sashimi & tataki Sashimi Moriawase 刺身盛り合わせ CupertinoDinnerserved all day assorted sashimi 28.00 Tako Sashimi たこ刺身 octopus 14.50 Sake Sashimi サーモン刺身 salmon 15.50 starters Madai Sashimi 真鯛刺身 red snapper 15.50 Edamame 枝豆 Hamachi Sashimi はまち刺身 lightly salted boiled soy beans 4.50 yellowtail 16.50 Hiyayakko やっこ Hirame Sashimi 平目刺身 cold tofu with ginger & scallions 4.50 halibut 16.50 Kimuchi キムチ Hirame Usuzukuri 平目うす造り korean spicy pickled cabbage 4.50 thinly sliced halibut with ponzu sauce 21.50 Shiokara 塩辛 Botan Ebi Sashimi ボタン海老刺身 salty fermented raw squid & innards 5.50 spot prawn 21.50 Chukafu Yakko 中華風やっこ Shiromaguro Tataki 白まぐろたたき cold tofu topped with seared albacore, garlic oil & ponzu 15.50 minced pork and vegetables 7.00 Yofu Yakko 洋風やっこ sliced tofu, tomatoes & shiso leaves carpaccio with garlic oil & balsamic ponzu vinaigrette 8.00 たこカルパッチョ Hiyashi Tomato 冷やしトマト Tako octopus, sliced cucumber, plum paste sliced chilled tomatoes 7.00 Tsukemono 漬物盛り合わせ vinaigrette dressing drizzled with garlic oil 16.50 assorted pickled vegetables 6.50 Salmon Aburi サーモンあぶりカルパッチョ Ebi Daikon えびの大根生春巻き balsamic-ponzu, grated shrimp, vegetables & mango rolled wasabi cucumber drizzled with truffle oil 17.50 with thinly sliced pickled daikon radish with Hirame 平目カルパッチョ a sweet vinaigrette sauce 9.00 halibut, shiso-pesto, & yuzu juice 18.50 ゆずセビッチェ Yuzu Ceviche Madai 真鯛カルパッチョ seafood of the day & yuzu quick-seared red snapper with salsa served with homemade potato chips 9.00 yuzu-pepper salsa 17.50 あん肝 Ankimo はまちカルパッチョ steamed monkfish liver in ponzu 10.50 Hamachi yellowtail, garlic-ginger-ponzu, Hamachi Kanappe はまちタルタルワンタンカナッペ yellowtail tartar, yuzu-pepper & salsa avocado & chopped jalapeño drizzled with garlic oil 18.50 mousse on crispy wonton chips 12.50 Hotate Uni 帆立とうにのカルパッチョ seared scallop and sea urchin, tosa-soy-yuzu sauce 23.50 salads Regular/Small pan sautéed Potato Salad ポテトサラダ & grilled eggs, carrots & cucumber 4.50 Garlic Green Salad ガーリックグリーンサラダ 鶏もも肉塩焼きゆず胡椒ソース Tori Yuzu mixed greens in garlic soy dressing 9/6 salt broiled chicken thigh, yuzu pepper sauce 10.50 Daikon Salad 大根サラダ Gyuhire Grill 牛ヒレグリルハーブガーリック shredded daikon-radish salad, ponzu dressing 9/6 sliced beef tenderloin & asparagus with herb Kaisou Salad 海藻サラダ garlic butter soy 18.50 assorted seaweed, spring mix & daikon Kamo Yuzu 合鴨塩焼きゆず胡椒サルサ with soy base dressing 10/7 grilled duck breast with fresh Wafu Ceasar Salad 和風シーザーサラダ tomato-yuzu-pepper salsa 15.50 romaine lettuce tossed in homemade miso いか丸焼き flavored ceasar dressing 10/7 Ika Maru Yaki たこサラダ salt broiled squid 14.50 Tako Salad mixed greens, cubes of octopus tossed in 和風ハンバーグ Wafu Hamburg plum paste dressing 13/9 pork burger steak, daikon radish ponzu sauce 10.50 Sakana Iroiro Salad 魚いろいろサラダ Tofu Cheese Steak 豆腐チーズステーキ mixed greens & assorted chopped sashimi pan sautéed tofu, with melted cheese & wild in light creamy dressing 14/10 mushrooms in ponzu daikon sauce 10.50 Gyutan Shioyaki 牛舌塩焼き grilled beef tongue 13.50 Tako たこカルパッチョ 黒豚ソテー octopus, sliced cucumber, plum paste Kurobuta Steak vinaigrette dressing drizzled with garlic oil 16.50 kurobuta pork steak, soy brandy sauce 14.50 stir fried Salmon Aburi サーモンあぶりカルパッチョ Hotate Tomato ローストトマトと帆立のしそペスト とうみょうにんにく め balsamic-ponzu, grated seared scallop & roasted tomato, Tomyo Itame 炒 wasabi cucumber drizzled with truffle oil 17.50 shiso-pesto yuzu 16.50 pea sprouts in garlic sauce 7.50 肉野菜炒め