S7420 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE July 21, 2000 with the Chechen people, and continue Putin that the United States will take of Senator Pastore. It was obvious that to deny international humanitarian aid into consideration Russian conduct in this man was much beloved by his fam- organizations and international human Chechnya in any request for further re- ily and community. rights monitors access to Chechnya, I scheduling of Russia's international Mr. President, I can recollect John must question that evolution. debt and U.S. assistance, until it al- Pastore's departing speech from the I am disappointed that the Group of lows full and unimpeded access into Senate. There he remarked that he had Eight will not include the situation in Chechnya humanitarian agencies and wanted to be a physician, but that his Chechnya on its formal agenda, but I international human rights monitors, father had died when he was nine, and am hopeful that the President will in accordance with international law. he had to help raise his four brothers voice our serious concerns about Rus- The war in Chechnya has caused and sisters and support his mother, sia's conduct in Chechnya and take enormous suffering for both the who worked as a seamstress. How concrete action to demonstrate our Chechen and Russian people, and the proud he must have been of his son, concern, during bilateral talks with reports of the grave human rights vio- John, Jr., a Notre Dame graduate, a President Putin. lations committed there, on both sides physician and cardiologist. So the son The United States should demand of the conflict, continue daily. We became what the fatherÐJohn O. Pas- that the Russian Federation push for a must raise our concerns about the war tore, the SenatorÐhad wanted to be. negotiated, just settlement to this con- in Chechnya at every chance and in Instead of being a physician, Senator flict. The conflict will not be resolved every forum possible, including the G± Pastore studied law at night at Bos- by military means and the Russian 8 Summit. ton's Northeastern University, eventu- Federation should initiate imme- That is why I speak on the floor of ally graduating with a Bachelor of diately a political dialogue with a the Senate today. Laws degree. This is an effort I can es- cross-section of representatives of the I fear we have already given human pecially appreciate. At age 36, he be- Chechen people, including representa- rights a back seat to economic issues came Governor of the State of Rhode tives of the democratically elected by not placing Russia's conduct in Island, and was reelected twice before Chechen authorities. The United States Chechnya on the formal agenda of the winning a Senate seat in 1950, where he should remind the Russian Federation G±8 summit, which is meeting right served for 26 years. of the requests the Council of Europe now. I hope that will not be the out- Senator Pastore was a strong sup- for an immediate cease-fire and initi- come of our bilateral talks with Russia porter of the National Defense estab- ation of political dialogue, and of Rus- in Japan. lishment, with a great appreciation for sia's obligation to that institution and I hope the President will be firm. I the U.S. NavyÐand especially the nu- the Organization for Security and Co- hope the President will be strong. I clear Navy. As the Chairman of the operation in Europe. hope the U.S. Government is on the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, he The President must also remind the side of human rights. As a Senator was equally mindful of the power, and Russian Federation government of its from Minnesota, I want to commu- the terror, of all matters nuclear, and accountability to the international nicate in the strongest possible lan- worked hard for passage of the first nu- community and take steps to dem- guage that I hope Russia will do well. clear test ban treaty, which barred nu- onstrate that its conduct will effect its My father fled persecution in Russia. clear tests in the atmosphere. standing in the world community. This My hope is that Russia will be able to John Pastore and I served for some 18 body and the U.N. Human Rights Com- build a democratic economy. That is years together in the Senate. John was mission has spoken out demanding the my hope for the Russian people. But I an effective and fiery orator. My recol- Russian government allow into also want to make it clear to the Rus- lection is that not many members were Chechnya humanitarian agencies and sian Federation that the conduct in willing to take him on in a debate, be- international human rights monitors, Chechnya is unacceptable, in violation cause of his quick mind and fierce de- including U.N. Special Rapporteur, yet of basic international law, and that we meanor. Sometimes he would finish his the Russian government has not