Voi.SNo.11 Novembers, 1878 Northern Kentucky Unlverolty HORTHlRK l'.l!11UCK'1 UKIVER Two provost finalists vis1ied campus Two of the five finalist for the according to Travis. position of NKU provost visited the The three remajning candidates campus this week to meet with will visit NKU during this month. administration, faculty and students. Dr. George English, dean of Arts The person chosen will be the and Sciences at the University of " principal academic officer to the Evansville (Indiana( will meet with University" responsible for all the faculty and students at 2:30 p.m. inst.ructional programs for the Friday, Nov. 5; Dr. Leon Boothe, institution and for working with the dean of arts and sciences , George faculty in developing those Mason University, 2:30 p .m ., programs, according to Dr. Gene Monday, Nov. 8; Dr. Noel Richards, Scholes, Executive Assistant to the dean of arts and sciences at Rhode President and Chairman of the Island College. 2:30 p.m., Monday, Provost Screening Committee. Nov. 15. Dr. Ralph W. Ingersoll, associate dean of medicine from the A final decision will be reached University of Virginia at prior to Jan. I, 1977, by screening Charlottesville met in session with committee , composed of Dr. Gene students, administration and Scholes, Lyle Gray, Robert Vitz, faculty Monday from 1:30 to 3:30. Janet Miller and SG Vice-president Questions from the mostly-faculty Rob Antony. audience focused on tenure, the role of faculty evaluations, the probability of deanships at N K U and on the growth of the University. "I would like to emphasize a Academic Center Northern continues broad, liberal background" centering on interdisciplinary dedication Sunday studies, he said. Further, "I'm also one-act play tradition int.erested in alternate education", 1n honor of an original independent study and off·campus member of the Board of Annually, the NKU theatre Eugene Ionesco's "THE practicum programs, Ingersoll ~~<!gents, the newest buildir.g department has featured as a major LESSON" a stark look at added. on NKU's campus will be production an evening of student· intellectual assassination as a Dr. Janet L. Travis, dean of dedicated the Charles 0. directed one-act plays. This year, professor brutally destroys a young humanities and fine arts at the Landrum Academic Center at 2 the custom continues. student in the name of education. University of Northern Iowa in p.m. this Sunday. There will be two different Tom Topor's "ANSWERS" Cedar Falls attended a similar Landrum's knowledge of evenings of plays, each presented attacks the controversial area of session \\' ednesday. The topics architecture, building and twice. "The Lesson," ''Answen,'' brainwashing and police brutality. discussed were much the same. construction contributed to the Aand "Hello Out There" wiU begin Two sadistic police officers twist a The "university role in educating fonnation of the campus in at 8 p.m. on Wednesday and confession from a helpless suspect. is: to provide valuable citizens for Highland Heights. He served Thursday, Nov. 10 and 11, and the area that it serves," to increase on the Board of ~~<!gents from "Funnyhouse of a Negro," "The WiUiam Saroyan's "HELW OUT awareness of the community 1968 until 1974 and was a Marriage Proposal," and .. The THERE" depicts the prisons that through educational leadership in regent emeritus from 1974 Gnadiges Fraulein" will start at 8 encompass two young people in a developing new programs, and to until his dealth last May. p.m . Saturday, Nov. 13 and at 2:30 Texas town. The problem of help for teach persons to survive p.m . Sunday, November 14. a young man accused of rape successfully in modern society and torments a simple teen·aged girl. still achieve seJf.fulfillment, Six students from the first Will she try for her own freedom by advanced directing class ever aiding him? offered at Northern are the directors of these plays. Alan Capasso, Tom Adrienne Kennedy's Lutes, and John Rosa will direct "FUNNYHOUSE OF A NEGRO" · ''The Le880n, '' ''Answers,'' and a bitter woman with mixed racial "Hello Out There," respectively background confronts her alter·egos while "Funnyhouse of a Negro," in a terrifying presentation of self· " The Marriage Propooal," and "The knowled~~te 110ne berserk. Gnadiges Fraulein" are done by Marc Sanders, Mark Catton, and Anton Chekhov's "THE Mike Schuler respectively. MARRIAGE PROPOSAL" Practically every theare major at perhaps the most performed one-act N K U has been involved in some play of all time. A Russian farmer's aspect of the performance or daughter does an about face when production of these plays. her competitor for land rights makes According to Professor Jack hls intentions 88 8 suitor known. Wann, who teaches the advanced Tennessee Williams' "THE directing course, "We believe these GNADIGES FRAULEIN" . very will be exceptional. As always in atypical Williams. Did you ever theatre deprtments, the student meet a six foot Cockaloony Bird? productins are close to the hearts This and a blond Indian are only a Rockin' and Rollin·' and minds of audiences." small part of this "slapstick Pamm Taylor and Jan Boden participate in the recent rock'n'roll·a·thon, tragedy." sponsored by the campus Greeks on Behalf of Special Olympics for the The six plays ever a broad range of There will be no admission charge Handicapped. topics, styles and authors. for these performances. 