ESA Atmospheric Science Conference, Barcelona, 2009 ESA Earth Observation missions Henri Laur ESA EO Missions Management Office EO missions handled by ESA 1990 2000 METEOSAT M-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 2010 METEOSAT Second Generation MSG-1, -2, -3 METEOSAT Third Generation Meteo METOP-1, -2, -3 in cooperation with EUMETSAT ESA Earth Observation 2009 budget Science ~ 600 M€ (16.3% of ESA budget) to better ERS-1, -2 understand the Earth ENVISAT Applications Services to initiate long term monitoring systems and services ERS-1ERS-1 andand ERS-2ERS-2 missionsmissions 18 years of ERS-1/2 SAR data in the archive ERS-2 achieved 14 years in orbit in April 2009 Î ERS-2 was designed for 3 years nominal lifetime ! Platform Î no gyroscopes since 2001 Æ Gyro-less operations Î failure of the Low Bit Rate recorder in 2003 Æ set-up of a collaborative network of acquisition stations Instruments Î all instruments (but ATSR) work satisfactorily and provides useful data Î Good prospect to operate ERS-2 mission until mid-2011 Envisat MERIS (Yesterday, 6 Sep. 2009) Bordeaux Toulouse Bilbao Pyrenees ESA Atmospheric Science Conference 2009 Barcelona Zaragoza ENVISAT mission: Arctic 2007 7 years ! ~2600 Bam earthquake scientific http://www.esa.int/LivingPlanet2010/ projects First images Tectonic uplift (Andaman) + GMES pre- Hurricane operational Katrina projects Global air 09 pollution ber 20 Novem e: 15 Ozone hole 2003 eadlin acts d Abstr Chlorophyll Prestige tanker B-15A concentration oil slick iceberg CO2 map Envisat Envisat Symposium IS ER y Symposium R M R tr ic S Salzburg (A) TS e e er T A p m nc h Montreux (CH) A A) ho lti p /A on n ( s A ere os ce R IS hop Launch ti tio S R rk R f n e R A R s ra a p RI A p o A on tm ie nc A S E rk lib w lid o E op nS o W S op C A c e nS op A hop M o a ie Va sh M h I sh In h S er I sh SE s W C ev rk ks rk ks nf rk rk R o or o or o o o W W W W C W W Mar 02 Sep 02 Dec 02 Nov 03 Dec 03 Sep 04 Sep 05 Dec 05 Mar 06 May 06 Apr 07 Dec 07 Jan 08 Sep 08 L’Aquila earthquake (April 2009) Envisat ASAR data MERIS composite image Hurricane Gustav ASAR HurricaneHurricane IkeIke (Sep.(Sep. 2008)2008) MERIS Currents Wind Cuba Cuba Simultaneous acquisition time SeaSea levellevel riserise TheThe disappearingdisappearing AralAral SeaSea Jul. 2006 Jul. 2009 Aug. 2006 Aug. 2007 Aug. 2008 Envisat MERIS data Global Land Cover at 300 metres resolution (GlobCover project) Arctic sea ice extent 2008 2007: lowest minimum 2008: second lowest minimum Canada Both passages open Russia Greenland ASAR GMM mosaic Early September 2008 EuropeanEuropean shippingshipping routesroutes Ship detection with Envisat ASAR (2002-2009) NO2 with OMI (2008) EnvisatEnvisat 3-years3-years extensionextension [2011-2013][2011-2013] 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1995 ERS-2 approved 3-years extension 2002 Envisat approved 3-years extension Sentinel-1 New orbital parameters Sentinel-2 Sentinel-3 Envisat satellite is in good health and with an expected reasonable evolution. Efficient consumption of on-board hydrazine allows operating nominally Envisat until 2010. But most of hydrazine will be consumed by 2010. The Envisat 3-years extension requests a modification of the orbital parameters in 2010 to be able to operate the satellite with minimum hydrazine. EnvisatEnvisat satellitesatellite statusstatus andand evolutionevolution Responding to a strong demand coming from all user communities, ESA has elaborated a technical solution to extend the Envisat mission beyond 2010 based on the following criteria: 1. to keep the current nominal mission for as long as possible (i.e. until 2010), 2. to extend the mission well beyond 2010, 3. to ensure the continuity of the max. number of Envisat applications beyond 2010, 4. to follow the mitigation rules for space debris risk at end of mission. The solution, based on a relaxation of the inclination drift and on a decrease of the orbit altitude by 17.4 km will allow extending the mission lifetime by 3 years, i.e. until 2013. Æ the solution is compatible with the current Envisat applications, except SAR interferometry applications. The orbital change is currently planned for October 2010. The new orbit repeat cycle will be 30 days (current orbit cycle is 35 days). EO missions handled by ESA 1990 2000 2010 METEOSAT METEOSAT Meteo METEOSAT Second Generation Third Generation M-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 MSG-1, -2, -3 in cooperation with EUMETSAT METOP-1, -2, -3 Cryosat (2) (Polar Ice Monitoring) Science (Gravity and Ocean GOCE Circulation Explorer) to better Earth SMOS (Soil