News at random Objekttyp: Group Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1950) Heft 1140 PDF erstellt am: 28.09.2021 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. 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PREPAID SUBSCRIPTION RATES. M. Santiago Vera Ysquierdo, Minister Plenipo- (Fortnightly issue.) tentiary and Envoy Extraordinary of the Republic of 6 free 4/6 has his M. UNITED KINGDOM issues, post Venezuela, presented credentials to Max AND COLONIES 12 issues, post free 8/6 Petitpierre, President of the Swiss Confederation. V 24 issues, post free lo/- The newly appointed Minister was formerly rector I 12 7.—- C1VTT7UD t a m TN issues, postfree Frs. SYVIIZERLAND < c of the of Caracas and has been since 1949, I 24 issues, post free rrs. lienld.oU University (Sxt/iss st(bscri^fiot/5 may be t>atd into Postscftecfe-iionto a. Counsellor at the Embassy of Venezuela in Washing- BasZe F 571^. ton. » o Professor Claim President of the State MESSAGE OF PRESIDENT OF THE Weizmann, THE of Israeli, has arrived in Switzerland. He will spend SWISS CONFEDERATION. a holiday somewhere on the lake of Lucerne. His visit is a private one. Mes clievs compatriotes, *- -* * Comme chaque année, les pensées des Suisses Since the breaking off of diplomatic relations be- réunis sur le sol natal le soir du 1er août se porteront tween the United States of America and Bulgaria, vers vous, Suisses de l'étranger, avec affection et recon- Switzerland has been entrusted with the American naissance. Affection, parce que l'éloignement ne interests. Until recently the Swiss Chargé d'Affaires saurait affaiblir les liens de la terre et du sang. in Sofia, M. Walter Hofer, has been in charge of this Reconnaissance, parce que souvent vous avez choisi la mission. In future, M. Alfred Rappard, Secretary of part difficile et que vous avez su, à force de travail et Legation, at present at the Federal Political Departe- de ténacité, mériter le bon accueil et, la plupart du ment in Berne, will assume this post. temps, l'amitié des pays où vous êtes établis. * * * Vous servez, là où vous êtes, une cause qui nous The Federal Council has nominated M. Max Büchi, est commune. Nous savous que nous pouvons compter at present Swiss Consul at Cape Town to the post of sur vous pour maintenir et développer dans le meilleur Consul at Tananariva (Madagascar). Consul Büchi esprit 110s relations nécessaires avec l'étranger. Vous is a citizen of Ettenhausen (Ct. Thurgau), and was représentez au dehors l'idéal et les traditions qui ont born in St. Gall in 1901. He entered into the service fait à notre pays une place honorable dans l'histoire. of the Federal Political Departement in 1923, previous Il vous appartient non moins qu'à nous de préserver to his appointment to Cape Town he was attached to cet héritage précieux du passé des influences destruc- the Swiss Consulate at Besançon. trices qui s'exercent actuellement dans le monde. * * * A l'occasion de ce 1er août 1950, je suis heureux Customs receipts during the month of June, 1950, d'être l'interprète, auprès de tous les Suisses de amounted to 47 million francs (June 1949 : 42 million l'étranger, des sentiments de cordialité et de gratitude francs). qu'éprouvent à leur égard le Conseil fédéral et le peuple The receipts for the first six months of 1950, suisse. Je forme des vœux pour la prospérité de leurs reached 249.8 million francs against 225 million francs colonies et de leurs institutions et pour que leur actiou for the same period in 1949. collective et individuelle puisse se poursuivre dans la paix. MAX PLHYTP/EPPE, HASTINGS /•résident de ta Cow/édérafio». QUEEN'S HOTEL SUSSEX Unrivalled Position on Promenade General Manager : Robert Lehner, F.H.C.I. Tele/i/ione: Hastings 4167. Telegrams : Queen's Hastings. Ideal spot for all holidays. Special Christmas programme with Gala Dances, Special Christmas Children's Party with Father Christmas and Conjurors. Central Heating, hot M. Max Petitpierre, President of the and cold water and telephones in all bedrooms. Gloucester .Fet/era/ Swiss Confederation, has received in Restauianr — One of the finest on the South Coast. Ballroom, M. Francis X. Piccolo Bar. Excellent facilities for Banquets, Conferences, audience, Swietlik, Wedding Receptions, etc. Easy reach Golf, Angling, Riding, President of the American Polish War Relief Organisa- Tennis. Two minutes from Medicinal Baths and Station. tion. The latter expressed thanks to the Swiss people IFWfe /or Tari// — En pension terms /row 25/- />er day. for the help given, during and after the last war to A.A. Rotary Headquarters. R.A.C: Polish fugitives and military internees. 