,-,n H<*,,, „,., JULY 29, 1967*- )€MT LYMOOM B. JOWWSOW 'resident began his.-. day .That (P!;*r<-) Day e White House r, SATURDAY &^-LUHJb?jH.i ^-; Te!ephone - T""e ^^^ Expend! . Activity (inc)ude visited by) ture ^ Q"' *^° ] LD _ Fm Sgt. Gaddis: Weight 219-1/4 8:30a Awake - MW to bedroom 9:10am Breakfast in bedroom ( consisting of chipped beef ' joined by Mrs. Johnson orange slices and hot tea) 10:05a t Harry McPherson (pl) 10:06a t Barefoot Sanders (pl) 10:13a t Robert Kintner (former Spec. Asst to President) - Westport. Connecticut 10:30a t j Joe Califano (pl) ] 10:33am t Harry McPherson (pl) 10:34am f Joe Califano ^^^ t " 10:50a t ! George Christian (pl) 10:50a { ! f Ed Weisl, Sr. - NYC - Op. reported Mr. Weisl was calling for the President but 11:00a! f Joe Califano ( Mrs. Johnson picked up the telephone and talked -- nx^x _____J j ! < ! lr^^vt?sr!srv^T?T^i^TMh!ayarTsfTsr^yi!rsA?h^^^ - President also talked MM Moust Date JULY 29, 1967 EMT LYWOOW B. JOWW$OM MAKY resident began his day at (P!ace)_ ^he White House ^ SATURDAY Time ^T^?"' . Activity (include visited by) id Out Lo LD 11:01a The President arrived in Oval Rm Office * -w/MW and George Christian -- GC out at 11:03a 11:05aY OFF RECORD , Hon. Cyrus Vance to Oval Rm Ofc 11:11a joined by Vice President Hubert Humphrey 11:16a- 11:23a joined by Joe Califano 11:24a - JC back in 11:30a Geo. Christian joined -out at 11:35a 11:20a t (JC pl) ll:40a - ; The President to the Cabinet Room ' w/The Vice President Hon. Cyrus Vance Tom Johnson George Christian for Meeting w/President's Special Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders Hon. Otto Kerner, Governor of Illinois - Chairman j Hon. John Lindsay, Mayor of New York - Vice Chairman ! jMerrbers Cong. William M. McCulloch (R-Ohio) I ^ Miss Katherine Graham Peden. Commissioner of Commerce of Kentucky I (see p. 3 for more) Date Jul y 29, 196 7 The White House Da y SATURDA Y Ex, Activity (includ e visite d by ) t Members (Cont'd ) ; . Mr . Charle s B . Thornton , Presiden t an d Boar d Chairman, Litto n Industries, Inc. Mr. Ro y Wilkins, Executiv e Director, NAAC P Mr. I . W . Abel , Presiden t of United Steelworkers Sen. Edwar d W . Brook e (R-Mass ) Cong. Jame s C . Corma n (D-Calif ) Sen. Fre d R . Harri s (D-Okla ) Mr. Herber t Jenkins , Chie f o f Police , Atlanta , Georgi a also present : Hon. Ramse y Clark - Th e Attorney General _ _ George Christian Hon . Charle s Schultze ' _ Tom Johnso n ' Fre d Bohe n - assigne d t o JA G staf f Joe Califan o Larry Levin s on - i n and out MW - i n an d ou t ; Mr. Sanfor d Jaff e- Dep t o f Justice - (cam e in w/Atty Gen'l) ; Harry McPherso n . Jim Jones Hon. Cyru s Vance i s t o give the Commission' s first meetin g a repor t (first-hand) o n condition s i n riot-torn Detroit, Michiga n Press an d photogs i n to observe th e signin g o f Exec Order - Establishing a Nationa l Advisory Commissio n on Civil Disorders VWTE Houst Date July 29, 1967 XMT LYNDON B. JOHNSO N MAftv President began his day at (Place) The White House Day SATURDAY Tune Telephone i or t .... 1 1 Activity (include visited by) In Out Lo LD 12:55p -To Oval Office - w/ the Vice Presiden t 1:15p Fish Room - issue d statement on issuing exec order establishing an Exec Order establishing a Natl Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. 