SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 2017 INTERNATIONAL School rape fuels Trump-era debate on immigration WASHINGTON: A rape at a Washington News reports say Sanchez Milian was like Sanchez Milian, can be placed in a often links immigration to higher crime area high school has drawn intense scruti- born in Guatemala and in August 2016 public school in contact with much rates, although no serious studies back up ny as part of the immigration debate crossed the Rio Grande separating Mexico younger people. Fox News, which is pop- this claim. In announcing his candidacy in launched under President Donald Trump, from the United States, as do many ular with conservatives, has provided June 2015, Trump famously said that since the two alleged attackers are Latinos seeking to escape poverty and blanket coverage of the rape in all its ugly, some of the Mexicans who cross the bor- Latinos who entered the United States find a better life in the United States. He violent detail. The television network also der illegally are rapists and drug dealers. illegally. Under normal circumstances, a was picked up by border control agents. A claimed there were links between the He has also called Latino migrants “bad case like this would not make national few days later, he was let go to join his rape and so-called sanctuary cities, where hombres.” The controversy deepened headlines. But these are not normal times father, who was living in Maryland while local authorities do not cooperate with when the Republican governor of in America. The attack feeds perfectly into the youth waited to appear before an their federal counterparts on immigration Maryland, Larry Hogan, urged the Trump narrative that the United States immigration judge. That hearing has not and deportation matters. Montgomery County officials to cooper- has porous borders and does not give pri- even been scheduled yet, because of a The case took on national dimensions ate fully with the probe into the rape. This ority to native-born Americans, and that huge backlog in the courts: half a million Tuesday. when White House spokesman was seen by some as a veiled criticism unauthorized immigrants mean more and cases involving unauthorized immigrants Sean Spicer called the sexual assault that they had been dragging their feet. more violent crime. waiting to see if they can stay or will be “shocking, disturbing, horrific.” “I think Jose Montano, 17, and Henry Sanchez deported. An estimated 11 million people part of the reason that the president has Totally indecent Milian, 18, are accused of brutally raping a live in the country illegally, most of them made illegal immigration and crackdown Jack Smith, the Montgomery County 14-year-old classmate in a bathroom dur- Mexicans and other Latinos. such a big deal is because of tragedies Public Schools superintendent, said it is Photo provided by the Montgomery ing school hours. They have been arrested like this,” Spicer said. Rockville “should “totally inappropriate to suggest that County, Md Police Department shows and are in custody as they wait to go Xenophobia look at its policies,” he added. Under we’re going to deny a 14-year-old, a 16- Henry Sanchez. Henry Sanchez, 18, before a judge. The rape took place last The rape unexpectedly threw gasoline Maryland law, anyone aged 5 to 21 has year-old, an 18-year-old an education one of two students charged with week at a public high school in Rockville, on the red hot national immigration the right to go to school, even if they are because of a horrible thing that hap- raping a 14-year-old girl in a Maryland, a Washington suburb in debate, including plenty of xenophobic in the country illegally. pened in our schools last Thursday.” He Maryland high school bathroom Montgomery County, which is strongly commentary on social media. Many The Trump administration is accused defended putting 17- or 18-year-olds entered the US illegally. The crime pro-Democratic. Seventy-six percent of Republican lawmakers wondered aloud of trying to score political points at the in class with younger kids if the for- became part of a national debate on the county’s voters went with Hillary how an authorized immigrant who does expense of Montano, who was born in El mer’s educational level requires some immigration. — AP Clinton in the November election. not speak English and is legally an adult, Salvador, and Sanchez Milian. Trump catching up. — AFP US Speaker Ryan dented by healthcare debacle WASHINGTON: US House Speaker Paul former President Barack Obama’s signa- Ryan on Friday acknowledged the ture domestic policy achievement, the unthinkable for a Republican leader: he 2010 Affordable Care Act, popularly could not deliver the votes to repeal and known as Obamacare. replace Obamacare, even though he and Amash is a member of the hard-line his fellow Republicans had vowed to do so conservative Freedom Caucus, which in for seven