Winter Solstice 2004 NO. 123 Solstice d'hiver 2004 Winter Solstice ISSN 0715-474 A publication of CASCA Une publication de la Casca Special Issue Celebrating 25 years of Science at CFHT Potential Astronomical Sites in the Canadian Arctic Events at NRC's HIA (2004 Sept.- Dec.) / Du neuf à l'IHA du CNRC (sept.-déc. 2004) Legacy Survey Plans for the JCMT Towards a National Science Data Archive Gemini News An ALMA Update Reports file:///C|/kings/public_html/astro/ecass/issues/2004-ws/index2.htm (1 of 2) [12/21/2004 9:59:25 PM] TOC A montage of stunning CFHT On the images. For more images visit Cover the CFHT web site at this link. (return to front cover) CASCA ● From the Editor ● From the President Soap Box Features ● The Scientific Impact of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope by Dennis Crabtree (NRC-HIA) and Liz Bryson (CFHT) ● QSO imaging with the CFHT by John Hutchings, HIA ● « The seeing at the CFHT is very good. » by René Racine ● 25 years of spectacular discoveries with the CFHT coudé spectrographs - it was all in the detail by Gordon A.H. Walker ● Towards a National Science Data Archive by Elizabeth Griffin and David Schade Reports ● CTAC report for Gemini & CFHT for semester 2005a / Rapport du CATC de Gémini & TCFH pour le semestre 2005a ● JCMT CTAG Semester Report 2005a / Rapport Semestriel du GATC du TJCM 2005a ● Coalition for Canadian Astronomy - Report on Recent Activities by Gretchen Harris file:///C|/kings/public_html/astro/ecass/issues/2004-ws/toc.html (1 of 2) [12/21/2004 5:53:34 PM] TOC News ● An Alma Update by Chris Wilson ● Events at NRC's HIA (2004 Sept.-Dec.) / Du neuf à l'IHA du CNRC (sept.-déc. 2004) by Jacques P. Vallée ● Potential Astronomical Sites in the Canadian Arctic by Ray Carlberg ● Gemini Observatory Update/Mise à jour sur l’observatoire Gemini by Dennis Crabtree ● Legacy Survey Plans for the JCMT by Doug Johnstone Briefly ● LOT/TMT secures first C$10M by Ray Carlberg Noted ● 2005 Whistler Workshop on Planetary Sciences June 5-10, 2005 by Doug Johnstone In the Classroom get PDF version of this issue go to past issues of E-Cassiopeia... file:///C|/kings/public_html/astro/ecass/issues/2004-ws/toc.html (2 of 2) [12/21/2004 5:53:34 PM] Soap Box E-Cass Soap Box From the editor President's report file:///C|/kings/public_html/astro/ecass/issues/2004-ws/soapbox/soap.html [12/21/2004 10:02:31 PM] editor's note A special Christmas Season thanks to all of the many contributors to the Winter Solstice 2004 issue of E-Cassiopeia! I received a generous response from many of you. It is also a pleasure to devote the current issue to a reflection on 25 years of science done at CFHT. The articles provide insights into not only the importance of the work done at CFHT but also remind us of the science that remains to be done at this great site. So, as the term comes to an end and, hopefully you find a chance to relax with family and friends take a few moments to sip and eggnog (or nogg of your choice!) and peruse the Winter Solstice issue of E-Cass. Merry Christmas! Brian Martin ([email protected]) file:///C|/kings/public_html/astro/ecass/issues/2004-ws/soapbox/ed/ed.html [12/21/2004 10:02:32 PM] President's Report From the President ... As the Winter Solstice approaches, the Le solstice d’hiver approchant, la version English-language version of the Mid-Term anglaise du rapport du Comité d’examen Review Committee (MTRC) Report has mi-mandat (CEMM) a été affiché sur le site appeared on the CASCA Web site, where Web de la Société canadienne it will be joined by the French-language d’astronomie (CASCA), où l’on y publiera version once it is translated and readied for la version française une fois qu’elle aura printing. I encourage all CASCA members été traduite et préparée pour l’impression. to read with care this Report, which J’encourage tous les membres de la documents accomplishments to date CASCA à lire soigneusement ce rapport, towards implementing the Long Range qui documente les progrès faits jusqu’à Plan (LRP). We owe Ernie Seaquist, présent dans la mise en oeuvre du plan à Chairman, and his committee - Hugh long terme (PLT). Nous sommes très Couchman, Gretchen Harris, Vicki Kaspi, reconnaissants envers Ernie Seaquist, George Mitchell, and Harvey Richer - deep président, et son comité - Hugh gratitude for their Report, whose potential Couchman, Gretchen Harris, Vicki Kaspi, impact on our collective futures cannot be George Mitchell, et Harvey Richer – pour underestimated. CASCA is grateful to leur rapport, dont l’impact potentiel sur Greg Fahlman (NRC-HIA) and Kate Wilson notre avenir collectif ne peut être sous- (NSERC) for their critical financial support estimé. La CASCA est reconnaissante of our MTR initiative. envers Greg Fahlman (IHA-CNRC) et Kate Wilson (CRSNG) pour leur soutien The