settling tank, Dalian City 辽宁省大连旅顺经济开发区污水 Economic Development Zone Energy Resource, 1 类,管材,控制系统,阀门 pump, tube and pipe, 8000 2010.8-2011.8 Liaoning 处理厂一期工程 Sewage Treatment Plant First Electric, Water ,格栅 control system, Province Phase resources Valve, grille 辽宁大连市 Tube and pipe, pump, Liaoning Province Dalian Dalian City 辽宁省大连开发区金石滩污水处 公用事业设施 管材,泵,阀门,仪器,仪 Valve, instruments, 2 Development Zone Jinshitan Resort 8000 2010.1-2012.1 Liaoning 理厂工程 Public facilities 表,自动化控制系统 automation control Sewage Treatment Plant Project Province system Project management in construction preparatory stage, 辽宁大连市 Dalian City Central Area Domestic 施工准备阶段,工程施工及 construction stage and Dalian City 大连市城市中心区生活垃圾焚烧 项目监理 Project 3 Rubbish Incineration Treatment 设备安装调试阶段,竣工验 equipment installation 50000 2010-2011 Liaoning 处理项目 management Project 收阶段,保修阶段监理 & ajustment stage, Province acceptance of work stage, guarantee stage Conveyor, fan, 辽宁大连市 Chang Xing Island Port-adjacent 工业污染治理 输送机,风机,焚烧炉,除 incinerator, dedusting Dalian City 长兴岛临港工业区固体废弃物处 4 Industrial Zone Solid Waste Industrial Pollution 尘设备,破碎机,空压机, equipments, crusher, 50917 2010-2012 Liaoning 理项目 Treatment Project Treatment 循环系统等 air compressor, Province recycling system 辽宁大连市 Dalian Chunliu River Sewage Dalian City 大连市春柳河污水处理厂(一期 市政工程 Municipal Valve, tube and pipe, 5 Treatment Plant(First Phase) 阀门,管材,格栅 17000 2010-2011 Liaoning )升级改造工程(BOT ) engineering grille Upgrade Reform Project Province 辽宁大连市 Dalian City Dalian Lvshun Xiaowu Mountain 水处理系统 Water 6 大连旅顺小孤山污水处理厂工程 2010.8-2011.12 Liaoning Sewage Treatment Plant Project Treatment System Province 辽宁盘锦市 Engine Power Upgrade Energy- 汽车科技 Panjin City 发动机动力升级节能器(ECU 数 7 saving Machine (ECU Data Automobile 1000 2010-2011 Liaoning 据调节器) Conditioner) Technology Province 辽宁抚顺市 环保能源 Fushun City Fushun City Central Area Domestic Environmental 8 抚顺市城区生活垃圾治理工程 20000 2010.10--2011.8 Liaoning Rubbish Treatment Project Protection and Province Energy Resource 节能环保 Energy 河北省邯郸市 Wastewater Treatment Suit saving and Wastewater treatment 9 Handan City 污水处理成套设备 污水处理设备 8000 2010-2013 Equipment environment equipment Hebei Province protection 河北省石家庄市 High Speed Passenger Shijiazhuang 300km/h Cars(beyond 300km/h) 化工 Chemical 10 900 2010-2012 City Hebei 以上高速客车高档环保油漆 Environmental Friendly Top-grade industry Province Paint 河北省石家庄市 Shijiazhuang High-tech Shijiazhuang 石家庄高新开发区污水处理厂深 Development Zone Sewage 市政工程 Municipal Valve, tube and pipe, 11 阀门,管材,格栅 20900 2010-2011 City Hebei 度处理工程 Treatment Plant Advanced engineering grille Province Treatment Project 河北省邢台市 Qinghe County Sewage Treatment 市政工程 Municipal Valve, tube and pipe, 12 Xingtai City 清河县污水处理厂(二期)工程 阀门,管材,格栅 5000 2010-2011 Plant(Second Phase) Project