Vol. 37 Mount Vernon, Ohio, June 9, 1932 No. 23 CAMP MEETING Its Purpose and Value The scriptural injunction, "Not forsaking the assembl- to let your business suffer than to neglect the opportunity ing of ourselves together as the manner of some is, but of hearing the message God has for you. You cannot exhorting one another, and so much the more as ye see the afford to lose one such privilege." day approaching," applies with special significance to our After a description of the practice of the children of time. Israel who assembled three times a year for worship in the In almost every issue of the daily press the long, ter- ancient tabernacle, we are told that "with those who lived rifying lists of crime and bloodshed are continued, while at a distance from the tabernacle, more than a month of organized society, state, and national, seems helpless,— every year must have been occupied in attendance upon altogether unable to cope with prevailing -conditions. these holy convocations. The Lord saw that these These -trying times which in the language of the scripture gatherings were necessary for the spiritual life of His cause men's hearts to fail them for fear, constitute a People. If the children of Israel needed the benefit of mighty appeal for renewed consecration on the part of these holy convocations in their time, how much more do every believer in the advent message,— for renewed ac- we need them in these last days of peril and conflict?" tivity to make known the saving truths that have been "Go to the camp meeting even though you have to entrusted to us in this last generation. make a sacrifice to do so. Go with a will to work, and. To the advent people has been committed the solemn make every effort to induce your friends to go, not in task of declaring to the whole world its impending doom, your place. but to go with you, to stand on the Lord's but associated with this startling declaration, we are also side and obey His commandments. Help those who are to proclaim the glad tidings of Jesus' soon coming, and interested to attend. If necessary, provide them with the need of the world to quickly prepare for that glorious food and lodging. Angels, who are commissioned to event . 'We need to avail ourselves of every means of minister to those who are heirs of salvation, will accom- grace so that we too may be ready. pany you. God will do great things for His people." The following inspiring counsel presents the divine "Those who gather at the camp meeting must be im- purpose in our camp meetings: pressed with the fact that the object of the meetings is to "It is important that the members of our churches attain to a higher Christian experience; to advance in the should -attend our camp meetings. Individually you knowledge of God, to become strengthened with spiritual need the benefits of the meeting, and God calls upon you vigor."—"Testimonies " Vol. VI, pp. 31-48. to number one in the ranks of truth. Some will say it is Dear brethren and sisters throughout the Columbia expensive to travel, and it would be better for us to save Union, let us make large plans for these holy convocations. the money, and give it for the advancement of the work Let us unitedly labor to the end that the camp meeting where it is so much needed. Do not reason in this way. may prove to be a season of spiritual revival . May God God calls upon you to take your place among the rank honor every meeting in every encampment in this special and file of His people. Strengthen the meeting all you time of need by manifesting His blessed presence. In possible can by being present with your families, by -put- this way the camp meeting season will prove to be a ting forth extra exertion to attend the gathering of God's mighty factor under the blessing of the Lord, in preparing people. all of our hearts for the soon coming of our heavenly "Brethren and sisters, it would be far better for you King. H. J. Detwiler. A Child's Promise she laid her burden down she called the children around her bed and asked them to promise to be true to the A widowed mother was lying upon her death-bed. Seventh-day Adventist faith, which they did. At her She had struggled hard to keep her flock of six children death all the children, excepting the oldest boy, were sent together since the death of her husband. While she was temporarily to a Methodist Home where they are at the fully convinced with respect to the Sabbath truth and present time. the doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist people, she did The lady in charge of this Home informs us that they not connect with the church because she felt that she must cannot keep the children there much longer. She is a be free to work every day and every hour possible in order lovely woman but states that they can only keep children to support the children. Finally the day came when the in the Home until such time as they can find suitable Death Angel called and she laid down her burden. As homes for them. She states that it has been hard to ad- 2 Columbia Union Visitor just things to the minds of the children for they refused Every mail brings orders for camp meeting accommo- to work on the Sabbath, saying they promised their mother dations from our members throughout the field. If you they would be Seventh-day Adventists. At first the wo- have not already sent your order, do so at once. Rooms man was quite perplexed about this, as it did not fit into are provided in the dormitories of the College, and tents their program there in the Home at all, but now she has are pitched on the grounds. Make your requests known them work Sundays instead. She has come to admire as early as possible. Send all orders addressed to the the children so much that she is very anxious to find homes Potomac Conference office. for them among Seventh-day Adventists where they can keep the promise made to their mother. Sunday afternoon, May 21, there gathered at a beauti- As I write these lines I have before me a picture of ful pond in the town of Buena Vista, the little company these children and it may be seen at a glance that they are of believers and their friends, to witness the first baptis- above the average. The oldest girl already has an open- mal service since the opening of the series of meetings con- ing for the summer, but there are three girls for whom ducted at that place by Brethren L. 0. Coon and W. B. we must find homes soon or they will be forced to go Hill. Elder Elliott, who was visiting Buena Vista, of- into non-Adventist homes. Their names and ages are: ficiated at the baptismal service. There were seventeen Marian, 13; June, 8; Ethel, 5. who took part in this sacred rite, and word comes that As the VISITOR family reads these lines we are praying there are ten more being prepared in the next baptismal that the Lord will impress the hearts of those who ought class. We are glad to pass this good news on to the field. to take the responsibility for feeding, clothing, and edu- There have been several other baptismal services through- cating one or more of these three beautiful children, to out our field recently. Eight were baptized at Roanoke write to us. These children are looking to the church to by Elder H. G. Gauker, and at Takoma Park about find them a place where they can keep their word to their twenty-five members of the Takoma Park church school dying mother. were also baptized. We hope to report in the near future Address correspondence to C. V. Leach, Box 517 the total number of baptisms in our conference from Mt. Vernon, Ohio. January 1 up to the present time. These reports are very encouraging, and we sincerely pray that the Lord will greatly strengthen and bless these new believers, and POTOMAC especially these young people who have taken their stand. W. P. Elliott, President W. B. Mohr, Seey-Treas. The baptismal service planned for May 14 at Wythe- 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, D. C. ville had to be postponed. The heavy rains caused the river to be so high, and the weather at that time was so bad that the service will be held at a later date. Missionary Volunteer Corner Brother J. R. Britt has been spending a few weeks Tuesday we issued 14 Senior Standard of Attainment with the colored colporteurs in the Tidewater section certificates to members of the Academic Class of Wash- which includes the cities of Newport News, Norfolk and ington Missionary College. Portsmouth. He has just returned to Washington where he, under the supervision of Brother J A. Bee, our con- Since last reporting on our conference Library fund, ference Field Secretary, directs the work of the colored three contributions have been received: Vienna, Senior colporteurs in the Potomac Conference. and Junior, and First church. We thank you. Since the Konnarock church school has been organized At the closing program of the Sligo church school held they have been meeting in a building formerly used as a in the Takoma Park church we invested 41 Friends and private home.
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