Hirame 平目カルパッチョ Aigamo Steak 合鴨ステーキ Niku Yasai Itame halibut, shiso-pesto, & yuzu juice 18.50 duck steak, hatcho-miso balsamic sauce 18.50 pork & vegetables 9.50 Buta Kimchee 豚キムチ Madai 真鯛カルパッチョ Sirloin Steak サーロインステーキ sliced pork & kimchee, quick-seared red snapper with pan sautéed in soy-garlic brandy with topped with mayonnaise 9.50 yuzu-pepper salsa 17.50 scallions & garlic chips 20.50 Shiso Mentaiko Beefun しそ明太子ビーフン はまちカルパッチョ 銀だらムニエル ソース Hamachi Gindara Munieru 梅 vermicelli noodles in spicy cod roe & shiso 12.50 yellowtail, garlic-ginger-ponzu, pan sautéed black cod fillet drizzled with Ebi Chili 海老チリ & chopped jalapeño drizzled with garlic oil 18.50 plum soy sauce 18.50 prawns in chili sauce 16.50 帆立とうにのカルパッチョ Hotate Uni Spicy Ebi Mayo スパイシー海老マヨ seared scallop and sea urchin, prawns in spicy mayo sauce 16.50 tosa-soy-yuzu sauce 23.50 deep fried braised & steamed 揚げ出し豆腐 Agedashi Tofu ふろふき大根 tofu in dashi sauce 7.50 Furofuki Daikon Daikon Agedashi 大根の揚げ出し dashi braised daikon radish daikon-radish in dashi sauce 8.50 topped with sweet hatcho-miso sauce 7.50 Tori Kara Age 鶏唐揚げ Buta Torotoro Ni 豚とろとろ煮 soy-marinated boneless chicken 8.50 braised fatty pork in soy sauce 14.50 Maitake Tenpura 舞茸天ぷら ニラ玉 maitake mushroom tenpura 8.50 Nira Tama Kani Shinjo 蟹しんじょうともちの揚げ出し chive omelette with soy gravy 8.50 あさり酒 し crab cake and mochi in dashi both 14.50 Asari Sakamushi 蒸 Tara Fry たらフライ柴漬けタルタル sake steamed asari-clams in dashi broth 11.50 panko fried cod, shiba-pickle tartar sauce 10.50 Kani Tama カニ玉 海老野菜の湯葉巻き揚げ Ebi Yuba Age crab omelette with soy gravy 11.50 bean curd wrap with shrimp and vegetables 12.50 牛舌角煮じゃがバターソース Tofu Nanban 豆腐南蛮 Gyutan Kakuni tofu and eggplant, soy-garlic-vinaigrette 9.50 braised beef tongue with mashed Ebi Tenpura 海老天ぷら potato butter gravy 18.50 shrimp tenpura 4.50/piece Shimeji Tenpura しめじ天ぷら shimeji mushroom tenpura 8.50 oven Kani Cream Korokke カニクリームコロッケ Nikomi Hamburg 煮込みハンバーグ crab cream puffs 10.50 tomato braised pork burger patties baked Menchi Katsu メンチカツ with cheese 11.50 ground pork puffs 10.50 Kaki Fry カキフライ Kaki Tartar Yaki カキタルタル焼き panko crusted oysters 10.50 baked oysters with tartar sauce 12.50 Gyuuniku Maki 牛肉とアスパラのチーズ巻き揚げ Kurobuta Chashu 黒豚チャーシュー panko crusted beef rolls with thinly sliced bbq kurobuta pork belly 12.50 Tomyo Itame とうみょうにんにく炒め asparagus & cheese with hatcho miso sauce 12.50 帆立タルタル焼き 蓮根はさみ揚げ Hotate Tartar Yaki pea sprouts in garlic sauce 7.50 Renkon Hasami Age baked scallop with tartar sauce 12.50 Niku Yasai Itame 肉野菜炒め shrimp sandwiched with lotus root, tenpura style 12.50 Ebi Shinjo 海老しんじょ pork & vegetables 9.50 shrimp balls with dashi dipping 12.50 Potato Cheese Gratins Buta Kimchee 豚キムチ Tori Nasu Garlic 鶏と茄子唐揚げ甘酢ガーリックマリネ Curry カレーポテトグラタン sliced pork & kimchee, chicken and eggplant with garlic-vinaigrette sauce 12.50 topped with mayonnaise 9.50 Risotto Korokke きのこリゾットのライスコロッケ pork curry sauce 10.50 ミートソースポテトグラタン Shiso Mentaiko Beefun しそ明太子ビーフン mushroom risotto puffs, shiso-pesto-tomato sauce 12.50 Meat Sauce vermicelli noodles in spicy cod roe & shiso 12.50 Kisu Tenpura キス天ぷら pork tomato sauce 11.50 Ebi Chili 海老チリ smelt tenpura 12.50 Kani Cream カニクリームポテトグラタン 舌カツ prawns in chili sauce 16.50 Tan Katsu crab & cream sauce 12.50 Spicy Ebi Mayo スパイシー海老マヨ panko crusted beef tongue, hatcho miso sauce 18.50 Mentaiko 明太子ポテトグラタン Kurobuta Katsu 黒豚ロースカツ prawns in spicy mayo sauce 16.50 spicy cod roe sauce 12.50 