engineering grille Hebei Province 河北省唐山市 Tangshan City Western Suburbs 市政工程 Municipal Valve, tube and pipe, 13 Tangshan City 唐山市西郊污水处理厂扩建工程 Sewage Treatment Plant Expansion 阀门,管材,格栅 10000 2012-2013 engineering grille Hebei Province Project Excavator, handling, 河北省唐山市 挖掘机,装卸机,分拣机, sorting machine, Tuye Domestic Rubbish Landfill 市政工程 Municipal 14 Tangshan City 土冶垃圾填埋场建设工程 破碎机,压实机,渗滤处理 crusher, compacting 6960, 78 2010-2011 Construction Project engineering Hebei Province 设备 machine, infiltration treatment equipment 河北省承德市 Excavator, sorting Chengde City Medical Wastes 市政工程 Municipal 挖掘机,分拣机,检测设备 15 Chengde City 承德市医疗废物焚烧处理工程 machine, testing 1371 2010-2011 Incineration Treatment Project engineering ,粉碎机 Hebei Province equipment, crusher 河北省张家口 Hoist, Valve, fan, tube Zhangjiakou Zhangjiakou City Yang River 环保 Environment 启闭机,阀门,风机,管材 16 张家口市洋河综合治理工程 and pipe, control 394806 2010-2011 City Hebei Comprehensive Treatment Project protection ,控制柜,雨水管道 cabinet, storm sewer Province Boiler, incinerator, 河北省定州市 Dingzhou City Domestic Rubbish 市政工程 Municipal 锅炉,焚烧炉,发电机组, generating set, 17 Dingzhou City 定州市生活垃圾焚烧厂项目 25580 2009-2011 Incineration Plant Project engineering 自动化控制设备 automation control Hebei Province equipment 河北省廊坊市 Dachangchao Baihe Industrial Park 大厂潮白河工业区污水处理厂工 市政工程 Municipal Valve, tube and pipe, 18 Langfang City Sewage Treatment Plant 阀门,管材,格栅 3002, 67 2010-2011 程(北厂工程)项目 engineering grille Hebei Province Project(North Plant Project) Excavator, handling, sorting machine, 挖掘机,装卸机,分拣机, 北京市 Beijing Beijing Nangong Rubbish 市政工程 Municipal crusher, testing 19 北京南宫垃圾焚烧厂项目 破碎机,检测设备,压实机 77559 2011-2014 City Incineration Plant Project engineering equipment, compacting ,渗滤处理设备 machine, infiltration treatment equipment Fangshan District Liuli River Town 北京市 Beijing 房山区琉璃河镇污水处理(一期 市政工程 Municipal Valve, instrument, tube 20 Sewage Treatment (First Phase) 阀门,仪器仪表,管材 4714 2010-2011 City )工程 engineering and pipe Project Excavator, handling, Beijing City Chaoyang District 挖掘机,装卸机,分拣机, sorting machine, 北京市 Beijing 北京市朝阳区生活垃圾综合处理 市政工程 Municipal 21 Domestic Rubbish Comprehensive 破碎机,压实机,渗滤处理 crusher, compacting 136000 2010-2011 City 厂项目 engineering Treatment Plant Project 设备 machine, infiltration treatment equipment Changping District Baishan Valve, pump, tube and 北京市 Beijing 昌平区百善再生水厂及配套污水 Reclaimed Water Plant and Fitting 市政工程 Municipal 阀门,泵,管材,自动化控 22 pipe, automation 9746 2010-2012 City 管网工程 Sewage Treatment Pipe Network engineering 制系统,格栅 control system, grille Project Ninghe Modern Industrial Park 天津市 Tianjin 宁河现代产业区污水处理厂工程 市政工程 Municipal Valve, tube and pipe, 23 Sewage Treatment Plan 阀门,管材,格栅 5000 2010-2011 City (BOT) engineering grille Project(BOT) Valve, tube and pipe, automation