done should be talking about and moving to- debating points, leaving his opponent's so. This body and the international ward some kind of peaceful settlement; arguments in shreds, and stride off the community has also demanded that the and, for certain, international humani- floor. But, even then he maintained his Russian Federation undertake system- tarian agencies and human rights agen- self-deprecating sense of humorÐsome- atic, credible, transparent and exhaus- cies should have unimpeded access to times remarking under his breath, ``If I tive investigations into allegations of Chechnya now. Otherwise, the murder, had been a foot taller, I would have violations of human rights and inter- the rape, the torture, and the killing of been president.'' national humanitarian law in innocent people will continue. We in Mr. President, I wonder why he would Chechnya, and to initiate, where appro- the Senate should speak out on this have wanted to be President. He was an priate, prosecutions against those ac- matter. extraordinary Senator. But he may cused. But again, the Russian Federa- I yield the floor. well have become President had he tion has not done so. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- wanted to do so. During his meeting with President ator from West Virginia is recognized. He was the keynote speaker at the Putin, the President is expected to dis- f 1964 Democratic Convention. According cuss economic reform in Russia and re- to news reports, his 36-minute speech gional stability issues. President Clin- JOHN O. PASTORE was interrupted by applause 36 times, ton must relay to the Russian Presi- Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, on Wednes- and he enjoyed a brief consideration for dent that Russia's conduct in day, the day before yesterday, I went the Vice-Presidential nomination that Chechnya is not only a violation of with a delegation to the State of Rhode eventually went to Senator Hubert international humanitarian law, but Island for the funeral of our former col- Humphrey. that it threatens Russia's ability for league, John O. Pastore. I was accom- John Pastore's priorities were love economic reform and creates insta- panied by Senators JACK REED and LIN- of, and dedicated service to, God, Coun- bility in the region. And President COLN CHAFEE of Rhode Island, TED KEN- try, and familyÐespecially family. I Clinton must make clear to President NEDY and JOHN KERRY of Massachu- am told that John had the desk in his Putin that while the United States setts, PATRICK LEAHY of Vermont, and office equipped with a special buzzer fully supports the territorial integrity JOSEPH BIDEN of Delaware. Former that rang out to alert him whenever of the Russian Federation, and is fully Senators Claiborne Pell and Harris Elena, his wife since 1941, would call. I aware of the evidence of grave human Wofford were also present. am told that no matter how important rights violations committed by soldiers The Catholic Mass at the Church of a visitor he might have in his office on both sides of the conflict, we strong- the Immaculate Conception was uplift- even if it had been Admiral Rickover, ly condemn Russia's conduct of the war ing. John Pastore, Jr., and grandson, if the buzzer went off John Pastore in Chechnya and will continue to pub- Gregory, spoke warmly of our former would interrupt his meeting to take licly voice our opposition to it. Presi- colleague. Senator TED KENNEDY was the call from ``Mama''Ðas he affection- dent Clinton should tell President especially eloquent in his remembrance ately referred to his wifeÐfor a list of VerDate 21-JUL-2000 01:06 Jul 22, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21JY6.007 pfrm01 PsN: S21PT1 July 21, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S7421 groceries, perhaps, to pick up on the SENATOR ROBERT C. BYRD and other flashpoints throughout the way home or some other domestic Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I developing world. chore. After carefully writing down her wanted to thank the distinguished sen- On July 7, Boehringer Ingelheim an- instructions, he would turn to his vis- ior Senator from West Virginia for nounced that Nevirapine will be offered itor and resume the meeting. those very inspirational remarks. free of charge for a period of 5 years for John Pastore was the Chairman of He always amazes me, not only with the prevention of mother-to-child the Communications Subcommittee of his knowledge of history, but his transmission of HIV in developing the Senate Commerce Committee. He knowledge of verse, his knowledge of countries. They actually said that any was instrumental in the formation of literature, and, of course, his knowl- country that asks for the drug will ob- legislation that created the Corpora- edge for the rules of the Senate.
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