PORT LAND ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 22. XKTJCBKD Δ Β 8KCONDI 1862—YOL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1884. CLAbB MAIL MATIJULf PRICE THREE CENTS. CLOTHING ncaiiVEse oabds. THE PORTIA M) Il AIL ¥ FBESS, tbe saw. One finger was eawed off and the UNEXCUSABLE FORGERY. to be grave. The volume of greenback currency RAIL· WAV IUATTKB*. ii* fixed Published ever; nay (Sundays excepted) by the arm brokea in two places. This leaves the absolutely by law, while the volume of bank notée tended to diminish from the of PORTLAND hand with only one finger, two fingers having What Mr* fiflnitic of the lu- cancellation Kuuiford Falle Bailrond. Herbert O. PUBLISHING COMPANY, ttttya Alleged the bonds which Brigge, been sawed off previously. government uron they rest. Their At 87 Exohanqb Stukkt, Poutland. Mb. terrlew* Willi 11im Bectullr Published. contraction has not been seriously felt because their WILLIM The Κ q m fold Fail β and Branch ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR rnKHg:EightDollan ft Tear. To mall subscrib- ANTIC. place has been y applied by silver. Mr Hill ex- BnckfUld DELAY er*, Seven liollars a ii In advance. New Dec. IS.—Tho Tribune tomor- pressed tlie hope that the country would conclude Railroad AND REGRET IT ! Tear, paid School district No. 3 baa bnilt an S800 school York, Compauy will hold its annual meet- to let the silver law aloue so as — o* — Rated of Advertising: One inch of snaoe, the house long it worked well. this season, which was appropriate); row will β»;: "Mr. Blaine desires to have it Mr. ing at their office on Plam this morn- length of column, or twelve line» consti- Sherman said he was one of those who be- Street, nonpareil dedicated last lieved bi tutes a "square." Sunday. stated that all reports of interviews held with metalism to be the natural logic of things. iug at 9 o'clock. The annnal- reports haye American & Foreign Patents, It was to make and silver of 91.50 per square, daily first week: 76 œnt» per him impossible gold tbe since his arrival in Washington are en- same market because been pablished and we the ab- week after; three insertions or $1.00, eontinu- value, for two thousand years giYe following lets, IN FLAMES. their No. 93 Exehange St, Portland, Me. lng every other day after first week, 50 cents. tirely unauthorized. The one in which he is relative value had been changing. The exper- stracts: OHLY THREE WEEKS MORE TO iment had been tried the United States SECURE GEN- one fairly by Half three Insertions or square, less, 76 cents; represented aa discussing his relatious with directors' report. Kff-AU bnitneee to Patenta and cents week after. and had failed The silver dollar coinage law had relating promptly week, $1.00: $50 per To the faithfully executed. <ul2dtf Special Notices, one-third additional. Mr. Conkliug, has been extensively published been in operation since 1878, and the total num- Stockhold-rs of the Rvmford Fall» Houlton Visited by a Destructive ber of those dollars coined was UINE Under head of "ajtuskments" and "Auction throughout the but it Is from 187,000,000; of and Butkjield Railroad Co, BARfiAIKS. couutry, begin- that numb r 41,000 000 were now in circula- Sales," $2.00 per square per week; throe Insertions only The of Conflagration. ning to end au unexcuaable Mr. and the balance remained in the United States reporta the Superintendent and Treasurer TËNNEY &LEICHTON or lees, $1.60. forgery. tion, of the treasury. That showed that the law of Congress cornoration are so complete that but little — Blaine asks that his friends will do him the fa- need be the DBALEKSIN — THE MAINE STATE PKESS. had net been able to restore silver to its relation added by directors. vor to discredit with When that The diminution of receipts from those of the Saturday, October llth, we threw our doors open to the of Published every Thursday Morning, at $2.60 a 1<03β OVER INSURED *«0,- utterly aoy and all expressions gold. law took effect th& silver in year people ϋΙίβ,ΟΟΦ; the September 30, A. 1)., was in year; If in a silver dollar was worth i#l cents in gold, but ending 1883, wholly Portland and and invited them to au stock paid advance, $2.00 year. in the form of interviews which may be im- This occurred vicinity inspect immense of Furnaces in 000. now it was worth between 85 and 80 freight earnings. almost entirely in Stoves, Ranges, Advertisements Inserted the "Mains Stat· only cents, the ed to him. I( he has occasion to Silver had down since of winter and spring months of A. the lar- FIRST-CLASS WINTER CLOTHING which would he sold at Press (which has a large circulation in every cart pn any com- gone steadily tbe presage D.1884, prices —AND— the act referred ger part in sympathy with a like otf on other of the State) for $1,00 per square for first insertion municate with the to, and the government of the falling much below public he will do so over his railroads in northern New also a any ever before seen for similar and 50 cents for eaoh United States bought silver bulliou from the Sena- England but part goods. per square subsequent -α a\ Dec. 15.