1004.tif 2 November 5, 1171 THE NOfll1'1EFINER ( 4round .northern. ) NKU haa received a 1200 1rant The NKU Symphonic Band under from the Kentucky Aviation the direction of Dr. William J . Root; Auoclatlon IKAA). Awarded at the will preaent a public concert on GARY WEBB 'KAA annual convention, the funda Sunday, November 7 at 8 p.m. in the will now be diatribut.ed to the Holmea High School auditorium, Unlveralty by the Kentucky Covington. Lou Reed Aeroapace Education Aeaociatlon. The program includea traditional Rock and RoU Heart The money will bbe u!led to purchaae marcbee and orchestral Ariola instructional aida, aerospace tranecrfptiona, as well as publicationa, and to aponsor contemporary piecea. There ia very little room for workahopa. The concert ia free and open to the disagreement with me on thio: Lou public. Reed Ia great. Anybody who doesn't like Lou Reed don't know beano The Phlloeopby Club will aponaor about nuthin' and I mean that two ahort pn>eentationa on Wed., sincerely. Nov. 10 at 3 p.m . in 8422. The firat Rock and Roll Heart is Reed's preaentation will be "The Wiadom of Twenty nine recent graduataa of debut album on Arista Records and Four·Letter Worda-Philoaophy Selmon P. Ch..., College of Law is somewhat in the same vein as and Human Sexuality" by Dr. have passed the bar examination in Coney Island Baby, his last RCA Jooeph A. Petrick. The . oec:ond Kentucky. They include William J. release. preoentaion will be "Literature and Deupree, II I, Forrest T. Fomaah, On Rock and RoU Heart, though, Political Philoaophy: From Plato to Norbert P. Gettys, David J . Reed seems to have taken a few cues Free Holzderber, Thomaa J . Orwell" by Dr. Jeff Paul. coffee from the Ramones, who are also Lou Reed oerved. Everyone welcome. Munninghoff, Alma Marie great in their own bizarre way. Reed Puiaaegur, Jr. and Michael has a lot of threoH:hord rockera on Reidinger. R&RHeart. In Cream, Reed aaid of Anyone elae who did " Banging Profeaaor Gregg R. Schulte, Frederick H. Summa, Michael W. thia album, "This is three chord rock On My Drum" (a clever little jingle Aaaiatant Profeaaor, Department of Wlatling, Franklin B. Beck, Edward the way The Ramonea should do it." extolling the virtues of Buaineaa, baa been honored with a G. Drennen, Jr., Timothy Feldhaua, Like the Ramones, Reed doesn't Certificate of Achievement Award masturbation) would be laughed off Kenneth H. Gilliam, Richard A. have to be good to be great. Hell, the stage. Coming from Reed, by Cincinnati Chapter of the Hughea, Debra D. Rothatein, David why ahould Lou Reed have to sing National Aaaoclation of however, we just laugh and say, Bryan Sloan and Robert N. Trainor. like every other crooner? If the man "That's great! Another Lou Reed Accountanta. Thla award was given Philip Joaeph Vuke, William J. wants to talk his songs, more power killer!" to Profesaor Schulte for hia aervicea Wehr, Justin D. Verat, Douglas C. to him. If he wants to write an in the Chapter's Socio-Economic Ruschman, Carl J . Melcher, Steven entire aong conaisting of two lines I listen to Lou Reed with t.his program. Profesaor Schulte was T. Deskins, John G. Arnett, Jr., lala The Ramonea' "Beat on the tolerance becauae Lou Reed is Associate Director, Socio·Econo Harold Bolling, Ridley M. Sandidge, Brat") he can if he likes. Not just probably certifiably insane. mica in the Cincinnati Chapter for Jr., James H. Lambert, Flora Stuart becauae the name of Lou Reed has Another reaaon is becauoe the man tho paat two years. and Richard Allen Culliaon. reached almost legendary is a bloody geniua when it come s to proportiona, bbut becauae strange, aongwriting and arranging. Reed is a lot like Todd Rundgren: one can .••...•.•..•.•...••...•....•.••...•.•..........• normally ~diotic stuff is expected of . never tell from one al':lum to the him. : AN ENTIRE EVENING OF MUSIC WITH: : next in which direction he will go. BUSINESS QPrQRTUNITV Rock and Roll Heart is a reel joy. It's got to be aome of Reed's . JUDY COLLINS ~ kickiest rock sinceSally Can't Stuff Envelopes Dance aome of Berlin's torturous . $25.00 PER HUNDRED ballad~ and aome of the campiest .
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