control system, grille ,water Tianjin City Lvjie 阀门,管材,自动化控制系 treatment equipment, 天津市 Tianjin 天津市绿洁环卫管理有限公司中 Environmental Sanitation 环保 Environment 统,格栅,水处理设备,空 24 air compressor, pump, 1048, 51 2011.3-2011.9 City 水处理工程 Management Co., Ltd. protection 压机,水泵,中水处理设备 reclaimedwater Reclaimedwater Treatment Project ,滤膜,微滤 treatment equipment, filter membrane, micropore filtration Boiler, incinerator, 天津市 Tianjin 大港垃圾焚烧发电厂(一期)项 Dagang Rubbish Incineration Power 锅炉,焚烧炉,发电机组, generating set, 25 电力 Electric Power 58394 2010-2011 City 目 Plant 自动化控制设备 automation control equipment 黑龙江省牡丹江 Excavator, handling, 市 Mudanjiang 挖掘机,装卸机,分拣机, sorting machine, 牡丹江市生活垃圾处理(二期) Mudanjiang City Domestic Rubbish 市政工程 Municipal 26 City 破碎机,压实机,渗滤处理 crusher, compacting 1500 工程 Treatment (Second Phase) Project engineering Heilongjiang 设备 machine, infiltration Province treatment equipment 黑龙江省牡丹江 Heilongjiang Province Suifenhe City 市 Mudanjiang 黑龙江省绥芬河市污水管网及污 Sewage Treatment Pipe Network 市政工程 Municipal Valve, tube and pipe, 27 City 阀门,管材,格栅 6000 2010-2011 水处理厂工程 and Sewage Treatment Plant engineering grille Heilongjiang Project Province Compacting machine, 黑龙江省哈尔滨 sorting equipment, 压实机,分选设备,压缩机 市 Harbin City 电器电子产品循环经济产业化项 Electronic and Electrical Products 环保 Environment compressor, waste 28 ,废弃物破碎设备,分离机 1200 2010-2011 Heilongjiang 目 Circular Economy Industrial Project protection crusher equipment, ,转化设备 Province separator, conversion equipment 黑龙江省齐齐哈 尔市 Qiqihar Tianyu Multivariate and Double 有机肥料 Organic 29 City 田雨多元双效系列生态肥项目 15000 2010-2011 Effect Series Organic Fertilizer Fertilizer Heilongjiang Project Province Excavator, handling, 黑龙江省哈尔滨 挖掘机,装卸机,分拣机, sorting machine, 市 Harbin City Acheng District Domestic Rubbish 市政工程 Municipal 30 阿城区生活垃圾处理工程 破碎机,压实机,渗滤处理 crusher, compacting 6632 2010.8-2012.5 Heilongjiang Treatment Project engineering 设备 machine, infiltration Province treatment equipment Excavator, handling, 黑龙江省大庆市 挖掘机,装卸机,分拣机, sorting machine, Daqing City 大庆生活垃圾处理厂项目(BOT Daqing Domestic Rubbish 市政工程 Municipal 31 破碎机,压实机,渗滤处理 crusher, compacting 22000 2010.4-2012 Heilongjiang ) Treatment Plant Project(BOT) engineering 设备 machine, infiltration Province treatment equipment Pump, dewatering 吉林省和龙市 Helong City Sewage Treatment 市政工程 Municipal 泵,脱水机,污泥泵,污泥 machine, sludge pump, 32 Helong City Jilin 和龙市污水处理工程 10000 2010-2011 Project engineering 脱水机,贮泥池 sludge dehydrator, Province sludge storage tank 吉林省汪清县 Coarse screen, grille, 粗格栅,格栅,滤池,提升 Wangqing Wangqing County Sewage 市政工程 Municipal filter, lifting pump, grit 33 汪清县污水处理厂工程 泵,沉砂池,曝气沉砂池, 10000 2010-2011 County Jilin Treatment Plant Project engineering chamber, aerated grit 泵 Province chamber,
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