—Fire last was due to KITCHEN FURNISHING GOODS. taon. Hoolton, night Oostroj- own name." tor from Colorado (Mr. Hill) at its market value. purely local, temporary eauees. estimates of ed the whole It was treated as a merchantable com- Approximate earnings for the six No. IS St., We Address all communications to nearly square, including Tenney'a months Exchange Portland, modity; but the people had a right to take enuing November 30, A. D. 1884, show an We have no3 d2m PORTLAND PUBLISHING 00. block, J. P. NICARAGUA TREATY. advance over the lived up to our Advertisement to occupied by Taney, dry goods it from the government or not as corresponding six mouths of the are dealer and other firms. The losses are as fol- they pleased and they pleased not to take it be- previous year,and probably the best six months' Ils Previaloa»—Coslruclian of the iu the the I.eadiag cause it was not worth 480 grains and wai only earnings history of the road. very letter. WEATHER lows: In audition to INDICATIONS. l'anal Aaenred—Reciprocal Trade. worth 412. Suppose such an alarm were sounded which have been to improvements J- P. insured $15 000. as shou d lead to the export of our gold, and disar- charged construction account, there has been SES Ml Tenney 830,000; the Br. Washington, Doc. 16. P. range all our standards of values? What would during past year a marked gain in all parts of We J. Hathaway, druggist, 918,000; insured New Yobe, Dec. 16.—The Times prints this the have sold you Suits, Overcoats,Ulsters, Reefers and Trousers happen? Did not tbe Senators know that it woald company's property. The indications for New England to-day are $y,ooo. morning the leading provisions ot the Ni- We believe that the corns: create the most fearful contraction of the currency construction account should the for less than we |! 8. M. The recites now by single garment Job the Goods in insured caragua treaty. preamble its ob- ever be closed. money (air weather, northweet winds and higher Smuckler, clothing, $15,000; witnessed in this country? Laboriug men OFFICE, to be to maintain aud the Δ considerable 85,000. ject improve good when supposing themse ves to be earning a dollar amount of unfenced lands re- Quantities. barometer. mains to be fenced, and Ο. I1'. French, drngsi&t, two stores, S4,000. understanding aud friendly relations which would be earning only 85 cents, and wages wou;d plans have been made fer Do ask we have done this? more steel y«su why We will explain. Not through No. 4 TOLMAIV PLACE· Cautionary signals ftom Hattera* to Block Boyle's tailor ebop, loss unknown. now happily oxist between the t»o govern- not advance to make up ior the dettciencv. Mr. layi g the coming season; but it is he· Sherman to God that such a lieveu these things will be done from the love, not because we were but from business and Point Judith to Gilliu Bros., grocers, 85,000; insured SI ,500. ments, promote the commerce f their citizens hoped contingency earnings. philanthropists, motives from Dee· 8(h to Dec* 29th. Island, Eastport. would not arise and he Also, it ebon Id be the of the to Open 8. aud make with to a believed it wold not. as to policy company add Fredman, clothing, 812,000; insured $12,- arrangements respect each new alone. clb dfcf the remedy, his idea was to first stop the of year sufficient rolling stock to keep good 000. ship c.iuat between the Atlan.ic and Pacific coinage the METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. the silver dellar and wait for a new ratio of new depreciation of the old, and more: in accord- Brawn & Watson, hardware de%lers, lost two oceans by the river San Juan, Lake Nicaragua value to dance wi h such some [11.27 P. M.] be established by the nations of the world policy, additional rolling buildings and stock valued at @25,000; insured and thence to the Pacific oceau by the harbor between gold and silver. stock has been ordered, to be paid /or from the already 510,000. of Brito. Mr. Beck said that the silver coinage question earnings of the road.
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