years. Nevertheless, Ryan’s job 2015 ousted Ryan’s predecessor as speaker, did not seem to be under immediate John Boehner, from the post. The caucus threat, at least not in the House of played a key role in the demise of the Representatives he leads. healthcare bill. Ryan chose to make health- Ryan’s long-time news media nemesis, care reform the first target on a list of leg- the website Breitbart, said Republicans islative goals for the new Republican- were “openly discussing” finding a majority Congress. He admitted on Friday replacement for him after he pulled a bill that he was disappointed by the outcome. to roll back Obamacare from the House Republicans faced resistance to the health- floor just minutes before an intensely care bill from both conservatives and mod- awaited final vote. The Breitbart article erates, making the process of winning pas- did not quote anyone by name. In the sage difficult for the leadership. House, just after the bill was pulled, sever- Republican Representative Joe Barton, al lawmakers brushed aside suggestions asked about the impact of Friday’s loss on PHILADELPHIA: Stacy Biscardi searches the grounds of Mount Carmel Cemetery for a relatives’ grave in Philadelphia. Volunteers helped that the failure spelled trouble for Ryan, Ryan, told reporters: “The speaker is a clean up and restore the Jewish cemetery where vandals damaged hundreds of headstones. — AP the 2012 Republican vice presidential can- human being. He’s not Superman.” didate, who many have speculated has Republican Representative Barry presidential ambitions. Loudermilk, who backed the healthcare Jews, Israelis fear fallout Ryan, 47, has been speaker since bill, said he didn’t think the loss weakened October 2015. Under the law, he is next in the speaker’s hand. One Republican law- line to the presidency after Vice President maker who has been considered potential Mike Pence. Republican Representative speaker material, Representative Jeb from bomb hoax arrest Justin Amash, a harsh critic of the ill-fated Hensarling of Texas, effusively praised healthcare bill, told reporters, “We can do Ryan, saying he had shown “phenomenal better with the legislative process.” But, he leadership.” “It is my hope that we can Jewish teen accused of masterminding anti-Semitic threats added, “Nobody is talking about” trying to regroup and rally behind him (Ryan) and oust Ryan as speaker. Amash had dis- the president as a conference to deliver on JERUSALEM: Israel’s arrest of a Jewish teenager Their heads are going to be blown off,” one of States, where the FBI in early March arrested a paragingly dubbed the Republican health- our promise” to dismantle Obamacare, accused of masterminding dozens of anti- the threats read, according to a recording former journalist suspected of making bomb care bill “Obamacare 2.0,” after Democratic Hensarling said in a statement. — Reuters Semitic threats could encourage racism and obtained by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. threats to Jewish community centers and institu- ease pressure on US President Donald Trump to Israel’s Haaretz newspaper said Friday the tions. He was allegedly cyberstalking an ex-girl- tackle anti-Semitism, Jewish groups have net started to tighten after a threat in New friend, using her name to make the threats. warned. Far-right groups claimed vindication Zealand in 2016, with police identifying the IP The Daily Stormer, a prominent anti-Semitic that attacks previously blamed on rightwingers address as originating from Israel. Using an website that had long alleged such threats were and alleged hatred resulting from Trump’s elec- antenna, the suspect allegedly accessed other a Jewish plot, has claimed vindication. Alt-right tion may actually have been carried out by a people’s computers to commit the crimes, the website Breitbart News, formerly run by Trump’s young Jewish American Israeli. newspaper said, leading police to question a chief strategist Steve Bannon, also saw vindica- Jewish organizations and Israeli media said number of innocent suspects before eventually tion, but for Trump. “When the president sug- the arrest was likely to boost conspiracy theo- netting him. His alleged motive remains gested that some of the anti-Semitic hate ries, while others worried it would weaken unknown. His father has also been arrested, crimes could be hoaxes, the (leftwing) responses to a rise in anti-Semitic attacks in the with their next court hearing set for March 30. Huffington Post claimed he was echoing ‘white US. More details emerged Friday about the sus- nationalists and far-right conspiracy theorists,’” pect, who holds dual Israeli American citizen- Jewish threats it wrote. “However, the arrests thus far suggest ship, though identifying details are subject to a The discussion Friday turned to the impact of that most of the threats were indeed hoaxes.” gag order.
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