kurobuta pork cutlet served with 3 dipping sauces 15.50 GocHi. Pizza clay pot rice Mentai Kinoko カニときのこの明太子 (Sm 2+ppl | Md 4+ppl | Lg 6+ppl) spicy cod roe, snow crab, mushrooms, bacon & cheese 15.50 >> > > > > > > > >>>>> Chashu Miso 黒豚チャーシューときのこの味噌 miso sauce, shredded kurobuta pork, Tori Soboro Meshi 鶏そぼろめし mushrooms & cheese 15.50 * braised ground chicken.... Sm 22 | Md 32 | Lg 39 Nasu Curry 茄子ときのこのカレー 豚めし pork curry sauce, eggplant, mushrooms & cheese 15.50 Buta Meshi * bbq sliced pork....Sm 22 | Md 32 | Lg 39 Nasu Tofu Mabo 茄子と豆腐のマーボー マーボー豆腐めし pork and tofu mabo sauce, eggplant, Mabo Tofu Meshi * scallions & cheese 15.50 spicy pork & tofu....Sm 22 | Md 32 | Lg 39 Yakiniku Kochijan 焼肉とキムチのコチュジャン Yakiniku Kimchee Meshi 焼肉キムチめし* spicy korean miso, bbq beef, kimchi & cheese 15.50 bbq sliced beef & kimchee....Sm 25 | Md 36 | Lg 44 Okonomiyaki Style Dry Curry Meshi ドライカレーめし* お好み焼き (豚バラ、イカ、キャベツ、お好みソース) pork dry curry....Sm 22 | Md 32 | Lg 39 squid, pork, cabbage and okonomi sauce 16.50 Jako Mentaiko Meshi じゃこ明太子めし Sake Cream Cheese Miso dry fish & spicy cod roe....Sm 28 | Md 40 | Lg 50 鮭といくらの味噌クリームチーズ Sake Oyako Meshi さけ親子めし grilled salmon and salmon roe & cheese 17.50 grilled salmon & salmon roe....Sm 30 | Md 44 | Lg 54 北海 (イカ、カニ、海老、帆立、コーン、ジャガ芋) Hokkai Unagi Meshi うなぎめし assorted seafood, mashed potato sauce, salmon roe and cheese 21.50 bbq fresh water eel....Sm 30 | Md 44 | Lg 54 うなぎとごぼうの柳川 Unagi Yanagawa seafood pots recommended w/ side of dashi-soup=$2.50 bbq eel, gobo-burdock, “fish of the day” are also available for clay pot rice eggs, seaweed & cheese 21.50 * comes with a rare poached egg Tomyo Itame とうみょうにんにく炒め pea sprouts in garlic sauce 7.50 Niku Yasai Itame 肉野菜炒め pork & vegetables 9.50 Buta Kimchee 豚キムチ sliced pork & kimchee, topped with mayonnaise 9.50 Shiso Mentaiko Beefun しそ明太子ビーフン vermicelli noodles in spicy cod roe & shiso 12.50 Ebi Chili 海老チリ prawns in chili sauce 16.50 Spicy Ebi Mayo スパイシー海老マヨ prawns in spicy mayo sauce 16.50 rice & soups noodles Miso Soup 味噌汁 Soba / Udon かけそば / うどん nameko mushroom ...6.00 asari clams ...8.00 buckwheat or udon noodle soup with fish cakes & scallions 9.50 おにぎり Onigiri ざるそば / うどん rice balls with fillings wrapped in nori Zaru Soba / Udon cold buckwheat or udon noodles with salmon, ume, okaka, salmon mayo or tuna mayo ...8.00 ikura, mentaiko or shiokara ...9.00 cold dashi dipping 9.50 とろろそば / うどん 焼きおにぎり Tororo Soba / Udon Yaki Onigiri buckwheat or udon noodle soup with crispy rice balls with topping grated yam 12.50 salmon, ume, salmon mayo or tuna mayo ...9.00 ikura, mentaiko or shiokara ...10.00 Tanuki Soba / Udon たぬきそば / うどん buckwheat or udon noodle soup with tenpura Chazuke 茶漬け batter bits 10.50 rice in dashi soup with topping grilled salmon or ume ...8.00 seaweed ...7.00 Hiyashi Oroshi Tororo Soba / Udon ikura, mentaiko or shiokara ...9.00 冷やしおろしとろろそば / うどん cold buckwheat or udon noodles with grated 焼きおにぎり茶漬け Yaki Oni Chazuke yam & daikon in cold dashi soup 13.50 crispy rice ball in dashi soup salmon flakes or ume ...10.00 Hiyashi Somen 冷やしソーメン ikura, mentaiko or shiokara ...11.00 cold japanese vermicelli noodles with cold dashi Okaka = dried bonito fish flakes dipping 10.00 Ikura = salmon roe Yaki Udon 焼きうどん Mentaiko = spicy cod roe Shiokara = fermented squid & innards stir fried udon noodles with side pork and vegetables 12.00 Cupertino Lunch 19980 E.
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