5328 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 28, 1871- parish, at his place of abode, and in the case o A reservoir in the parish of Chobham aforesaid, each extra-parochial place, with the parish clerk to be situate on a piece of waste land, bounded on of some immediately adjoining parish, at his re- the north and east by a road from Gracious cot- sidence. tages, on the south by the Chertsey-road, and on Printed copies of the said Bill will be deposited the west by a footpath from Gracious cottages to in the Private Bill Office of the House of Com- the Chertsey-road. mons on or before the 21st day of December, 1871 A reservoir and pump ing-station in the parish Dated this 16th day of November, 1871. of Chertsey aforesaid, to be situate on a piece of Edwin John Hayes, Town Clerk, Bif- land bounded on the north by the Chertsey branch mingham. of the London and South Western Railway, on Sharps, Parkers, Pritchard, and Sharpe, the south by a lane from Hanworth Farm to the 41, Bedford Eow, London, Parliamentary the Gasworks, on the east by the Gasworks, and Agents. on the west by the Guilford-road and cottages thereon, and by a lane to Hanworth Farm. A pumping station in the parish of Hampton In Parliament.—Session 1872. aforesaid, to be situate on a piece of land bounded Thames Sewerage Commission. on the north by land adjoining the Staines and (Appointment of Commissioners for sewering and Hampton-road, on the south by the road from draining the several parishes and places on and Sunbury to Hampton, on the east by the field in the neighbourhood of the respective sides of west of and adjoining the Grand Junction Water- the river Thames between Windsor and the works reservoirs, and on the west by a field western boundary of the metropolis or parts adjoining and west of a house called the Elms. thereof; Drainage Districts; Construction of A sewer commencing from and out of the in- Sewers and Works; Purchase of Lands and Ease- tended reservoir hereinbefore described, in the ments by compulsion or agreement; Power for parish of Chobham aforesaid, and terminating in Commissioners to take and let lands on lease, the parish of Acton aforesaid, at or near the and otherwise to contract for disposal of Sewage, western boundary of the parish of Hammersmith, and' to contract with the Conservators of the near to Oldfield-house, in the Uxbridge-road, and river Thames, the Metropolitan Board of Works, which said sewer will pass into and through the and others, as to Sewerage; Conditional Release parishes or places of Acton, Chiswick, Baling, from Penalties under the Thames Navigation Brentford, Heston, Isleworth, Twickenham, Ted- Acts; Bye laws; Powers to levy Rates and to dington, Hampton, Sunbury, and Shepperton, all borrow Money on Mortgage, and for loan to in the county of Middlesex, and Cherfcsey and them by Public Works Loan Commissioners Chobham in the county of Surrey. and Metropolitan Board of Works; Exercise by (Branch No, I.) A sewer commencing opposite Commissioners of powers of Public Health, St. Peter's Church, in Windsor-street, in the Sanitary Sewage Utilization and other Acts; parish of Chertsey, and terminating at or near Amendment and Incorporation of Acts and other the south end of the High-street, in the parish of purposes.) Eton aforesaid, and which said sewer will pass OTICE is hereby given, That application is from, into, or through the parishes or places of intended to be made to Parliament in the Chertsey, Thorpe, Egham, and Egham-Hith, all ensuinN g session for an Act to effect the objects in the county of Surrey, Old Windsor and Wind- or some of the objects following (that is to sor, in the county of Berks, and Datchet and say):—- Eton, in the county of Bucks, or some of them. To appoint or provide for the appointment of a (Branch No. la.) A sewer commencing at the body of Commissioners (hereinafter called "the north end of Chertsey-lane, Hith, in the parish Board "), and to confer upon the Board all neces- of Egham aforesaid, and terminating at or near sary, usual, and convenient powers for providing the north end of the Copper Mill-road, in the main outfall sewers and drains for the parishes, parish of Horton aforesaid, and which said sewer towns, villages, or places of Chobham, Chertsey, will pass from, into, or through the parishes or Horsell, Maiden, Kingston-upon-Thames, Merton, places of Egham, in the county of Surrey, and Morden, Egham, Thorpe, Weybridge, Walton-on- Staines, Stanwell, and Horton, all in the county Thames, Ham, Petersham, West Moulsey, East of Middlesex, or some of them. Moulsey, Thames Ditton, Long Ditton, Esher, ^(Branch No. Id.) A sewer situate wholly within Richmond, Kew, Mortlake, and Barnes, all in the the parish of Stanwell aforesaid, commencing at county of Surrey; Eton, Datchet, Horton, and the junction of the Poyle-road with the road from Langley Marsh, all in the county of Bucks; Horton to Stanwell, and terminating at a point Windsor and Old Windsor, in the county of Berks; about one hundred yards westward of Colnbrook- and Littleton, Shepperton, Halliford, Suubury, bridge. Hampton, Hanworth, Hampton Wick, Hampton (Branch No. 2.) A sewer commencing at Court, Twickenham, Islewortb, Sutton, Southall, Lord's-bridge, in the parish of Shepperton, and ter- Heston, Norweod, Laleham, Teddington, Stanwell, minating in the road opposite All Saints' Church, Staines, Hanwell, Baling, Brentford, Hounslow, in the parish of Laleham, which said sewer will Chiswick, Acton, and Hayes, all in the county of pass from, into, or through the parishes of Shep- Middlesex, and the several parishes, townships, ?erton, Littleton, and Laleham, in the county of extra-parochial, and other places adjoining or near Middlesex, or some of them. to the parishes and places aforesaid, or some of (Branch No. 3.) A sewer commencing in Thames- the above parishes, towns, villages, and places, or street, opposite the " Flower Pot," in the parish some part or parts thereof respectively. of Sunbury aforesaid, and terminating at or near To constitute and define sewerage and drainage ;he junction of the Southall-Green-road with the districts consisting of the whole or some part or CTxbriJge-road, in the parish of Hayes aforesaid parts of the before-mentioned parishes, towns, ich said sewer will pass from, into, or through villages, and places, or some of them, and to pro- ;he parishes or places of Sunbury, Hanwortt vide for the exercise of the powers of the Board Twickenham, Hounslow, Sutton, Heston, No* within such districts. wood, Southall, and Hayes, all in the county < To empower the Board to make and maintain Middlesex, or some of them. the works following (that is to say): .(Branch No. 4.) A sewer commencing at or ne.
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