is quite certaitr' apostle' lather than su[ielecl tlrartrrtloltl 1. St ..1 oltn. When shorrn as atr lllost usuirl snrong the loul l"r'aln-qelist.-t' St' John's shielcl sh"*s a tall' a sel'pellt' 11. 51. I'hitip' This aPostle's lrtrs upotl it a t'halice olrt of nhich issues o{ lrrea'l' shieirl artd trro sat:ks Iepresetrting It'ares attenlPt rr as ntaile to kiIi .lencler cross il"rit rtt iters statc thtrt an out' Lt'r'd Iet[ tlle rrru[titullt' fronr ivhir:h tht' ,",-otlilg ltis rerrrark rr'hen ilirrr lrr gir irlg lrirrr a 1lt'isoned t'halitle' ntissiotralr ]alrols irr serpent' tr'. 1,r?n 6:l'I.i. i d{ter suc':essIul l,.,.rl .1,nre.l hirrr: lrente the chalice and the ltart (lalatia ancl PIrlrgia' this apostle is sair] to 'tll'let'''i tttatll attetrtilt's rtel'e tnarle lo kijl hirrL" iet St' ii'' .,,\lrh,rtrgh Wheu tt't'u',uing iailetl to silerrt'e ltirrr' l'een the oltlr :\postle rt'h" rliecl ir a , r'Lrel tleatlt. 1,,1,,, i. tni.l t,, lrar e t utt tltr.ugll rlitlr r u as stotrecl. cruci{ietl' ancl f inalh nalulaI rleatlt" Ilaving attainecl a great age' sl)eat'[() hasten his death' tiie \postles li..!1. llttttltett. When shol'n anr()rlEi 'fhe usual 1'rrtrr lti' St' }latllrel's 12. Sr. Jutrtes tlte Gre:uter' "l lrrcl nril ils {)lle oi the four Evangelists' itltor t" ittttl otr''- slrielrl slrou s three e.'ca[1op 'thells' trt'o a shielcl riporr w hi<'h at'e.- thter: puI'ses' usual si trrlrol is 'l-he is a sr rlrbol ol pilgr:irrrage' l-h'' a tax coller:tot" He i* l,el,rrr. escallop shell ,ef.rli,rg to his original calling' rt pu trt cl' : l 'l'au shells are placecl rl ith their ual'l'ol etrtls l.,eett cruci[ietl in ]ithiopia a t'lt'ss' n,ritl t,r have ''ttr r ears a{ter our: f'ortl's t'r'rtcifir'it'tr' a lrattle axe' James livecl fourteen arrd lris hetttl severed 1r''rm his bodr nith att:ottttl o{ hi' C1",,,.,," \I.:ran.1ri'rut gives us a vivid h" about to be heheirdecl' the s'rl' rl'hiltr r,,artt..1,,,,,. .'\. (). Arttlrer.t. He is belier.ed to hale c{iecl "ut Heror[' \\ il: !r I itr St. cliet-. tr ht, had ac'cusetl hirtl bef ore the ()ospel irt Greece' on a cross saltire' His 'l,e<'ause Christiarr i (ttllitsr pleirclting pressecl o{ the apostle's [Jreat cnrs"etl' recalling his .1,i"l,l .h,,rr. trvo Iishes 'rrigitra] anclfaith.tlrathc{elltlorvrranditrrll[tlred{.,r.girene.- lris t'all to ltecome a fisher ttf nlen' ahst'lvctl hir' ot'cttlltttiott. ancl Iturrtblr c'onfessitrg his sins' The \postle iltce" antl tlr'' sar irtg. "Peac'e- tll\ sorl' peat'e he urtto ori tttattr ('ollfesrtl lo. )1. .5lrrl<.,n. 'l'he t otnpanion of St' Jucie ,,f thr faults"' The so[diel at'ttsc irtttl His trtrlst itr- 1-.a.i,t tllttl ,iI his rtrissiottarr t<.ruts r'l.as -:!t' Sirnon' Christ- arlc[ tras l'eh:atlecl l'r ]'leloll' st"'tt is lesus is a book uport uhich lies a fi-*h' This r: ot:tler thttt -' rrriliar srtn]r,rl trtaltr rclotn ,rf St' J anres' l'ittle of tlren' tht'ougtr the give,r lrint ber:ause he lras a gl'eat fisher heel tltrnte(l I'o| this l)is.'iple. $ ll' 't1," 'the oI St' ntarrt churches have oi thr: Gospel' e\act nlannel -si' spit it' t - 1,u,r,", contbirtecl sutlt rtr.rteu-orthr zea[' tllissiottaLr "ur ,rr,,rr.s cleath is nc,t t0lt,l us" but he is generallr suPposetl 'fhat ag.. at,d lot gir ette:-' lo ltavtr lreetr sl''trn asuncler' or else beheacleci' he Intrri,tr ttl 5t- l]trnttri'; ( hurtlt FIFTY.TWO "AGE t-.
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