ICIAM Managing Editor Reporters C. Sean Bohun Iain Duff University of Ontario STFC Rutherford Appleton The ICIAM Dianoia Institute of Technology Laboratory Faculty of Science Harwell Oxford Vol. 5, No. 4, Oct 2017 2000 Simcoe St. North Didcot, OX11 OQX, UK Vol. 6, No. 1, Jan 2018 Oshawa, ON, Canada e-mail: iain.duff@stfc.ac.uk e-mail: [email protected] Maria J. Esteban ICIAM Announcements 2 CEREMADE Math for the Digital Factory 2 Editor-in-Chief Place du Maréchal Welcome To Ya-xiang Yuan — Barbara Keyfitz 3 Lattre de Tassigny CSIAM-JSIAM-KSIAM-ECMI meeting held in Barbara Lee Keyfitz F-75775 Paris Cedex 16, The Ohio State University Qingdao, China — Xiao-lin Zhang 5 France Conference Support for Applied and Industrial Department of Mathematics e-mail: [email protected] 231 West 18th Avenue Mathematics in Developing Countries 6 Columbus, OH 43210-1174 Eunok Jung An Encounter of Presidents in Beijing — Maria e-mail: bkeyfi[email protected] Konkuk University J. Esteban 6 Department of Mathematics Announcement of the Invited Speakers for the Editorial Board 1, Hwayang-dong, ICIAM 2019 Congress — Maria J. Esteban 7 Gwangjin-gu The AAAS Statement on Scientific Freedom James M. Crowley Seoul, South Korea and Responsibility 7 SIAM e-mail: [email protected] Mathesia, the Land of Opportunities for Math e-mail: [email protected] Specialists — Francesca Gatti 9 Alexander Ostermann IMU Committee for Women in Mathematics: University of Innsbruck Thierry Horsin Funding Call 2018 10 CNAM, Paris, France Numerical Analysis Group European School on Mathematical Modeling, Département Ingénierie Department of Mathematics Numerical Analysis and Scientific Comput- Mathématique Technikerstraße 13/7 ing, Kácov, Czech Republic 13 e-mail: [email protected] 6020 Innsbruck, Austria Index of Volumes 1–5 by Topic 14 e-mail: [email protected] Pammy Manchanda ESGI-128 Limerick 18 Guru Nanak Dev University Inmaculada Higueras 10th Elgersburg School on Mathematical Sys- Amritsar, Punjab, India Sanz tems Theory — Achim Ilchmann, Timo Reis Department of Mathematics Universidad Pública de & Fabian Wirth 19 e-mail: [email protected] Navarra, Pamplona 31006, ICIAM 2019: Academic Calendar 20 Roberto Natalini Spain ICIAM 2019: Call for Proposals of Satellite e-mail: [email protected] Consiglio Nazionale delle Meetings 21 Ricerche, Rome, Italy, About ICIAM 22 Istituto per le Applicazioni On the cover: The former del Calcolo “M. Picone” riverbed of the Túria river, The ICIAM newsletter was created to express the interests e-mail: [email protected] the Jardines del Túria tra- of our membership and partner organizations and the views verses nine kilometres of expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and Timo Reis green space in the heart of University of Hamburg do not necessarily represent those of ICIAM or the Edito- Valencia. Located at coordi- rial team. We welcome articles and letters from members Department of Mathematics ◦ ◦ e-mail: [email protected] nates 39:4671 N; 0:3890 W, and associations, announcing events, on-site reports from the region is a cultural hub events and industry news. www.iciam.org Zdenekˇ Strakoš of the city and covered by a c 2013-2018 International Council for Industrial and Ap- Charles University in Prague total of 18 bridges. plied Mathematics (ICIAM). For reprint permission, adver- Faculty of Mathematics and tising requests, potential articles and event notices, please Physics contact: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Math for the Digital Factory ICIAM Announcements ICIAM Activities ICSU Activities The prize committees and the OTT lecture committee This fall the two unions, ICSU and ISSC (the Interna- started their work this fall. The results will be announced tional Social Sciences Council) had a joint meeting and in September, 2018. voted overwhelmingly to merge. The ICSU website www. The ICIAM Officers had their usual fall meeting by icsu.org has more details about the meeting and the telephone; October 1 marked the beginning of Ya-xiang vote. We will have an article on the timeline for com- Yuan’s term as President-Elect, and the end of Barbara pleting the merger and on the implications for ICIAM’s Keyfitz’s term as Past President. This issue of Dianoia membership in a future issue. contains a brief interview with Ya-xiang, as well as a de- scription of a meeting between Maria Esteban and Ya- xiang in Beijing. Announcing the 2018 ICIAM Workshop and Board Meeting Activities of the Gender Gap The ICIAM Board meeting will take place on Satur- Project day, May 12th in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the home of SIAM. The Board meeting will be preceded on May In May, ICIAM formally made the commitment to sup- 10 and 11 with a workshop, which Drexel University has port this ambitious project, initiated by several ICSU agreed to host. ICIAM Board members will be invited to members. There were three workshops this fall, in Tai- talk at the workshop. Details on hotels and workshop lo- wan, South America, and Africa. We will have reports in gistics