5568 THE SWISS OBSERVER July 28th, 1950. Hans 39, employee of Cantona/ Müller, aged an the munition works at Altdorf, lost :: his life when on a mountaineering £ excursion on the " Hohen Faulen " in the VINS DU VALAIS " Schachen " valley, [a.t.s.] L'Etoile du Valais (Fendant Pétillant) * * * :: Clos de Montibeux (Fendant) Josef Koch, aged 24, of Albert, Villmergen, living Johannisberg in Zurich, was killed when climbing the Salbitschvn. [a.t.s.J Dôle Clos de Ravaney * * * Origineaux mis en bouteilles par S.A. Alphonse Orsat à Martigny Mr. Werner Andermatt, painter of Zug, has been elected Director of the " Kunstgewerbeschule " in Lucerne, in succession to the late Dr. Josef Mühle. VINS VAUDOIS [a.t.s.J * * * Vinzel - Luins Dr. Emil Baebler, Professor of military géographie Mont s Rolle - Fechy at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and the Aigle - Yvorne of Zurich, has celebrated his 75th birthday University mis bouteilles S.A. Hammel à Rolle anniversary. In the army, he reached the rank of Origineaux en par Colonel (General Staff). Dr. Baebler was at one time Commander of a Regiment and Brigade, and Chief of Seuls agents pour La Grande Bretagne Staff of the 6th Division, [a.t.s.] MANETTA'S WINE COMPANY * * * LIMITED The late Mme. Berta Schneider-Benz, widow of the I2b, HALF MOON STREET, LONDON, W.I. Schneider, of former " Staatskassiers " Albert Zurich, 'Phone : GROSVENOR 2964. has left an amount of 43,000.—frs. to various charitable institutions, [a.t.s.] Vins vos au * * Degustez ces avec repas The well-known composer, Dr. Paul Hindemith, MANETTA'S RESTAURANT has been appointed Professor of musical science at the CLARGES STREET, LONDON, W.l. University of Zurich, [a.t.s.] 'Phone : GROSVENOR 2964. * * * The village of Moutier, which numbers 6,000 in- habitants, has been declared a town, this event will be officially celebrated by a " Volksfest " on Septem- her 9th. [a.t.s.] University Professors, students and representatives of « * # the cantonal authorities assembled at the " Aula " of the of Berne. The council of Vendlincourt has University rural (Jura), Professor A. President of the admini- bestowed Colonel Marius von Murait, honorary citizenship on of the addressed the com- of 1st Colonel strative council Institute Corbat, Commander the Army-Corps. the and aims of this newly Corbat hails from Vendlincourt. pany, relating history [a.t.s.] created institution. Dr. M. Feldman, a member of the * * * government of the canton of Berne, spoke about the M. Paul Billieux, Mayor of the town of Porrentruy theme " University and State ", whilst Professor E. (Ct. Berne) and a former National Councillor, is Bonjour, of the University of Basle, described the life shortly retiring from his post for reasons of health. of the late donator and eminent Bernese surgeon, [a.t.s.] Professor, Dr. Theodor Kocher, to whom the Nobel * » > Prize was awarded, [a.t.s.] The " Theodor Kocher Institute " has been inau- * * * gurated in Berne, on which occasion a large number of Ernest Sehmid (Dieterswil), since 1941, represent- ing the Peasant Party in the National Council, lias resigned his seat in Parliament. He is succeeded by Alfred Hold, a farmer of Neuegg-Sumiswald (Ct. Berne), who was previously a member of the National Council, [a.t.s.] * * W. Dietrich, engineer, lias retired from his post as Director of the Technical School in Burgdorf. altine [a.t.s.] * * * //zcAVorld's Mgr. .J. E. Nunlist, former deacon of the " Drei- «r /fe»/ faltigkeitskirche " in Berne, has celebrated his golden jubilee as a priest, and Mgr. E. Simonett has concluded Nightcap 25 years as a priest at the same church. A celebration was held at the " Dreifaltigkeitskirche " at which Federal-Councillor Dr.
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