1:19p Hon. Otto Kerner. Gov. of Illinois Hon. John Lindsay. Mayor of New York City ' both joined the President in his office -- Vice President still there 1:27p To the mansion - and to the second floor w/ Gov. Kerner, Mayor Lindsay, the Vice President (other members of the Commission had already preceded the President to the mansion--) 3:00p LUNCHEON w/ ~" members of the Special Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. 'MITE House Date July 29, 1967 ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON WA** Th e White House _ Saturday resident began his day at (Place) Day_ T- Telephone ,, Time f £ t Expe . Activity (include visited by) tui In Out Lo L D Co 3:00p .The luncheon ended -- and the members of the Advisory Commission returned to the Cabinet Room to continue their meetings. At 2: 58p, frfetxacmfrxfotx: Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Zawacki (Mrs. Joe Califano's parents) came to call on Mrs. Johnson in the Yellow Oval Room. They departed at 3:02p. Sometime in this interval, the President joined them in the Yellow Oval Room and posed for a picture. approx 3:05p- 3:15p Cong. and Mrs. Wayne Aspinall Hon. Owen Aspinall - Governor-designate of American Samoa -- and his wife, who is Samoan ' Irving Sprague- to the second floor, and to the Yellow Oval Room pix w/ on Truman Balcony 3: 25p t Joe Califano - pl 3:27p "1 MW - pi " 3:30p t i Walt Rostow - pl ; 3:32p t Harry McPherson - pl 1 . 3:45p t | Harry McPherson - pl 3: 50p t George Christian - pl 3:59p t | Mrs. Johnson ! --——— ) | ' ,^___ 4:13p i f I Joe Califano ftn. Hou* July 29, 1967 CNT LYNOOH B. JOHNSON The White House ~ Saturday 'resident began his day at (Place) Day_ £ Time Telephone f or t ...... 1 . Activity (includ e visited by) In Out Lo ! LD 4:26p t . Joe Califano - pl 4:27p t George Christian - pl 5:25p ~ To Oval Office 5:30p Joe Califano ' 5:41p t Ashton Gonella - at home 5:49p t George Christian 6:30 6:40p Guests began arriving for boat ±WJRC ride -- to Second Floor Oval Room Cong and Mrs. J J Pickle Mr. and Mrs. Simon McHugh • Frances (Franny) McCammon Cong and Mrs. Jack Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Wal t Rostow John Criswell , I Mr. a nd Mrs. John Gonella Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Watson WcwxTXpoi-qKoc Warrie Lynn Smith and date, Vance Campbell Lynda Bird and date, Capt Chuck Robb I I | I 6:50p j |_ . Mrs. Johnson escorted the guests to the ground floor - and the Diplomatic j ; Reception Room in preparation for hg^ loading cars for ride to Navy Yard. /Hiif House Date July 29, 1967 *NT LYNDON B. JOHNSON WARY 'resident began his day at (Place) ., Day Saturday Time Telephone . Activity (include visited by) In Out Lo LD 6:55p - The President came out of his office and went to the dog pen w/ mf -- he spotte d Yuki (Luci' s white mongrel) and told him that he wanted to take him • for a boat ride. At this time, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Valenti and Courtenay joined at the dog pens -- cavalcade of cars carrying other guests departed 7:00p Departed for Navy Yard - w / Mr. and Mrs. Jack Valenti, Courtenay Valenti, Yuki, and mf 7:15p Arrived Navy Yard - and boarded the SeQuoia - greeted guests -- DINNER aboard 11:00p President and Mrs. Johnson to second floor ' . 11:04p f David Ginsburg - Seattle. Wash. ! ; -. ' -••• • •.-.•• ; 11:09p t j Joseph Califano 11:25p Retire d • 11:58p : t , Joe Califano I i • Today issued statement by Secy Cyru s Vanc e o n his retur n fro m Detroit. Today issued exec order establishin g a National Advisory Commission o n Civil Disorders Today issued President's welcomin g statement to members o f Commission on Civi l Disorders ..
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