VOLUME 9 1, NUMBER 4 - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1997 FIFTY CENTS 14 PAGES PLUS ONE SUPPLEMENT Township Not appropriate, says principal to charge for fake Kids protestend of fire alarm Repeated false fire alarms could prove costly for resi- prom garter removal dents and businesses in the Elkland Township Fire Two student activities drew Iwankovitsch ‘agreed to pointed out that 2 issues Department’s service area. a dozen or more people to change the concert date to were presented by the stu- Micklash outlines The Elkland Township the regular meeting of the May 22, although it was dents to thc board and one Board last week approved a Cass City School Board thought to be a poorer date was approved and the other expensive summer plan to charge for a fire run Monday night at the high because of competition with denied. As good citizens, we work at schools when 3 false alarms have school. graduation. hope the students will accept been received from the same The first involved a con- An even more heated de- both decisions without ran- Page 14 location in one calendar year, tlict between the baccalau- hate swirled around a re- cor, he said. township Clerk Norma reate and the school hand- quest brought by Josh board. Wallace reported. choir concert. Both were Lounsbury protesting the PRESENTATION Teachers Donna Emerson In a related matter, the schedulcd for Sunday, May rernoyal of the garter cer- and Yvonne Sherman said board voted to pay fire fight- 18. A group of students were emony at the junior-senior Elaine Howard, Tuscola that a total of 153 students ers for attendance in a false present to protest the concert prom. He submitted a peti- County Intermediate School have signed to participate in alarm provided they check in on the same datc as bacca- tion signed by 132 students staff member, told the board national ‘I’V turn off week at the fire hall before the laureate. asking that it be rcstored. that the school to work pro- April 24-30. A video pre- alarm is cancelled. There was a problem find- He said that it had already gram wouid stress teacher pared by students was pre- In other business during the PRESENTINGA PLAQUE to Cass City’s Citizens of theyear ing another date for the con- been printed in the program. training for the program that sented. Supt. Micklash an- April 14 ‘monthly meeting, is 1996 recipient Jane Mitchell. The 1997 winners are hus- cert because of conflicts. It Principal Dorland Kuntr, will start with kindergarten nounccd that he was accept- the board approved changes was solved because band di- said that the prom commit- students. ing \he challenge, too, and to the township’s zoning band and wife Janice (center) and Marv Winter. rector Jason Smigell and tee had been informed that The school to work pro- had dusted off his radio and map, as presented by zoning chvir ’ director Connie the garter’ceremony would grain is in its third year. It will turn off the TV in his board Chairman Roger Root, not he allowcd this year, al- was offered first in high home for the week. as well as the purchase of 50 though a teacher on the coni- school, then in the middle Two bids were received zoning manuals. niittee said that she had not school and now in clcmen- for sanitation-recycling Changes in the zoning dis- Stan Guinther bcen infoiined. tary school. work at the school. Waste trict map include the exten- The reason for the ban, To be effective, we found Management Corp. was low sion of 2 business districts Kuntz said, was that the gar- we had to start with the chil- bidder at $19,414.20 for a 3- and the addition of one new General Cable’s tcr removal had gotten out dren as they enter school to year contract. of‘ hand last ycar. The rite bring the desired relevance business district and one new Two used buses were sold manufac t uri ng/dis tr i but ion calls for the boy to remove to learning. Jody Miklovic, to Kalamazoo Recycling for district. the garter from the girl’s Icg Campbell principal, said first Cass Citv~ a total of $3,828. The firm rl and the girl to place it on the that he feels the program One business district is be- J furnishing the 2 new buses ing extended west of Cass boy’s leg. One of the rea- will have a positive effect sons for the ban is that the and is the wave of the future. had offered trade-ins for City, along M-81. The ex- $900 each. tension is 500 feet wide, employee retires disc jockey last year said The program is operating from Koepfgen Road west something about the boys with several pilot schools, Two bids were received 1,320 feet on the south side, removing the garter with including Cass City,<funded for an industrial art dust col- and one mile on the north There won’t be a huge party graduate. their teeth. by a $100,000 grant. lection system at the high side. or any dancing in the street After graduating, Guinther It was the consensus of the school. The low bid was Another bp3iFgs.9 d is t r i c t when Stan Guinther leaves attended collcgc, then served hoard that the garter ccr- OTHER BIEINESS from Design Comfort Co. located east of Cass City, east his office at General Cable in the Air Force for 4 years. cmony should be reserved Inc. for $14,830. Micklash of Schwegler Road, has been Co. for the last time Friday Less than a month after leav- for weddings and was not Keith Kosek, architect, said that Cass City was one extended about 1,300 feet to afternoon. ing the service, he landed a appropriate for high school presented color schemes for of the few schools without a the east, 300 feet to the north But that’s alright with the job at General Cable, within students. thc new middle school, system and it was needed for Cass City native, who was walking distance of his and 300 feet to the south. Supt. Ken Micklash which wcrc approved by the Please turn to back page. A new business district has the first person to be hired at home. been added north of Cass General Cable’s Cass City “I worked 37 years, got City. The property extends plant, March 27, 1960. married, raised a family. I 350 feet east and west of Guinther retires from what bought a house, planned for Cemetery Road, and 500 feet has been a satisfying - and retirement and retired,” he north from Milligan Road. lengthy - career, with plans commented. “In 37 years I In addition, a new manufac- to cnjoy thc future with wife, never missed a paycheck, turing district, measuring Melva. Therc will be more I’ve never been laid off. 500 feet by 1,980 feet, has time to visit son, Mark, “I’ve been very fortunate. I E feel like I’ve becn blessed,” been added on the west side daughter, Sandy and their -. - of Greenland Road, both families, including 2 grand- tiuinther, who has served as north and south of M-81. ADDRESSING THE CHAMBER of children* the purchasing agent at Gen- Also last week, the board: “I think that my work ex- era1 Cable for the past sev- “Accepted a proposed 2- Commerce banquet crowd Saturday perience is as close to the eral years, recalled a modest year contract renewal with night is Cass City’s Junior Citizen of American dream as anyone start at the local plant. the township’s property as- can get,” said Guinther, a the Year for 1997, Beth Bashur. Cass City High School Please turn to back page. Please turn to back page. Bashur is junior citizen Name Winters citizens of vear An estimated 250 persons produce banners and place A’s at TATC. Kurt- Iwankovitsch, Cia the Amish into the area and crowded into the VFW Hall mats for the July 4 Festival In addition, she has worked Mellcndorf, Jaime Parsell, helped them settle. They in Cass City Saturday night and an illustration for the at 2 area stores and helped Jessica Frederick and Katie hosted Rotary exchange stu- to be entertained by a group Cass City history book. with the care of a %-year old Anthony. dents and were involved in from the Cass City High She is involved in a mentor woman. clowning at hospitals and School Choir and greet the program at Tuscola Area Bashur was selected from CITIZENS OF YEAR festivals. The Winters have junior citizen and the citizen Technology Center and tu- among 9 finalists for the been active in many fund of the year for 1997, tors students at thc high award and Chamber Presi- The most outstanding trait raisers. Honored as junior citizen school. She organized a dent John Cooper, who made of Janice and Marv Winter is ney=e Owners and opera- was Elizabeth Bashur, drive to secure clothing and the presentation, said that their willingness to help 0th- tors of Winter’s Truck Sales daughter of Robert and household items for families selecting the final winner ers and they have the biggest and Colony House. They are Deborah Bashur, The Cass that recently lost their homes was as hard as it has ever hearts in the Thumbi Jane graduates of Cass City High CLOCK NO. ONE Stan Guinther, the first person to be City High School senior has in a fire.
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