moisture) understand the Earth Explorers ADM/Aeolus SWARM EarthCARE ERS-1, -2 ENVISAT Applications Services to initiate long term monitoring systems and services EarthEarth ExplorerExplorer missionsmissions GOCE SMOS Cryosat-2 Earth gravity field Soil moisture and Ice elevation and and Geoid ocean salinity ice thickness measurements measurements measurements Launch: March 09 Launch: 2 Nov. 09 Launch: Feb. 2010 ADM-Aeolus SWARM EarthCARE Wind speed Earth magnetic Clouds, Aerosols vectors field & Earth core & radiation measurements dynamics meas. measurements Launch: 2011 Launch: 2011 Launch: 2013 EO missions handled by ESA 1990 2000 2010 METEOSAT METEOSAT Meteo METEOSAT Second Generation Third Generation M-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 MSG-1, -2, -3 in cooperation with EUMETSAT METOP-1, -2, -3 Cryosat (2) (Polar Ice Monitoring) Science (Gravity and Ocean GOCE Circulation Explorer) to better Earth SMOS (Soil moisture) understand the Earth Explorers ADM/Aeolus SWARM EarthCARE ERS-1, -2 ENVISAT Applications Sentinel missions Services GMES Space & to initiate long term monitoring Component National missions (e.g. SPOT, DMC, TerraSAR, ...) systems and services GMESGMES (Global(Global MonitoringMonitoring forfor EnvironmentEnvironment andand Security)Security) Services Component • Produces information services in response to European policy priorities in environment and security • Relies on data from in-situ and space component In-situ component • Mostly of national responsibility, with coordination at European level Space Component – role of ESA as • development agency for dedicated infrastructure (Sentinels) • coordinator of contributions from Member States, EUMETSAT, private and commercial partners GMESGMES dedicateddedicated missions:missions: SentinelsSentinels Sentinel 1 – SAR imaging 2012 All weather, day/night applications, interferometry st Continuity of Envisat, ERS SAR data (1 satellite) Sentinel 2 – Multispectral imaging Land applications: urban, forest, agriculture, etc 2013 Continuity of Landsat, SPOT data (1st satellite) Sentinel 3 – Ocean and global land monitoring Wide-swath ocean color, vegetation, sea/land 2013 surface temperature, altimetry (1st satellite) Continuity of Envisat data Sentinel 4 – Geostationary atmospheric Atmospheric composition monitoring, trans- 2017+ boundary pollution Sentinel 5 – Low-orbit atmospheric Atmospheric composition monitoring 2019+ Continuity of Envisat, MetOp data Sentinel 5 Precursor Atmospheric composition monitoring 2014 Continuity of Envisat EO missions handled by ESA 1990 2000 2010 METEOSAT METEOSAT Meteo METEOSAT Second Generation Third Generation M-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 MSG-1, -2, -3 in cooperation with EUMETSAT METOP-1, -2, -3 Cryosat (2) (Polar Ice Monitoring) Science (Gravity and Ocean GOCE Circulation Explorer) to better Earth SMOS (Soil moisture) understand the Earth Explorers ADM/Aeolus SWARM EarthCARE ERS-1, -2 ENVISAT Applications Sentinel missions Services GMES Space & to initiate long term monitoring Component National missions (e.g. SPOT, DMC, TerraSAR, ...) systems and services and Third-Party Missions: European access to non-ESA missions ALOS, SPOT-4, Landsat, Kompsat-2, ... ThirdThird PartyParty MissionsMissions data acquisition, processing, distribution and/or archiving from non-ESA missions distribution under specific agreements with the owners or operators of the missions complementary data exploitation with ESA EO missions ~30 historical and operational Third Party Missions with data from ~45 instruments Æ Atmospheric chemistry: SciSat, ODIN ~11 Third Party Missions under integration/planning with data from ~14 instruments Æ Atmospheric chemistry: GOSAT, OMI Kompsat-2 Ikonos ODIN ALOS SPOT- 4/5 SciSat GOSAT Landsat DMC FacilitatingFacilitating accessaccess toto EarthEarth ObservationObservation datadata A constant objective: Æ ease access to Earth Observation data Common objective for all missions data handled by ESA: Envisat, ERS, Earth Explorers, and Third Party Missions New ESA EO data policy in preparation: Æ open and free of charge for most data (user registration) Æ some restrictions for some SAR data and some 3rd Party Missions Internet access to Near Real Time (NRT) data and to archived data Development of alternative ways to provide data (e.g. processing on demand, toolboxes) Maintain effort in improving quality of products (algorithms, validation) Maintain effort in exploiting data (e.g. ESA Climate Change Programme) http://www.esa.int http://earth.esa.int eohelp @ esa.int.
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