will be sent out in a few weeks to representatives a future issue of Dianoia. of ICIAM member societies. Math for the Digital Factory Math for the Digital Factory: University of Limerick: March 21 – 22, 2018 The Math for the Digital Factory workshop will feature • Johan Carlson - Fraunhofer Chalmers Centre for In- talks from national and international leaders in indus- dustrial Mathematics try, academia, and a public panel discussion. The event • Barry O’Sullivan - Insight Centre for Data Analyt- will promote the use of mathematical modeling as an un- ics derlying discipline for promoting the development of new • Simone Göttlich - University of Mannheim and innovative production technologies. This workshop • Luca Formaggia - MOX, Polytechnico Milano will facilitate discussions regarding implementing exper- • Alfred Schmidt - Bremen University tise in mathematical and statistical modeling to enhance the Irish manufacturing sector and encourage collabora- There will be a public panel discussion on the value of tion within the international research community. Math mathematics to the manufacturing industry. The pub- for the Digital Factory will highlight the importance of lic event will highlight the opportunities and rewards of developing an in-depth understanding of the underlying working in the manufacturing sector as a fulfilling and physical mechanics of manufacturing processes and max- rewarding career. imizing manufacturing data. Registration and further information available here Speakers include: ulsites.ul.ie/macsi/math- digital- factory This event is organised by MACSI, University of Limerick, • Chris Decubber - European Factories of the Future Limerick, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analytics and Research Association (EFFRA) Stochastics, Berlin, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial • Louise Clune - Rusal Aughinish Alumina Mathematics and COST Action Mi Net. 2 ICIAM Newsletter October 2017 / January 2018 Welcome To Ya-xiang Yuan Subscribing to the ICIAM Newsletter The ICIAM Newsletter appears quarterly, in electronic issue is available, please subscribe to the Newsletter. form, in January, April, July and October. Issues are There is no charge for subscriptions. To subscribe or un- posted on the ICIAM website at iciam.org/dianoia. subscribe, visit the website given above. If you would like to be notified by e-mail when a new Welcome To Ya-xiang Yuan by Barbara Keyfitz Ya-xiang Yuan has made outstanding achievements in ap- plied mathematics, especially, in nonlinear optimization. He is now the President of the Chinese Mathematical So- ciety, and one of the vice presidents of the China Associ- ation for Science and Technology. From 1999 to 2006, he was one of the vice presidents of the Academy of Math- ematics and Systems Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the director of the Institute of Computa- tional Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Comput- ing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences from 1995 to 2006, and the director of the State Key Laboratory of Scientific and Engineering Computing of China from 1996 to 2005. He has devoted himself to the development of industrial and applied mathematics in China. Professor Yuan has made important contributions to the development of industrial and applied mathematics over the course of many years. As one of the ICIAM2015 SPC Members, he also made outstanding contributions to the success of ICIAM2015. We strongly believe that he The most important activities of the CMS are con- will play an important leadership role in promoting the ferences and journals. Every year, CMS organizes its an- development of industrial and applied mathematics. nual meeting, which normally has about 600 participants. CMS has nine sub-societies, each of them also organizes In May, Ya-xiang Yuan was elected to be the next their annual meetings or biennial meetings. For example, president-elect of ICIAM, a position he assumed on Oc- this year’s annual meeting of the Chinese Computational tober 1, 2017. As a way to introduce Ya-xiang to the mem- Mathematics Society, which is one of the sub-societies bers of ICIAM, Barbara Keyfitz asked him to comment of the CMS, attracted more than 1000 participants. The on a few aspects of his career, and his thoughts about CMS also organizes many international mathematical ICIAM. The interview that follows gives his answers to conferences. One particular example is the 2002 Interna- these questions. tional Congress of Mathematicians which had over 5000 Q: You are currently the President of the Chinese Mathe- participants from all over the world. In April this year, matical Society. Can you say a few things about what that the CMS held the International Conference on Partial effort is like? Are there many activities? Do you play a Differential Equations - Silkroad Mathematics Center Se- role in the day-to-day business of the society, or is there a ries International Conferences.
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