DIRECTORY o f Faculty and Students UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME 1936-1937 THE UNIVERSITY PRESS NOTRE DAME, INDIANA NOVEMBER, 1936 OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION Rev. John F. O’Hara, C.S.C............. President Rev. J . Hugh O’Donnell, C.S.C ......................................Vice-President Rev. J. Leonard Carrico, C.S.C Director of Studies Rev. Francis J . Boland, C.S.C........................ Prefect of Discipline Rev. James D. Trahey, C.S.C.........Assistant Prefect of Discipline Mr. Robert H. McAuliffe ................ Assistant Prefect of Discipline Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, C'.S.C .......................... Prefect of Religion Rev. Joseph J. Corcoran, C.S.C Assistant Prefect of Religion Mr. Robert B. Riordan ........................................................... R egistrar Mr. Kenneth A. Oliver ................................................................ Secretary Brother Engelbert, C.S.C ............................................................T reasurer Mr. Francis W. Lloyd ............................................................ Comptroller Brother Gabriel, C.S.C ..................................................................... Auditor RECTORS OF RESIDENCE HALLS Rev. Henry G. Glueckert, C.S.C .......................................... Alumni Hall Rev. John F. Farley, C.S.C. Sarin Hall Rev. George J. Marr, C.S.C...................................................W alsh Hall Rev. Francis P. Cavanaugh, C.S.C ...................................... Dillon Hall Rev. Peter P. Forrestal, C.S.C. Howard Hall Rev. Joseph A. Muckenthalor, C.S.C ....................................Badin Hall Rev. Thomas A. Kelly, C.S.C................................................. Lyons Hall Rev. George L. Holderith, C.S.C.................................. Morrissey Hall Brother Justin, C.S.C ........................................................ Brownson Hall Brother Mauritius C.S.C Carroll Hall Rev. Henry J. Bolger, C.S.C...........................................Cavanaugh Hall Rev. John P. O’Connell, C.S.C.......................................Freshman Hall Rev. Leo W. Gorman, C.S.C St. Edward's Hall Rev. James D. Trahey, C.S.C. Old Infirmary SUPERIORS OF AFFILIATED RELIGIOUS HOUSES Rev. James A. Burns, C.S.C., Provincial .........................Presbytery Rev. Thomas P. Irving, C.S.C Community House Rev. James W. Connerton, C.S.C............................. Moreau Seminary Rev. Richard J. Collcntine, C.S.C.....................Holy Cross Seminary Brother Agatho, C.S.C................................................. Dujarie Institute Rev. P atrick H. Dolan, C.S.C.........................................Mission House Rev. Joseph H. Burke, C.S.C ............................ Community Infirmary ( 1 ) OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION Ackermann, Francis Xavier Mech. Drawing Main Building, Notre Dame, Ind. Apodaca, Joseph Louis Economics 1114 N. Michigan Street, South Bend, Ind. Baldinger, Lawrence Henry Pharm acy 814 E. Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind. Barry, Thomas Joseph Journalism 1930 E. Ewing- Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Bartholomew, Paul Charles Politics 705 N. St. Joseph Street, South Bend, Ind. Bender, Wesley Charles M arketing Mar-Main Arms Apartments, South Bend, Ind. Benitz, William Logan Mech. Engineering 1341 E. Wayne Street, N., South Bend, Ind. Bocskey, Stephen Charles Biology 1130 E. C'halfant Street, South Bend, Ind. Boland, C.S.C., Rev. Francis Joseph Politics Main Building, Notre Dame, Ind. Bolger, C.S.C., Rev. Henry Joseph Physics Cavanaugh Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Bolger, C.S.C., Rev. William Augustine Economics Corby Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Bott, Herbert Joseph M arketing 1014 E. Cedar Street, South Bend, Ind. Boyle, Andrew Joseph Chemistry 534 S. Carroll Street, South Bend, Ind. Brennan, G.S.C., Rev. Thomas James Philosophy Corby Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Broughal, C.S.C., Rev. Lawrence Vincent Philosophy Corby Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Brown, C.S.C., Rev. Francis Charles German Corby Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Brown, Frank Newton Mithery Aero. Engineering 636 Ostemo Place, South Bend, Ind. Brubaker, Gerald Clement Architecture 360 Goshen Avenue, Elkhart, Ind. Buckley, Louis Francis Economics 718 Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind. ( 2 ) Burke, C.S.C., Rev. Eugene Paul English Corby Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Burke, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph Henry Religion Community Infirmary, Notre Dame, Ind. Butler, C.S.C., Rev. T. Francis H istory Community House, Notre Dame, Ind. Cain, William Morley Law 824 Forest Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Campbell, David Lawrence English 1847 N. Adams Street, South Bend, Ind. Campbell, Kenneth Nielsen Chemistry 614 N. St. Peter Street, South Bend, Ind. Campbell, Thomas Bowyer H istory 1126 N. F rancis Street, South Bend, Ind Capard, Jose Angel Elec. Engineering 1024 Deeper Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Carey, C.S.C., Rev. William Arthur Classics Corby Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Casasanta, Joseph John Music 1417 E. LaSalle Avenue, South Bend. Ind. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., Rev. Francis Patrick a Sociology Dillon Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Chizek, Cletus Francis Finance 915 E. Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind. Collins, George Briggs Physics 214 W. Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind Connerton, C.S.C., Rev. James William Gregorian Moreau Seminary, Notre Dame, Ind. Cooney, John Michael Journalism 413 LaM onte Terrace, South Bend, Ind. Cooper, George Arlo Phy. Education 1102 N. Blaine Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Corbett,, James Arthur H istory 905 N. Notre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind Corcoran, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph James Religion Howard Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Corona, Jose Crisanto Spanish 1121 Belmont Avenue, South Bend, Ind. C'oty, Gilbert Joseph Spanish 417 Napoleon Boulevard, South Bend, Ind. Cox, Ronald Clarence Speech 1002 Law ndale Avenue, South Bend, Ind. ( 3 ) Speech Coyne, William James 1320 Hillerest Road, South Bend, Ind. Music Crepeau, Elton Benjamin 805 N. M ichigan Street, South Bend, Ind. Cunningham, G.S.C., Rev. William Francis Education Old Infirmary, Notre Dame, Ind. Finance Davis, Alden E. „ .1 Cor. South Bend Avenue and Ivy Road, South Bend, Ind. Spanish deLandero, Pedro Antonio , T , 1031 N. Niles Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Doremus, C.S.G., Rev. Charles Louis French Sorin Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Economics Downey, William Henry 507 Broadway, Niles, Mich. Speech Doyle, Albert Loring _ 1213 Prospect Drive, Mishawaka, Ind. DuBois, Benjamin George _ T 1 French 416 E. Peashway, South Bend, Ind. Dwyer, C.S.C., Brother Justin English Brownson Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Earl, Homer Quincy Law 625 Riverside Drive, South Bend, Ind. Finance Bells, LeClair Herold 205 E. Altgeld Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Engels, Norbert Anthony English 1902 E. Madison Street, South Bend, Ind. Fagan, Christopher James . T 1 Economics 5 4 8 W. Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind. Fagan, Vincent Francis Architecture 1229 Diamond Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Fenlon, Paul Ignatius English Sorin Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Flatley, Lee Thomas Finance Mar-Main Arms Apartments, South Bend, Ind. Floe, Carl Frederick Metallurgy 1421 Chester Street, South Bend, Ind. Flynn, Francis Thomas Sociology 410 Parkovash Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Forrestal, C.S.C., Rev. Peter Paul Spanish Howard Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. ( 4 ) Frederick, John Towner ■ English 5529 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago, 111. Froning, Henry Bernhardt Chemistry 415 E. Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind. Glueckert, C.S.C., Rev. Henry George Religion Alumni Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Gorman, C.S.C., Rev. Leo William Classics St. Edward’s Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Greene, Robert Lee Pharm acy 710 Arch Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Haas, Arthur Erich P h y sio 847 Forest Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Hagerty, C.S.C., Rev. Cornelius Joseph Philosophy Community House, Notre Dame, Ind. Handy, Elvin Roy Phy. Education 1020 N . Eddy Street, South Bend, Ind. Hasley, Louis Leonard English Apartment 4, 611 W. Marion Street, South Bend, Ind. Hebert, C.S.C., Rev. Peter Edward Classics Alumni Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Heffner, Edward Mech. Engineering 941, 20th Street, South Bend, Ind. Hennion, George Felix Chemistry 821 N. Notre Dame Avenue, * South Bend, In d ; y Heston,, C.S.C., Rev. Edward Louis Philosophy Community House, Notre Dame, Ind. Hines, James Francis H istory 305 Peashway, South Bend, Ind. Hinton, Henry David Chemistry 412 Tonti Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Hoever, O.Cist., Rev. Hugo Henry Philosophy Howard Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Hoff, Rev. Norbert Casper Philosophy Dillon Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Holderith, C.S.C., Rev. George Leo H istory Morrissey Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Holton, William John Philosophy 930 N. Notre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Hope, G.S.C.. Rev. Arthur Joseph Philosophy Corby Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. ( B ) Horan, Frank William. Civil Engineering 914 Diamond Avenue. South Bend, Ind. Hoyer, Raymond Alonzo Sociology 1001 Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind. Hull, Daniel Physics 128 N. Francis Street, South Bend, Ind. Huth, Edward Andrew Politics 1204 N. St. Joseph Street, South Bend, Ind. Ill, C.S.C., Rev. Bernard Jeffrey German Corby Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Ingersoll, Frederic Higgins Music 207 S. Main Street, South Bend, Ind. Irving, C.S.C., Rev. Thomas Patrick Religion Community House, Notre Dame, Ind. Jacques, Emil Art Sorin Halt, Notre Dame, Ind. Jones, C.S.C., Rev. Thomas Patrick Religion Community House, Notre Dame, Ind. Just, Theodore Karl ' " " Biology 501 W. Washington Avenue, South Bend, Ind. ICaczmarek, Regidius Marion Biology 317 Napoleon Boulevard, South Bend, Ind. Kelley, C.S.C., Rev. John Charles Religion Lyons Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. Kelly, Frank William Speech 629 H arrison Avenue, South Bend, Ind. Kelly, C.S.C., Rev. Thomas Armond
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