MTRC’s careful analysis is already financier crucial de notre initiative à l’égard guiding the Coalition for Canadian du rapport mi-mandat. Astronomy in their quest for the funding required to complete the next seven years L’analyse très soignée du CEMM sert déjà of LRP activities. As reported elsewhere in de guide pour la Coalition pour this issue, the Coalition, led by Co-chairs l’astronomie au Canada dans sa recherche Gretchen Harris (CASCA), Pekka Sinervo du financement nécessaire pour compléter (ACURA) and Michael Joliffe (AMEC), held les activités du PLT pendant les sept a series of meetings in November and prochaines années. Comme on le December with decision makers in Ottawa, mentionne ailleurs dans ce numéro, la with more to come in the New Year. The Coalition, dirigée par Gretchen Harris Coalition will soon be approaching (CASCA), Pekka Sinervo (ACURA) et individual CASCA members to secure the Michael Joliffe (AMEC), avait organisé une support of your MPs for their campaign. série de réunions en novembre et décembre avec des décideurs à Ottawa, et At the Board’s 4 December meeting in d’autres réunions auront lieu dans la Toronto we reviewed Society activities nouvelle année. La Coalition s’adressera prochainement aux membres individuels file:///C|/kings/public_html/astro/ecass/issues/2004-ws/soapbox/prez/prez.html (1 of 4) [12/21/2004 10:02:32 PM] President's Report since Winnipeg. We heard of the exciting de la CASCA pour obtenir l’appui de leur plans for CASCA 2005 in Montreal, which campagne par votre député fédéral. promises to be a rich meeting, both scientifically and culturally. We held in- Nous avons examiné les activités de la depth discussions with Ernie about the Société depuis Winnipeg lors de la réunion MTRC’s Report, its publication and its du Conseil le 4 décembre dernier, à implementation. As well, we explored with Toronto. Nous avons pris connaissance de John Percy how to sustain financially the plans excitants pour CASCA 2005, à strong initiatives of the Education and Montréal, une réunion qui promet d’être Outreach Committee, whose grant funding enrichissante, tant sur le plan scientifique expires towards the end of 2005. que sur le plan culturel. Nous avons discuté en profondeur du rapport du Indeed, throughout much of our December CEMM, sa publication et sa mise en œuvre meeting, discussion focused on the avec Ernie. De plus, nous avons discuté, increasing pressure arising from avec John Percy, des façons de soutenir meritorious CASCA activities on our financièrement les bonnes initiatives du modest finances. Supporting the Coalition Comité d’éducation et de diffusion, dont les and MTRC activities is placing significant subventions prennent fin vers la fin de demands on CASCA reserves. The value 2005. of our prizes and awards is being eroded by inflation. The workload in our office has Pendant une grande partie de notre increased to the point where the Board réunion de décembre, les discussions decided to compensate Roslyn Hanes for portaient principalement sur la pression the hours she actually works on our behalf grandissante que nos activités méritoires (closer to 0.4 FTE than the 0.2 FTE in her de la CASCA ont sur nos finances contract) to prepare the Directory, improve modestes. Le soutien de la Coalition et des and update our Web site, collect dues and activités du CEMM demande beaucoup de chase down those of us who are tardy in réserves de la CASCA. La valeur de nos paying them, etc. We anticipate prix et récompenses est érodée par presenting a case to the membership next l’inflation. La charge de travail dans notre Spring for a dues increase that more bureau a augmenté au point où le Conseil accurately reflects current realities. a décidé de rémunérer Roslyn Hanes pour les heures qu’elle travaille pour nous (plus In response to comments from members, près de 0,4 temps plein, que de 0,2 temps the Board is making efforts to facilitate the plein, comme le mentionne son contrat) rotation of members into Society positions pour préparer le répertoire, améliorer et by developing written duties, expectations mettre à jour notre site Web, percevoir les and procedures. To that end we have droits et courir après ceux de nous qui les been for some time documenting the tasks remettent en retard, etc. Nous prévoyons of the Board positions, and are initiating an demander aux membres au printemps effort with our committees to capture brief, d’imposer une augmentation des droits qui clear terms of reference supplemented by reflète mieux les réalités que nous vivons. a summary of the mechanics of each file:///C|/kings/public_html/astro/ecass/issues/2004-ws/soapbox/prez/prez.html (2 of 4) [12/21/2004 10:02:32 PM] President's Report committee’s operation.
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